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2017 - Official Announcement!

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A quick update. Working on character modeling. Here is one of the hobos / survivors:


Still a WIP, a lot more detail will be going in. We want to make the units modular as you can see from the work of our concept artist


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A quick update. Working on character modeling. Here is one of the hobos / survivors:


Still a WIP, a lot more detail will be going in. We want to make the units modular as you can see from the work of our concept artist


Really great job guys.

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Thanks g00d69


We are on the look to expand the team.

We need scripters, modelers, texture artists and mission makers!

We have a ton of features planned to go in and need some extra hands doing so.

We are talking a lot of crafting, working with modular systems (attaching items to players and objects, such as player accessories, fortifications). We also need anyone who is nifty at AI and knows the finite state machine app. Also a skilled mission maker, who can develop dynamic events (think every full moon something happens at the church type thing).

Modeling and art wise, we want to 'mad max all the things!'. We also want creative ways of making Atlis into a abject shithole, rather then a sunny getaway in a thomas cook brochure:)

Skill requirements? At least some exposure to Arma modding helps ofc. If you already can code, model etc, but have no arma experiences, that's ok, we can get you up to speed, but it definitely is a + to already have some experience with the VR engine. Perhaps more so for modeling as making the stuff is only half the work, getting it in game tends to be a more arduous task, especially for moving objects.

Perhaps more then anything though, we need people with a fire in their belly and enough juice to choose a task and complete it. Skills can always be developed, staying power and passion not so much. We well understand life stuff happens (uni, work, families etc), but we have a had a lot of people join, and then just fizzle out after two months. This won't help us and won't help you. We don't expect anyone to be gabe newel, but we do want someone who can commit to getting their job done (no matter how big or small).

What do we offer in return, well you get to be part of an exciting mod and have your name in lights ;-), and you can tap into the whole team for any knowledge you want to gain, and make some good friends in the process. We try to have meet ups when we can and there is a good camaraderie between us (and we are from all over the globe France, UK, Holland, the US).

Anyone interested please send an email to 2017mod@gmail.com

More background on the mod can be found at http://2017mod.com

All we need is a little bit of background on your work, and if you have any previous works you can show, please add them in!

Edited by shinkicker

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For some reason I always by-passed this thread, glad I stopped by and took a look, everything sounds great and looks very slick, Im liking the concept art and the concept itself... Something else to look forward to, total conversions are exciting :)

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Hey Guys! Hellborn here. Here's a Teaser for you all ;) enjoy

Hellborn (Lee Elsom)

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Hey Guys! Hellborn here. Here's a Teaser for you all ;) enjoy

Hellborn (Lee Elsom)

That gave me goose bumps, waiting eagerly for this!

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jesus... well done team your mod has just got 100% more popular...

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Hi guys,

Just wanted to let you know your fantastic mod has made it into PC Gamer..!


Well done, and I'm really looking forwards to giving this a damn good go upon its release. It looks like it's really starting to come together nicely chaps..! :)

Yes this was a total suprise to us! And thank you for the kind words!

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Hi guys,

Just wanted to let you know your fantastic mod has made it into PC Gamer..!


Well done, and I'm really looking forwards to giving this a damn good go upon its release. It looks like it's really starting to come together nicely chaps..! :)

Thanks man, really big fan of your work btw!

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this looks awesome and it will be a success + i bet thus will increase arma 3 sales so BI can invest more in arma 3 and we get nice updates and features which you may will/can use for your mod.

good luck and best wishes

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It is nice to fast progress is being made. So far the map is looking amazing :) .

I am really looking forward to see how the sanity system will work and how a low sanity will impact the player.

I think it would be really cool if sanity influenced the nature of creatures that spawn around you.

With a low sanity you might begin to see supernatural beings to emphasis that the player is becoming insane. The presence of some of these creatures should drain away sanity, forcing the player to run or link up with other players to regain sanity.

Beyond that i really hope sound will play a big role in the sanity system. Hearing footsteps and other noises behind and around you will really build up tension if its done right.

I am really looking forward to seeing how this mod will develop, especially the horror element.

Also, does the text say "rape" at 8:12 in the vid?

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does the text say "rape" at 8:12 in the vid?

yes it does, its do to with sanity. not much has been said about it yet but im sure something will soon.

i know that it won't be used as a joke.

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You know at first I was like, fk yeah, why not around naked if we want to, then I was like maybe nahh ay lol.

Love the concept art/logo and game concept, glad there's 0 zombies.

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We made a thank you video with a Gift for hitting 1000 subs on youtube.

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Imagine that thing walking towards you out of the mist..! Trouser moment right there...


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Once more, really impressive progress with this mod guys!

This is gonna be freaky..!!! :)

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definitely looks amazing I think with all these varied enemies and monsters, the banditing will go away mostly and make people stick together.

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Indeed, something that pushes people towards helping eachother instead of ganking eachother should be applauded!

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I wonder if theyre going to make like a boss style adversary hard to kill needing team work or gratuitous amounts of death blossom, like nemesis or a wild boar dog thing.

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Just noticed the latest dev blog is not up.

Two new AI characters.. The Sadist and The Creeper:

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