Murklor 10 Posted October 27, 2013 (edited) A long, long time ago I created a script for Arma2 to spawn AI units by placing them in the editor, then the script delete and store them for future use complete with waypoints and all. But Arma 3 apparently removed vehicle inits, so this is a revised version. Not sure if anyone has already had the bright idea to fix it, I just got Arma 3 myself and is completely out of the loop in the scripting news. So I recap my original words: If a simple editor based triggered spawn script already have been done - well then this is a repost, lol! Example mission on Stratis (zip) The .sqf itself contain all the info needed on how to use it. For the mission, just visit the sandbags. Or poke the dead person. Some trigger hints still left in (mission only, not in the script). NOTE: No idea if it works in MP. Never tested in the original, not tested now either. Works in the example mission at least :p Original script on Armaholic - Do note that this A3 test version is scaled down a bit and just contain the primary spawn sqf, havent gone into details with the changes that ArmAIIholic did. Edit: uploaded as a regular zip file instead of 7z Edited October 27, 2013 by Murklor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
katipo66 94 Posted October 27, 2013 A great script for a2, thanks for updating for A3 :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Doodle 10 Posted October 27, 2013 Yeah this was a great A2 script - and we need something like this for A3 as the few alternative "spawn/cache" scripts work to some degree but all have major flaws Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lordprimate 159 Posted October 28, 2013 MURKSPWAN.. Oh yes, thank you Murklor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
11hz 12 Posted May 13, 2014 Reupload zip file please!:rolleyes: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1para{god-father} 105 Posted May 13, 2014 I loved this in A2 glad to see it in a3 as it was awesome :) Great work BTW link is down :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jcae2798 132 Posted June 7, 2014 BUMP!!! Does anyone have a copy of this to share? Link has been broken... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jcae2798 132 Posted June 11, 2014 Got a copy of the latest version, i've uploaded it to my dropbox for those who want it. I hope Murk doesn't mind: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avibird 1 155 Posted September 27, 2014 Does anyone have a copy of this to that works. link is down and I can't get the SQF above to work. This was a great script to use with ARMA2 Avibird. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4081 Posted September 27, 2014 Link works for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avibird 1 155 Posted September 27, 2014 Hey Gunter (: I have the DL SQF of the script but can't get it to work. I read some said after the last update it was not working. Can you please take a look at it. I have put in two days trying to get it to work and find a working copy avibird. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4081 Posted September 28, 2014 I sent Foxhound a pm for the Arma3 version that there was no page for this script, its now up, see the page for details: Avibird 1 maybe your implementing the script wrong, see above link. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avibird 1 155 Posted October 1, 2014 any working mission examples. I can get the units from the editor to respawn but not following the waypoints help please I need this for a civilian suicide script!!! ---------- Post added at 01:56 ---------- Previous post was at 01:08 ---------- I don't understand this for ARMA3 - Change: The trigger variable is held in the object that is synchronized to the group for improved WYSIWYG. This means that the trigger argument is no longer needed. What does this mean. The editor units are on the map from the start and do not more to the editor placed waypoint!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avibird 1 155 Posted October 2, 2014 Does anyone have a working copy of this script! Did the last arma3 update break this script. Can anyone please give some input on this. If the last update makes this script not work I don't want to put anymore time trying to get it to work lol. This was a great script to use for Arma2. Avibird Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avibird 1 155 Posted October 4, 2014 @JCae2798 this is the thread I was talking about! let me know what you found out back when you were playing around with this script. Avibird Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avibird 1 155 Posted October 10, 2014 Still looking for a working copy of the script. Does anyone know if the last game update broke the script. I can not get it to work and being mess around for a few weeks now. Any input would be great of is it time to move on and delete this great script. Avibird Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jcae2798 132 Posted October 14, 2014 Hey AVBIRD....just replied and found this was a pain for me to understand how it worked. I'll try to get an example mission posted in the coming days for those having a hard time getting it. Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avibird 1 155 Posted October 14, 2014 Thank you Mr. JCae2798 (: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jcae2798 132 Posted October 16, 2014 Ok sample mission here: As you work through it, keep in mind the name of the script file and trigger name. Every time you create a new trigger, that name needs to be updated in the ACTIVATION code. So for example, first trigger is called "Trigger1" In activation it would be "Trigger1 setVariable ["murk_spawn",true,true];" Then on next Trigger with a name of Trigger2, would be "Trigger2 setVariable ["murk_spawn",true,true];" These triggers then need to be synced (no grouped) to the trigger. Once the trigger goes live, the groups that are synced to that trigger will be spawned. Hope that helps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WulfyWulf 10 Posted March 16, 2015 I feel this best belongs in this original thread, as I feel uncomfortable making a new thread from someone else's work I've altered. I've made some effort at updating and overhauling Murk Spawn to take advantage of the new features of A3 instead of just being a straight compatibility patch, specifically adding support for the correct uniform/vest/backpack belongings. I've also gone through and done my best to correct some RPT errors, but some problems remain (see later). Part of this is because I wanted to make Murk Spawn take advantage of virtual arsenal exported gear, and infantry seems to implemented correctly- the code probably needs refactoring, as the unitInfoArray is getting really cluttered and need to have some checks to not try to add nonexistent uniforms/vests/backpacks if the original unit lacked one (this spams the RPT). I'm posting this mostly to revive work on this useful script as well as to ask for help in continuing from the point I'm at. My current build does not work well with the vehicles- I've tried to clean up what garbled code exists from me trying to mess with it. It would be best if the crews of the vehicles were treated as units in the group and could have their individual loadouts treated like infantry is. Currently, Murk Spawn just creates the type of unit that was in the crew- not ideal with A3's new inventory system. Ideally, we should have the crews separated from the vehicle and have their despawn managed in the same way as infantry, and then crewed back to the spawned vehicle on trigger. This is notably harder to implement than the current system. It might be best to think about redoing the way units are de/respawned, as it segregates infantry and vehicles and doesn't handle crew at all. Here is my working build (!this isn't fully functional!) of my edits to the last update to Murk Spawn: // File: murk_spawn.sqf // Function: To allow for simple trigger based spawning using editor placed units and waypoints. The script deletes all units when the mission start and the recreate them on command. // Parameters: // _this select 0: OBJECT - unit name (this) // _this select 1: STRING - spawn type ("once","repeated","wave" and "reset") // _this select 2 (optional): NUMBER - spawn lives (the amount of time the unit respawns, or wave number) // _this select 3 (optional): NUMBER - spawn delay // _this select 4 (optional): STRING - init string called for the leader of the group // _this select 5 (optional): NUMBER- will start removal sequence of all dead group members after X seconds (default 120) // Usage: // Example trigger: Anybody Once (or whatever you want), onActivation: triggername setVariable ["murk_spawn",true,true]; // Unit (leader of group): nul = [this,"SPAWNTYPE",LIVES,DELAY] execVM "murk_spawn.sqf"; // // Example: nul = [this,"once"] execVM "murk_spawn3.sqf"; ---- Will spawn the editor unit once based on the trigger // Example: nul = [this,"repeated",4,30] execVM "murk_spawn.sqf"; ---- Will spawn the editor unit based on the trigger, then respawn it 4 times with a 30 second delay upon death // Example: nul = [this,"wave",5,60] execVM "murk_spawn.sqf"; ---- Will spawn the editor unit once based on the trigger, then respawn the entire group (regardless of deaths) 5 times with 60 seconds between // Example: nul = [this,"reset",5] execVM "murk_spawn.sqf"; ---- Will spawn the editor unit once based on the trigger, then reset the trigger after a preset time (15 seconds default). The unit will be created when trigger is true again, maximum number of lives. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // V9.? Working Build (Wulfy Wulf) // - Change: unitInfoArray handles uniforms, vests, backpacks, and objects within now // - Fix: Some RPT errors from incorrect conditions not entering or terminating properly // - Fix: Some RPT errors from spawnUnit initializing to Object- uses null now // V9 (Murklor again :p) // - Note: Initial Arma 3 test script. Note that some functionality from V8/V7 has been taken out because my brain is too foggy to understand everything, this is simplified. Sort of. // - Fix: setVehicleInit has been removed from A3, testing another way // - Add: New example mission on Stratis // - Change: The trigger variable is held in the object that is synchronized to the group for improved WYSIWYG. This means that the trigger argument is no longer needed. // - Change: Updated this readme to reflect the changes // V8 (ArmAIIholic) // - Waypoints are also remembered -- no dummy groups at all!!! // - You get the output on Clipboard you can paste and execute. Added loader for Clipboard missions. // V7 (ArmAIIholic) // - Added GameLogic center to reduce number of dummy groups at the beginning, and in modes repeated and reset // - Changed beginning scope to isServer, rather than using exitWith // - Shortened initializing trigger part in init.sqf // - Added original instructions and examples, adapted for v7 // - SQM is from v5 with some groups added // V6 // - See older versions // This script is serverside if(isServer) then { // ------------------- Init ----------------------- // _countThis = count _this; _waitingPeriod = 5; // Waiting period between script refresh // ---------------- Parameters -------------------- // _unit = _this select 0; _spawntype = _this select 1; _spawnlives = if (_countThis >= 3) then { _this select 2; } else { 1 }; // Optional _spawndelay = if (_countThis >= 4) then { _this select 3; } else { 1 }; // Optional _initString = if (_countThis >= 5) then { _this select 4; } else { "" }; // Optional _bodyRemove = if (_countThis >= 6) then { _this select 5; } else { 120 }; // Optional // The object (trigger, whatever) the unit is synchronized to hold the trigger variable _triggerObject = (synchronizedObjects _unit) select 0; _triggerObject setVariable ["murk_spawn",false,false]; // -- Delete the unit (this is always done ASAP) -- // _unitArray = []; _unitGroup = group _unit; _unitsInGroup = units _unitGroup; _unitCount = count _unitsInGroup; _unitsInGroupAdd = []; _side = side _unitGroup; while { count units _unitGroup > 0 } do { // The currently worked on unit _unitsInGroup = units _unitGroup; _unit = _unitsInGroup select 0; _unitCount = count _unitsInGroup; diag_log format["Unit: %1, Units left: %2",_unit,units _unitGroup]; //hint format ["Deleting: %1 - vehicleVarName: %2", _unit, vehicleVarName _unit]; sleep 1; // Check if its a vehicle if ( (vehicle _unit) isKindOf "LandVehicle" OR (vehicle _unit) isKindOf "Air") then { _vcl = vehicle _unit; if (!(_vcl in _unitsInGroupAdd) AND (typeOf _vcl != "")) then { _unitsInGroupAdd set [count _unitsInGroupAdd, _vcl]; _unitCrewArray = []; _crew = crew _vcl; { _unitCrewArray set [count _unitCrewArray, typeOf _x]; } forEach _crew; _unitInfoArray = [ typeOf _vcl, getPos _vcl, getDir _vcl, vehicleVarName _vcl, skill _vcl, rank _vcl, _unitCrewArray, weapons _vcl, assignedItems _vcl, uniform _vcl, uniformItems _vcl, vest _vcl, vestItems _vcl, backpack _vcl, backpackItems _vcl, headgear _vcl, goggles _vcl ]; _unitArray set [count _unitArray, _unitInfoArray]; deleteVehicle _vcl; { deleteVehicle _x; } forEach _crew; }; } // Otherwise its infantry else { _unitInfoArray = [ typeOf _unit, getPos _unit, getDir _unit, vehicleVarName _unit, skill _unit, rank _unit, [], weapons _unit, assignedItems _unit, uniform _unit, uniformItems _unit, vest _unit, vestItems _unit, backpack _unit, backpackItems _unit, headgear _unit, goggles _unit ]; _unitArray set [count _unitArray, _unitInfoArray]; deleteVehicle _unit; }; sleep 0.01; }; // Gathering waypoints _countWaypoints = 0; _waypointsArray = []; _waypointsEntry = []; _countWaypoints = count(waypoints _unitGroup); for [{_i=0}, {_i < _countWaypoints}, {_i=_i+1}] do { _waypointsEntry = []; _wPos = waypointPosition [_unitGroup, _i]; _wHPos = waypointHousePosition [_unitGroup, _i]; _wBih = waypointBehaviour [_unitGroup, _i]; _wCM = waypointCombatMode [_unitGroup, _i]; _wCR = waypointCompletionRadius [_unitGroup, _i]; _wDes = waypointDescription [_unitGroup, _i]; _wForm = waypointFormation [_unitGroup, _i]; _wScr = waypointScript [_unitGroup, _i]; _wShw = waypointShow [_unitGroup, _i]; _wSp = waypointSpeed [_unitGroup, _i]; _wSt = waypointStatements [_unitGroup, _i]; //diag_log _wSt; _wTo = waypointTimeout [_unitGroup, _i]; _wTy = waypointType [_unitGroup, _i]; _waypointsEntry = _waypointsEntry + [_wPos] + [_wHPos] + [_wBih] + [_wCM] + [_wCR] + [_wDes] + [_wForm] + [_wScr] + [_wShw] + [_wSp] + [_wSt] + [_wTo] + [_wTy]; _waypointsArray = _waypointsArray + [_waypointsEntry]; }; //diag_log format ["Waypoints' array : %1",_waypointsArray]; deleteGroup _unitGroup; // ----------------- Functions -------------------- // // *WARNING* BIS FUNCTION RIPOFF - Taken from fn_returnConfigEntry as its needed for turrets and shortened a bit _fnc_returnConfigEntry = { private ["_config", "_entryName","_entry", "_value"]; _config = _this select 0; _entryName = _this select 1; _entry = _config >> _entryName; //If the entry is not found and we are not yet at the config root, explore the class' parent. if (((configName (_config >> _entryName)) == "") && (!((configName _config) in ["CfgVehicles", "CfgWeapons", ""]))) then { [inheritsFrom _config, _entryName] call _fnc_returnConfigEntry; } else { if (isNumber _entry) then { _value = getNumber _entry; } else { if (isText _entry) then { _value = getText _entry; }; }; }; //Make sure returning 'nil' works. if (isNil "_value") exitWith {nil}; _value; }; // *WARNING* BIS FUNCTION RIPOFF - Taken from fn_fnc_returnVehicleTurrets and shortened a bit _fnc_returnVehicleTurrets = { private ["_entry","_turrets", "_turretIndex"]; _entry = _this select 0; _turrets = []; _turretIndex = 0; //Explore all turrets and sub-turrets recursively. for "_i" from 0 to ((count _entry) - 1) do { private ["_subEntry"]; _subEntry = _entry select _i; if (isClass _subEntry) then { private ["_hasGunner"]; _hasGunner = [_subEntry, "hasGunner"] call _fnc_returnConfigEntry; //Make sure the entry was found. if (!(isNil "_hasGunner")) then { if (_hasGunner == 1) then { _turrets = _turrets + [_turretIndex]; //Include sub-turrets, if present. if (isClass (_subEntry >> "Turrets")) then { _turrets = _turrets + [[_subEntry >> "Turrets"] call _fnc_returnVehicleTurrets]; } else { _turrets = _turrets + [[]]; }; }; }; _turretIndex = _turretIndex + 1; }; }; _turrets; }; _fnc_moveInTurrets = { private ["_turrets","_path","_i"]; _turrets = _this select 0; _path = _this select 1; _currentCrewMember = _this select 2; _crew = _this select 3; _spawnUnit = _this select 4; _i = 0; while {_i < (count _turrets) AND _currentCrewMember < count _crew} do { _turretIndex = _turrets select _i; _thisTurret = _path + [_turretIndex]; (_crew select _currentCrewMember) moveInTurret [_spawnUnit, _thisTurret]; _currentCrewMember = _currentCrewMember + 1; //Spawn units into subturrets. [_turrets select (_i + 1), _thisTurret, _currentCrewmember, _crew, _spawnUnit] call _fnc_moveInTurrets; _i = _i + 2; }; }; // This is the general cleanup function running in the background for the group, replaces the removebody eventhandler and delete group in V5 _fnc_cleanGroup = { _group = _this select 0; _unitsGroup = units _group; _sleep = _this select 1; // Hold until the entire group is dead while { ({alive _x} count _unitsGroup) > 0 } do { sleep 5; }; sleep _sleep; { _origPos = getPos _x; _z = _origPos select 2; _desiredPosZ = if ( (vehicle _x) iskindOf "Man") then { (_origPos select 2) - 0.5 } else { (_origPos select 2) - 3 }; if ( vehicle _x == _x ) then { _x enableSimulation false; while { _z > _desiredPosZ } do { _z = _z - 0.01; _x setPos [_origPos select 0, _origPos select 1, _z]; sleep 0.1; }; }; deleteVehicle _x; sleep 5; } forEach _unitsGroup; // Now we know that all units are deleted deleteGroup _group; }; _fnc_spawnUnit = { // We need to pass the old group so we can copy waypoints from it, the rest we already know _oldGroup = _this select 0; _newGroup = createGroup (_this select 1); _waypointsArray = _this select 2; // If the old group doesnt have any units in it its a spawned group rather than respawned if ( count (units _oldGroup) == 0) then { deleteGroup _oldGroup; }; { _spawnUnit = null; _unitType = _x select 0; _unitPos = _x select 1; _unitDir = _x select 2; _unitName = _x select 3; _unitSkill = _x select 4; _unitRank = _x select 5; _unitCrew = _x select 6; // New A3 related gear _unitWeapons = _x select 7; _unitItems = _x select 8; _unitUniform = _x select 9; _unitUniformItems = _x select 10; _unitVest = _x select 11; _unitVestItems = _x select 12; _unitBackpack = _x select 13; _unitBackpackItems = _x select 14; _unitHeadgear = _x select 15; _unitGoggles = _x select 16; // Check if the unit has a crew, if so we know its a vehicle if (count _unitCrew > 0) then { if (_unitPos select 2 >= 10) then { _spawnUnit = createVehicle [_unitType,_unitPos, [], 0, "FLY"]; _spawnUnit setVelocity [50 * (sin _unitDir), 50 * (cos _unitDir), 0]; } else { _spawnUnit = _unitType createVehicle _unitPos; }; // Create the entire crew _crew = []; { _unit = _newGroup createUnit [_x, getPos _spawnUnit, [], 0, "NONE"]; _crew set [count _crew, _unit]; } forEach _unitCrew; // We assume that all vehicles have a driver, the first one of the crew (_crew select 0) moveInDriver _spawnUnit; // Count the turrets and move the men inside _turrets = [configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _unitType >> "turrets"] call _fnc_returnVehicleTurrets; [_turrets, [], 1, _crew, _spawnUnit] call _fnc_moveInTurrets; } // Otherwise its infantry else { _spawnUnit = _newGroup createUnit [_unitType,_unitPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; removeAllWeapons _spawnUnit; removeAllItems _spawnUnit; removeAllAssignedItems _spawnUnit; removeUniform _spawnUnit; removeVest _spawnUnit; removeBackpack _spawnUnit; removeHeadgear _spawnUnit; removeGoggles _spawnUnit; _spawnUnit forceAddUniform _unitUniform; {_spawnUnit addItemToUniform _x} forEach _unitUniformItems; _spawnUnit addVest _unitVest; {_spawnUnit addItemToVest _x} forEach _unitVestItems; _spawnUnit addBackpack _unitBackpack; {_spawnUnit addItemToBackpack _x} forEach _unitBackpackItems; _spawnUnit addHeadgear _unitHeadgear; _spawnUnit addGoggles _unitGoggles; {_spawnUnit linkItem _x} forEach _unitItems; {_spawnUnit addWeapon _x} forEach _unitWeapons; _spawnUnit selectWeapon (primaryWeapon _spawnUnit); }; // Set all the things common to the spawned unit _spawnUnit setDir _unitDir; _spawnUnit setSkill _unitSkill; _spawnUnit setUnitRank _unitRank; if (!isNil _unitName AND (_spawntype == "once" OR _spawntype == "repeated")) then { diag_log _unitName; _spawnUnit call compile format ["%1= _this; _this setVehicleVarName '%1'; PublicVariable '%1';",_unitName]; }; } forEach _unitArray; private ["_i"]; _i = 0; //Let's return them their waypoints { //diag_log format ["All data : %1",_x]; _wp = _newGroup addWaypoint [(_x select 0),0,_i]; [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointHousePosition (_x select 1); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointBehaviour (_x select 2); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointCombatMode (_x select 3); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointCompletionRadius (_x select 4); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointDescription (_x select 5); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointFormation (_x select 6); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointScript (_x select 7); [_newGroup, _i] showWaypoint (_x select 8); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointSpeed (_x select 9); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointStatements (_x select 10); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointTimeout (_x select 11); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointType (_x select 12); _i = _i + 1; } forEach _waypointsArray; (vehicle (leader _newGroup)) call compile format ["%1",_initString]; // hint format ["Created object: %1 - vehicleVarName: %2", (vehicle (leader _newGroup)), vehicleVarName (vehicle (leader _newGroup))]; sleep 1; // Run the cleanup function for this group [_newGroup, _bodyRemove] spawn _fnc_cleanGroup; // Have to return the new group _newGroup; }; // -------------- Waiting period ------------------ // while { !(_triggerObject getVariable "murk_spawn") } do { sleep _waitingPeriod; }; //hint "Triggered spawn!"; // --------------- Spawn Modes ------------------- // // REPEAT MODE, i.e. basic respawn based on lives if (_spawntype == "repeated") then { while { _spawnlives > 0 } do { _unitGroup = [_unitGroup,_side,_waypointsArray] call _fnc_spawnUnit; _spawnLives = _spawnLives - 1; _unitsGroup = units _unitGroup; while { ({alive _x} count _unitsGroup) > 0 } do { sleep 2; }; sleep _spawndelay; }; }; // WAVE MODE, this is fairly simple, just sleep a while then respawn. Spawnlives in this case is number of waves if (_spawntype == "wave") then { while { _spawnlives > 0 } do { _unitGroup = [_unitGroup,_side,_waypointsArray] call _fnc_spawnUnit; _spawnLives = _spawnLives - 1; sleep _spawndelay; }; }; // RESET MODE, sleep a while then set the variable to false (even if you set it like 50 times over). Spawn lives is used to tick how many times its possible to reset. if (_spawntype == "reset") then { while { _spawnlives > 0 } do { _unitGroup = [_unitGroup,_side,_waypointsArray] call _fnc_spawnUnit; _spawnLives = _spawnLives - 1; sleep 15; _triggerObject setVariable ["murk_spawn",false,false]; while { !(_triggerObject getVariable "murk_spawn") } do { sleep _waitingPeriod; }; }; }; // ONCE MODE if (_spawntype == "once") then { _unitGroup = [_unitGroup,_side,_waypointsArray] call _fnc_spawnUnit; }; }; If anyone wants to continue work from this version, please go right ahead (you don't need to credit me for my small changes) or send me a PM if you want to work on this further with me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1para{god-father} 105 Posted March 17, 2015 Great effort , used this script all the time in A2 days and always worked very well Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avibird 1 155 Posted March 17, 2015 @ wulfyWulf I have a CTI type mission that I use various community spawn scripts for AI zones. I am currently using Murk Spawn script updated to ARM3 by him. I prefer using multiple spawn scripts so every zone will play out a little different for the mission. Murk Spawn works fine but what is the difference of your updated version of his script? What will I see or what other functions are in the script now. Avibird Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WulfyWulf 10 Posted March 18, 2015 @ wulfyWulf I have a CTI type mission that I use various community spawn scripts for AI zones. I am currently using Murk Spawn script updated to ARM3 by him. I prefer using multiple spawn scripts so every zone will play out a little different for the mission. Murk Spawn works fine but what is the difference of your updated version of his script? What will I see or what other functions are in the script now. Avibird For now, I've only added support for the new uniform/vest/backpack inventory system in A3. Before, A2's system (and the most recent version of Murk Spawn) uses the old, generic magazines/items system, so things can be misplaced (an item a unit has in their vest could end up in their uniform, for example). The changes I'm working on ensures that the inventory the soldier has is the same as when he was loaded into the world- particularly anything exported by Virtual Arsenal. There's also some various fixes to stop errors being spammed in the RPT file, but that's not really a functional change. I'm hoping to make the gear handling system in Murk Spawn more robust and take better advantage of A3's additions. Right now, I'm working on a more thorough solution for vehicles and their crews- right now, vehicles use the system present in the last version of Murk Spawn for handling the spawning of vehicles and their crews. To properly answer your question, not a whole lot is changed in my version- just posting a build I'm working on right now to see who else might have interest in working on this again as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
caboose816 38 Posted May 24, 2015 For now, I've only added support for the new uniform/vest/backpack inventory system in A3. Before, A2's system (and the most recent version of Murk Spawn) uses the old, generic magazines/items system, so things can be misplaced (an item a unit has in their vest could end up in their uniform, for example). The changes I'm working on ensures that the inventory the soldier has is the same as when he was loaded into the world- particularly anything exported by Virtual Arsenal. There's also some various fixes to stop errors being spammed in the RPT file, but that's not really a functional change.I'm hoping to make the gear handling system in Murk Spawn more robust and take better advantage of A3's additions. Right now, I'm working on a more thorough solution for vehicles and their crews- right now, vehicles use the system present in the last version of Murk Spawn for handling the spawning of vehicles and their crews. To properly answer your question, not a whole lot is changed in my version- just posting a build I'm working on right now to see who else might have interest in working on this again as well. Hey WulfyWulf, just curious if you are still working on updating this script? This thing has amazing potential. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites