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Save custom sound files

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Hi....I am tired of downloadig my friends custom radio sounds everey time we play. I have tried to copy them from the tmp dir to different locations but with no luck. Is it possible to somehow save these files so I won't have to donload them again!!! Please help if you can confused.gif

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Well, how many radio sounds does he have? If there are too many and too big, tell him not to use em all.

I'm not sure if you can save them so you don't have to download them again. All the player's custom files will still go into the tmp file. I think you may be able to change that file to a read only and everything stays. Not sure though, I havent tried it. I've never had a problem with downloading custom faces and sounds and things.

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Note: the patch that is currently in development will enforce following limits:

Custom face file size must be less than 100 kB

Custom sounds must be under 40 kB each

Files larger than this limit will be ignored.

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I am (and topic creator is as well) talking about custom sounds that are placed in Users/xxxx/sound folder and transferred accross network whenever any player connects. I do not think you want to use music here. confused.gif Even if you do, I do not think other users want you to use music here. smile.gif

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oooh, i thought u were talking about missions.

Anyway, How do I use this custom sound thingy, is it something new in 1.75?

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10 players all using those set sizes will cause the following

10x 40kb = 100k pic = 0.5 megs per client

10 clients = 5 megs to dload

30 players = 15 megs


conect time to a server will take some ppl an average of 3 minutes lol

the upload on the server will cost many a small fortune unless they have free Servers like Frag/ radish/MTCO/Roughnecks

other servers wont beable to keep up, I sugest leaving the sounds on every ones Hard Drive, 1 time dload is a lot cheaper, so what if we use 1 gig of space by the end of the year lol

The RN server is running a 60 gig, with only 3 gigs used up,

Go nutz I say

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what program do u guys use to compress your audio files,

coz i must be using the wrong one, since i cant access any of my sounds in ofp no matter what i do,

can anyone tell what program they are having success with after using it to make the ogg files from a wav or mp3 etc.

itd be a great help,


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Suma @ Aug. 19 2002,08:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Note: the patch that is currently in development will enforce following limits:

Custom face file size must be less than 100 kB

Custom sounds must be under 40 kB each

Files larger than this limit will be ignored.<span id='postcolor'>

Just saw this now...

Will there be a way to set limits (a total value for face+sounds or seperate max. values) in the server config? So a server admin could say ok, we wont allow more than 100k or 200k total per player?

I think that would be very helpfull, as the size of a single sound won't matter as long as the total amount stays low enough... one sound of 200kB is always better than 10 of 40k...

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Ok, the following things need to be considered for this patch (just my suggestion):

temp player profile size limit, definable by server.cfg

#this is to define max size a player connecting has to download per/player already online.

disable / enable custom sounds / faces.

#this option should be present. To enable servers to decide whether these options are worth the reduced connection times and gameplay stalls.

warning message for custom face / sounds size.

#server.cfg option to limit connections to those players with sounds / faces within specified size limitations. At the same time displaying a message to those trying to connect explaining they must reduce the size of their sounds / face.jpg before attempting to reconnect. Error message should be optimised for most detailed description of what needs to be done for successful connection:

e.g. PlayerX has been disconnected by Server (Custom Radio Sounds over server defined limit (%Size allowed by server% / %Size currently% / %difference% over limit.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Suma has been disconnected from server (Custom player sounds over server defined limit (Current: 1024kb, Limit: 100kb)<span id='postcolor'>

Reason for this message is people often do not know why they are unable to connect and simply keep trying to connect, they never resolve the cause of the problem and just try another server.

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Good ideas Lt_Damage. Hope they manage to include them in the next patch.

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it would be nice if both the server and the clients have the option to turn of or on sound down loads

but I still like the fact that we have the sounds

other options would be 3 month temp files, let them stay in the temp file for three months, if you have not played that player in 3 months then have the client side delete them.

clients and servers with sound down loads turned on should have this.

Also if BIZ does allow us to retain the files, the servr should only upload active client sounds, none inactive, if it did then a client would possible have to download 30 megs when he conects

this was a problem in Soldier of Fortune with client based servers, a client would have hundreds of skins to dload even if those skins were not used, Dedicated server had less addons so were more popular

I would really like the files to be left on the server and client machine, and have the server check each client for changes in sounds to keep the sounds updated.

1) Keep Files

2) Delete users that have been inactive for say 1-3 months

3) upload sounds from only online clients to conecting clinents

4) don't upload off line clients to conecting clients

there are other reasons, this continual upload of the same files/sounds/maps is costing server/client band width

it makes a mess of our Hard Drives, deleting files over and over

doing the above will increase conect times since we will have the files/sounds locally all ready, and will decrease server load

In the end tho, I KNOW I want the sounds to stay

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I honestly havent run across anyone in multiplay that uses them. Maybe they have them set up, but Ive never heard anyone with them yet :/

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I've heard them a few times, and I myself had a few at one point in time, but don't use them anymore because at bussy times of the server, it just laggs me and everyone else on the server.  I remember this one guy on a 56k logging onto the server, and i'd see "JackassWithSounds connecting..." and everyone would just be frozen for 3-5 minutes, and as soon as "JackassWithSounds Connected" shows up and we all unfreeze, we'd all be dead.  And I'd check my tmp and sure enough, the 56ker that connected had over 1.5Mb of sound files (.WAVs, not .OGG).  And he's be like "Uh, why does it take so long for me to connect, i'm stuck at Wait For Server for hours... this shitty server... what's taking so long..."  Fools.

-=Die Alive=-

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Damn right fools. That is why custom sounds are banned on my server, whether small, large whatever.

Because GAMEPLAY is what we want, PERFORMANCE is what we want to preserve and hearing some crappy sound samples from RUSH HOUR2 in the middle of my OFP game just doesn't do it for me.

Hopefully we will get not only the feature of limited sizes of these samples, but the feature to disable totally.

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Sounds files are welcome on our server since I own our OC3 Conection, it's about 16 times faster then a T3, we will soon split both our servers on to seperate T3s off the OC3.

T1 servers are no longer up to speed if sounds will be used

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I use one small custom sound, it is a twenty five kilobyte .ogg file. No one even notices the difference it may or may not make.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Kermit @ Sep. 06 2002,15:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I use one small custom sound, it is a twenty five kilobyte .ogg file.  No one even notices the difference it may or may not make.<span id='postcolor'>

Me too, i have one "Me so horney, me sucky sucky, fifteen dollah" sound bit from full metal jacket. Everytime I play it (in times of no enemy action ie when driving to the battle or in dull patrol times), everyone gets a good laugh of it. But then again, I don't have it when I know the server is busy, just to make life is easier for all. smile.gif

-=Die Alive=-

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using the sounds in game causes no lag since the sound file is all ready on each clients machine, if lower end gamers lag when they load or when some one with sounds loads thats thier problem

I dont see why we should be denied the use of these play toys just be cause some one else lags, im sick of 56k whiners (note: not all whine), I know some are in the country and cant have High speed net, but I don't see why thier problem has to affect us

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