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TPW BLEEDOUT: realistic bleeding system for Arma 3

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It should affect civilians because it's scanning allunits. I'm pretty sure I've seen them bleed out and die. The only reason it wouldn't affect them is if isbleeding is not working for civilians. I will investigate further. Thanks distractor2004.

Thanks for the reply. Perhaps I am just being too impatient or maybe have other mods affecting the units. I will crank up the damage in your userconfig file and try it without any other mods.

---------- Post added at 02:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 AM ----------

Ok so I think what my real problem was is that the TPW Bleedout script isn't initializing at all, and I was imagining that units were being affected. My slow brain realized this when I finally activated one of your other mods, TPW EBS as an example, and the "hint" pops up saying it is running at the beginning of a mission. TPW Bleedout does not show a hint even if Show Hint = 1 in the userconfig. I am using ARMA 3 Dev Build 0.77.109446 and have just used these mods by themselves and with other mods. Is there anything I'm missing to get the script to start? Thanks again for the help.

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Thanks for the reply. Perhaps I am just being too impatient or maybe have other mods affecting the units. I will crank up the damage in your userconfig file and try it without any other mods.

---------- Post added at 02:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 AM ----------

Ok so I think what my real problem was is that the TPW Bleedout script isn't initializing at all, and I was imagining that units were being affected. My slow brain realized this when I finally activated one of your other mods, TPW EBS as an example, and the "hint" pops up saying it is running at the beginning of a mission. TPW Bleedout does not show a hint even if Show Hint = 1 in the userconfig. I am using ARMA 3 Dev Build 0.77.109446 and have just used these mods by themselves and with other mods. Is there anything I'm missing to get the script to start? Thanks again for the help.

OK mate I'll look into it tonight for you

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OK mate I'll look into it tonight for you

Anytime, and if you cannot recreate my unique problem, I wouldn't worry too much about it until other players chime in, maybe just due to the Dev Build or something else on my specific machine. The final release in September should fix a lot of addon problems overall too. The last thing I want to point out is in the latest Dev Build at least I could not find the "isBleeding" function anywhere in the Functions Viewer section of the Editor, even with CBA A3 beta4 enabled. I am no expert so I may be looking in the wrong place or it may have been removed.

Edited by distractor2004
Added not able to locate isbleeding function in Dev Build

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TPW BLEEDOUT v1.01: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/481663/TPW_BLEEDOUT_101.zip


  • Fixed config error which prevented startup hint displaying and damage incrementing properly

Thanks for pointing this bug out for me Distractor2004, it's fixed now. The system is definitely working on the latest dev build.

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TPW BLEEDOUT v1.01: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/481663/TPW_BLEEDOUT_101.zip


  • Fixed config error which prevented startup hint displaying and damage incrementing properly

Thanks for pointing this bug out for me Distractor2004, it's fixed now. The system is definitely working on the latest dev build.

No problem and it looks like the script is starting. The new bug I'm running into is that units don't always die from there wounds, just perpetually writhe on the ground. These units also do not die when I shoot them either. I have set the % integer in userconfig file to 10 to accelerate the process, but it now seems to be hit or miss with wounded units actually dying. I placed a group of units in the editor and shot them with a pistol and rifle, which is how I discovered the new issue. I think after that it should be golden, but always easier for me to complain than actually script =)

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No problem and it looks like the script is starting. The new bug I'm running into is that units don't always die from there wounds, just perpetually writhe on the ground. These units also do not die when I shoot them either. I have set the % integer in userconfig file to 10 to accelerate the process, but it now seems to be hit or miss with wounded units actually dying. I placed a group of units in the editor and shot them with a pistol and rifle, which is how I discovered the new issue. I think after that it should be golden, but always easier for me to complain than actually script =)

Actually the lower you set the % value, the less likely this is to happen. It happens when the unit's damage reaches 1 while it is still in the writhing animation state. Currently I have it set so that if the unit's damage exceeds 0.98 it will have the writhing animation stopped. However if you kill a writhing unit, this stop won't happen. I'm currently working on a writhing "garbage collection" routine which will stop dead units from writhing. Update soon.

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Updated version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

Edited by Guest
mirror updated

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@tpw, nice, I will try your mods maybe after the release to have a more stable version.

Do you plan a advanced wounding system more realistic than actually like SLX did with A2 in combination with ACE?

I never modding so it is possible to save a character before apply injuries cause SLX used a generic burned character and do you think it's possible to dismember this saved character with Ragdoll applied ( using all the new features of RV4 )?

Sorry I'm really beginner for scripting ( never try ) but I'm fan since OFP. This can be awesome to have features like VBS2 2.0 cause A3 is too limited like now ; I really like realistics features and don't have enough money for VBS. ;-)

My idea was to load the character to apply some effects to him without a generic character, but again I know nothing on the limits of modding with RV4. I'm new in the community because I have internet for few years ; always play with the serie in SP, so my knowledge is really limited...

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-Psycho-;2479892']When it isn't made for MP why you add signatures? :confused:


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i really hope that someone helps you make your mods compatible with MP as im sure others feel the same way going from SP to MP and loosing out on all the TPW awesomeness....... Its a REAL downer when you have been using your mods and when you play with other real people you cant enjoy them...

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I want to believe (very soon) people with more experience/good will and 'nerve' when comes to 'localities' will help tpw to make things MP compatible.

These kind of addons are much needed for Serious Coop communities beyond SP.

In ArmA2 era..things like TPW_LoS (a big thanks to SaOk and BI of course) and TPW_CAS (Thanks to Ollem also) and ASR_AI from Robalo...i couldn't

imagined myself playing without them (eehmm..with JSRS and ACE always).

I have a feeling in ArmA 3 we will live the dream of the ultimate experience.

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Thanks guys. I'm not against programming my mods for MP, I just don't feel I have the programming smarts to do it, or a system to test it. So actual help (rather than sarcasm) would be very welcome. As I said, I will try to release some MP versions of things soon for testing and feedback. Anyone who feels the need to be a smartarse to me while I try to make it happen, find yourself another modder.

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Thanks guys. I'm not against programming my mods for MP, I just don't feel I have the programming smarts to do it, or a system to test it. So actual help (rather than sarcasm) would be very welcome. As I said, I will try to release some MP versions of things soon for testing and feedback. Anyone who feels the need to be a smartarse to me while I try to make it happen, find yourself another modder.

i just said i hope someone helps you make you mods MP there soo bad ass! I wasn't trying to poke or antagonize you in any way! I can help test, however i am a Shit scripter.. sooo aside from providing rpt sinbbits, and what behavior i see in game, i got nothing.

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Nah mate, wasn't referring to you at all, I totally get what you're trying to say and I appreciate it.

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you obviously know what is needed to make this MP compatible. so why lecture tpw, who repeatedly said he isn't experienced with MP coding and has it low on his priority list, in his thread, if you could instead write him a PM with tips or maybe even offer help? i don't get the motivation behind some people's posts sometimes...

Edited by Bad Benson

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OK here's my first attempt at a dedi server version of TPW BLEEDOUT. If I disable the server checking it runs fine in SP mode, so I know it is applying the required changes to local units.

I have wrapped the various bleeding/stance/damage/fatigue/animations into small functions which are then called by bis_fnc_mp to ensure they are properly applied to all AI/player units regardless of locality. Setvariables are all set as public. Maybe some of these are overkill, but the script only loops every 10 seconds so shouldn't cause a bandwidth meltdown.

I'd appreciate it if anyone with a few MP smarts could tell me if I am barking up the right tree with this approach.

if !(isDedicated) exitWith {};

Author: tpw
Version: 1.03
Date: 20130827
Disclaimer: Feel free to use and modify this code, on the proviso that you post back changes and improvements so that everyone can benefit from them, and acknowledge the original author (tpw) in any derivative works. 	

TPW BLEEDOUT overcomes the default "static" Arma 3 wounding model where a damaged unit retains the same level of damage until healed.

With TPW BLEEDOUT untreated wounds will continue to bleed, increasing the unit's damage and fatigue, and reducing a unit's overall health, speed, stamina and fighting capacity.
* >50% damage = unit will stay crouched and have limited speed
* >70% damage = unit will stay prone and have limited speed
* >85% damage = unit will writhe on ground incapacitated
* Wounded units will continue to trail blood
* Wounded units will be fatigued and increasingly short of breath
* Medpack or medic healing will stop bleeding and prevent damage increase

tpw_bleedout_inc = 2; // Damage increment. The percentage a bleeding unit's damage will increase by each 10 sec. 1% will take 10+ minutes to bleed out
tpw_bleedout_inc = tpw_bleedout_inc / 100;

// Stance arrays for each weapon
tpw_bleedout_standarray = ["AmovPercMstpSrasWnonDnon","AmovPercMstpSrasWpstDnon","AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon","AmovPercMstpSrasWlnrDnon"];
tpw_bleedout_croucharray = ["AmovPknlMstpSrasWnonDnon","AmovPknlMstpSrasWpstDnon","AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon","AmovPknlMstpSrasWlnrDnon"];
tpw_bleedout_pronearray = ["AmovPpneMstpSrasWnonDnon","AmovPpneMstpSrasWpstDnon","AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon","AmovPpneMstpSrasWlnrDnon"];

tpw_bleedout_fnc_weptype =
_unit = _this select 0;	

// Weapon type
_cw = currentweapon _unit;
_hw = handgunweapon _unit;
_pw = primaryweapon _unit;
_sw = secondaryweapon _unit;
 switch _cw do
	case "": 
		_weptype = 0;
	case _hw: 
		_weptype = 1;
	case _pw: 
		_weptype = 2;
	case _sw: 
		_weptype = 3;
		_weptype = 0;
_unit setvariable ["tpw_bleedout_weptype",_weptype,true];

tpw_bleedout_fnc_writhe = 
private ["_unit"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_unit setunitpos "down";
sleep 3;
_unit playmove "AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon_rolltoback";
sleep 3;
_unit setvariable ["tpw_bleedout_writhe",1,true];
_unit setdir ((getdir _unit) + 145);
_unit switchmove "acts_InjuredLookingRifle01";
_unit disableai "anim";

tpw_bleedout_fnc_unwrithe = 
private ["_unit"];
_unit = _this select 0;		
_unit setvariable ["tpw_bleedout_writhe",0,true];
_unit setdir ((getdir _unit) - 145);
_unit enableai "anim";
_unit switchmove "AinjPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_rolltofront";
_unit playmove "";
_unit playmove (tpw_bleedout_standarray select (_unit getvariable "tpw_bleedout_weptype"));
_unit setunitpos "auto";

tpw_bleedout_fnc_stand = 
private ["_unit"];
_unit = _this select 0;	
_unit playmove (tpw_bleedout_standarray select (_unit getvariable "tpw_bleedout_weptype"));
_unit setunitpos "auto";

tpw_bleedout_fnc_crouch = 	
private ["_unit"];
_unit = _this select 0;	
if (stance _unit != "PRONE") then 
	_unit setunitpos "middle";
	_unit playmove (tpw_bleedout_croucharray select (_unit getvariable "tpw_bleedout_weptype"));

tpw_bleedout_fnc_prone = 
private ["_unit"];
_unit = _this select 0;	
_unit setunitpos "down";
_unit playmove (tpw_bleedout_pronearray select (_unit getvariable "tpw_bleedout_weptype"));

tpw_bleedout_fnc_damage =
private ["_unit"];
_unit = _this select 0;	
_unit setdamage ((damage _unit) + (tpw_bleedout_inc * damage _unit));
_unit setfatigue ((damage _unit) + (tpw_bleedout_inc * damage _unit));
_unit setvariable ["tpw_bleedout_damage",((damage _unit) + (tpw_bleedout_inc * damage _unit)),true];
_unit setBleedingRemaining 60;

tpw_bleedout_fnc_stopbleed =
private ["_unit"];
_unit = _this select 0;	
_unit setBleedingRemaining 0; 
_unit setvariable ["tpw_bleedout_damage",damage _unit,true];

tpw_bleedout_fnc_dead =	
private ["_unit"];
_unit = _this select 0;	
_unit setdir ((getdir _unit) - 145);
_unit switchmove "AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon_rolltofront";
_unit setvariable ["tpw_bleedout_writhe",0,true];

while {true} do
	if (alive _x && isbleeding _x) then 
		// Has unit used a medkit or been healed? If so, stop the bleeding, injury anims, and restore stance etc
		if ((_x getvariable ["tpw_bleedout_damage",0]) - (damage _x) > 0.1 ) then 
			//Stop bleeding
			[[_x], "tpw_bleedout_fnc_stopbleed",false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

			//Stop writhing
			if (_x getvariable ["tpw_bleedout_writhe",0] == 1) then 
				[_x] call tpw_bleedout_fnc_weptype;
				[[_x], "tpw_bleedout_fnc_unwrithe",false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
				[_x] call tpw_bleedout_fnc_weptype;
				[[_x], "tpw_bleedout_fnc_stand",false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
			// Increase unit damage and fatigue, keep them bleeding
			[[_x], "tpw_bleedout_fnc_damage",false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

			// Injured behaviours for AI
			if !(isplayer _x) then 
				if (damage _x > 0.5) then // Stay crouched
					if (stance _x != "PRONE") then 
						[_x] call tpw_bleedout_fnc_weptype;
						[[_x], "tpw_bleedout_fnc_crouch",false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
				if (damage _x > 0.7) then // Stay prone	
					[_x] call tpw_bleedout_fnc_weptype;
					[[_x], "tpw_bleedout_fnc_prone",false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
				if (damage _x > 0.85 && (_x getvariable ["tpw_bleedout_writhe",0] == 0)) then // Writhe around immobile	
					[[_x], "tpw_bleedout_fnc_writhe",false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

	} foreach allunits;

	//Stop dead units from writhing	
	if (local _x && _x getvariable "tpw_bleedout_writhe" == 1) then 
		[[_x], "tpw_bleedout_fnc_dead",false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
	} foreach alldead;
sleep 10;

---------- Post added at 18:21 ---------- Previous post was at 16:47 ----------


And here's a version that will run in SP and MP, but will only affect AI local to the machine it is running from.


Author: tpw
Version: 1.03
Date: 20130827
Disclaimer: Feel free to use and modify this code, on the proviso that you post back changes and improvements so that everyone can benefit from them, and acknowledge the original author (tpw) in any derivative works. 	

TPW BLEEDOUT overcomes the default "static" Arma 3 wounding model where a damaged unit retains the same level of damage until healed.

With TPW BLEEDOUT untreated wounds will continue to bleed, increasing the unit's damage and fatigue, and reducing a unit's overall health, speed, stamina and fighting capacity.
* >50% damage = unit will stay crouched and have limited speed
* >70% damage = unit will stay prone and have limited speed
* >85% damage = unit will writhe on ground incapacitated
* Wounded units will continue to trail blood
* Wounded units will be fatigued and increasingly short of breath
* Medpack or medic healing will stop bleeding and prevent damage increase

tpw_bleedout_inc = 10; // Damage increment. The percentage a bleeding unit's damage will increase by each 10 sec. 1% will take 10+ minutes to bleed out
tpw_bleedout_inc = tpw_bleedout_inc / 100;

// Stance arrays for each weapon
tpw_bleedout_standarray = ["AmovPercMstpSrasWnonDnon","AmovPercMstpSrasWpstDnon","AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon","AmovPercMstpSrasWlnrDnon"];
tpw_bleedout_croucharray = ["AmovPknlMstpSrasWnonDnon","AmovPknlMstpSrasWpstDnon","AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon","AmovPknlMstpSrasWlnrDnon"];
tpw_bleedout_pronearray = ["AmovPpneMstpSrasWnonDnon","AmovPpneMstpSrasWpstDnon","AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon","AmovPpneMstpSrasWlnrDnon"];

tpw_bleedout_fnc_weptype =
_unit = _this select 0;	

// Weapon type
_cw = currentweapon _unit;
_hw = handgunweapon _unit;
_pw = primaryweapon _unit;
_sw = secondaryweapon _unit;
 switch _cw do
	case "": 
		_weptype = 0;
	case _hw: 
		_weptype = 1;
	case _pw: 
		_weptype = 2;
	case _sw: 
		_weptype = 3;
		_weptype = 0;
_unit setvariable ["tpw_bleedout_weptype",_weptype,true];

tpw_bleedout_fnc_writhe = 
private ["_unit"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_unit setunitpos "down";
sleep 3;
_unit playmove "AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon_rolltoback";
sleep 3;
_unit setvariable ["tpw_bleedout_writhe",1,true];
_unit setdir ((getdir _unit) + 145);
_unit switchmove "acts_InjuredLookingRifle01";
_unit disableai "anim";

tpw_bleedout_fnc_unwrithe = 
private ["_unit"];
_unit = _this select 0;		
_unit setvariable ["tpw_bleedout_writhe",0,true];
_unit setdir ((getdir _unit) - 145);
_unit enableai "anim";
_unit switchmove "AinjPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_rolltofront";
_unit playmove "";
_unit playmove (tpw_bleedout_standarray select (_unit getvariable "tpw_bleedout_weptype"));
_unit setunitpos "auto";

tpw_bleedout_fnc_stand = 
private ["_unit"];
_unit = _this select 0;	
_unit playmove (tpw_bleedout_standarray select (_unit getvariable "tpw_bleedout_weptype"));
_unit setunitpos "auto";

tpw_bleedout_fnc_crouch = 	
private ["_unit"];
_unit = _this select 0;	
if (stance _unit != "PRONE") then 
	_unit setunitpos "middle";
	_unit playmove (tpw_bleedout_croucharray select (_unit getvariable "tpw_bleedout_weptype"));

tpw_bleedout_fnc_prone = 
private ["_unit"];
_unit = _this select 0;	
_unit setunitpos "down";
_unit playmove (tpw_bleedout_pronearray select (_unit getvariable "tpw_bleedout_weptype"));

tpw_bleedout_fnc_damage =
private ["_unit"];
_unit = _this select 0;	
_unit setdamage ((damage _unit) + (tpw_bleedout_inc * damage _unit));
_unit setfatigue ((damage _unit) + (tpw_bleedout_inc * damage _unit));
_unit setvariable ["tpw_bleedout_damage",((damage _unit) + (tpw_bleedout_inc * damage _unit)),true];
_unit setBleedingRemaining 60;

tpw_bleedout_fnc_stopbleed =
private ["_unit"];
_unit = _this select 0;	
_unit setBleedingRemaining 0; 
_unit setvariable ["tpw_bleedout_damage",damage _unit,true];

tpw_bleedout_fnc_dead =	
private ["_unit"];
_unit = _this select 0;	
_unit setdir ((getdir _unit) - 145);
_unit switchmove "AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon_rolltofront";
_unit setvariable ["tpw_bleedout_writhe",0,true];

while {true} do
if (alive _x && isbleeding _x && local _x) then 
	// Has unit used a medkit or been healed? If so, stop the bleeding, injury anims, and restore stance etc
	if ((_x getvariable ["tpw_bleedout_damage",0]) - (damage _x) > 0.1 ) then 
		//Stop bleeding
		[[_x], "tpw_bleedout_fnc_stopbleed",false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

		//Stop writhing
		if (_x getvariable ["tpw_bleedout_writhe",0] == 1) then 
			[_x] call tpw_bleedout_fnc_weptype;
			[[_x], "tpw_bleedout_fnc_unwrithe",false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
			[_x] call tpw_bleedout_fnc_weptype;
			[[_x], "tpw_bleedout_fnc_stand",false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
		// Increase unit damage and fatigue, keep them bleeding
		[[_x], "tpw_bleedout_fnc_damage",false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

		// Injured behaviours for AI
		if !(isplayer _x) then 
			if (damage _x > 0.5) then // Stay crouched
				if (stance _x != "PRONE") then 
					[_x] call tpw_bleedout_fnc_weptype;
					[[_x], "tpw_bleedout_fnc_crouch",false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
			if (damage _x > 0.7) then // Stay prone	
				[_x] call tpw_bleedout_fnc_weptype;
				[[_x], "tpw_bleedout_fnc_prone",false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
			if (damage _x > 0.85 && (_x getvariable ["tpw_bleedout_writhe",0] == 0)) then // Writhe around immobile	
				[[_x], "tpw_bleedout_fnc_writhe",false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
} foreach allunits;

//Stop dead units from writhing	
if (local _x && _x getvariable "tpw_bleedout_writhe" == 1) then 
	[[_x], "tpw_bleedout_fnc_dead",false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
} foreach alldead;
sleep 10;

Edited by tpw

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copy and pasted into a simple mission for mp testing, as soon as my peeps get online ill put it threw the ringer..

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Hey tpw

(i m talking about PRE Dedi version)

Is it possible a severely wounded AI (lies on ground doing wounded animation) even if he's treated by a Medic to eventually die?

One of my AI team-members has been treated..but he remained stuck in the animation phase and died 2 minutes later..

I just want to know if this is 'normal' behavior ..or a problem.

(I should mention i m using LoS//Bleedout//EBS//ASR_AI//CBA_A3//TMR_bipod //JSRS//Dev.version A3 )

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Hey tpw

(i m talking about PRE Dedi version)

Is it possible a severely wounded AI (lies on ground doing wounded animation) even if he's treated by a Medic to eventually die?

One of my AI team-members has been treated..but he remained stuck in the animation phase and died 2 minutes later..

I just want to know if this is 'normal' behavior ..or a problem.

(I should mention i m using LoS//Bleedout//EBS//ASR_AI//CBA_A3//TMR_bipod //JSRS//Dev.version A3 )

Hi mate

AI should recover once treated, regardless of their stance or animation state. I am releasing an update shortly that should improve removal of writhing from dead units. This might fix your problem.

Edited by tpw

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