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AH-64D Apache Longbow for ArmA2 by Nodunit and Franze

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I can't replicate this. Are you using any other mods?

I disabled AI mods but the pilot is just as trigger-happy. Oh well, two-seaters in Arma with AI have always been a pain :p Thanks for the great port nonetheless.

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Holy shit a Brotherhood of Nod Apache skin. That looks unbelievably badass. If this mod is really coming to Arma 3 then I'm definitely going to start playing it again.

It is yes, and will probably be included in a dependant external set of skins so that it doesn't boost the size of the original pbo.

We're trying to get it to work but it seems a lot of people are having issues which we aren't encountering for some reason, not getting enough info on "How" they are running into those so there is not much for us to go on. Until the basics are solved we're not going to push it into the A3 section.

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Did you try turning AFM on/off?

ETA: You might also try turning off picture in picture and see if that has an impact.

hi i have PIP off and dont use AFM.I literally turned every se3tting as low as it will go-view distance ,shadows,texture quality everything.That made my FPS go to like 90 but the minute I start the Apache it starts bouncing from 15-40 again.It is totally unplayable for me i'm afraid.Also i ran it with no other mods running.

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hi i have PIP off and dont use AFM.I literally turned every se3tting as low as it will go-view distance ,shadows,texture quality everything.That made my FPS go to like 90 but the minute I start the Apache it starts bouncing from 15-40 again.It is totally unplayable for me i'm afraid.Also i ran it with no other mods running.

If you are willing to work with us further we might be able to narrow down the cause by using a few switches in the init code.

If you're up to the task lets start with fza_ah64_noinit = true this will turn off all scripts, and you should experience 0 frame loss if it is something from overhead.

Then use fza_ah64_cem = false to turn off the complex start up, the aircraft should start like a normal Arma aircraft, and then finally try fza_ah64_nopfsched = true this should turn off the per frame handler only and thus the cockpit interaction function. You're the only person we've heard of having this case, either that or others aren't willing to come forth with the info on it, so we're going to be very reliant on you to test this.

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Is it just me or does the trim not work properly? It definitely does something, but the helo kept trying to pitch back and roll right for some reason, no matter how much I trimmed.

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For some reason I cant use this mod as I get an error message telling me that the weapon config "burst" cannot be opened

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I'm having trouble with the switches/buttons ceasing to work after a short time into flight (arma 3 version). (the blue helper txt just disappears & clicking does nothing. (using user action 20 mapped to windows key). Also the FCR/G ceases to respond to switching target highlighted with the Tab function. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.. ?

---------- Post added at 21:30 ---------- Previous post was at 20:51 ----------

Ok, think I found the problem with my switches - similar to post No.790 my track IR was offsetting the marker x from true center & pressing num5 & turning off head tracking allows me to interact again... Not sure of the other issue, prob down to my lack of familiarity with the flight systems...

Super mod, many thanks for all your efforts...

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Is it just me or does the trim not work properly? It definitely does something, but the helo kept trying to pitch back and roll right for some reason, no matter how much I trimmed.

Probably falls into the category of certain aspects of the AFM still being WIP, it's still being ironed out mostly thanks to trying to get an understand of how physX plays into all of this, for example if you touch the rotors to a tree or something right now it explodes but Franze has got that solved. Seems taking it straight from TKOH and putting it into A3 didn't go quite as planned.

the FCR/G ceases to respond to switching target highlighted with the Tab function. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.. ?

Could you give a step by step on what you did? Also are you using keyboard or click action? I have to ask this because like you said, familirarity, but also because we had a internal tester who kept switching his ground and air modes without realizing it. Also just for the heck of it, what range is the target and what range is your TSD set to at that time?

For some reason I cant use this mod as I get an error message telling me that the weapon config "burst" cannot be opened

When you say can't use it, as in the error pops up and it pushes you back to the editor screen even if you do it again? Also are you using any other mods?

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Thanks for the reply Nod..

Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but it's definitely tied up with using the trackir - when I'm flying with no stick or Trackir I can't reproduce the error, targets lock fine using Tab in FCR/G with AQS set to FCR & L type Hellfires. I can switch between targets no probs.

re:using keyboard or click action - I'm only aware of the keyboard option, is there a button for switching between targets on the TSD ?

Step by step: - Boot up the aircraft using the starting sequence in the manual. Switch IHADSS on, Set left mfd to WPN page, right MFD to TSD, switch on FCR (visible cue moving), cycle optics key till FCR/G, manual fire on, switch to Hellfires, LOBL DIR, Target filtering to All, Gun Tracking to FCR, attempt to cycle between visible targets... not working.

With the TRrackir things go odd the second I lock my first target - I can't switch with the same settings for TSD. In particular I noticed that a lockable object (in fact the only object thereafter that the missiles will lock to) appears some distance (usually 2-3 km) behind the aircraft. When I fly up to this object it's just a blank space/not affected by missle strikes. I'm suspicious that this might be a radar related shadow of the helo as it usually coincides with the place I switched on the FCR?? Way out of my depth lol..

Any pointers appreciated...

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Can anyone help a noobie figure this chopper out? Is there a keybind to toggle the IHADSS, I see there is one for the mode but to actually activate it I have to scroll the menu. How should I be selecting my targets, is it the vanilla command under "weapons", there is lock target, reveal target, next target, next empty target, next target in vehicle, next empty target in vehicle, which one should I use and is it possible to go forward and backwards through the targets? Are there any tutorials for firing each weapon type with each sensor mode it's capable of? Also I use a Saitek Av8r-01 flightstick, if anyone has suggestions for the 4 up/down switch on the base let me know, I have a rudimentary set up but still trying to figure out the best binds for it, I'd really like to be able to fly it without using the scroll menu.

Edit: I made some progress binding Next Target and Next Target in Vehicle to the same key. Now I've been able to choose targets using the FCR and TDS. I'd also like to know the procedure for using the head tracking turret gun, I had it working once but not sure how to do it again.

Edit 2: I had a pretty good run, wasted a bunch of tanks, wheeled vehicles, a jet with ATA, the gunner used the MG on some troops. Finally an ATA missile got me, should I be in FCR/A when I'm expecting winged aircraft with ATA or will TSD work as good? Not quite sure when I should be using each one.

Edited by Emton

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Anyone else having a problem that when the gun is slaved to the TADS or FCR it does aim at the right target, but overshoots that target a fair bit?

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Anyone else having a problem that when the gun is slaved to the TADS or FCR it does aim at the right target, but overshoots that target a fair bit?

Hmm not sure if we are talking about the same thing, but the gun overshoot in any case except if the ACQ is FCR/G and you havea bot as a gunner. Otherwise, if you use TADS as a sight and any other ACQ mods such as HMD (except FXD) the gun will overshoot at all times. The gun crosshair is ineffective and in most case you wanna use the "aircraft nose" crossair on the IHADSS to aim instead of the gun crosshair.

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Cheers for your reply, Sacha. It made me realize that I should have given a few more details in my question.

I was alone in the helicopter as pilot. The same happens with ACQ set to FCR and Auto and the sight / sensor set to FCR or TADS.

I can actually see the gun crosshair aim above the target reticle in these cases. So the targeting system is off, where the rounds actually do hit where the crosshair is aiming at.

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Cheers for your reply, Sacha. It made me realize that I should have given a few more details in my question.

I was alone in the helicopter as pilot. The same happens with ACQ set to FCR and Auto and the sight / sensor set to FCR or TADS.

I can actually see the gun crosshair aim above the target reticle in these cases. So the targeting system is off, where the rounds actually do hit where the crosshair is aiming at.

I see what you mean now. The crosshair doesn't land directly on the target but had a slight offset that makes you miss the target in some cases with M230. I've noticed that behaviour also. One alternative to this in this case would be to enlarge dispersion on the gun, so you could have a better area of effect on the target. In real life the dispersion is greater than on Arma, so it makes the gun even more deadly.

In my case I was talking about a "run-in" type of engagement, with a GUN-P, TADS/HMD as sight and a HMD as ACQ w/ Head Tracking set to on. The gun crosshair miscalculate the area where should your M230 rounds lands. So basically, in a run-in attack, I usually aim between the gun crosshair reticule and the "aircraft nose" crosshair which is a part of the artificial horizon. It's a work-around that I've found, but offcourse, still unaccurate for precise effects on target.

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Man I've been having fun with this thing, makes me feel like a real tough-guy flying about shooting stuff like a silly rascal. Are there gonna be more updates coming? Here's a few suggestions:

Make the hit-boxes for cockpit buttons a little bigger so they're easier to hit.

Shouldn't the WPN and TSD buttons work for both MFDs? So if you lose one MFD you can bring up what you need on the other real fast, would this be more realistic too?

Can there be more binds for actions, I still haven't found out if there's a bind to toggle the IHADSS. Also the scroll menu seems kind of cluttered perhaps it should be reserved for items that don't have binds or organize it so non-bind actions are at the top.

Since it's now a mod for Arma 3 is it gonna be in the Arma 3 mod section?

Will the bug with getting stuck in the sky be fixed soon as well as having the trim working properly (if the real life version has trim)?

Well again I love this mod I hope it gets more updates until it becomes the definitive Apache simulator if it isn't already!

Also I've been flying on this mission Pilot AH-64D Apache Longbow On Missions http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=391986894 a pretty fun dynamic sorta campaign with options you can choose.

Edited by Emton

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Man I've been having fun with this thing, makes me feel like a real tough-guy flying about shooting stuff like a silly rascal. Are there gonna be more updates coming? Here's a few suggestions:

Make the hit-boxes for cockpit buttons a little bigger so they're easier to hit.

Shouldn't the WPN and TSD buttons work for both MFDs? So if you lose one MFD you can bring up what you need on the other real fast, would this be more realistic too?

Can there be more binds for actions, I still haven't found out if there's a bind to toggle the IHADSS. Also the scroll menu seems kind of cluttered perhaps it should be reserved for items that don't have binds or organize it so non-bind actions are at the top.

Since it's now a mod for Arma 3 is it gonna be in the Arma 3 mod section?

Will the bug with getting stuck in the sky be fixed soon as well as having the trim working properly (if the real life version has trim)?

Well again I love this mod I hope it gets more updates until it becomes the definitive Apache simulator if it isn't already!

Also I've been flying on this mission Pilot AH-64D Apache Longbow On Missions http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=391986894 a pretty fun dynamic sorta campaign with options you can choose.

MFD is subject to Arma limitation, that's why you can't cycle trought all the pages like in real life or DCS A10C for instance. They had to limit their usage by putting specifics pages on specifics MFD because of Arma core design (bones).

Agree about the list from the action menu.

Real life rotary has a trim, dunno about the AH64D, but it's mostly a one trim button. As far as I know, there isn't a button for each axis to trim. I might be wrong as I'm not an AH64D pilot, but on DCS, all rotaries got a single button trim which is often called "force trim", it has a very unique behaviour that you need to learn.

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Thx for this Wonderful mod! :)

Too bad I have start up procedure issues from time to time. Maybe its related to my new HOTAS Warthog i a guess I have?

Nod sure if these bugs mentioned bellow is already reported or not. Couldn't read through all 97 pages :cool:

Visual weapons loaded bug:

Steps to reproduce:

When sitting in heli as pilot, arming (changing armament).

Looking outside in 3rd person the riggs for loaded missiles looks/ displays empty (but its armed/ loaded.

Swithcing to gunner and looking in 3rd person the missiles is in place.

My bigger issue atm...

I just installed my new HOTAS Warthog joystick, do you have an bug reports regarding this already?

Rotary lock

Steps to reproduce:

Rotary lock keeps being locked after its been (clicked ) unlocked (w. "custom button 20") when using my HOTAS WARTHOG (Just got one! ;)

Tried flipping all my new switches but no luck, and no control conflicts from what I can see :( Worked yesterda (almost all the time) on m old Saitek X45,

Im looking in to this deeper at the moment, just like the tester I am :)

Please let me know if you need help with testing in future projects :)

Ill keep on posting bugs if I find any :)

Thank You!

---------- Post added 02-26-2015 at 12:03 AM ---------- Previous post was 02-25-2015 at 10:26 PM ----------

I can inform that its on ARMA3 I play with the latest ArmA3 AH64D addon... Rotor seems Locked even tho it says its not, both in left display in the menu and the switch/ button is also set to off/ unlocked but you can see how the rotor keeps fighting forward but its getting stucked right away.

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Pretty late for me atm, but your problem is most likely the way you set up your Warthog. I have one myself and I have no problems. Try binding Collective Raise in Helicopter keybinds in Arma to a key and press that one after you have disengaged the rotor brake.

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Can anyone help a noobie figure this chopper out? Is there a keybind to toggle the IHADSS, I see there is one for the mode but to actually activate it I have to scroll the menu. How should I be selecting my targets, is it the vanilla command under "weapons", there is lock target, reveal target, next target, next empty target, next target in vehicle, next empty target in vehicle, which one should I use and is it possible to go forward and backwards through the targets? Are there any tutorials for firing each weapon type with each sensor mode it's capable of? Also I use a Saitek Av8r-01 flightstick, if anyone has suggestions for the 4 up/down switch on the base let me know, I have a rudimentary set up but still trying to figure out the best binds for it, I'd really like to be able to fly it without using the scroll menu.

Edit: I made some progress binding Next Target and Next Target in Vehicle to the same key. Now I've been able to choose targets using the FCR and TDS. I'd also like to know the procedure for using the head tracking turret gun, I had it working once but not sure how to do it again.

Edit 2: I had a pretty good run, wasted a bunch of tanks, wheeled vehicles, a jet with ATA, the gunner used the MG on some troops. Finally an ATA missile got me, should I be in FCR/A when I'm expecting winged aircraft with ATA or will TSD work as good? Not quite sure when I should be using each one.

There is not currently a keybind for IHADSS, the only way to turn it on is either through the action menu or the stowage case on the right side of the pilot. At the current iteration as far as I'm aware you just use tab and if you skip a target need to cycle them over. I'm not entirerly sure about the weapons bit, this may be an A2 to A3 thing that needs cleaning up or something. As far as I am aware there currently are not any in depth tutorial videos (I've been debating about making some myself but I can't get over my voice mostly), I'm afraid, all of our tutorial stuff didn't shift over from A2 very well.

Head tracking works by bringing up the WPN page and then either setting HMD for the MODE button or scrolling through the menu to select "Gun mode" for something such as trackIR you also need use the "Head tracking On" function in the menu.

The stingers don't interface with the FCR as far as I know, the mode is primarily for tracking purposes, targets about 300m will be visible in air mode whereas below is ground.

MFD is subject to Arma limitation, that's why you can't cycle trought all the pages like in real life or DCS A10C for instance. They had to limit their usage by putting specifics pages on specifics MFD because of Arma core design (bones).

Real life rotary has a trim, dunno about the AH64D, but it's mostly a one trim button. As far as I know, there isn't a button for each axis to trim. I might be wrong as I'm not an AH64D pilot, but on DCS, all rotaries got a single button trim which is often called "force trim", it has a very unique behaviour that you need to learn.

There is a trim plate at the base of the cyclic, truth be told I'm not entirerly sure what all this trim stuff is so I couldn't give anymore than that.

Man I've been having fun with this thing, makes me feel like a real tough-guy flying about shooting stuff like a silly rascal. Are there gonna be more updates coming? Here's a few suggestions:

Make the hit-boxes for cockpit buttons a little bigger so they're easier to hit.

Shouldn't the WPN and TSD buttons work for both MFDs? So if you lose one MFD you can bring up what you need on the other real fast, would this be more realistic too?

Can there be more binds for actions, I still haven't found out if there's a bind to toggle the IHADSS. Also the scroll menu seems kind of cluttered perhaps it should be reserved for items that don't have binds or organize it so non-bind actions are at the top.

Since it's now a mod for Arma 3 is it gonna be in the Arma 3 mod section?

Will the bug with getting stuck in the sky be fixed soon as well as having the trim working properly (if the real life version has trim)?

Well again I love this mod I hope it gets more updates until it becomes the definitive Apache simulator if it isn't already!

Also I've been flying on this mission Pilot AH-64D Apache Longbow On Missions http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=391986894 a pretty fun dynamic sorta campaign with options you can choose.

I hope there will be more updates yes, right now time is somewhat strained and we're meeting a swarm of issues we never expected. WPN page is planned, I just have to stop being lazy and do it already, I think with the action menu Franze tried to go with a control scheme that allowed everyone the chance, people who don't want to use the mouse bind but as time goes on I'm seeing that we are becoming more and more reliant on it so scrapping most of the AM commands might not be such a bad idea..

We're not yet ready to move it to the A3 section on account of its current state, such as the getting stuck in the sky amongst a few others, its in public beta stages and once we get things a bit more tightened then it will likely become official.

For example aside from the gun tracking overshooting we also have missile behavior being very odd in that they have a 50/50 chance of hitting within view distance and beyond its a roll of the dice.


Thx for this Wonderful mod! :)

Too bad I have start up procedure issues from time to time. Maybe its related to my new HOTAS Warthog i a guess I have?

Nod sure if these bugs mentioned bellow is already reported or not. Couldn't read through all 97 pages :cool:

Visual weapons loaded bug:

Steps to reproduce:

When sitting in heli as pilot, arming (changing armament).

Looking outside in 3rd person the riggs for loaded missiles looks/ displays empty (but its armed/ loaded.

Swithcing to gunner and looking in 3rd person the missiles is in place.

Hah all good, the A3 segment doesnt begin until page 90 or so I think ;) thank you for the bug explanation, will see if we can reproduce it and what the cause is, also let us know if you continue to have problems with the control scheme after tinkering with your stick as Mud mentioned. As far as I'm aware Arma doesn't supposed analogue commands such as rotaries (sucks cause I have several just itchin to be used).

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Heyy I'm having trouble getting the IHADSS to show up, I tried adjusting the brightness, changing modes, restarting Arma 3 but can't seem to get it to appear. Could it have something to do with when I saved the game while I was outside the chopper? Any idea on how I can get it back or should I restart my game?

Edit: Ok I got it back somehow not sure exactly how, after I landed at a Service area (in the mission I'm playing) got rearmed and refueled, saved the game while in chopper, reloaded or exited the game and now it's back.

Edited by Emton

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Heyy I'm having trouble getting the IHADSS to show up, I tried adjusting the brightness, changing modes, restarting Arma 3 but can't seem to get it to appear. Could it have something to do with when I saved the game while I was outside the chopper? Any idea on how I can get it back or should I restart my game?

Edit: Ok I got it back somehow not sure exactly how, after I landed at a Service area (in the mission I'm playing) got rearmed and refueled, saved the game while in chopper, reloaded or exited the game and now it's back.

Did you also toggle the IHADSS themselves? (not mode) this sounds like yet another bug come back from the grave. Basically there is a chance that after saving the game, regardless of being in the aircraft or no, you would have to scroll through the menu and use the "Toggle IHADSS" command to get it to show up.

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Did you also toggle the IHADSS themselves? (not mode) this sounds like yet another bug come back from the grave. Basically there is a chance that after saving the game, regardless of being in the aircraft or no, you would have to scroll through the menu and use the "Toggle IHADSS" command to get it to show up.

Yea I was definitely toggling the IHADSS as well as the mode as well as the brightness (incase it got set to off), also around the same time the helper toggler wasn't working (couldn't click buttons, wasn't showing that buttons were clickable). After restarting Arma a few times and/or reloading the save a few times did it come back. But now the mission I was flying deleted all my saves haha but I don't know if that's related...

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Can anyone help a noobie figure this chopper out? Is there a keybind to toggle the IHADSS...

Please read the readme in the filedownload from Armaholic :)

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Hey I want to try flying this on the DUWS mission. How could I get that to work? All it would need is the ability to land at the home base and repair, refuel and rearm and maybe also at captured FOBs. Anyone tried running this on DUWS yet?

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Hey I want to try flying this on the DUWS mission. How could I get that to work? All it would need is the ability to land at the home base and repair, refuel and rearm and maybe also at captured FOBs. Anyone tried running this on DUWS yet?

DUWS is a bit tricky because the vehicle purchasing and such is all coded within the mission. However, I think if you edited the files to give yourself the developer's console, you could probably spawn one via scripting commands.

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