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=BTC= Logistic [A3] - BETA

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I think i don't get it....


There's an hunter in the demo mission with the var set and i can't lift it, it works for me...Could you give me some details?

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Is there anyway to modify this to NOT use RscPicture and RscTitles, because thats the default that Everyone seems to want to use and it causes problems for those of use that want to use this script but dont have a gui because of the class names.

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I'm running the dev build and I can lift the hunter in the demo mission in the editor and multiplayer. No mod or anything edited. Could we get someone else to test this.

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is there a way to just allow 1 Class of vehicle to use the Cargo and not all vehicles , as i would only like the trucks to be able to move Ammo crates

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is there a way to "invert" the cargo system? so that all objects are not draggable by default unless stated otherwise in their init?

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You could so, but you have to script a bit...playing around with the check condition...

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I am loving the script so far. Is there a way to make it so that if you want to air drop cargo from a helo you can and it will descend on a parachute?

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It's already implemented but BIS didn't provide a big paracute yet! Atm the small one is used but the cargo is too heavy and it doesn't work...I think we've to wait ;)

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NonSteerable_Parachute_F is the class name of the cargo parachute that has been released in the dev build.

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Is the big one? I gotta test it asap! Thank you for the info!

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i made a mistake. however on line 105 of =btc=functions.sqf. if you change it to : _obj_para = [_veh,_obj,"B_Parachute_02_F"] spawn BTC_l_paradrop; the cargo chute works and the object (in this case an ammo crate) floats to the ground nicely.

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you might also entertain the idea of attaching a chemlight as well as a smoke grenade to the parachuting cargo so that it has a bit of night time visibility as well. :)

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I am sorry for the noob question but after trying for over 3 hours to add more choppers to the list so that I can load a ammobox to a Orca or UH-80. Please someone help me with how to add more vehicles.

Here is an example of what I tried and it does not work:


//Cargo System

_cargo = [] execVM "=BTC=_logistic\=BTC=_cargo_system\=BTC=_cargo_system_init.sqf";

BTC_def_vehicles = ["Tank","Wheeled_APC","Truck","Car","Helicopter","O_Heli_Light_02_F"];

BTC_def_cargo = ["Motorcycle","ReammoBox","Box_IND_Wps_F","ReammoBox_F","Strategic"];

BTC_def_drag = ["ReammoBox","ReammoBox_F","Box_IND_Wps_F","Strategic"];

BTC_cargo_selected = objNull;

I assumed this is where I could add vehicles but every test has failed. I need to have the box load in to more Helo's then the littlebird.

Any help would be appreciated!

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If anyone would help to test the new version, here the link:


Report bugs, ideas and thoughts!

Added cargo capacity, air drop, a bit of restyling ;)

It will be cool if someone could make a video that shows all the features of the scripts! I suck at video-making sadly :p

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Great Script Giallustio.

Initial testing looks great. Only thing I do not like is having all your menu options at the bottom rather than at the top for ease of use while in flight.

PS - How can I add "B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F" to be able to carry an AMMO box? With your new changes I see the cargo space is 0/6.

Edited by Hajimoto

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Great Script Giallustio.

Initial testing looks great. Only thing I do not like is having all your menu options at the bottom rather than at the top for ease of use while in flight.

Honestly in fight i don't want to have "stupid" action that i don't need in that moment. You can change easily, maybe i could make it as param ;)

PS - How can I add "B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F" to be able to carry an AMMO box? With your new changes I see the cargo space is 0/6.

The first number is the cargo, the second one is the cargo capacity of the vehicle.

By default an ammo box requires 2 points, so you can load it.

These settings are just placeholders, you can easily modify them in the logistic_init:

BTC_def_cc and BTC_def_rc

When the script will get a more "stable" version and i'll get some time, I'll write a quick "how to"...I can do it atm sadly!

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Thanks for this so promising script !

I still get the bug where I get the Hud the first time on one chopper (mohawk) and then I crash the chopper leaving the Hud On (it will respawn with Tophe vehicle.sqf) and meanwhile I use another mohawk chopper, I get the action Hud on/off but it's on top of all actions now and the Hud does not show when activated.

I did this quick test, incorporating it in my mission, which include INS_Revive, Tophe modified vehicle.sqf, and some more stuff. I will try with a cleaner blank mission and try adding stuff in progressively if I don't get the bug with the vanilla mission.

I'll let you know my finding.



EDIT1: I tested vanilla and does not have this bug, I tried with vehicle.sqf, no bug. I think it may be related to some dialog IDC or similar. I'll make sure it is.

EDIT2: as soon as I added INS_revive 0.2.3 it does bug as I described. I'll try to find what is the conflict.

Edit3: I did test letting all the definitions in the description.ext but not running ins_revive and it was ok, the hud was working after a respawn. I then tried to disable all modules from Ins_revive letting just ...the revive and it does bug the hud. so I'm assuming it is when I respawn with ins_revive that it does bug the hud. at this point, I'm out of idea. I'll try random changes, but displays are out of my competancy. but I read the using local variables for UI was not good? and disableSerialisation can be replace by with uiNamespace do {}; if this can help.

Edited by holo89
more precisions

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i made a mistake. however on line 105 of =btc=functions.sqf. if you change it to : _obj_para = [_veh,_obj,"B_Parachute_02_F"] spawn BTC_l_paradrop; the cargo chute works and the object (in this case an ammo crate) floats to the ground nicely.

Nice ! but if you want to see the parachute, use this : (NonSteerable_Parachute_F)

_obj_para = [_veh,_obj,"NonSteerable_Parachute_F"] spawn BTC_l_paradrop;

And if you want to see the smoke using start in flying use that : ( =BTC=_logistic_init.sqf - line 78 )

_smoke attachto [_chute,[0,0,0]];

And you get that ... :)


Edited by Mk-L
miss [/spoiler]

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It might just be me , but I get no smoke or Parachute when i drop anything ?

Edited by 1PARA{God-Father}

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It's not supported in the official release yet...You can fix this by your self following the Mk-L's explanation ;)

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I added those changes but was using the test one you posted and it did not work, i just get it appearing on the ground , ill give it another go :)

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