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Usable cargo ramp for CH-49 Mohawk

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Usable cargo ramp for CH-49 Mohawk

by Zigomarvin

ucr3mn.jpg ucr6mn.jpg ucr5mn.jpg ucr7mn.jpg


what pilot and copilot can do :

- set cargo ramp in 4 positions: open, sligthly open, drop position and open.

- turn on some lights (red, green, white) or play some sounds (prepare, go) to indicate to the crew in the back that it's time to jump.

what soldiers in the back can do :

- if the cargo ramp is in open position they can get in or get out (below 40 m and 50 km/h).

- if the cargo ramp is in drop position they can jump (above 100 m).

- they can get out to the left side (the défault action always eject you to the right side).

Download & usage

1. Download the script archive.

2. If you are already using an older version of this script, remove the "usableCargoRamp" folder which is in "scripts" folder.

3. Copy/paste the "scripts" folder in your mission root.

4. Open the description.ext and copy the CfgSounds class in your mission description.ext

5. Put this in initialization field of a CH-49 mohawk, this line has changed since the last released version:

_n = [this] execVM "scripts\usableCargoRamp\usableCargoRamp.sqf";



New cargo ramp positions: closed, slightly open, drop position, open.

Pilot and copilot can turn on lights of colours or play audio signals in the cargo compartment to tell to the guys in the back it's time to jump.

You can get out to the left side.


New system (no longer ammo box, all in one file, less bugs (maybe no more)...).


FIXED: script wasn't starting correctly when server had many things to load.

FIXED: "get out" action is no longer removed when the chopper get full.

Added some priorities in actions.



Edited by Zigomarvin

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Thanks for sending us the release (and sorry for actually missing your release post here)!

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

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Wow, this looks great! Nice rooftop infil in the pics, too!

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Great work and nice texture option.

A few things I noticed: Pilot (driver) can only open and close ramp doors as it would be nice to let the copilot control this as well.

Another thing I thought about was if changing the priority of get in to 6 and showWindow to true would help units load faster so they are not having to cycle through options while standing in range of heli.

Finally, tested parachuting from cargo and it seems to work static and in motion for all units in cargo.

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When we get in from the back, the soldier was teleport to the right door.

No problem for the others things.

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I'm on the stable branch, I just try it alone on our dedicated server.

I can open the ramp but can't even walk on it. I also tried to get as a passenger and then get out, I was leaving from a door.

Is this working only on dev?

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I'm on the stable branch, I just try it alone on our dedicated server.

I can open the ramp but can't even walk on it. I also tried to get as a passenger and then get out, I was leaving from a door.

Is this working only on dev?

Actually, there is a invisible wall in the chopper, we can't walk in it. I hope new animations from BI for get in/out from the back of the chopper.

To get out and get in from the back, actually only players could perform the action, AI get in/out from the right door.

Edited by GranolaBar

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Here is the code to get your chopper the same color than the one on my screens :).

this setObjectTexture [0,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0.635,0.576,0.447,0.5)'];
this setObjectTexture [1,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0.635,0.576,0.447,0.5)'];
this setObjectTexture [2,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0.635,0.576,0.447,0.5)'];

You can use this to set it so it's multiplayer compatible. See setObjectTextureGlobal

this setObjectTextureGlobal [0,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0.635,0.576,0.447,0.5)'];
this setObjectTextureGlobal [1,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0.635,0.576,0.447,0.5)'];
this setObjectTextureGlobal [2,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0.635,0.576,0.447,0.5)'];

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thanks all :rolleyes:,


Pilot (driver) can only open and close ramp doors as it would be nice to let the copilot control this as well.

It's what i've intended to do at the beginning, but due to the know co-pilot bug, i've made it for the pilot only at that time.

I thought about was if changing the priority of get in to 6 and showWindow to true would help units load faster so they are not having to cycle through options while standing in range of heli.

Noticed, it will be done.

When we get in from the back, the soldier was teleport to the right door.

Yes, that resides in the fact i've added an action near from the cargo ramp but there is no (t yet) memory point/entrance here, so when i force the get in action you get teleported at the right door before to get in. That works in the same way when you get out, you are near from a lateral door then get teleported behind the chopper.

I can open the ramp but can't even walk on it. I also tried to get as a passenger and then get out, I was leaving from a door.

You can't walk on it, the model/game isn't build like that, this script add an action at the cargo ramp only when this one was previously opened by the pilot.

You can use this to set it so it's multiplayer compatible. See setObjectTextureGlobal

Seem not to be JIP compatible.


yesterday, i've made some tests and noticed 2 issues:

1. parachuting using cargo ramp at high speed, like a normal ejection may cause the death...

There is no really fix, this is due to how the script works, see my reply to GranolaBar above.

2. when the chopper get full, it remove the "get out using cargo ramp" for everybody in cargo.

Pilot needs to close and open to add the action back. Already fixed my local version.

Thanks for all that comments and don't hesitate to feedback/report issues.

Edited by Zigomarvin

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Actually, there is a invisible wall in the chopper, we can't walk in it. I hope new animations from BI for get in/out from the back of the chopper.

To get out and get in from the back, actually only players could perform the action, AI get in/out from the right door.

Yes, it's sad and even if you can get through it, you'll will not be able to walk on the roof (you will fall off) :/

You can't walk on it, the model/game isn't build like that, this script add an action at the cargo ramp only when this one was previously opened by the pilot.

Thanks for the information, it would have been too good if bis worked on that.

At least it has been reviewed on the feedback tracker:


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I must be doing something wrong... I run a mission on a dedicated server and I get the actions to open, close etc the ramp as the pilot, but I can see a Vehicle Ammo Box attached to the back of the bird and I don't get any actions to get in the beck either?

Edited by Dash

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yes, i'm using this vehicle ammo box to locate the action where i want, not all over the Mohawk, this is the only way i've found at that time but it's suposed to disapear 1 second after the connection. Do you get this ammo box every time you connect ? it's never happened during my tests.

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I didn't mention i've developed this script on the stable version and i don't know what could happen in dev version, Dash which one are you using ?

Hey bud. Shot you a couple pms some days ago. Check your mail :)

Sry, i didn't noticed that. So the bug i'm talking about: sometimes when there is a co-pilot, you can see him jumping through the chopper in every way and sometime that destroy the main rotor.

Latest patch now fixes JIP compatibility.

Nice, just need stable version update ^^

Edited by Zigomarvin

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Sry, i didn't noticed that. So the bug i'm talking about: sometimes when there is a co-pilot, you can see him jumping through the chopper in every way and sometime that destroy the main rotor.

That happens with Desync


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Hello, We are trying to use this script on Patrol Ops 3 on our dedicated server using the stable version. We also get the cargo box in the center of the ramp blocking any from entering.

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hey, the script just has been updated to v1.1, the ammo box issue should not happen anymore, see the changelog on the first thread for futher informations.

unfortunately, i can't update it on Armaholic :<

Edited by Zigomarvin

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hey, the script just has been updated in v1.1, the ammo box issue should not happen anymore, see the changelog on the first thread for futher informations.

Thank you sir :D

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New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

unfortunately, i can't update it on Armaholic :<

The "edit your own pages" feature with a massive website change is coming ...... soon, a little more patience, I am working hard on it ;)

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Hello, Zigomarvin. I'd like to change the color pattern you used to paint theCH-49 to a black one. But I'm not understanding how this code works exactly so I can change it to black. If you can help me I appreciate it. Thank you!

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you just have to change those four values

this setObjectTexture [0,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color([color="#FF0000"][b]0.635[/b][/color],[color="#008000"][b]0.576[/b][/color],[color="#0000FF"][b]0.447[/b][/color],[b]0.5[/b])'];

red, green, blue, alpha, thoses are between 0 and 1 so black should look like that :

this setObjectTexture [0,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color([color="#FF0000"][b]0[/b][/color],[color="#008000"][b]0[/b][/color],[color="#0000FF"][b]0[/b][/color],[b]1[/b])'];

if you have a custom color with values between 0-255 you just have to divide each value by 255: red 128 / 255 = 0.5, green 64 / 255 = 0.25...

I've also noticed that colors may appear lighter than the reference color.

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