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Non-enterable Buildings

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Was wondering if anyone knows if some of the current non-enterable buildings are planned to be enterable in future updates?

The factory complexes could be the site for some incredible missions if you could get into the buildings. As of right now they just looks cool from the outside but are disappointing when you get up close and can't utilize any of the structures!

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Hi, good ideas, where are these factory complexes you are talking about?, Altis i would imagine, but where on the map?

I'd also like to add to this aside enterable buildings, that there are some ladders that are inaccessible I'd like to see work.

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Good idea but I've never heard any mention of redoing them at all.

I do know that in **THE GAME THAT SHALL NOT BE MENTIONED**, they redesigned the buildings to be enter-able to fit with the style of game play.

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we need the church to be enterable. and more ladders to roofs and sneaky sniping positions.

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we need the church to be enterable. and more ladders to roofs and sneaky sniping positions.

... and we need at least AI being consistently able to reach building preset positions.

Currently AI has serious pathfinding issues with buildings.

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Indoor AI is the red headed step-child of BI. Actually for pretty much all outdoor based shooters. The Dev's never even mention it yet we all know it would be an earth shifting achievement if ever fulfilled. If they ever seriously mentioned that would be a goal of this or a future title I would dance the bull dance immediately after my cardiac arrest.

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Hi, good ideas, where are these factory complexes you are talking about?, Altis i would imagine, but where on the map?

I'd also like to add to this aside enterable buildings, that there are some ladders that are inaccessible I'd like to see work.

One major factor complex is found if you take the main road North East out of Kavala. Its just off the road on the Northern side of the road.

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Yeah, i noticed that factory like complex too, only one door on it is openable, and its a small side room... Kinda pointless. That building is really cool looking, and should be enterable later on. BI take note.

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There's also the power station and the factory building from Arrowhead (from the coltan mine, which has the small enterable room mentioned above, but the main building cannot be entered). Oh, and the large church. And the separate bell towers which for some reason don't even have visible entrances.

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I could only find two buildings that you aren't allowed to enter.

1) Factory

2) Metal Building

The large factory buildings are also non-enterable. Which kinda kills the possibility of planning it as an objective. "Oh I have to search this area for a dirty bomb?" But can't enter the biggest buildings in the objective?".

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The large and small radar/weather radar domes cannot be entered as well. Any large buildings like apartments, the big hospital etc only have the 'common' areas accessible, you can't enter any of the upper floors. Another big problem with most large buildings is that they cannot be destroyed, even though they would be prime targets in a war.

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But can they be moved underground?

The metal building seems like strange one to be non enterable, since most of the interior is modeled. It's definitely not for performance reasons.

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Yes, it is odd. Probably just BI got to a point and said "enough is enough, lets move to release".

From memory a metal building at the (Stratis) airport is enterable.

Theres also a few small huts (one is like 2m x 3m with little antenne on top) that are not enterable.

Admittedly buildings like the big metal powerstation would have to have MAJOR interiors meshs, they can't really be empty open spaces inside.

For this same reason I expect anything that might be considered a "factory", is not enterable.

Small blessing is unlike ArmA1/2, MOST buildings are enterable ArmA3.

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I could only find two buildings that you aren't allowed to enter.

1) Factory

2) Metal Building

is that really the factory OP is talking about? i thought he meant the one they ported over from Arma2. that one also isn't enterable.

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