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[SP]Dynamic Universal War System (DUWS alpha0.1)

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In the chopper taxi script (which is a separate script I think) once you got in the chopper I think it opened the map screen. In the one in DUWS it does not open, but you do see the text to pick an lz.

Press M for map, center you red recticle over the place you want for the lz and left click I think. or space bar. cannot remember off-hand, but its one or the other.

If the script cannot find a place to land there, you will see text that says to pick another spot for the lz, and you repeat.

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Hey guys,

New to Arma 3 here, picked it up last night and saw this mod on the steam workshop, loving it so far, but I can't figure one thing, once you've called for a Heli taxi how do you then pick the new LZ in the map? '

Sorry for the silly question :p

after getting in chopper use your action menu (mouse scroll wheel) and choose the blue text (forgot what it says, something about choosing LZ)...immediately after you do that you'll see white text appear on screen or another action menu item telling you to goto map screen, so do that and then left click on a good area to land...not too hilly or too close to buildings where youd crash obviously.

Edited by BigShot

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Good Evening everybody. I recently acquired Arma III and stumbled upon this crazy awesome mod and decided to make it my first AIII Subscription in Steam. My best friend on the other side of the world recently purchased Arma as well and we were looking forward to playing this mod together after hearing it had multiplayer support. Unfortunately, neither of us have the intellect required for setting up a windows server to run this mod with Arma, and we're clueless on how to set up a server In Game due to the fact that we crash everytime we make the attempt.

If anyone could guide me in the right direction or link me to a useful site that would aid me in creating an Internet server (for DUWS, not standard Arma III!) I would be duly grateful!


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In the chopper taxi script (which is a separate script I think) once you got in the chopper I think it opened the map screen. In the one in DUWS it does not open, but you do see the text to pick an lz.

Press M for map, center you red recticle over the place you want for the lz and left click I think. or space bar. cannot remember off-hand, but its one or the other.

If the script cannot find a place to land there, you will see text that says to pick another spot for the lz, and you repeat.

after getting in chopper use your action menu (mouse scroll wheel) and choose the blue text (forgot what it says, something about choosing LZ)...immediately after you do that you'll see white text appear on screen or another action menu item telling you to goto map screen, so do that and then left click on a good area to land...not too hilly or too close to buildings where youd crash obviously.

Awesome tried it all in-game, realized I needed to press space then open the map xD

---------- Post added at 04:29 ---------- Previous post was at 04:22 ----------

Hey again sorry for asking you guys so many silly questions, but this one is on be half of a friend of mine, She posted on the steam workshop and didn't get any answers, So I'll post what she wrote on here, Thanks again guys! :) <3

Help - Setting Up a Multiplayer Server from Home (To play with friends across the world) (DUWS)

Good Evening everybody. I recently acquired Arma III and stumbled upon this crazy awesome mod and decided to make it my first AIII Subscription. My best friend on the other side of the world recently purchased Arma as well and we were looking forward to playing this mod together after hearing it had multiplayer support. Unfortunately, neither of us have to intellect required to setting up a windows server to run this mod with Arma, and we're clueless on how to set up a server In Game due to the fact that we crash everytime we make the attempt.

If anyone could guide me in the right direction or link me to a useful site that would aid me in creating an Internet server (for DUWS, not standard Arma III!) I would be duly grateful!


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You have 3 ways to play. Single player, multiplayer as a "host" also called a "listen server" and a dedicated machine that "hosts" the game, aka the "server or dedicated server".

In this game, or this mod anyway, you have to "host" it as a player, meaning a listen server.

Tell her to start A3, go into multiplayer, choose "new" at the bottom (start new server). Then set name, host as internet (although lan works over internet, go figure). She can change the port to something custom if desired, and the player count. Password if desired.

Then click OK at bottom right. Your "listen server" is now up and ready. Just pick the DUWS mission and her friend joins. She is both a player and the server, so she has to pick the options at startup for the game.

Now, you might (she might) have to open a port on the router for other people to get access. On mine (actually a linux computer, but same difference) I opened ports 2302-2305 UDP. If she chooses custom ports, like maybe she used 4567, you would open the router up for something like 4567-4571, maybe 5 ports after the first. Most people call this "port forwarding" if you need to look it up. Its a little different in every router, but the principle is the same.

Her friend will also either need to search for her sessions "name" or if she gives him/her the WAN IP she has currently, the friend can do a "remote join". When doing a remote join, have the friend enter her ip address and the port she chose (ie.

Not that hard for a listen server really.

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Can someone help me out? I can't seem to get anything out of the armory... I will buy it and it "looks" like it works ok, but whenever i try to take anything out of my inventory or the armory, nothing happens... Am I doing something wrong, or do I need to unlock it or something? I tried to search on the forum and google too, but nothing came up...

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There is a free voice activation program that will revolutionize your play. Once you use it you will never go without.

It's called GlovePie. There are several links to it, here is one.

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Is there a way to have larger vehicle inventories? The way they are doing it in stock Arma3 is ridiculous, 3 weapons max in kamaz is meh :). Maybe it's an unlock I haven't seen yet?

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***I Need Testers***...at least 2 or more...to help me with a test session on my server before i release a new update with some MP friendly changes (will take about an hour, possibly a bit more). If you are interested in playing and testing with me, have a microphone and will have some free time available tomorrow afternoon (wednesday 3/19) or eve. send me an IM here on the forum. Thanks!

Edited by BigShot

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New As of March 23rd, 2014:

- FOB Creation & Fortification now works for all connected players.

- Artillary/JDAM/Mortar/CBU type supports can now be called by all connected players (players must unlock them first of course).

- Zone Captured & Lost Notifications are now broadcast to all connected players, instead of just the host.

- Blufor team (Players & AI) now earns 0.5cp for each enemy killed on the battlefield.

- HQ Officer can no longer be killed by human players (open servers no longer need to fear a rogue player logging in to kill the officer and ending mission prematurely).

- All players are now group leaders (due to MP issues with AI managment & respawns the ability to join other players groups has been removed, as it should be)

- All players now have markers shown on map, including their vehicle info! (controlled via params menu in mission lobby-enabled by default) script by Aeroson (Thank you!).

- HALO Cost Increased: 10cp to unlock + 5cp per use (to avoid spamming it, and to encourage use of the cost saving and more reaslistic Helo Taxi since it is very reliable now)


New As of March 24th, 2014:

- JOIN PLAYER'S GROUP: in Mission lobby, scroll to bottom of role selections to find an open joinable group for up to 5 players. This is included for small player groups who all wish to play in the same group together. It Works best in private servers where players have planned to work in cooperation together without the use of AI.

- More Officer Protection added: player "thrown" or "put" explosives are not allowed within 50m of the HQ building.

- New Request Units Menu addition: Added A-164 Wipeout Airplane (75cp) - *note* spawn this at your own risk for obvious reasons you need to make sure the HQ is located on a flat surface inside an airport so that you'll have access to a runway for taking off...otherwise don't bother buying it!!

Both the PBO Download and Steam Workshop versions have been updated. Download links are in signature below.

Edited by BigShot

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Eh, how do I get the vAS?

Purchase (Request Units) Armory from the officer inside your main base

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Cro the init file isn't cryptic or incomplete, it may be confusing though, so I'm happy to help you.

In the init.sqf there are 2 changes you need to make.

If you are manually placing the hq change line 21 to read: hq_manually_placed = true;

If you are manually placing zones change line 22 to read: zones_manually_placed = true;

Note that you can manually place the hq and leave the zones to be random, but not vice versa. If you want the zones to be manually placed you need to also place the hq.

Now open up the mission in the editor. Add a new unit, change it to "Game Logic" and put the following code(s) in the init box:

For the hq: _null=[getpos this] execVM "initHQ\BluHQinit.sqf"

For an enemy zone: _null=["OP Xander",20,200,getpos this,true,false] execvm "initZones\createzone.sqf"

Note that the enemy zone listed above will be called "OP Xander" and reward the player with 20 cp for capturing it. It will also be a radius of 200. For the other variables refer to the init description. Make as many zones as you want, but only one HQ. Each new zone and HQ should be a separate game logic.

Save the file in the editor. Make sure it saved to the correct folder. My editor makes a duplicate folder and adds a % to the name so I have to copy the newly saved mission.sqm (which is what you just edited) to the folder I want.

Hope this helps, and feel free to ask questions if you get stuck.

Unfortunately I have not been able to get it to work for multiplayer because a second HQ is spawned for the second player. If ANYONE figures out how to make this work I would be greatly appreciative!

Hi everybody!

I'm french and I'll try my best english.

Well I'm really confused but such don't understand this red Part...

I'm not just french but really newbe in this editor...Nobody's perfect :bounce3:,

so do you meen create a unit with "F1" tool? Or am I looking the wrong way? Because I can't see, find anything that looks like "Game Logic".

Really enjoy to built my "i DUWS" campaign.

edit: forget it... I was looking the wrong way....:lookaround:

Edited by guims

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Sorry Folks, needed to add a few quick items to yesterday's update...so please download again:j:


New As of March 23rd, 2014:

- FOB Creation & Fortification now works for all connected players.

- Artillary/JDAM/Mortar/CBU type supports can now be called by all connected players (players must unlock them first of course).

- Zone Captured & Lost Notifications are now broadcast to all connected players, instead of just the host.

- Blufor team (Players & AI) now earns 0.5cp for each enemy killed on the battlefield.

- HQ Officer can no longer be killed by human players (open servers no longer need to fear a rogue player logging in to kill the officer and ending mission prematurely).

- All players are now group leaders (due to MP issues with AI managment & respawns the ability to join other players groups has been removed, as it should be)

- All players now have markers shown on map, including their vehicle info! (controlled via params menu in mission lobby-enabled by default) script by Aeroson (Thank you!).

- HALO Cost Increased: 10cp to unlock + 5cp per use (to avoid spamming it, and to encourage use of the cost saving and more reaslistic Helo Taxi since it is very reliable now)


New As of March 24th, 2014:

- JOIN PLAYER'S GROUP: in Mission lobby, scroll to bottom of role selections to find an open joinable group for up to 5 players. This is included for small player groups who all wish to play in the same group together. It Works best in private servers where players have planned to work in cooperation together without the use of AI.

- More Officer Protection added: player "thrown" or "put" explosives are not allowed within 50m of the HQ building.

- New Request Units Menu addition: Added A-164 Wipeout Airplane (75cp) - *note* spawn this at your own risk for obvious reasons you need to make sure the HQ is located on a flat surface inside an airport so that you'll have access to a runway for taking off...otherwise don't bother buying it!!

Both the PBO Download and Steam Workshop versions have been updated. Download links are in signature below.

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How are player deaths handled in DUWS? I am using MCC in conjunction with DUWS because it's just plain awesome fun to use these 2 together. When I die in DUWS I lose access to my MCC console. Do players not respawn upon deaths but are instead switched to a new player slot?

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I'm having an issue. Whenever I hit ctrl - space to access my units, nothing happens. Is there a certain function that this is mapped to?

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@Phant - I do not know what your issue is with MCC as I do not use it. I would have to install it and take a look...but I know there are other players who use it in DUWS ok...so maybe they have changed something in mCC with an update. Try again 2 different ways, with revive off and revive on and let me know if it still happens both ways or not.

@Slider75 - try LEFT Ctrl+SPACE (which is the default keystroke for high command)....you first need to have units already in HC. If that doesnt work then you must have deleted or changed the default HC keystroke binding and will have to re-assign it.

*@Phant EDIT* - well i just installed mcc and tried respawning both with revive on and revive off, as well as after a "resume" on an LAN server...I didnt seem to have any issue regarding the loss of losing the mcc menu system. I'm afraid youd have to give me an exact repro that would make me lose the mcc menu here, otherwise I have no clue what your issue may be. This was using my Modified version of DUWS. My only guess is that you are not playing the modified version of duws (which has fixed an issue where addaction menu items were all getting removed after respawn). You never specified which version of duws you used. Try my modified version and try mcc again...should be ok I'll assume.

Edited by BigShot

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Hey bigshot. I just made an account to personally thank you for all the work you do. I have hours of fun with my brother and friends thanks to you. Arma wouldn't be Arma without your mod. So once again thank you for all your hours of work. :)

Kind regards and sorry for bothering you.

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How are player deaths handled in DUWS? I am using MCC in conjunction with DUWS because it's just plain awesome fun to use these 2 together. When I die in DUWS I lose access to my MCC console. Do players not respawn upon deaths but are instead switched to a new player slot?

I had the same issue, along with an issue of revive not working properly. I blame that on the multitude of mods I use, and not BigShot's fine work. When I disabled Revive, I had no issue with MCC disappearing from the menu.

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@mdeq - wow, dunno what to say but Thanks! I truly appreciate you signing up just to drop by for the very kind words...means alot!

@Snottus...have you downloaded and tried the newest version? Revive no longer removes the addaction items so you should no longer be seeing this...lemme know details if it IS still happening with new version. Thanks.

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@Phant - I do not know what your issue is with MCC as I do not use it. I would have to install it and take a look...but I know there are other players who use it in DUWS ok...so maybe they have changed something in mCC with an update. Try again 2 different ways, with revive off and revive on and let me know if it still happens both ways or not.

*@Phant EDIT* - well i just installed mcc and tried respawning both with revive on and revive off, as well as after a "resume" on an LAN server...I didnt seem to have any issue regarding the loss of losing the mcc menu system. I'm afraid youd have to give me an exact repro that would make me lose the mcc menu here, otherwise I have no clue what your issue may be. This was using my Modified version of DUWS. My only guess is that you are not playing the modified version of duws (which has fixed an issue where addaction menu items were all getting removed after respawn). You never specified which version of duws you used. Try my modified version and try mcc again...should be ok I'll assume.

My apologies I was not aware there was modified version as I've been running it off the Workshop. I'll give that a try, thanks for the help.

DUWS is a great mission and I hope it continues to be expanded far into the future. After all, there is that Bohemia prize that needs to be won!

EDIT: What is different in DUWS modified?

Also this is probably answered somewhere in this thread, what if I want to add a med system to the mission? So there is a bleedout time for when soldiers go down in which we can revive them.

Edited by Phant

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@mdeq - wow, dunno what to say but Thanks! I truly appreciate you signing up just to drop by for the very kind words...means alot!

@Snottus...have you downloaded and tried the newest version? Revive no longer removes the addaction items so you should no longer be seeing this...lemme know details if it IS still happening with new version. Thanks.

Ah no man, I was just trying to help that other dude - I download your newest updates as they are released, so I have no issues anymore, your mission works great!

One thing I would like to see tho, was the option to manually place enemy bases. Sorry if you've already addressed this.

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Having a blast with both the original and modified DUWS. The squad I'm in has run into two issues though.

-The laser pointer turns on, then turns itself off in about 2 seconds. Is fine in other missions.

-Task Force Radio will occasionally work as intended, but mostly doesn't. Proximity and radio chat can be heard by everyone and it almost never sounds like the person is on the radio.

Are these known issues?

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