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Are you planing to make Mod version?

I would like to offer some  ideas 

Wounded in  leg (weak) - forced  limping  animation.

Wounded in  leg (strong) - forced prone animation.

Any serious injury - weapon falls out of hands.


Anyway your mod cool. Thank you


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Here comes a short demonstration of the new med-evac functionality of the AIS revive.

It's one of my first tests with this system. You can load a unit to every vehicle if it have enough space. Action only appear if the transport is possible. Not 100% commited that this function will be in the release version.



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Awesome! That would be really cool to have that in the next version - but better solid then sorry I'd say, so take your time and don't rush it. 


I have another question/feature request that may be possible to incorporate in future updates:


Revive should get two additional settings that make 1) either Medics or 2) everyone require a Medikit for a full revive.  Could it further be possible to implement a special functionaltiy for the First Aid Kit when this setting is chosen to not provide healing/waking up, but just stop the bleeding?  I just came up with that idea when watching your MEDEVAC video. AFAIK now you only get the option to press on the wound if you lack the Medikit/FAK OR you get the option do the complete healing if you have either one.  So during the first phase of MEDEVAC, the combat first responder or regular soldier can only stop the bleeding with FAK and carry/transport the casualty to the MEDEVAC vehicle or MASH, and there the combat medic or anybody with Medikit (or everywhere? not necessarily just in the MEDEVAC vehicle or MASH?) can do the full revive with his Medikit in the second phase of MEDEVAC. 


Just a few thoughts, hope you keep on updating your great Medical System! :thumb:

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Hey psychobastard, are you planning on having autohealing by group medics (or even other friendly medics closeby)?  This, together with your revive, will be THE default injury system!

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@tourist, the actual state of art is very simillar to what you looking for. Here is the explanation of how the rewrite will work:

1. Everytime you have to "stabilize" the uncoscious unit (stop bleeding). This mean his dead counter will stop to count. This action can be done by every unit. The counter will repeat to count down if the unit become a new hit!

2. After the unit is stabilized the unit have to be revived to stop the injury animations and so on.

3. After the unit is no longer uncoscious you can start to heal the unit. (normal vanilla healing)


The second step can be alternated in the setup file. Choose, everyone can revive, only medics, only with medic equipment. A new method can be "only by a mash" f.e. - easy to implement at this point.



@kremator, what do you mean with "autohealing"? Pls explain a little bit more.





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Outstanding work with updating your scripts so far, Psychobastard.  Looking forward to it!

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The autohealing is where you (or another AI) get wounded.  You (or they) have no more FAK and the closest medic will then run to your aid.  Once healed they will return to their squad (or whatever they were doing in your squad).

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Hi Kremator, i don't know if you have try it, but this exist in the BTC quick revive. (But this doesn't check if someone have or not FAK, the closest AI will automaticaly come revive other AI, and down players have a button for call the closest AI).
That's the only revive script that i use cause he have this functionnality.
Psychobastard, if you make something similar in yours, he will become my only revive script  in use for years, cause your script have a lot of nice possibility that other haven't !!

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15 minutes ago, iWazaru said:

Psychobastard, if you make something similar in yours, he will become my only revive script  in use for years, cause your script have a lot of nice possibility that other haven't !!

I know about BTC Revive and use it, but I really like AIS :)  'Autoheal' would be great.

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Ok, you mean you get completely healed when the revive is done. I can add it optionally. No big deal to implement this. Its very casual but if it is only optional i think it is ok. Regards

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That's not the point of be completely healed or just half, but that's the possibility to be revive by AI unit.
( Maybe Kremator speak just about autohealing and that is when medic come healing you without orders, but, personnaly, i think to another functionnality... )
See this situation :

You play alone, with this script, and with some AI. No other player.
An ai friendly coming down and go in revive position. You go to him, revive him, and he back to fight. But at this time, A Bad CSAT Ai put a bullet in your flanc, and you coming down too in revive position.
An other friendly ai come to you, and revive you. THAT'S THE POINT :D
In the btc Q revive, you can press a button for call an AI to revive you, that's so great. And AI try to revive other AI without any action of player's.
This is why the Btc Q revive is so appreciated.
And this is fully compatible with the Bon's infantry script, who make this very powerful !

Do you see what i mean? :)

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13 hours ago, kremator said:

Hey psychobastard, are you planning on having autohealing by group medics (or even other friendly medics closeby)?  This, together with your revive, will be THE default injury system!

I`m play this script with ace3 mod and it working well with ace3 AI autohealing. AI medics  full healing me when I`m injured. But they can`t revive

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This function is alrwady implemented. Press the H button for calling help. Read the briefing instructions or readme files to become a overview to all functions. B)

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Oh ok man, im sorry, i wasn't using your script for now, just watching him in the wait that you implemanting that. Im gonna download and test that !!! My bad !
Thank you :)

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The question is more if an ai have to go to revive another ai as long a player is in this group. Cause it can end up in a bad situation if ai run into enemys fire cause they want to revive each other.


I think the ai hasnt to do anything as long a alive player is present.




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6 hours ago, Psychobastard said:

The question is more if an ai have to go to revive another ai as long a player is in this group. Cause it can end up in a bad situation if ai run into enemys fire cause they want to revive each other.


Not to put words into anyone's mouth, but I believe Kremator is asking for something along the lines of Bardosy's Automedic script, where unit medics go about their jobs healing both the player and AI without any instructions from the player, although the player has the ability to turn this function on or off.  I can't say that I've had problems with the AI medics getting themselves killed when using this script.  True, ACE medical does this too, but adds a lot of overhead and other functions not all players want.  Combining Bardosy's and your systems would be perfect IMO.   Thanks for all your work over the years....



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1 hour ago, Nicholas.Bell said:


Not to put words into anyone's mouth, but I believe Kremator is asking for something along the lines of Bardosy's Automedic script, where unit medics go about their jobs healing both the player and AI without any instructions from the player,


If it is so, its also implemented in the rewrite. I have replaced the normal ai-healing-process with the revive function from my script. That means if a ai medic is called for help/healing he will automatically start the revive process instead of a normal vanilla healing process. :)



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Cool. I think your mod will be arma3 default medic sytem for me

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1 minute ago, sammael said:

Cool. I think your mod will be arma3 default medic sytem for me

I think I'll be having this in my modline for a LOOOOOONG time to come.  Well done mate.  Beta tester waiting here if you need me.

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For sure the same in my side :))

i can't have access to arma for now, but im waiting like a child for testing it.

By the way, I've a lot of time loosing personnal mission for having all my ai dying when they tried to come for revive me.... :(
But, i have a lot of time loosing coop mission cause everyone tried to go revive some fallen comrade !!
That's da squad spirit, yuurp :drinking2:

Hope Med-evac can be released too. Good Job Psycho !

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ready for testing the new version "when it's done"  :f:


In the meantime, I have come across a new problem probably related to the most recent 1.68 stable branch :scratchchin:


I'm not sure if you have experienced odd behaviour after using the current version of your Wounding System with A3 stable 1.68 branch.  But for me, it works a little inconsistent.  I built a mission using the latest released version of A3 Wounding (15.10.2016)  with almost the exact same combination of description.ext and 3DEN entries I had used before in 1.66 stable.  The only difference is that now I use Respawn Tickets in the 3DEN settings. But when playing with two human players and AI squadmates on dedicated server, my player character now sometimes dies in one hit.  Also the BIS revive pushes itself in the dominant position when playing on dedicated server and I want to revive the other player, i.e. I don't see the A3Wounding options in the scroll wheel at first.  If, however, I want to revive a playable slot occupied by AI, your system works flawless showing the A3Wounding entries immediately in the scroll menu and my AI teammates also perform the revive of each other without issues.  I'll post my description.ext, my A3Wounding settings and a screenshot of the 3DEN settings - maybe the new patch has changed some code in the revive system making it work less reliable with A3Wounding?  Or should I now in 1.68 disable any BIS revive options entirely?  I'm testing a few different settings currently, but had no success so far to nail down the issue or get rid of it. 





author = "tourist";
overviewText = "In a daring raid, a USMC strike team is tasked to disable the japanese AA guns on Hill 141";
respawn = 3;
respawnDelay = 30;
respawnTemplates[] = {"Revive","MenuPosition"};
respawnOnStart = -1;    
respawnDialog = 1;
reviveDelay = 30;        // The time it takes to revive a unit. Will be halved if you have a Medikit. (Default: 6 seconds.)
reviveForceRespawnDelay = 10;    // The time it takes to force your respawn while incapacitated. (Default: 3 seconds.)
reviveBleedOutDelay = 300;    // The time it takes for a unit to bleed out. (Default: 2 minutes.)                
saving = 1;
debriefing = 1;  
aiKills = 1;
allowFunctionsLog = 1;

class Header
    gameType = COOP; // Game type, see 'class' columns in the table below
    minPlayers = 1; //min # of players the mission supports
    maxPlayers = 8; //max # of players the mission supports

class RscTitles
    #include "ais_injury\dialogs\rscTitlesAIS.hpp"

class CfgFunctions
    #include "ais_injury\cfgFunctionsAIS.hpp"
    #include "functions\fhq_tasktracker.hpp"

class CfgDebriefing
    class End1
        title = "THE END";
        subtitle = "Mission failed";
        description = "Marines don't die! They just go to Hell to regroup!";

    class End2
        title = "THE END";
        subtitle = "Mission accomplished";
        description = "All objectives completed successfully";









My A3Wounding settings: 



// by psycho
// AIS INJURY Setup-File Version 21022016

// v v v v v v v v v v v v  --- Main Settings --- v v v v v v v v v v v v

tcb_ais_realistic_mode             =     false;             // If set to true, units may die immediately if they get seriously wounded. If set to false, you are guaranteed a 100% chance to revive.
tcb_ais_medical_education         =     1;                 // Who can revive an unconscious unit? 0 == Everybody, 1 == Everybody with a First Aid Kit or Medkit, 2 == Only Medics (this affects both, AI and players!).
tcb_ais_pvpMode                 =     false;             // Not implemented yet!


//    v v v v v v v v v v v v  --- Optional Settings --- v v v v v v v v v v v v

tcb_ais_rambofactor             =     1;                 // A higher value means more damage tolerance. Set to 2 for double damage tolerance. Set to 0.5 for half etc. 1 equates to Vanilla.
tcb_ais_random_lifetime_factor     =     200;             // A higher value means you have more time to heal the unit before it bleeds out and dies (50 == means around 1 minute, 100 == means around 3 minutes, 200 == approximately 5 minutes).
                                                    // The time mostly depends on the damage the unit takes before loose consciousness. The time is randomized and not exact.
tcb_ais_delTime                 =     0;             // Time in seconds until dead bodys are removed. If zero seconds are selected, this feature is disabled. (only units that have been handled by AIS Injury System will be deleted!).
tcb_ais_allways_walk             =     false;             // If set to true, the units are always able to walk/run. False means broken legs are possible (Vanilla).
tcb_ais_toggleTFAR                 =     true;             // If set to true, injured player cannot use his TFAR radio (if TFAR is in use - auto detection).
tcb_ais_noChat                     =     true;             // If set to true, an injured player cannot use text chat.


//    v v v v v v v v v v v v  --- Visual Settings --- v v v v v v v v v v v v

tcb_ais_show_injury_marker         =    true;             // If set to true, a marker will show injured units on the map.
tcb_ais_show_3d_icons             =    true;             // If set to true, an in-game visible 3D-icon shows you the position of injured units (within a range of 30 meters).
tcb_ais_dead_dialog             =     true;             // Set to true to enable the deadcam and the dead dialog.
tcb_ais_bloodParticle             =     true;             // If set to true, extra blood particles are randomly generated on wounded units. Set false to disable this feature.
tcb_ais_impactEffects             =     true;             // Set to true to enable visible impact effects. Set to false to disable this feature.
tcb_ais_showCountdown             =     true;             // If set to true, an unconscious unit will be able to see the bleed out timer.
tcb_ais_showDiaryInfo             =     true;             // If set to true, a diary entry with some informations about the AIS (Credits, features, How to) is added.



And the 3DEN settings:








I made a quick test on dedi server with just me as human player.  I tested with a mission that had no BIS revive options set at all, neither in description.ext nor in 3DEN.  I could die in 1 hit or by handgrenade explosion, but that might be due to being alone on the server with AI.  More annoying was another thing:  both me and AI could use either FAK or Medikits to revive incapacitated AI teammates.  But for the subsequent healing of the damage, only FAK worked - the Medikit didn't give the option "Treat".  Never saw that before.  Must do some more tests tonight with a buddy playing the mission on the dedi with me, but so far it seems that BIS has introduced some new problem into the revive mechanics.

Edited by tourist
new observations on dedicated server

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You enable the vanilla revive system and want to use my revive system at the same time. This cant work. You have to make a descission for one of them.





edit: btw - i believe you use some 3rd party weapons/modifications. Sometime these weapons are much stronger (config) as vanilla weapons. If your unit will die/go unconscious after one shoot, simply increase the tcb_ais_rambofactor.

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THX for the fast reply!


Indeed I was doing some tests with BIS revive disabled.  Then the issue with the BIS revive action being dominant is ofc solved.  But still the problem with the Medikits not being useable fur full heal remains - is that intentional?


kind regards,



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Yes it is. If a medic with a medikit revive you a overall damage of 15% is still remaining. The medic have to perform a regular heal action after.



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Ah, ok - thx for making it more clear. Makes sense, sort of, to avoid the medic with his medikit being totally OP that he still needs some supplies (represented by the FAK's) which are useable just once and get consumed in the process. Yep, once more I say thank you for a great wounding system that keeps a perfect balance between fun/playability and representation of real life medical procedures! :thumb:


Can't wait to try the next version with MEDEVAC/loading patients!!!

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