Ronin[NR] 1 Posted July 17, 2013 Hi All, A new module "Sector" has been added and I've not had much success in getting it to work. I've had a look for some documentation, but, its pretty sparse, which is expected with it being so new. The wiki entry is there, but its WIP. Does anyone have any ideas about how this thing works? How is it activated? I've had a play and not been successful in getting it to activate. I've sync'd side logics to it and grouped side logics with it. I've linked a trigger, but, I don't know what state the trigger should be in for the Sector to activate. The show info button underneath the logic does give a cryptic clue. Still not been able to work it out mind. Any ideas? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kylania 568 Posted July 17, 2013 Click on the Module and click Show Info at the bottom. There's a nice description of what you need to make it work on that page. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ronin[NR] 1 Posted July 17, 2013 Thanks for your reply Kylania, I have your examples site book marked btw, its great. Learned a lot from it, especially spawning units. I had already checked the show info as indicated in my initial post, but as I say, its a little cryptic. I know you need side logics and triggers, but, what state should the triggers be in? Does it need more than 1? Do you need one at all? Are they grouped or sync'd? From the diagram posted, it looks like the side logics are sync'd not grouped and the trigger on the left is grouped, but the trigger at the top is sync'd. That's what I'm looking for really, a solid 'How to' on getting this thing to work. Maybe one for your examples site :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kylania 568 Posted July 17, 2013 Good questions! I set mine up pretty simple. Module synched to an area and a blufor module. Then a blufor present trigger synched to the area. When I entered the trigger I started to get captured messages and the little icon in top right went blue. If i left the trigger area it went back to grey but stayed as claimed by blue. Once I deleted the module though it went to a solid blue flag thingie (with error messages). Not sure how to get this going properly though. Hopefully BIS will release a mission using this or a demo or something. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ronin[NR] 1 Posted July 17, 2013 (edited) aha!! Thanks again for the reply, it helped. It seems syncing a trigger directly with the sector module has no effect. However, placing an Area module, syncing that to the sector module, then placing a trigger and syncing that with the Area module, activated the sector module. It uses the triggers position to place a visible map marker and also places an area marker to indicate the triggers area of coverage. Not sure then why the sector module has a placement radius as it doesn't seem to be useful. Isn't placement radius the area where an object will be randomly placed? What the point if it uses the triggers radius to show the activation radius for the sector? I must be missing something. meh, its still being worked on I suppose. Anyways, I put together a descriptive example for others wanting to know how this thing works. A simple example: - Place a Multiplayer -> Sector Module - Set the ownership limit to 1 - This ensures you don't get multiple messages to say 'XFor is capturing *sector name* - Place an Game Logic -> Locations -> Area Module (This is the only one that seems to work, at the moment anyway, I only tested base and camp from the list though) - Sync the Area Module to the Sector Module - Place a Game Logic -> Sides -> Whichever side you want to be able to capture the sector, there must be at least one side logic and you can sync all 3. - Place a trigger - Set its radius to however big an area you want it to cover - Set the triggers activation to once and 'Anybody' - Sync the trigger to the Area Module And thats it! Once you step into the triggers area it brings up the message that the area has been captured (oddly, I think this is also being worked on, would be better if it said 'XFor is capturing *whatever you called your sector*') then once the sector has been captured fully gives the same message. I haven't tested multiple sides attempting to capture the sector yet, will update this post with findings Edited July 17, 2013 by Ronin =ASP= Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
f2k sel 164 Posted July 17, 2013 Not sure why it's in the multiplayer section but it does work in SP. I also get errors when trying to delete the module. The icon is positioned poorly as it gets written over when using hint. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
moricky 211 Posted July 18, 2013 Are they grouped or sync'd? Synced, grouping is not and never was relevant to modules. The other line is just transparent (optional connections are transparent), but I see it can be confusing. I'll change it so only the icon will remain transparent. When I entered the trigger I started to get captured messages and the little icon in top right went blue. If i left the trigger area it went back to grey but stayed as claimed by blue. I fixed this issue with oscillating between sides while capturing, it should appear in the next dev build. Once I deleted the module though it went to a solid blue flag thingie (with error messages). Fixed as well. The icon is positioned poorly as it gets written over when using hint. The plan is to make the whole column re-positionable in the Custom Layout menu, I'm going to implement it in upcoming days. I'm going to describe the details further in Community Wiki, stay tuned ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
falconx1 13 Posted July 18, 2013 just book marked that wiki page, glad to see this! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tomturner 10 Posted July 18, 2013 (edited) I'm confused, is this only available to the dev branch? Edit: Working now in Beta 0.74 Edited July 27, 2013 by tomturner Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kylania 568 Posted July 18, 2013 I'm confused, is this only available to the dev branch? So far, yeah. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ronin[NR] 1 Posted July 19, 2013 (edited) Thanks for the reply Moricky - Lightning quick turn around on fixes too - Spotted it in todays change list on the dev build thread - I get warm fuzzies when devs react on stuff us lowly users pick up on - Most impressive! Look forward to more of your work and the wiki entry ;) Edit:One last thing, what is the placement radius for in the sector module? From what I have witnessed, once the sector module is activated, the markers are centered on the trigger and use the area that the trigger covers to display the area of the sector, not the area covered by the sector modules placement radius. It seems like a redundant field at the moment and as mentioned above, I'm probably missing something. There will be a reason for it, it just doesn't appear to be clear as yet :) I suppose, this will also be detailed in the wiki entry Edited July 19, 2013 by Ronin =ASP= additional question Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sgt_Savage2003 10 Posted July 19, 2013 Will this work in SP also. And does it create the task automatically or do I need to do that on my own. On a side note Does the same go for the new integrated re spawn function, and if so can some one point me to where i can learn on how to set this up. Just to let every one know iam not big on multilayer in ARMA3 I just like to make my own missions then play them out, As of right now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KevsNoTrev 44 Posted July 20, 2013 Sgt savage. Try this thread fir the new respawn system I got it working. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
comp_uter15776 1 Posted July 26, 2013 Moricky, if you're out there somewhere! :P I got this error when using _null = [] execVM "test.sqf" Not sure if it's a fault on my end, but the only thing in test.sqf was hint "HELLO"; Please also check the other issues at Sector Module Issues. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
moricky 211 Posted July 27, 2013 (edited) The problem was that the expression expected a returned value, but your code didn't provide any. I fixed it, the returned value will no longer be required in the next dev branch. Edited July 27, 2013 by Moricky Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
comp_uter15776 1 Posted July 27, 2013 I did think that my code wasn't exactly up to scratch nor the best repro, but at least you have solved the error :) Thank you, Moricky! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blue1 10 Posted July 27, 2013 (edited) Hi, i am working on a little Multiplayermap again and tried out the Sectormodule. I made it nearly exactly like the explanation on this post before and it works so far. But it doesn't work to RE-capture the sector, after it has switched ownership from Blufor to Opfor (or viceversa). Example: Blufor took the Sector. ...Opfor attacks and overtakes the Sector. ... Now Blufor can't take it back - the Recapturing isn't working anymore. I've tried with the Triggers "repeatedly" but doesn't work either. So, how can i set it up this Module - that there is a "infinite number" of changing the ownership? Haven't found any ideas / hints yet :( Thx and best regards Edited July 27, 2013 by Blue1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikey74 188 Posted July 27, 2013 (edited) ok I've got sector mods working what confused me is it looks like you are syncing the trigger to both Game logic and sector module, BUT only sync trigger to area game logic... DO not sync trigger to sector module. Worked fine after that. My delima is that I want the game to end once ALL sectors are captured by 1 faction. Is there a way to figure out what fires off the sector module when a sector is captured. IE Say blue captures ambush area. What variable fires off that I can use in a trigger or script to know its captured? OR if you know a quicker way of how can I end game after all sectors are captured? Thanks for your time and advice, and I hope what I've said helps a bit. :) Edited July 27, 2013 by Mikey74 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
f2k sel 164 Posted July 27, 2013 The only ouput found so far is Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikey74 188 Posted July 28, 2013 (edited) Thanks F2k. Im trying to define it. Ive used this statement. My programming is a bit novice. lol I've tried this _a = (player getVariable "sector" select 1); and this _a = player getVariable "sector" select 1; But neither work. lol Is there a way to define this? PLease bare with me I have an idea I'm trying to pan out when it works I'll post it. lol YES it has to do with sector module. ;) edit hahahahahahahahaha YES I read 1st part of that thread..... But it didnt dawn on me that you had to setvariable 1st in game. hahahahahaha I'm such a dope! Trying something different now. :) edit 3: I figured it out what I wanted. Thanks for the help! You where a big help!!! :) Edited July 28, 2013 by Mikey74 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 10 Posted August 2, 2013 This is very nice example, thank you for that. I have problem with the sectors, i have 3 of them with posibility of capturing multiple times by both sides. is there a way to lock them and end mission when one side have full controll of all sectors? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikey74 188 Posted August 6, 2013 (edited) This is very nice example, thank you for that. I have problem with the sectors, i have 3 of them with posibility of capturing multiple times by both sides. is there a way to lock them and end mission when one side have full controll of all sectors? Here is the script I'm using for 2 sectors Thanks to f2k Sel and Larrow: _mySectors = _this; Blwin = false; Opwin = false; surg = false; while {!Blwin && !Opwin} do { _Hstring = "No one controls all areas"; while {{_x getVariable "owner" == west}count _mySectors == count _mySectors} do {surg = True; sleep 180; if ({_x getVariable "owner" == west}count _mySectors == count _mySectors) then { _Hstring = "Blufor have captured all the areas"; Blwin = true; }}; while {{_x getVariable "owner" == east}count _mySectors == count _mySectors} do {sleep 180; if ({_x getVariable "owner" == east}count _mySectors == count _mySectors) then { _Hstring = "Opfor have captured all the areas"; Opwin = true; }}; hintSilent _Hstring; sleep 14; }; When Blwin or Opwin is true it hits one of two triggers on the map that triggers an end. In the trigger condition I have just Blwin or Opwin in the other trigger I place. You should be able to use this with more than two. BTW Im using EOS script by Bangabob so when surge is trigger its spawns enemy forces to try to take back the trigger. I hope this helps. :) P.S. the sleep 180 give the enemy forces approx 3 minutes to recapture the zones Ive captured, and vise versa. P.S.S. Ive posted this code in my init.sqf myScript = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "sector.sqf"; Sleep 5; _handle = [Ambb, ambo] spawn myScript; In the sectors modules Ive placed these names one for each: "Ambb, ambo". You can use more than 2 you just need to put those in the script call IE : _handle = [Ambb, ambo,extrasector,extrasector2,andso_on] spawn myScript; ;) For more info go to this thread: Edited August 6, 2013 by Mikey74 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spectrersg 9 Posted August 21, 2013 I have three sectors as well, I can configure them to where they're capturable by both sides. My question is how can I setup an ending to the mission when all three are captured by BLUFOR? Is there any in-editor way of doing this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
comp_uter15776 1 Posted August 22, 2013 I have three sectors as well, I can configure them to where they're capturable by both sides. My question is how can I setup an ending to the mission when all three are captured by BLUFOR? Is there any in-editor way of doing this? Without reading the above code (I'm sorta on edge for today, and don't have much time), I think your answer is above your post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Larrow 2828 Posted August 22, 2013 (edited) I have three sectors as well, I can configure them to where they're capturable by both sides. My question is how can I setup an ending to the mission when all three are captured by BLUFOR? Is there any in-editor way of doing this?set your self up a trigger with 0 radius and ...Activation NONE Condition isServer && ({_x getVariable "owner" == west}count [mySector1, mySector2, mySector3] == 3) || ({_x getVariable "owner" == east}count [mySector1, mySector2, mySector3] == 3)) OnAct {_x enableSimulation false}forEach [mySector1, mySector2, mySector3]; if (mySector1 getVariable "owner" == west) then { [["end1", true, 2],"BIS_fnc_endMission",west,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; [["end2", false, 2],"BIS_fnc_endMission",east,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; }else{ [["end2", false, 2],"BIS_fnc_endMission",west,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; [["end1", true, 2],"BIS_fnc_endMission",east,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; }; Where "end1" and "end2" are your debreifings as per the new ARMA3 debreifing settings see:- Creates a trigger only monitored on the server. The trigger fires when either blufor or opfor own all the sectors [mySector1, mySector2, mySector3] The OnAct then disables the sectors so they cant change and uses BIS_fnc_MP to run the new endMission function on each side dependant on who owned the sectors. Edited August 22, 2013 by Larrow Share this post Link to post Share on other sites