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Added Uniform Disappears in Multiplayer

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EDITED: Hopefully this will work for most people, it sure works for me. Solution for a few loadout related issues summarized here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?167860-Added-Uniform-Disappears-in-Multiplayer&p=2597010&viewfull=1#post2597010

All thanks to the kind people helping us and the documentation available.


So, I have this TVT mission I'm pretty much finished working on, but there's this one insane glitch.

In the editor, it's all fine. But when I run a local host, so I can test behaviors in the multiplayer environment, random units in my side (the player's side) and myself spawn in our underwear - which is being added in the init of each unit. Any ideas?

Used initialization example:

removeallweapons this; removevest this; removeuniform this; removeheadgear this; removeallassigneditems this;

this adduniform "U_C_Poloshirt_blue";

this addbackpack "B_AssaultPack_blk";

this addheadgear "H_Watchcap_blk";

this addweapon "RH_M4A1_ris";

this addweapon "hgun_mas_m9_F";

this addweapon "Binocular";

this addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_STANAG";

this addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_STANAG";

this addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_STANAG";

this addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_STANAG";

this addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_STANAG";

this addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_STANAG";

this addmagazine "SmokeShell";

this addmagazine "SmokeShell";

this addmagazine "HandGrenade";

this addmagazine "HandGrenade";

this addmagazine "REV1_flash";

this addmagazine "15Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag";

this addmagazine "15Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag";

this addPrimaryWeaponItem "RH_compm4s";

this addPrimaryWeaponItem "RH_SFM952V";

this additem "FirstAidKit";

this additem "ACRE_PRC152_ID_1";

this assignitem "ACRE_PRC152_ID_1";

this additem "ItemMap";

this assignitem "ItemMap";

this additem "ItemGPS";

this assignitem "ItemGPS";

this additem "ItemCompass";

this assignitem "ItemCompass";

this additem "ItemWatch";

this assignitem "ItemWatch";

removegoggles this;

Edited by rakowozz
Added Solution

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dude I have the same problem , the init always worked for me but after last updated maybe something changed , can't find a way to be sure that the loadout work in MP missions

I did all the same like always , I ' am not an expert of the editor but damn at least the init of a unit is a thing I always made fine ...

The only different thing I did was that I used the 3D editor to place some objects but I' don't think that can be a problem

Edited by HaZZarD

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Huh! Sorry it's happening to you as well, but I'm honestly glad I'm not the only one (means it's probably not a major scripting mistake on my part :icon_lol:).

I did read here sometime ago that there were new loadout commands/functions. I can't remember in which thread, though.

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yeah I was so sad ;( I was starting to think that I' am no more able to make basic stuff in the editor O___O .. I' am happy too to see you have the same problem ahah when we started my mission all was fucked up , it was so embarassing :S

I'am going to try this


maybe with last update the use of this Function became a must I don't know

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Same problem! Glitch with last update!! Kinda funny. MP player was now riding into

the FOB and sitting in his underwear with a goofy helmet. Mt Dew up the nose. :rofl:

But yeah, the 'underwear' bug needs to be fixed...

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Same problem! Glitch with last update!! Kinda funny. MP player was now riding into

the FOB and sitting in his underwear with a goofy helmet. Mt Dew up the nose. :rofl:

But yeah, the 'underwear' bug needs to be fixed...

wow , this is why from the last update my MP missions on workshop are taking negative votes ;(

Well thanks guys , I worked like 4 hours trying to find a solution ,at least now I know I' am not mad but it's a bug :S

PS: the method I proposed above wont work too , let's just wait for an official hotfix

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You aren't by chance trying to give one sides uniforms to another side are you? IE; trying to make opfor wear blufor uniforms? This will never work in MP and isn't even a bug. This is intended. As according to BI would casue problems with AI and is against the geneva convention.

If you're not trying to give a side the enemies uniform then nevermind what I've said.

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take a Civilan as player, group it with a higer ranked blufor unit wich probaility of presence is 0%. The Civilan/Player unit's side is blue/west and you can wear all clothes available in arma3 also in MP.

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take a Civilan as player, group it with a higer ranked blufor unit wich probaility of presence is 0%. The Civilan/Player unit's side is blue/west and you can wear all clothes available in arma3 also in MP.

Great Tip!

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You got it !! look like with last update maybe the uniform I was using changed side and for that reason I had the no uniform "bug" ... thanks !

the tip of the civilians is great but look like they want to wear their own headgear ?! how to force them to use the headgear I want or no headgear ?

thanks again

EDIT : for the civilian issue I created a new thread because look like a real bug and problems that can have other pp too


Edited by HaZZarD

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You aren't by chance trying to give one sides uniforms to another side are you? IE; trying to make opfor wear blufor uniforms? This will never work in MP and isn't even a bug. This is intended. As according to BI would casue problems with AI and is against the geneva convention.

If you're not trying to give a side the enemies uniform then nevermind what I've said.

Although the problem happens even with uniforms from the same side, I did try to make some of them wear uniforms from a different side. I've done this in the past, though.

take a Civilan as player, group it with a higer ranked blufor unit wich probaility of presence is 0%. The Civilan/Player unit's side is blue/west and you can wear all clothes available in arma3 also in MP.

And I can't do this, since I have many variables depending on the units sides.

My workaround for now is adding the uniforms some 5 seconds (could be 1 or any value greater than 0, I suppose) after the game starts (may be via a trigger). Works fine so far, so here's the tip.

Correction: it does not work fine. After extensive testing, random units still spawn with no uniform. And to think this started to happen here just yesterday, it seemed fine before...

Edited by rakowozz

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Same issues here after update. Uniforms and ammunition disappearing randomly and soldiers spawning naked. Test runs of missions working couple of times, after that huge synch issues, even freezing missions on loadscreen.

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I am having a problem which could be related to this. I have setup my missions so that players select their kit from a selection menu when scrolling on a supply box. Everything works fine but if any player rejoins the game or connects late it makes every player currently connected lose their vest item and sometimes even their helmet. If you go and select your kit again its fine and you won't lose it again however its a pain in the arse if someone joins late and we have all been inserted into the mission area.

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I am having a problem which could be related to this. I have setup my missions so that players select their kit from a selection menu when scrolling on a supply box. Everything works fine but if any player rejoins the game or connects late it makes every player currently connected lose their vest item and sometimes even their helmet. If you go and select your kit again its fine and you won't lose it again however its a pain in the arse if someone joins late and we have all been inserted into the mission area.

Yes, the exact same issue here. This particular mission of mine has no respawn/JIP, but, as soon as someone joins late to spectate, the same happens to all players still halfway through the round: they lose their uniforms.

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I have a same problem with my loadout.sqf when a player join the game all players lose their uniform...

Anyone find a solution ?

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I stumbled upon this just recently myself.

My init.sqf launches a script on the unit/player who belongs to a certain faction. Works perfect in SP, in MP only the host can get a uniform with the addUniform command.

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A friend & I have spent hours playing a map & tying to reproduce this "addUniform" disappearing/naked problem on a dedicated server. I can't for the life of me reproduce it. However I do try and give each faction the correct type of gear. ie; FIA get fia uniforms, nato gets nato uniforms etc etc. Also, I don't give the units gear via their initialization lines. Never had a problem.

Edited by Iceman77

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then how do you add your gear to your players Iceman77

as im have the same issue as well

Check this out. When switching loadouts, comes new uniforms aswell. I've experienced no problems thus far. Or none that I can tell after using it quite a bit. No naked players in any case! If you can reproduce this issue with the loadout dialog, then I'd be happy to hop over to your server to see first hand.

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I have a problem with a mission I am making , I have lot of custom playable soldiers , making for each one a loadout.sqf would be crazy so I put all the changes in their init .

Problem is that when I try them in the editor all is ok , when I try in multiplayer with friends I have the weird issue that some soldiers are loaded with empty vest so I miss all the ammunition and important stuff :S

I just would like to have a working init without having to use alternative methods like a loadout.sqf or other .

So I have no naked soldiers but I have empty vest :S

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I tried with a different method than Init but nothing , my loadouts wont work properly in MP , I really don't know what's wrong but sometime (only in MP) I have backpack and vest remaining empty , it wont load stuff in my soldier vest/backpack , I get items and ammo only in the uniform so I miss lot of important stuff .

I'ts a mission with respawn side where I have many custom soldiers .

here an example of the loadout of one of my custom soldiers :

officer init :

nul = [this] call new_fnc_Mofficer; 


class CfgFunctions
class new
	class loadout
		[b]class Mofficer { file = "scripts\Mofficer.sqf" };[/b]
		class Mleader { file = "scripts\Mleader.sqf" };
                       class Mmg { file = "scripts\Mmg.sqf" };
		class Mmedic { file = "scripts\Mmedic.sqf" };
		class MJTAC { file = "scripts\MJTAC.sqf" };
		class Mgrenadier { file = "scripts\Mgrenadier.sqf" };
		class Mrifleman { file = "scripts\Mrifleman.sqf" };
		class Heli { file = "scripts\Heli.sqf" };
		class Pleader { file = "scripts\Pleader.sqf" };
		class Pmg { file = "scripts\Pmg.sqf" };
		class Prifleman { file = "scripts\Prifleman.sqf" };
		class Pgrenadier { file = "scripts\Pgrenadier.sqf" };
		class Pmedic { file = "scripts\Pmedic.sqf" };
		class PJTAC { file = "scripts\PJTAC.sqf" };
		class Pmarksman { file = "scripts\Pmarksman.sqf" };





waitUntil {!isNull player};       //to prevent MP / JIP issues 

_unit = _this select 0;   

removeAllWeapons _unit ; 
 removeGoggles _unit; 
 removebackpack _unit; 
 removeHeadgear _unit; 
 removeVest _unit; 
 removeUniform _unit; 
 removeAllAssignedItems _unit; 
_unit addHeadgear "H_mas_rus_beretu"; 
_unit addGoggles "G_Aviator"; 
_unit addUniform "U_mas_rus_O_Gorka_uniform_u"; 
_unit addVest "V_mas_rus_ChestrigO_rgr_b"; 
_unit addMagazine "30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"; 
_unit addMagazine "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"; 
_unit addWeapon "arifle_mas_aks74u_a"; 
_unit addWeapon "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F"; 
_unit removePrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR"; 
_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "FHQ_optic_AIM"; 
_unit addHandgunItem "optic_Yorris"; 
_unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; 
_unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; 
_unit addMagazine "Laserbatteries"; 
_unit addMagazine "30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"; 
_unit addMagazine "30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"; 
_unit addMagazine "30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"; 
_unit addMagazine "SmokeShellBlue"; 
_unit addMagazine "SmokeShellBlue"; 
_unit addMagazine "30Rnd_mas_545x39_T_mag"; 
_unit addMagazine "30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"; 
_unit addMagazine "30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"; 
_unit addMagazine "Laserbatteries"; 
_unit addMagazine "SmokeShell"; 
_unit addMagazine "30Rnd_mas_545x39_T_mag"; 
_unit addMagazine "30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"; 
_unit addMagazine "SmokeShell"; 
_unit addMagazine "SmokeShellBlue"; 
_unit addMagazine "SmokeShellBlue"; 
_unit addMagazine "HandGrenade"; 
_unit addMagazine "HandGrenade"; 
_unit addMagazine "30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"; 
_unit addMagazine "30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"; 
_unit addMagazine "30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"; 
_unit addMagazine "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"; 
_unit addMagazine "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"; 
_unit addMagazine "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"; 
_unit addMagazine "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"; 
_unit linkItem "ItemMap"; 
_unit linkItem "ItemCompass"; 
_unit linkItem "ItemWatch"; 
_unit linkItem "ItemRadio"; 
_unit linkItem "ItemGPS"; 
  _unit addMagazine "Laserbatteries"; 
_unit addweapon "Laserdesignator"; 
_unit linkItem "Laserdesignator";      

any help would be great because I spent lot of time in making custom soldiers and now all is usless until I find a solution .

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Maybe something like this may help. Also keep in mind the new commands (absent in the example below). addItemToBackpack addItemToUniform addItemToVest

Unit init line:

_nul = [this] call [color=#ff0000]Grenadier[/color];


call compile preprocessFile "Loadouts.sqf";


[color=#ff0000]Grenadier[/color] = 
 _unit = _this select 0;

 removeAllWeapons _unit;
 removeHeadgear _unit;
 removeVest _unit;
 removeUniform _unit;
 removeBackPack _unit;

 _unit addHeadgear "H_HelmetB";
 _unit addUniform "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam";
 _unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_rgr";
 _Unit addBackPack "B_AssaultPack_blk";

 _unit addWeapon "rangefinder";
 _unit addItem "optic_holosight";
 _unit addWeapon "itemGps";
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["smokeshell",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell",10];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_blue",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Green",5]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Yellow",5]; 
 [_unit, "arifle_MX_GL_F" ,10 ,"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,6 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco";
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";

Marksman = 
 _unit = _this select 0;

 removeAllWeapons _unit;
 removeHeadgear _unit;
 removeVest _unit;
 removeUniform _unit;
 removeBackPack _unit;

 _unit addHeadgear "H_HelmetB";
 _unit addUniform "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam";
 _unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_rgr";
 _Unit addBackPack "B_AssaultPack_blk";

 _unit addWeapon "rangefinder";
 _unit addWeapon "itemGps";
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["smokeshell",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_blue",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Green",5]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Yellow",5]; 
 [_unit, "srifle_EBR_F" ,10 ,"20Rnd_762x51_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,6 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_DMS";
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";

LMG = 
 _unit = _this select 0;

 removeAllWeapons _unit;
 removeHeadgear _unit;
 removeVest _unit;
 removeUniform _unit;
 removeBackPack _unit;

 _unit addHeadgear "H_HelmetB_paint";
 _unit addUniform "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam";
 _unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_rgr";
 _Unit addbackpack "B_AssaultPack_mcamo_Ammo";
 clearAllItemsFromBackpack _unit; 

 _unit addWeapon "rangefinder";
 _unit addWeapon "itemGps";
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["smokeshell",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_blue",5];
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Green",5]; 
 (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_Yellow",5]; 
 [_unit, "arifle_MX_SW_Pointer_F" ,8 ,"100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 [_unit, "hgun_pistol_heavy_01_F" ,6 ,"11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
 _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_holosight";

Edited by Iceman77

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I' ll try to add this to my method [_unit, "arifle_MX_GL_F" ,10 ,"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

if it wont work than I'll change all using your method but will be a huge work , I have to remake lot of things ;(

anyway thanks : )

edit :

between what do you think can be wrong in my method ? what make vest and backpack fail to be filled ?

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