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Artificial intelligence Support System! Released


11 members have voted

  1. 1. Suppression

    • Supression command for player?
    • No suppression command for player?
    • Make suppression a separate mod from AISS?
    • Keep suppression with AISS?
    • Suppression in AISS is good?
    • Suppression in AISS is moderate?
    • Suppression in AISS can use some work please read my post?
    • Other please read my post?

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Just tried a quick go in the editor, what I noticed was CONSTANT mortar fire from 1 opfor mortar.

Also some of the groups placed just went into the sea and got stuck.

Love what you are doing with this mod though.


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Hi Alex. Could you tell me any other mods you may be using, what map your on and maybe upload your mission so I could take a look. Also how long did that Mortar fire for? Thanks :)

I just tested on atlis. near the land bridge. The squad leader went to the ocean, but decided it was bad idea and went over land bridge. Now if your on Chern I'm not sure I can fix that as Ive seen AI do this before I even thought of this mod. :/ Will have to take a look on Chern. But basically all Inf/Tank support does. It gives units with no waypoints a guard way point. So when other units spot a bad guy they send the information to the squads on guard duty, and wholla they come to the rescue. All be it sometimes a bit to late, but to me it adds to the reality of war and intelligence. So yeh just a way point and reliance on Arma 3 engine. So far on my end it works faily well. That being said. I used HAL once or twice and my Arty goes nuts. Its not truly compatible with Hal as Ryd uses waypoints, and has an Arty script as well. It will work with Hal, but some features are lost or broke when both are together. :( Till I figure out a fix for that anyways.

Just tested on Chern with no problems just yes. They do go to the pond where AI usually got stuck. They didn't get stuck nor did I. KJU or BIS must have fixed that. Not sure if its with the mod. But if ya can upload me your mission. I'll take a look and see what you are seeing. :) OH also let me know where your user configs are set.. Again thanks :)

Edited by Mikey74

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Small mission on stratis. I attack as the leader of a 4-man team.

Engages enemies from the hill I spawn on.

Once the mortar starts firing, it's never more than a few seconds between barrages.

Addons: AISS and CBA

What i edited in AISS.hpp:

Art_Salvo = 1

Art_rdm = 4

Marker_pos = 0

I've used the guard waypoint in this way myself, it works quite well, might have just been unlucky with the water as I had someone starting on the airport in stratis, fairly close to water.

Edit: Oh and here's the mission https://www.dropbox.com/s/j64cwuece1834c1/AISStest.Stratis.zip

Edited by Alex2k

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Just tested your mission. So far I've been killed twice. lol aside from that only 1 arty salvo has hit. no soldiers taking breaks in the ocean, but all up on me. hmm I have my settings on regular friendly skills 75 and enemy at 60. on my userconfigs my last setting are:

Min_Radius = 70; //// Minimum radius you want the rounds to fall from target position. Remember if its out too far they will hit friendly units if within this radius.

Max_Rnd_Radius = 140; ////// Random number for how far out Shells will far from Target position.

Art_Salvo = 1; ////// Minimum rounds you want to see falling. Remember this is per unit in a given group. so 8 x Art pieces in group. example 8 x 4 = 32 minimum.

Art_rdm = 4; ///// Randomizing how many rounds from 1 to 8 + Art_salvo.

West_Rnd_chance = .5; ///// Blufor: .3 meaning 30%. Always use a . (point) before your number unless you want 100% then 1 so go from .0 to 1.

East_Rnd_chance = .5; ///// Opfor: .3 meaning 30%. Always use a . (point) before your number unless you want 100% then 1 so go from .0 to 1.

Res_Rnd_chance = .5; ///// Resistance: .3 meaning 30%. Always use a . (point) before your number unless you want 100% then 1 so go from .0 to 1.

Marker_pos = 0; ///// 1 = true and 0 = false. If true Marker will pop up where Artillery is targeted.

Normaly my Art salvo is 8 and Art rdm is 4.

That is possible as far as close to water, but last night I had my support inf at waters edge just to see. They did go into ocean, but rerouted to land bridge. I'll test more see if it was just a fluke or something.

If it does it again try deleting AISS both addon and userconfig and reinstalling them.

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Hey Mikey, finally had a chance to try this out properly, very nice set off scripts.

Especially liking the Armour/Infantry support, does this effect any behaviours or does it just assign way points for groups without way points?

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yes the ones without way points get assigned a guard waypoint plus combat status red. Now everyone else is also made aware of the enemy too. AI will communicate to each other.So there is a chance of AI diverting from original waypoints to offer support. So far in testing the squad leader with wp usually will send a couple men from his squad to attack enemy. Thanks :)

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A very good addon! Tried it form the beginning since beta and like it very much.

But I have noticed in the .rpt file, there are lots of errors concerning with " undifined _Aeta ", something like that. Every time I run a mission, the log file records many many lines of " _Aeta " errors, though the addon seems running well.

So can you get rid of the .rpt error report by difining the " _Aeta "??? Thanks!

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yup I know whats causing it now. It will be fixed next up date. At least I hope. Every time I think I've crushed it it rears its ugly head and sticks its tongue out at me. BUT I'm about 90% sure Ive got it. ;) Hopefully tonight, but most likely tomorrow. I've got a critical bug I'm trying to crush at the moment. :( _Aeta was defined, but for some reason it was losing the definition. So I deleted that code and went with an alternative. Just for hope's sake. When this happens does it show a sleep command in the report log with _Aeta?

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It has been several days, when will the new version be released? :-)

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Nothing to major:

Just got rid of more chatter. got rid of ETA error.

Added some of the features that will come with major update.

CAS now included with pool of infantry and armor support for now. This may change with major update.

New short description: AISS will use idle infantry, Armor, CAS, and Artillery for support.

Instuctions for use. AISS is all automatic. There are userconfigs that gives the user some control. There will be more in major update.


edited error off global chat 11/21 12:46


Sorry for the delay but was trying to sneak out the major update before the move. To many bugs. It will have to wait a bit. :/

Edited by Mikey74

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New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Thanks xy. I am glad you enjoy it. :) The next update will have a minor version of my AI Respawn. Its working now. But hopefully in the future I will have it better for custom uniforms,gear and what not. Also in next few updates I may have a little surprise I will through in here.

One thing I'm definitely wanting to work on that's not included in the surprise is personnel Carriers playing more of a supporting role in combat. I want them to stay back or maybe find an over watch position as opposed to rushing in blitz Krieg style. We finally are moved in and internet is working. Still unpacking and we have turkyday weekend. So next few updates could be delayed a bit more. If you have any ideas or suggestions feel free to post them. I cant promise I can implement them as I am still very much a novice scriptwriter, but I will give it a try. ;)

---------- Post added at 02:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:50 AM ----------

******************************update 3.0****************************


Now AI respawns. New userconfig.

few other tweaks.

Delete previous AISS before installing.

If you dont wan to use AIrespawn set AISS_Respawns = 4; to AISS_Respawns = 0;

Know issues:

I have got to test it as much as I'd like but no many bugs from what little I've tested this.Its working but possibility some bugs may pop up.

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ok got the _Aeta error again. I moved it to a different position in script. So far seems to work. I've also put to use slightly better APC/infantry warfare. I placed me and my son in what looks to be an embassy. With one SF squad attacking and 4 or 5 reg squads, and 2 Mech squads in reserve. Once SF spotted us. Mechs and Infantry stormed the Embassy.

Also made an escape the city mission with same bad guy units. Once one spotted us we had to eliminate that paticular group and hide for a bit. Then we made head way and almost made it till we got spotted again which alerted the mechs and we were dead few minutes later. To much fire power coming down on us. lol

Mechs in upcoming update drop off inf much sooner than bis standard, and act more as a support vehicle. I want to test this thing out several more times before I release it, but I'm liking what I'm seeing so far. The next Update will be B1. I really dont consider whats released prior as a beta more of an Alpha. I really should have posted 1st in the wip section.

Edited by Mikey74

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Update news. No I've not abandoned this. ;) Busy moving, unpacking, and of course a lot of OT at work. lol

But I'm Re Re Re writing these scripts. Overhauling Mech 1st then rest should be like clock work. Keep this in mind when I release next up date which will be back in alpha phase. Its gonna be AISS_Wip 1.

When released Mech infantry when a target is known will forget any waypoints they already have infantry will get out and go on a seek and destroy mission of known targets. The APC will not charge in and will act more with a supporting role. Much better than previous releases. After all is clear they will remember there previous waypoints and continue on original mission. Tested and so far is working brilliantly.

I plan basically the same thing with infantry and armor but with different ways of dealing with different threats. Like for example infantry will pour more suppression on enemy targets with possible flanking missions from other friendly infantry. An example for tanks when they spot infantry they wont be rushing into an ambush so quickly but will also suppress enemy troops while calling for aid of infantry or CAS in there Area of operations.

CAS will also be different and most likely more difficult if there is no AA present on map.

I want to make the 1st 4 aspects as life like as possible as far as my understanding and capabilities. Have a lot of friends thats seen combat. My wife being one. That being said if you have seen combat let me know what you would like to see. In honor of our vets Obviously if I can do what they want it will be put in 1st.

As for Artillery will be more or less the same. BUT I am working on a way to make this part more compatible with HAL and other imo much better Arty scripts.

Please while I'm still tinkering. Now would be a good time for suggestions of what you would like to see. Just keep in mind. I want to make this as low end pc friendly as possible if possible, and also I'm by far not an expert programmer.

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Update news. No I've not abandoned this. ;) Busy moving, unpacking, and of course a lot of OT at work. lol

But I'm Re Re Re writing these scripts. Overhauling Mech 1st then rest should be like clock work. Keep this in mind when I release next up date which will be back in alpha phase. Its gonna be AISS_Wip 1.

When released Mech infantry when a target is known will forget any waypoints they already have infantry will get out and go on a seek and destroy mission of known targets. The APC will not charge in and will act more with a supporting role. Much better than previous releases. After all is clear they will remember there previous waypoints and continue on original mission. Tested and so far is working brilliantly.

I plan basically the same thing with infantry and armor but with different ways of dealing with different threats. Like for example infantry will pour more suppression on enemy targets with possible flanking missions from other friendly infantry. An example for tanks when they spot infantry they wont be rushing into an ambush so quickly but will also suppress enemy troops while calling for aid of infantry or CAS in there Area of operations.

CAS will also be different and most likely more difficult if there is no AA present on map.

I want to make the 1st 4 aspects as life like as possible as far as my understanding and capabilities. Have a lot of friends thats seen combat. My wife being one. That being said if you have seen combat let me know what you would like to see. In honor of our vets Obviously if I can do what they want it will be put in 1st.

As for Artillery will be more or less the same. BUT I am working on a way to make this part more compatible with HAL and other imo much better Arty scripts.

Please while I'm still tinkering. Now would be a good time for suggestions of what you would like to see. Just keep in mind. I want to make this as low end pc friendly as possible if possible, and also I'm by far not an expert programmer.

Hell yes to the Mech Inf script!

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Above is with AISS. The APC will not react until there is some sort of knowledge about enemy. At which point the APC will eject infantry, the Squad leader will take command, the APC will not move way ahead without infantry and they will go on a seek and destroy mission.

Above is default for Arma 3. The APC will rush head long in still carrying his infantry and more often than not be destroyed with its infantry still in his belly.

BTW the error's you are seeing is not from AISS. Its from the awesome Speed of sound mod. Cant wait for his next update!!!! lol Edited by Mikey74

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Now, big question ..... will this work with ALiVE mech inf ? So when they are moving anywhere they mount up, and when enemy contacts (knowsabout) increases they unmount. If they do this ... you are WONDERFUL!

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@ Jblack9

Sure here is the mission with the script version. You will need to turn off the pbo version to test this one. BTW there will be a warning of AISS not active. This is becuase I'll use same mission to test pbo and it will shut off script version. So make sure you do not have the PBO version running or installed, and ignor the warning. If you see AISS is active then you still have your AISS pbo running. :)

http://www16.zippyshare.com/v/37871503/file.html This script is broken. lol Hopefully some time this or next I release another version of PBO

@ Kremator

Im not sure about ALiVE. I couldnt make Alive work. Most likely because I'm using the DEV version of Arma 3. That being said. I've written in code for all units to remember there previous waypoints before they get deleted. So that when they kill there target they should get there original way points back. And yes I have all APC units mounted at mission start. I may take this off, but for the moment they do. If you do the test script. Make sure you APC is the leader of the group. Other wise AISS will treat the group as infantry or what ever your lead unit is.

How it is working so far.

As for infantry when a target is known they will in the same manner remember there previous waypoints, but lose then to go on a seek and destroy waypoint mission for the known target. After that Target is eliminated they will forget the SAD waypoint and return to there original waypoints. So far they return to the most current waypoint of there previous waypoints and completly forget Waypoints they have already completed.

Tanks do basically the same thing as infantry. This will be edited in future updates to a behavior depending on what the target is.

Mech squads do the same thing except that they within a certian range (I think its 800 meters) If they know of a target thats near by and is in there range of 800M they will disembark and the 1st unit of the infantry will take charge and the APC will follow the new leader, or should. Doesnt seem to always work out that way. At the same time They will slow there speed and not charge so long as they are aware of an enemy target. Once the enemy target is killed, unless the group is aware of other threats the APC will be put back in charge and units will be aloud to mount APC.

I havent done CAS as of yet. But in next day or too hopefully I will try and make CAS act basicaly the same way except. They will priorities targets in this order Enemy air, then Enemy Armor, and then Enemy infantry.

From all the books Ive read and seems logical to me. You want to have Air superiority, Fire superiority, and position superiority. This is kind of what I'm shooting for here in my newer version of AISS. I have made what I have now to be more compatible with HAL. Hopefully it will be the same with Alive, TPW, and other combat situation mods.

Hope this answers your questions :) Let me know what you guys think, and or any thing I'm missing that could improve this more. :)

Edited by Mikey74

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Jo there ,

The oldest version of AISS works with ALIVE. Put your artillery, see that you select "only profile synced units" in the Sincronisation line of the Profile System. If you want them to keep firing put this in there Init line nul = this spawn { while {alive _this} do { (vehicle _this) setVehicleAmmoDef 1; sleep 10} }; you also can play around with triggerss in on activation : West_Rnd_chance = .3; another or the same trig: East_Rnd_chance = .9; and Maybe trig's with : Max_Rnd_Radius = 140; set Higher or lower...

And Mikey74, For AI Air superiority you could Talk to TeTeT, maybe he has a nice idea ...


Edited by VinniMe

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Thanks VinniMe I'll have to have a look at that, and contact TetTet sooner or later. :)

Finally fixed the code for the APC's. It wont be long now and I'll release the next update. Now that I've rewrote a good bit of code. I've gotta rewrite a few more codes and it shoulllllld be ready to release AISS_Wip_1.

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New update and Video on 1st post of this thread.

Just a heads up, you forgot to put the pbo in an addon folder inside your @AISS folder.

And for further convenience, could you put the hpp file folder (AISS) also already in an Userconfig folder?

Makes the unpacking so much easier. Anyway, thanks for your mod, it's great for sp players like me, that don't have so much scripting knowledge! Keep it up! ;)

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Thanks Menjoo.... I did put everything in the right place. BUT what I didnt do after downloading it to look; was delete the old pbo thats not in the @AISS folder. The PBO that is in the @AISS folder is the new one. Use that one instead. Sorry for the inconvenience.

AISS also works in multiplayer. But I'm not sure it will work on a private server as I know even less about servers than I do coding.

Front page has been updated. :) Thanks again.

Edited by Mikey74

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