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UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

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Did anyone managed to get artillery module to work? If yes, please share your init line. Whatever I do I can't get artillery to shoot.

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Any chance of a demo mission showing multiple ways on how to set this up?

Thank you.

It's pretty basic, take a look into the info folder.

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Need more details, because it was always working for me: artillery unit ? range ? allied unit near ? target known ?

Did you check the debug mod ?


Does it happens everytime ? or just when you put fortify in the unit parameter.

By the way, I'm still needing testers for the next version: so if you're interested, pm me.

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maybe u didnt see earlier posts, but it seems that something essential is broken in UPSMON

if you attack an UPSMON Squad other ones wont come to help.

even if they sre in the same zone and just 50 meters away they keep patroling in safe mode while the other squad is in fight and getting defeated...

any idea what might be wrong? no script errors are shown

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Hi all, I'm having some trouble with using the MIN:MAX: parameters. Essentially what I'm doing is spawning the groups using a trigger. I'll post some code.

This is the trigger code, this one is set to fire when BLUFOR is present:

nul = [["mrkPatrol","ONROAD"],0,13,"mrkAISpawn"] execVM "spawnGroupMasRus.sqf";



The commented array shows how the parameters sent to spawnGroupsMasRus.sqf work.

This is the code for spawnGroupsMasRus.sqf.

// total factions: 1
// total groups: 17
// Zero based arrays - the above code will generate a single group of type BUS_mas_rus_Motrec_Team.

_opfor_factions = ["OPF_mas_rus_sof_F"];

_opfor_groups = ["BUS_mas_rus_InfSentry_w","BUS_mas_rus_InfSniper_w","BUS_mas_rus_InfSquad_w","BUS_mas_rus_InfSquad_Weapons_w","BUS_mas_rus_InfTeam_AA_w","BUS_mas_rus_InfTeam_AT_w","BUS_mas_rus_InfTeam_rec_w","BUS_mas_rus_InfTeam_w","BUS_mas_rus_Motrec_Team","BUS_mas_rus_MotInf_Team","BUS_mas_rus_MotInf_AT","BUS_mas_rus_MotInf_AA","BUS_mas_rus_MechInf_T","BUS_mas_rus_MechInf2_T","BUS_mas_rus_Support_CLS","BUS_mas_rus_Support_EOD","BUS_mas_rus_Support_ENG"];

_opfor_GRU_Motorised = ["BUS_mas_rus_Motrec_Team","BUS_mas_rus_MotInf_Team","BUS_mas_rus_MotInf_AT","BUS_mas_rus_MotInf_AA","BUS_mas_rus_MechInf_T","BUS_mas_rus_MechInf2_T"];

_opfor_GRU_supports = ["BUS_mas_rus_Support_CLS","BUS_mas_rus_Support_EOD","BUS_mas_rus_Support_ENG"];

_opforTypes = ["Infantry_mas_rus_w","Support_mas_rus","Motorized_mas_rus"];

_upsParams = _this select 0;
_factionIndex = _this select 1;
_grpIndex = _this select 2;
_spawnMarker = _this select 3;

_factionName = _opfor_factions select _factionIndex;
_groupName = _opfor_groups select _grpIndex;

_type = _opforTypes select 0;

if(_groupName in  _opfor_GRU_supports) then 
_type = _opforTypes select 1;

if(_groupName in _opfor_GRU_Motorised) then 
_type = _opforTypes select 2;

_groupParams = [_upsParams];
_groupParams set [1,_factionName];
_groupParams set [2,_groupName];
_groupParams set [3,_spawnMarker];
_groupParams set [4,_type];

[_groupParams,"SPD_fnc_spawnGroup_UPS", true, true] call BIS_fnc_MP;

Fairly simple stuff, just sorting group and faction class names to send to the spawnGroup function, shown below.

// sort the parameters
_upsParams = _this select 0;
_faction = _this select 1;
_group = _this select 2;
_spawnMarker = _this select 3;
_opforType = _this select 4;
// create the group
_grp1 = [getmarkerpos _spawnMarker, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> _faction >> _opforType >> _group)] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
sleep 3;

// arrange the UPSMON parameters correctly
_arr = _upsParams + ["spawned"];
_array = [_grp1] + _arr;
// send it off to UPSMON
nul = _array execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";

Now for all the other UPSMON parameters, like "RESPAWN", "AMBUSH", "FORTIFY" and so on, it all works as it should. But when I put something like

nul = [["mrkPatrol","ONROAD","MIN:",1,"MAX:",4],0,13,"mrkAISpawn"] execVM "spawnGroupMasRus.sqf";

into the trigger, I'm getting the following error.

Error in expression <index = UPSMON_grpindex+1;
_unittype = typeof _npc;
if ((_unittype=="Civilian>
 Error position: <typeof _npc;
if ((_unittype=="Civilian>
 Error typeof: Type Group, expected Object
File <path to mission>\scripts\UPSMON\MODULES\UPSMON_CLONES.sqf, line 23

as can be seen in the following image: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/594780675296989480/7CC2BA109385753435C569A93C9A444C27307331/

At first I thought the error must be happening because I didn't have any civilians on the map and there was no center for that created unit, but after putting one down, it seems that isn't the case. It has me baffled.

What's odd (or maybe not odd) is that the first group is spawning in just fine, it's when it tries to spawn the random groups which it kicks off about.

Also odd, I'm running version, yet the debug monitor seems to vary between saying 5.1.1 and 6.0.7.

Any ideas on how I can fix this please?

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Is there a tutorial on how to install and place the stuff where it belongs to get upsmon to work? Cause heres the deal I downloaded the latest upsmon script and put the script folder in my mission folder with mission..Then went in to editor and placed a marker named it "area0" and placed a unit down and put nul = [this,"area0"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; in the leaders init ....so then previewed it and nothing happen no patrol no nothing so then I put another unit outside of the marker that unit being opfor and still nothing what is going on thanks?

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So yeah just tried that and nothing it doesn't show that the script is running p.s on dev mode

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Is there a tutorial on how to install and place the stuff where it belongs to get upsmon to work? Cause heres the deal I downloaded the latest upsmon script and put the script folder in my mission folder with mission..Then went in to editor and placed a marker named it "area0" and placed a unit down and put nul = [this,"area0"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; in the leaders init ....so then previewed it and nothing happen no patrol no nothing so then I put another unit outside of the marker that unit being opfor and still nothing what is going on thanks?
Have you got this in your init.sqf
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf";

{_x SetMarkerAlpha 0} forEach ["area0","area1","area2","area3","area4","area5","area6","area7","area8"];

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A lot of things can be broken on devbranch.

Can't really help without knowing what's going on in your mission, since all these steps should be working.

Last thing I can think of would be that you forgot to copy the init line to the init.sqf in your mission, other than that, no idea.

Steps to install upsmon are in the "upsmon known problem and hints !R.txt" in step 4.

Did you look there already?

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Have you got this in your init.sqf
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf";

{_x SetMarkerAlpha 0} forEach ["area0","area1","area2","area3","area4","area5","area6","area7","area8"];

So where do I copy this in the init.sqf at at top or bottom

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So where do I copy this in the init.sqf at at top or bottom

Anywhere is fine.

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here is my config and mission,also my mission folder setup to show you where it is .....https://www.dropbox.com/s/esnqcpq9fmyvs0r/upsmon%20config.JPG................



---------- Post added at 12:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 AM ----------

Theres not much to mission cause I want to get upsmon to work so its just a test

Edited by bravo409

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here is my config and mission,also my mission folder setup to show you where it is .....https://www.dropbox.com/s/esnqcpq9fmyvs0r/upsmon%20config.JPG................



---------- Post added at 12:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 AM ----------

Theres not much to mission cause I want to get upsmon to work so its just a test

dont put

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf";

in Init_UPSMON.sqf.. it goes in init.sqf in your mission directory. If you don't have that file, create it.

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Yeah I dont have a init sqf so do I just make a file call it init.sqf and just drop the code in and it should work..

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Yeah I dont have a init sqf so do I just make a file call it init.sqf and just drop the code in and it should work..

Why not go ahead and try it?

Yes it should work

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Just going to bump to see if I can get a response on this problem from a couple of days ago. Don't want to be a pest, but I need to know if I should find a workaround.

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Just going to bump to see if I can get a response on this problem from a couple of days ago. Don't want to be a pest, but I need to know if I should find a workaround.

Try to add the "SPAWNED" command, which should be used for adding spawned units to upsmon.

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Try to add the "SPAWNED" command, which should be used for adding spawned units to upsmon.

Hi, thanks for the reply.

That command is already in the parameters, if you look in the third code block on the post, it's added just before the params are sent to UPSMON. It seems to be getting stuck when UPSMON tries to create a civilian for some reason.

Weirdly, it works fine when the group is placed using the editor, but when it's done using a trigger, no dice. Could it be something to do with my using bis_fnc_mp?

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Fairly simple stuff, just sorting group and faction class names to send to the spawnGroup function, shown below.

// sort the parameters
_upsParams = _this select 0;
_faction = _this select 1;
_group = _this select 2;
_spawnMarker = _this select 3;
_opforType = _this select 4;
// create the group
_grp1 = [getmarkerpos _spawnMarker, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> _faction >> _opforType >> _group)] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
sleep 3;

// arrange the UPSMON parameters correctly
_arr = _upsParams + ["spawned"];

_array = [_grp1] + _arr;

this should maybe be

_array=[(leader _grp1)] + _arr;

Edited by k0rd

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And that's fixed it, beautiful! Thanks very much!

cool - sorry i didnt notice your post the first time! :bb:

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I've now got a map covered with little blue trigger circles, which gets complicated, but on the other hand, when we load into the map, everything is as smooth as silk.

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I've now got a map covered with little blue trigger circles, which gets complicated, but on the other hand, when we load into the map, everything is as smooth as silk.

you could always create the triggers (or the units themselves with the 'nowp' UPSMON directive so that they wait until you are detected to move) by script at runtime if it really bothers you. you'd just need to go around and get all the coords first..

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