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Haha, wow, okay. I'm a colossal anus.

I found the error. There was a missing quotation mark on line 10 of the 'funcs' one. I'm testing if this has fixed it now, will update this post with the news.


Which part are you confused about?

UPDATE: It all seems to be working, except the hint isn't appearing anymore. I can't say whether or not the bleedout (and bleeding stabilisation) is working, though, primarily because the hint is my main source of feedback about this. I've updated the "bleeding edge" version.

Edited by ProfCupcake

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Haha, wow, okay. I'm a colossal anus.

I found the error. There was a missing quotation mark on line 10 of the 'funcs' one. I'm testing if this has fixed it now, will update this post with the news.

Which part are you confused about?


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Fixed it. Turns out I was just using the wrong kind of brackets. Updated the "bleeding edge" version.

Haven't tested the bleeding stabilisation yet, though. Once I can confirm that's working, I'll update the standard version.

On a slight side note: Does anyone think I should make a separate thread for this now? I'm starting to make some rather large changes.


Okay, are you just trolling me here?

UPDATE: Yes, it works. Updating both versions now. Enjoy mode 4.

Next on the agenda: Limited lives (which will, of course, be optional and customisable).

Edited by ProfCupcake

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hey Farooq, nice work there mate. I integrated your script into my Arma 3 missions. Whoever wants to try it feel free to visit my steam workshop.

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Fixed it. Turns out I was just using the wrong kind of brackets. Updated the "bleeding edge" version.

Haven't tested the bleeding stabilisation yet, though. Once I can confirm that's working, I'll update the standard version.

On a slight side note: Does anyone think I should make a separate thread for this now? I'm starting to make some rather large changes.

Okay, are you just trolling me here?

UPDATE: Yes, it works. Updating both versions now. Enjoy mode 4.

Next on the agenda: Limited lives (which will, of course, be optional and customisable).

Nice man, looking forward to your next additions. I'd love to include this in my Annihilation mission. ;)

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Is it possible to add a Carry Option of "dead" players? So a player can carry the dead one on his shouders?

This would be very nice.

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I was strugling to find a simple revive script and i found it! Great work! The Others are too complex,... i'm in favor of the KISS policy. ;)

Although i Have a few requests to make:

- Could you put an limit of amount of revives/lives a player can recive!? (I see you are working on the amount of "lives", so no news here)

- My squad uses ACRE, and i would like to know if its possible to make an costumizable option to make the dead "silent" not be able to talk or write on the chat?

- Could you make the "suicide" option costumizable (on/off).

- This one is optional and it's the same as Ghosthawk, is it possible to add a Carry Option of "dead" players?

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This looks really good- I would like to implement it... could someone help me out please? I'm a long term player, but new to mission making. I understand that parameters can be changed within the FAR_revive_init.sqf but I'm not sure how/what to do- sorry for my noob mission making question !

I basically want medic only revive, no respawn and bleed out of 3 mins or 180 secs. that's pretty much it. Could someone tell me what I need to change/add and where please?

Many thanks.

---------- Post added at 10:00 ---------- Previous post was at 09:45 ----------

This looks really good- I would like to implement it... could someone help me out please? I'm a long term player, but new to mission making. I understand that parameters can be changed within the FAR_revive_init.sqf but I'm not sure how/what to do- sorry for my noob mission making question !

I basically want medic only revive, no respawn and bleed out of 3 mins or 180 secs. that's pretty much it. Could someone tell me what I need to change/add and where please?

Many thanks.

I managed to work it out :)

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- My squad uses ACRE, and i would like to know if its possible to make an costumizable option to make the dead "silent" not be able to talk or write on the chat?

You'd use the ACRE API

Parameters: Boolean
Example: _ret = [true] call acre_api_fnc_setSpectator;
Return Value: Boolean
Description: Pass true or false to set the unit as a "spectator" or not. This will override current alive status, and join the player to dead channel regardless.

force it to true once "down" and false once up

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I noticed a few other posts similar to the issues that I'm having. I have a pop up message when I start the mission that says 1.4d initialized, but the actual revive only works when I preview it in editor. When I go to try it in multiplayer or my steam workshop version I still get the initialized message but there is no option to revive (I have it set to revive mode 1 where anyone can revive, so I know its not a medkit issue). Can anyone help me out here?

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You'd use the ACRE API

Parameters: Boolean
Example: _ret = [true] call acre_api_fnc_setSpectator;
Return Value: Boolean
Description: Pass true or false to set the unit as a "spectator" or not. This will override current alive status, and join the player to dead channel regardless.

force it to true once "down" and false once up

Ok,... thank you very mutch! But i'm a NOOOB at mission making using scripts and code, and i tryed to understand what to do with what you wrote, but no luck.

Could you tell me step by step how do i do/use what you wrote!? Thanks. ;)

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I noticed a few other posts similar to the issues that I'm having. I have a pop up message when I start the mission that says 1.4d initialized, but the actual revive only works when I preview it in editor. When I go to try it in multiplayer or my steam workshop version I still get the initialized message but there is no option to revive (I have it set to revive mode 1 where anyone can revive, so I know its not a medkit issue). Can anyone help me out here?

Have you tried other revive modes?

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Have you tried other revive modes?

Yeah I just tried switching the value to 2 where anyone can revive with a medkit and its the same issue. Teammates just die and there is no option to revive. When I die however I get the spectator screen and the hint that tells me how far away the closest medic is but nobody is able to revive me.

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Can you please help me get it to work? It doesn't show the version hint and I can't revive my mates.

- I have put the folder "FAR_revive" into the folder of my mission (and also into the MPMissions and Missions folder to be sure).

- I've added this line to my init.sqf "call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "FAR_revive\FAR_revive_init.sqf";"

- playtested it in the editor and after creating an MP game, playing a medic.

- tried it with and without respawn

Would love to use it in my missions, so can you please let me know where I'm stupid? :-)


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Yeah I just tried switching the value to 2 where anyone can revive with a medkit and its the same issue. Teammates just die and there is no option to revive. When I die however I get the spectator screen and the hint that tells me how far away the closest medic is but nobody is able to revive me.

Wait, is this in singleplayer or multiplayer?

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Well here's a pretty big bug .... When you use suicide (haven't tested revive) you respawn as side CIV ... rather than the side you chose at the lobby... in my test WEST. This is default ARMA ...once yr dead you are CIV... Farooqs revive does not seem to take account of this. So basically if Civ's is set friendly in the missions then the OpFor or EAST will not fire upon you, as they are treating you as friendly.

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Well here's a pretty big bug .... When you use suicide (haven't tested revive) you respawn as side CIV ... rather than the side you chose at the lobby... in my test WEST. This is default ARMA ...once yr dead you are CIV... Farooqs revive does not seem to take account of this. So basically if Civ's is set friendly in the missions then the OpFor or EAST will not fire upon you, as they are treating you as friendly.

Correctly identified bug, incorrectly identified cause.

It's due to the setCaptive true not being set to false again after suicide or bleedout.

Look at page 6 for a fix (or hopefully my modified version of this, if farooq comes back online at some point and gives me permission for it).

EDIT: Page 5, not 6. Ack.

Edited by ProfCupcake

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Wait, is this in singleplayer or multiplayer?

Interestingly it works with any SP version, ie when I load it in editor by my self as well as when I select it in scenarios from the play menu in game. It will initialize in MP when creating a game from both the multiplayer save file from editor as well as from the workshop file but the revive function will not work.

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Well here's a pretty big bug .... When you use suicide (haven't tested revive) you respawn as side CIV ... rather than the side you chose at the lobby... in my test WEST. This is default ARMA ...once yr dead you are CIV... Farooqs revive does not seem to take account of this. So basically if Civ's is set friendly in the missions then the OpFor or EAST will not fire upon you, as they are treating you as friendly.

Yeah I noticed this huge problem too , I love this script but in fact it brokens my mission so for now I had to take it out .

How to easy fix it ? what line of code should I add and where ?

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Yeah I noticed this huge problem too , I love this script but in fact it brokens my mission so for now I had to take it out .

How to easy fix it ? what line of code should I add and where ?

Again, look to page 5 for a fix. A chap called lukrop posted info on it.

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Again, look to page 5 for a fix. A chap called lukrop posted info on it.

nice , many thanks

hope for other people using this script that this patch will be added officially

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nice , many thanks

hope for other people using this script that this patch will be added officially

Hopefully, I'll be taking over the work on this script soon, so you'll have these fixes plus extra features.

Unfortunately, farooq seems to have gone away from the community for a while, so I'm having trouble getting his permission for it.

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When you are going to add fatal areas like head?

When all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  • I actually get farooq's permission to work on and redistribute this.
  • I work out a way to implement said feature, including the option to turn it on/off in the parameters.
  • It is stable enough that I am okay with releasing it.

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