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Inventory area too precise

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I don't know about anyone else, but trying to pick stuff off of dead bodies can be frustrating. I can be on top of the body and the only option is to pick up the rifle. Sometimes the body is closer than where the rifle is. I get killed sometimes because I have to crawl around trying to find the sweet spot so that I can pick stuff off the dead guy. I mean I can be laying on top of the guy and only get rifle.

When I do get the inventory for the whole body, it usually has the gun there too. So how about you make the inventory area a little bigger/less precise, and then make the "rifle only" area smaller.

What do you guys think?


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I would say realistically as long as your arms can reach the body, you should be able to access it.

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Yeah I get this too, trying to access the inventory of the soldier and getting only the rifle instead.

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I haven't had as many problems with this since they added the 'hand' icon for the gun. For anyone who doesn't know, if you see the hand icon, it means you're selecting the gun only. If you get the normal gear icon, you'll go into the full inventory. But yeah, the 'weapon only' range should probably be smaller.

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I absolutly agree. It can be quite frustrating at times trying to grab something with bullets whistling by ;)

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Increase the inventory select size as stated so that when you click inventory you get the whole soldier.I always just click my inventory key and grab stuff that way and only getting the gun sucks.

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Yeah, I died several times because I was trying to reach to "sweet spot" and an enemy gets me distracted. Annoying.

And while we are at inventory, a nice addition is that now you can open backpacks\gear to get items inside of them. The bad is you can "go back" once you opened it.

It should work for weapons aswell.

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Gotta agree with this. Sometimes the way a soldier dies it's near impossible to find the "sweet spot" to loot his gear. Your only option most of the time is to take the weapon. Very frustrating and a sure immersion breaker.

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If someone has dropped one of your team members at a certain spot, that spot is not safe. Should really be able to drag a body into safety and take items from it there. But the dragging would be dangerous for you, too :)

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IMO the action menu is still far too finnicky. Sometimes I will be ontop of a dead body and the default action will be to pick up the weapon. Other times I will be standing over the weapon and there isn't even an action to pick it up. The menu needs to not only take into account what distance you are from things but what you are looking at. It wouldn't be the first time that I have been trying to climb the ladder in the top of the air tower only to open the door behind me - extremely annoying and sometimes deadly.

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Post this on the issue tracker then post the link here for people to upvote.

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