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No. It is not caused by CBA. It is due to the the status HUD addon running a script that has dialog-related variables. When a game is saved, any and all spawned scripts that have variables referencing GUI items will stop. The fix for this problem can be seen in step 3 in post #43 above. One has to detect a save-then-reload and then re-launch the "ICE_HUD" thread.

THANK YOU! I changed it in the pbo and the HUD re-appears after saving and loading the mission.

@OP, shouldn't you distribute the addon with that change?

---------- Post added at 17:31 ---------- Previous post was at 16:37 ----------

I switched to finer compass directions, but 3 letters do not match fully. How can I unpack?/edit the config.bin?

		switch (true) do {
		case (_dir >= 348.75 || _dir < 11.25): {_heading = "N";};
		case (_dir >= 11.25 && _dir < 33.75): {_heading = "NNE";};
		case (_dir >= 33.75 && _dir < 56.25): {_heading ="NE";};
		case (_dir >= 56.25 && _dir < 78.75): {_heading ="ENE";};
		case (_dir >= 78.75 && _dir < 101.25): {_heading ="E";};
		case (_dir >= 101.25 && _dir < 123.75): {_heading ="ESE";};
		case (_dir >= 123.75 && _dir < 146.25): {_heading ="SE";};
		case (_dir >= 146.25 && _dir < 168.75): {_heading ="SSE";};
		case (_dir >= 168.75 && _dir < 191.25): {_heading ="S";};
		case (_dir >= 191.25 && _dir < 213.75): {_heading = "SSW";};
		case (_dir >= 213.75 && _dir < 236.25): {_heading = "SW";};
		case (_dir >= 236.25 && _dir < 258.75): {_heading ="WSW";};
		case (_dir >= 258.75 && _dir < 281.25): {_heading ="W";};
		case (_dir >= 281.25 && _dir < 303.75): {_heading ="WNW";};
		case (_dir >= 303.75 && _dir < 326.25): {_heading ="NW";};
		case (_dir >= 326.25 && _dir < 348.75): {_heading ="NNW";};

Edited by tortuosit

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Havent tried this mod yet but it seems really awesome already, really close to what I need for my missions.

Im new to this kind of arma editing, (only played around with the editor for many many many years :) ) so im wondering is it possible to change the fatigue/stamina percentage meter to something like a horizontal bar.

Kind of a weird way to explain this propably as I dont natively speak english, but basically a horizontal bar that you would for example see in fighting games as your health bar, bar loses content when you lose health/get fatigued.

Also am I allowed to edit this and perhaps one day release a edited version of the script in a mission of mine? With you being in the credits of course for creating this addon.

But anyways thanks for making an addon like this Im sure its really helpful for a lot of mission makers including me.

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I have been using this addon for awhile now and just realized I could use the script and include in my missions for my non-addon using friends. Thanks, it is a very handy script.

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There's an update in PW6 network, what's new? Because I already have made some changes in my pbo, i.e. it survives savegames plus it uses directions N, Ne, NE, En, E etc...

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Hey, I wanna start thanking you for creating this great addon. Secondly Iwould like to make a suggestion, and I'm shure Pilots will dig it, would it be possible to add the altitude above sea level?


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Nice mod, but sadly it conflicts with the "Digital Compass Bearing Mod by BearBison" http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19489

Too bad. I would REALLY like to use both at the same time. Or have a 3 digit compass bearing added to the left of the compass in the Status HUD. When you're communicating with friends in your group, it's nice to have an exact 3-digit bearing.

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I was able to edit a couple of lines to get the digital compass bearing to work; but it's not just 3 digits it is 6 digits (I would like to round it up or down to only display 3 digits).

NOTE: I disabled the FPS Feature.

   waitUntil {!isNull player};
   if (!local Player) exitWith {};

   ("ICE_Layer" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutRsc ["TAG_ICEHUD","PLAIN"];

   _display = uiNamespace getVariable "TAG_ICE_display"; 
   _ctrlDir = _display displayCtrl 520500; 
   //_ctrlFps = _display displayCtrl 520501;
_ctrlHps = _display displayCtrl 520502;
_ctrlSta = _display displayCtrl 520503;

   private "_heading";
   while {!isNull _display} do {

    sleep 0.1;
       //_ctrlFps ctrlSetText format ["%1", round diag_fps];
       _ctrlHps ctrlSetText format ["%1%2", round((1 - (damage player)) * 100), "%"];
	_ctrlSta ctrlSetText format ["%1%2", round((1 - (getFatigue player)) * 100), "%"];

	switch (true) do {
           case (GetDammage Player < 0.25): {_ctrlHps ctrlSetTextColor [0,0.5,0,1];}; 
           case (GetDammage Player >= 0.25): {_ctrlHps ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,0,1];};         
           case (GetDammage Player >= 0.5): {_ctrlHps ctrlSetTextColor [1,0.645,0,1];};
           case (GetDammage Player >= 0.75): {_ctrlHps ctrlSetTextColor [1,0,0,1];};
	    case (getFatigue Player < 0.20): {_ctrlSta ctrlSetTextColor [0,0,1,1];}; 
           case (getFatigue Player >= 0.20): {_ctrlSta ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,0,1];};         
           case (getFatigue Player >= 0.40): {_ctrlSta ctrlSetTextColor [1,0.645,0,1];};
           case (getFatigue Player >= 0.60): {_ctrlSta ctrlSetTextColor [1,0,0,1];};

	If (vehicle player != player) Then {
           _dir = getDir vehicle player;
		_ctrlDir ctrlSetText format [str _dir];

       } Else {
           _dir = getDir player;
		_ctrlDir ctrlSetText format [str _dir];


sleep 0.005;
[] spawn ICE_HUD;



Example mission with Status_HUD w/ digital bearing and Digital Altimeter.


Edited by csk222

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Nice work csk222 ! ! ! But I'm not a code person. I have no clue what to do with this text.

I'll see if there's a file I can open in notepad to compare this info and copy and paste some of the code over.

BTW, I agree that the FPS counter should be optional.

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The FPS feature is the reason I use it.. lol :-)

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i would love to try this mod out, but the download isn't working, i just get to a 404 error page on dropbox :(

like it says the file has either been deleted or moved.

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can sum 1 help i would like to move the hud to like the middle right side of the screen i have been trying for like 2 hrs to try and get it right would sum 1 have it all ready that i can have hope so thanks :) :)

Edited by R0adki11

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When I die and load from my last save point the HUD is gone. No matter what kind of mission i am playing....?

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I think its because the ICE_Hud does not get enabled after respawn and/or reload.

[] spawn ICE_HUD; 

Edited by BennetArms

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