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Maximum Flight altitude

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Any clue what it will be yet? Also if the parachuting dynamics will be the same. Wondering if we will be able to do actual halo and halo jumps now.

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Max altitude is 9999. If you put your unit over this 9999 altitude, your unit was blocked in air :p

You can fly with no problem but with chopper, with a normal time, imagine how is so long to raise your chopper to this altitude^^

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You can fly with no problem but with chopper, with a normal time, imagine how is so long to raise your chopper to this altitude^^

You shouldn't be able to reach that altitude with a chopper in the vanilla game. :popcornsmilie:

Edited by DarkDruid

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You shouldn't be able to reach that altitude with a chopper in the vanilla game. :popcornsmilie:

Try doing it with an Su24 oddon with afterburner switched on, on the other hand and you will reach it quite quickly. :y:

Sure I was getting around 38,000 to 40,000 feet before it would altitude stall.

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You shouldn't be able to reach that altitude with a chopper in the vanilla game. :popcornsmilie:

in the init-line of a flying helicopter

this setpos [(position this) select 0,(position this) select 1,9990]

and pressing the upward/engine+ key...


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I've done around 14,000m in the Arma 2 F-35. Around there the engine starts to stall and I either fall or maintain altitude.

I kind of don't even want to fly anything more than a helo now because even with 12,000m view distance (which takes a massive toll on performance) you still get the horrible fog that completely ruins the immersion. Probably something that will never be resolved with the level of scale Arma possesses. You can build a single player jet only level where you can fly up to 20,000m and still see earth below you. Because down there is all low detail easy to render content. But with Arma having such a finely detailed terrain that while flying at that same 20,000m, there's infantry and armor waging war below, well it's a whole different ball game.

So for me, ceiling is around 800m :)

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are they going to make it where jets stall out?

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