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XMedSys - Improved Medical System for A3

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And what do you mean by "the AI needs to be init"?

I would really love to know how to make it work cause I'm not understanding anything!

I create a mission....what should I add to make the mod work (after I enable the mod of course)...please give me a clear sign or I will become mad here!

Im sorry but as im currently at work i cant give you an entire solution for problems. ALSO there is an example mission inside (packed and unpacked) you just need to check

After that you should have a clue how to initilize nonplayer units !

Ohh and final note for you personal! If you want help be nice! I cant fucking spent 100% of my time coding and supporting you! So next time: leave the '!' Away from the text! As you see they just make a text looking like its angry spoken!

Edited by X39

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My intention wasn't to be rude, I tried to let you understand we are doing a circle around the problem, with a more clear answer everything might be more clear... I was becoming mad with a final ! be advised I wouldn't answer you again if I was angry...I'm answering just to avoid bad misunderstandings

Back to our problem, I still didn't get the way to solve my problem so I'm going to ask again, this time without the "!" that you hate so much, to be more clear and "look" less angry (I wasn't).

I assume that this mod works only with the mission you gave us, since I asked 2 times and I got this answer

The module is not init. AI

The AI needs to be init. By yourself

Looks like a Delphi horacle response.... so I'm trying to make my interpretation of this

"The module is not init. AI (the module doesn't initalizate AI)

The AI needs to be init. by yourself (the AI needs to be initalizated by yourself) ---->

I got this, all clear....but now question is natural....since nothing on the files I downloaded sais "to initializate AI do this, this and this step" I'm a bit confused so I'm asking again...

What steps do I need to make it work in my edited mission? After adding 2 "playable" riflemen what should I do? which unit should I "init"?

I'll say again, my intention wasn't to be rude, words are words and interpretations are different, If we were face to face we wouldn't have the same problem

Thanks for your time

Edited by cancan69

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My intention wasn't to be rude, I tried to let you understand we are doing a circle around the problem, with a more clear answer everything might be more clear... I was becoming mad with a final ! be advised I wouldn't answer you again if I was angry...I'm answering just to avoid bad misunderstandings

Back to our problem, I still didn't get the way to solve my problem so I'm going to ask again, this time without the "!" that you hate so much, to be more clear and "look" less angry (I wasn't).

I assume that this mod works only with the mission you gave us, since I asked 2 times and I got this answer

The module is not init. AI

The AI needs to be init. By yourself

Looks like a Delphi horacle response.... so I'm trying to make my interpretation of this

"The module is not init. AI (the module doesn't initalizate AI)

The AI needs to be init. by yourself (the AI needs to be initalizated by yourself) ---->

I got this, all clear....but now question is natural....since nothing on the files I downloaded sais "to initializate AI do this, this and this step" I'm a bit confused so I'm asking again...

What steps do I need to make it work in my edited mission? After adding 2 "playable" riflemen what should I do? which unit should I "init"?

I'll say again, my intention wasn't to be rude, words are words and interpretations are different, If we were face to face we wouldn't have the same problem

Thanks for your time


then it was a missunderstanding at all

but well

i was still at work ^^ (also today i made myself ready for a birthday and now im back so here is the answere)

You need to initilize those AI units you want to initilize

to do that just add this line to the init of them:

this call X39_MedSys_fnc_InitilizeUnit

for you (that you can check this next time by yourself):

put the demo mission to your local ArmA folder (if youre using the default profile to "\MyDocuments\ArmA 3\missions\" otherwise to "\MyDocuments\ArmA 3 - Other profiles\PROFILENAME\missions\")

tomorrow (7.12.2013 GMT+1) there will hopefully be a release of a new version (which is fixing some stuff which i broke in last fix + some new fixes :P)

Edited by X39

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We're playing with several mods and all seems to work fine, exept the 'Target is unresponsive' and the 'Target has broken legs' screens are inverted.

If you get knocked out and checked by a medic, he says that everythig is fine but never the less gives you epi so you can stand up again. If you now get checked by him, it says 'Target is unresponsive' allthough you're fine.

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XMedSys ALPHA 0.5.3


0.5.3 ALPHA
* Tourniquet now has a usage
* Fixed wrong message output (fixed this directly after i saw this before 0.5.2 release ... but somehow something moved wrong when saving everything together -.-* sry for this)
* Fixed MedicMenu is not openable after respawn
* Changed function name from "X39_MedSys_fnc_initilizeUnit" to "X39_MedSys_fnc_initializeUnit"
* Changed function name from "X39_MedSys_fnc_initilizePlayer" to "X39_MedSys_fnc_initializePlayer"
* X39_MedSys_Scripting.pbo stringtable.xml | removed STR_X39_MedSys__Option_Tourniquet
* X39_MedSys_Scripting.pbo stringtable.xml | added STR_X39_MedSys__Option_PutTourniquet
* X39_MedSys_Scripting.pbo stringtable.xml | added STR_X39_MedSys__Option_RemoveTourniquet
* MedSys Variable | added X39_MedSys_Bleeding_Tourniquet_DamagePerTick (float, default: '0.01')
* MedSys Variable | added X39_MedSys_Display_Overlay_EnableTourniquetView (boolean, default: 'true')

frontpage will be updated soon

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Thanks a lot for the headsup :cool:

New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account (X39) on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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tell me the class name of it Oo

never noticed that somehow


Ok, after about an hour of searching the config viewer, I found it. In the editor it's under Empty/objects(small)/defibrillator. In the config viewer, it's under configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "Land_Defibrillator_F"

As for bugs, it seems to be near impossible to bandage someone completely when they are hit with a explosive. Hopefully the tourniquet fixes that as I haven't tried 0.5.3 yet, so be watching for my feedback.

On a side note, our new medics will be training with this system at our AIT training this week. The 173rd thanks you.

As for bugs, it

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Ok, after about an hour of searching the config viewer, I found it. In the editor it's under Empty/objects(small)/defibrillator. In the config viewer, it's under configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "Land_Defibrillator_F"

As for bugs, it seems to be near impossible to bandage someone completely when they are hit with a explosive. Hopefully the tourniquet fixes that as I haven't tried 0.5.3 yet, so be watching for my feedback.

On a side note, our new medics will be training with this system at our AIT training this week. The 173rd thanks you.

As for bugs, it

thats not actually a bug at all ^^

the bleeding ammount is calculated with EACH hit a unit takes which is over value X

as youre able to change the behaviour of the mod by yourself this is no bug ^^ (just some sort of wrong configuration check out the devReadMe variables section :F you can change many things)

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thats not actually a bug at all ^^

the bleeding ammount is calculated with EACH hit a unit takes which is over value X

as youre able to change the behaviour of the mod by yourself this is no bug ^^ (just some sort of wrong configuration check out the devReadMe variables section :F you can change many things)

Right, well, after testing it out, The tourniquet greatly reduced the number of bandages needed in order to stop bleeding. Also, I enjoy how the tourniquet is reusable. I really really like this mod.

Bugs: The GUI seems misproportioned now, it sometimes makes the player repeatedly vault after being healed, misspelling of reaction (or the response-based hint for the epinephrine).

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Right, well, after testing it out, The tourniquet greatly reduced the number of bandages needed in order to stop bleeding. Also, I enjoy how the tourniquet is reusable. I really really like this mod.

Bugs: The GUI seems misproportioned now, it sometimes makes the player repeatedly vault after being healed, misspelling of reaction (or the response-based hint for the epinephrine).

can you explain the

 it sometimes makes the player repeatedly vault after being healed

part more?

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Just tried the newest version. Camshake doesn't seem to work for me, also it should probably be a serverside setting as it would move the balance in TvT for example.

Menu seems really big, and those icons don't really seem to fit.

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After healing my friend as far as I could, he would repeatedly vault as if he was pressing v when he tried walking foward.

then im maybe using the wrong continue animation : /

will be corrected in next version!

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Hello, is there anything I can do to remove the icons that appear in the upper right corner of the screen as can be seen in the image?


Thank you for your attention.

somehow i missed this post (so first: sry for that)

currently it is not possible to disable those images via the config (as its planned to let the mission designer decide if it is used or not)

do disable it you need to set the following global variables to false:


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somehow i missed this post (so first: sry for that)

currently it is not possible to disable those images via the config (as its planned to let the mission designer decide if it is used or not)

do disable it you need to set the following global variables to false:


Thank you very much.

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Somehow it displays that there is no Tourniquet left even after I've used it.

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Somehow it displays that there is no Tourniquet left even after I've used it.

This is a bit confusing. Could you mention the step by step process of how to reproduce this?

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where and how do I disable these variables?


I've tried

this setVariable ["X39_MedSys_Display_Overlay_EnableLegView",false];

in the module init line, no dice.

as well as

 player setVariable ["X39_MedSys_Display_Overlay_EnableLegView",false];

in a player_init.sqf executed on connection.

Tried all 4 above variable both ways. What now?

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where and how do I disable these variables?


I've tried

this setVariable ["X39_MedSys_Display_Overlay_EnableLegView",false];

in the module init line, no dice.

as well as

 player setVariable ["X39_MedSys_Display_Overlay_EnableLegView",false];

in a player_init.sqf executed on connection.

Tried all 4 above variable both ways. What now?

X39_MedSys_Display_Overlay_EnableLegView = false;

never said they are assigned to an object Oo

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Hi masters,

I'm trying to populate a car with medic itens:

_crate addMagazineCargo["x39_bandage",20];
_crate addMagazineCargo["x39_morphine",20];
_crate addMagazineCargo["x39_epinephrine",20];
_crate addMagazineCargo["x39_tourniquet",20];
_crate addMagazineCargo["x39_bloodbag",20];
_crate addMagazineCargo["x39_medikit",20];
_crate addBackPackCargo["X39_Defibrillator",1]

But, the itens are breaking visually in the crate, see:

http://img849.imageshack.us/img849/729/ove6.jpg (106 kB)

What's wrong here?

Best Regards

UPDATE: SOLVED-> Change addMagazineCargo to addItemCargo

Edited by D3lta

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Hi masters,

I'm trying to populate a car with medic itens:

_crate addMagazineCargo["x39_bandage",20];
_crate addMagazineCargo["x39_morphine",20];
_crate addMagazineCargo["x39_epinephrine",20];
_crate addMagazineCargo["x39_tourniquet",20];
_crate addMagazineCargo["x39_bloodbag",20];
_crate addMagazineCargo["x39_medikit",20];
_crate addBackPackCargo["X39_Defibrillator",1]

But, the itens are breaking visually in the crate, see:

http://img849.imageshack.us/img849/729/ove6.jpg (106 kB)

What's wrong here?

Best Regards

Those things are items ^^ not weapons

But that should not happen ( not even work )

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But that should not happen ( not even work )

arma 2 does the same, when you mistype a classname in a gearscript.

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arma 2 does the same, when you mistype a classname in a gearscript.

Well then its not my issue :F

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