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Comanche missiles power

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Hi guys.

Dunno if it's the same for you, but I DO feel that AT missiles of the Comanche are not powerful enough.

I used them on Ifrit, but it didn't destroy the vehicle, only disabled it.

Is it just me or do you experience the same thing?

I think theyr should be more powerful, just like the Hellfires.

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give them a 30% power boost combined with a 20% increase in manacost and a 5% decrease in refresh time....

They have a smaller warhead than those Hellfires you talk about. They are semi actively laser guided so they might appear to be missiles but they are in fact the same as the rockets you saw in ARMA 2. I'm sure they will release a version of the RA99 with proper AT missiles later. Everything is based on real life statistics and science, there is not such a thing as boosting damage in the arma series.

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it is not powerful enough when it can disable any vehicle the game has to offer so far?

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well, at first I thought maybe it can't destroy a tank, but a car?

come on!

it just that I thought it was an AT missile just like the hellfire - it seems it's not.

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well, at first I thought maybe it can't destroy a tank, but a car?

come on!

it just that I thought it was an AT missile just like the hellfire - it seems it's not.

No like I said in my first post, they are rockets with an added bonus of being guidable with SALH (Semi Active Laser Homing)


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yeah, I got what you said.

I was just answering Qosimus.

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i guess it is a realistic expectation that we'll see another commanche version with more of a punch.

please see the ticket in my signature if you are interested in more realistic helicopter fcs.

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Is it me, or are the missiles on the Commanche not AT, but AA?

Or am I crazy.

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Is it me, or are the missiles on the Commanche not AT, but AA?

Or am I crazy.

It got both Air-to-Air (ASRAAM) and Air-to-Ground (DAGR)

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It's already been said that there is another model with a longbow radar dome for final release - maybe that will have hellfires, radar guided?

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I think that at least currently IRL, DAGR only uses the 17 lbs HEDP warhead, which would explain its lack of power vs. armour.

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I was testing choppers today, and came to opposite conclusion. DAGR seems too powerfull, or there are too many of them. Those things one shot destroys the APCs, and there are 24 or them. Is that a mistake? Looked up DAGR, and those things appears to be quite big...

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According some calculations (yes, I did make calculations :man3: ) I made to help fill in the blanks of information on explosives for helping to make mods, an HEDP round with a diameter of 70mm should penetrate around 100mm of armour. The function I made is a dimensionless spaghetti equation that seems to spit out numbers that conform to the odd bit of 'published' rha penetration numbers.

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When will the DAGR be laser guided? Or is that functionality not in beta yet?

DAGR has proven itself in over 30 successful guided flights, launched from such rotary-wing platforms as the AH-64D Apache, AH-6 Little Bird and OH-58 Kiowa Warrior. And every DAGR target strike has hit within 1 meter of the laser-designated aimpoint.
From here.

Certainly not the DAGR I've been shooting. :)

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If you tab lock with the dagr, and then steer the helicopter so it's more or less pointing at the target, it will home in on the target. I noticed it's quite finicky in the beta.

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This is the DAGR in the game


It does look like our DAGR - lets compare the configs of A3 Dagr with A2 Hellfire

   class M_PG_AT: MissileBase
       model = "\A3\Weapons_F\Ammo\Rocket_01_fly_F";
       proxyShape = "\A3\Weapons_F\Ammo\Rocket_01_F";
       hit = 800;
       indirectHit = 20;
       indirectHitRange = 5;
       cost = 500;
       maxSpeed = 720;
       irLock = 1;
       laserLock = 1;
       airLock = 0;
       maxControlRange = 5000;
       trackOversteer = 1;
       trackLead = 1;
       maneuvrability = 7;
       timeToLive = 20;
       simulationStep = 0.01;
       airFriction = 0.1;
       sideAirFriction = 0.1;
       initTime = 0.002;
       thrustTime = 1.07;
       thrust = 530;
       fuseDistance = 5;
       effectsMissileInit = "MissileDAR1";
       effectsMissile = "missile2";
       whistleDist = 4;
       muzzleEffect = "";
       weaponLockSystem = "2 + 16";

// A2 Hellfire

   class M_Hellfire_AT  : MissileBase {
       model = "\ca\weapons\Hellfire";
       proxyShape = "\ca\weapons\Hellfire_proxy";
       hit = 800;
       indirectHit = 20;
       indirectHitRange = 2;
       cost = 10000;
       maxSpeed = 425;
       irLock = 1;
       laserLock = 1;
       maxControlRange = 8000;
       trackOversteer = 1;
       trackLead = 1;
       maneuvrability = 9;
       timeToLive = 20;
       simulationStep = 0.010000;
       sideAirFriction = 0.200000;
       initTime = 0.000000;
       thrustTime = 3.250000;
       thrust = 130;
       fuseDistance = 5;
       effectsMissile = "missile2";
       whistleDist = 4;

It seems DAGR has the power of Hellfire :eek:

Which makes me wonder how the 70mm rocket can be so strong and powerful

In other hand - the opfor mi48 missile does hit = 1400; , so maybe arma 3 armour got step up than arma2 but still it is based on old HP system

Edited by RobertHammer

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Dagger while a 70mm missile it is very different than the old Mk.66 Hydra that would hit the earth 9/10 times. It has lock on before launch and lock on after launch capability. The seeker head has a limited gimble range so if the laser spot on the target is significantly off boresight or outside of that gimble limit the missile will not track. The APKWS which is a lock on after launch only missile is even worse. Still the USMC has been using the APKWS to good effect downrange. So i would think accuracy of the Dagger might be best predicated on the target to boresight angle for Ph.

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