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Sure, that sounds good, I had to use a config.cpp when I made my M16 Pack on ArmAholic so I might be able to fix something in there. Then I can give you the fixed config.cpp and if you want you can use that!

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Nicely done!! If I can just add my opinion... The bangers seem a little overpowered on the amount of damage they are doing, and the noise needs to have more high end, more of a loud crack that makes you go deaf. But nice work otherwise

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Would it be possible to randomize the animations for each individual hit by the bang a bit? Makes it look less like everyone is a clone of eachother.

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Not for the moment as I would need to make custom animations and it takes time. The current anim is already in the game. I will at some point (in a far future I'm afraid) rework how the flashbang affects AI. From the feedback I have, I guess I will do something less violent when the flashbang explode outdoor (no animation triggered but just some modif of the AI skill for a couple of seconds). For the indoor effect, I'll probably do something a bit random: different anims and sometimes no anim but strong changes in the AI skill.

Sorry for the slow rate of updates, but I underestimated the time an other project would take me and real life is messing with my arma time!

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Okey :)

and I wasnt talking about custom animations, I meant randomization with the other ones that are in-game allready.

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I will take a look, but the last time I checked, the other available animations would have been odd for a stunned soldier.

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Maybe theres someone here who actually experienced being flashed. he could help you. I think the duration is good as it is! Only improvement I could think about is maybe custom sounds and an ammo box for in the editor. (not sure if u have that allready)

edit: and I'm not so sure about the particles that you see when it explodes.. that's all!

Unfortunately, yes, i have experienced this. But i can already tell you, that the effect varies very much due to many different factors (Inside, Outside, Day, Night, un/protected Ears, eyes, looking directly into the source or away of it, covering your eyes with the hands, closed/open eys, type of person that is hit, tiny women vs. massive man etc etc...).

I remember beeing pretty much blind for a felt eternity - terrible feeling, but apparently, it doesn't take that long after all, even if it feels extremely long. However the vision of a "victim" can be obstructed somewhat even hours later, which of course doesn't mean they can't see anything at all, but will react more sensible to light, or tears happening from time to time.

Now, what i can't tell you from my own, but a friends experience, is that even slightest gear, such as a Headset and Tactical - or even just Sun - glasses can tone down the effect immediately. Since in ArmA, most people play as a trained Soldier, usualy wearing Headgear and glasses, i would guess that the effect seen in the Video is already quite nicely done. However, for a PvP scenario, some kind of protection action is lacking - IRL, if you would recognize a Flashbang beeing thrown at you, you could at least hold your ears, cover your eys, close them, keep your mouth open and all of these things, which will somehow protect you, and grant you a clear vision after the bang - the dizzy feelign due to the sound, and the "beep" in your ears will still happen, of course. So, i'd say, if it's somehow possible to make it not blind you when you look away (but keep the noise level and distraction) it would be almost perfect.

About the particles, well, it still is a explosion, and not a small one. Pats of the grenade will be torn apart and fly around. Injuries from those parts can still happen, although much less likely than with any other type of grenade. I'd say keep it that way, as it makes up for good visuals.

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Thanks for sharing your experience Elena. The fact that I left the flash, even when you look away was because I wanted the player to still be distracted. But it is a bit a lasy way of doing it. Would it be OK to remove the flash and add some sort of blurry effect to "tell the player" that he is disoriented? I think turning the head when you identify a flashbang thrown at you is already enough gameplay wise. I am not sure that it is necessary to add a sort of QTE action to protect yourself? Unfortunately I am still not done with other projects I am making with other peoples, so I will leave my flashbang and particle editor in their current state for a few months.

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If you found a way to actually detect if the player is looking at the grenade, or away from it, that would be a nice alternative. I would suggest to construct it so, that if you look within a 180° of the flash, you will be blinded, and if you are looking completely away from it, it's only a blur. I've came up with the following basic sheme in paint, but i have no clue as of how hard it would be to do. The current system already works fine for the purpose, and feels really nice gameplay-wise.


For the Audible Effects, i would simply add the disortion and deafness effect currently in place, depending on the distance to the grenade. Maybe, an entire 30-second-deafness for beeing closer than 5m (Zone 1) , while 6-20 meters (Zone 3) will get still some sort of quiet but noticeable "beep" and environmental effects toned down. Outside of that (zone 3) you will still hear the explosion, but without any effects on yourself.

For the Visual effect, as said above, i wouldn't check for a direct line of sight (unless that is easyer to do, of course!) but a simple 180° split. You are either in the 180° arch facing towards, or away of the Grenade - towars (direction 1) means you get the whole blind effect, away means you get only some blur, representating disortion. In that case, even if you have no line of sight to the grenade itself, you can still be blinded by the flash, reflecting itself from surrounding walls and other objects, so a 180° arch might not be that unrealistic.

Also, there must be a distance for the visual effects to wear off, of course. I would say if you are more than 20 meters away (in audio zone 3) you shouldn't get any disortion blur, if you ain't getting audio feedback. But the "blindness" should still happen even if you are further away, and looking into the flash. This might be too hard to simluate, however, so i'd say if any player is outside of a range of 20 meters of the grenade, cut all effects on them.

Note, this is only my thought on how an "ideal" implementation would look. I have basically zero scripting experience in A3, and can't really think of what is easy or hard to do, left alone how much time it would take you to archieve it. Just theory, so.

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UPDATE : v0.5

Change log and download link in the first post. Beware: the classnames changed!

@Elena: the 180° split is in!

The effects on player and AI still need to be improved, but I have to focus on something else atm.

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could you please investigate the following problem , when your mod is loaded togehter with the swedish forces pack, your grenade can not be selected (while it is in inventory) to be thrown, i have also posted he problem in the SFP tread so they can look in to it as well

i hope it can be fixed, i love to use your flashbang (best one out) togheter with SFP

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could you please investigate the following problem , when your mod is loaded togehter with the swedish forces pack, your grenade can not be selected (while it is in inventory) to be thrown, i have also posted he problem in the SFP tread so they can look in to it as well

i hope it can be fixed, i love to use your flashbang (best one out) togheter with SFP

I know where this is coming from, but the only solution I have in mind would be to make only one soldier able to throw the flashbang. I could provide two versions but it is a bit annoying. Anyway, I'll try to find a satisfying solution in one of the future updates (but again it will be soon as this is more like a side project).

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Nice mod I really like it :), and it works very nice in co-op and pvp combat. I was just wondering if you are able to add more to this, I mean for ex. enemy droping weapon or forced to get prone.

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Can you fix the error you get when a flashbang explodes and you get flashed?

I'm getting an error saying there's an undefined variable, I believe it's _flash (latest version of the mod)

Edited by ltsThomas

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Can you fix the error you get when a flashbang explodes and you get flashed?

I'm getting an error saying there's an undefined variable, I believe it's _flash (latest version of the mod)

I don't have this error on my side. Are you sure you are using the latest version?

If you see it again, can you provide the exact error message.

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OK, thanks for the bug report. It is fixed now.

Unfortunately I broke the sound by trying to make some improvement... I will try to fix this before making an update

Edited by super-truite

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New version in the first post.

I noticed a really annoying bug: the first time you throw a flashbang, nothing happens...

It seems that fixing this issue would require me to find a complete new way of doing things, which is not possible atm...so for the moment, throw a "test" flashbang at the beginning of a mission...

I fixed some issues with the sound with some adhesive tape (understand: in a rather idiotic way), so tell me if something looks odd with the sounds.

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My unit just tried out the latest update of your flashbangs, and we found it most amusing. It seems that when a flashbang detonates, its spawns a handful of metal buckets at the point of explosion. Sometimes these buckets shoot out and do damage.

We've been using your flashbangs since you released them to the public, and this is the first time its done this. I don't know what changed from previous versions, but the bucket-spawning is... bizarre.

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My unit just tried out the latest update of your flashbangs, and we found it most amusing. It seems that when a flashbang detonates, its spawns a handful of metal buckets at the point of explosion. Sometimes these buckets shoot out and do damage.

We've been using your flashbangs since you released them to the public, and this is the first time its done this. I don't know what changed from previous versions, but the bucket-spawning is... bizarre.

we just had the same issue

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