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WIP Sahrani Arma2 Port / Arma 1 Buildings Project

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Looking impressive, will all the vehicles be release separately? As the UN Huey and C130 are perhaps the first ones i have seen in the community and would be useful separate addons.

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FREE FOR ALL!!!! I will try to actually get those UL'd tonight or tomorrow, I just have to finish up the DayZ build we're buttoning up now.

The "UN" doesn't mirror though, so it is backwards on one side.

Either way, all totally up for use and modification, no commercial exploit/non-arma use, they will be put in the OMG - Open Modders Group library and on our public Github. They are only to be used as texture packs though, we do not condone or encourage model level edits.


Same goes for buildings obviously, they are all A1 MLOD, so they are open share as well. They will get more and more polished as well... the end goal is to have almost the entire MLOD library Hi-Res, with all the LODS, rubble, and eventually hopefully partial destruction models.

Edited by CiforDayZServer

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Great to see buildings opened up like this..:)

Agreed. Opens up much more possibilities!

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I have been busy but figured folks might want the textures as is.

The vehicles are products of BI modified by Pliskin they are intended to be used as hidden selections only. Credits are welcome but not required, you may use, modify, redistribute, freely with the normal restrictions on commercial use or use outside of Arma 2 and it's sequels.

The SMD_BDU's are all based on Vilas's Police units! Please download those separately.

I have not made a proper PBO as yet. so these are just the textures a basic credit/license.

Please enjoy them and report any issues or suggestion you have about them back.

I will do a release thread once it's packaged up properly.

Right now M1lkm8n is getting some tutoring from Bad Benson on animations and then he will package the final build. We are each going through it on our own to make sure nothing was missed, and will try to have a group runthrough as well... but I think even if there is something missed, it will be good to have an initial release.

We can release patches quick/easy and plan to do a lot of final placement adjustments based on feedback and reports.

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Still really busy, Pliskin has done some more textures in the meantime... this is not all of them but a couple more. Will package into a PBO hopefully tonight or tomorrow.

ATACS Camo anyone?



If anyone with Arma specific experience in skinpacks wants to give me some advice on the configs and packing I'd be happy to take it. Being DayZ centric means I normally blow out all the faction info, and don't even drop them in the editor, so not sure if there is anything I need to keep in mind.



M1lkm8n has gotten the last technique he wanted to use down pat now, so he's going to finish updating a few last objects, then we hope to have a final RC build ready for tuesday for us to run around and make sure no glaring issues, and then release for hopefully Wednesday this week!!

We are really excited to have gotten to this point and hope that everyone is happy with how we've treated this hallowed member of the Arma Universe.

Edited by CiforDayZServer

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Really looking forward to this release, thanks for the update.

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What we expect to be the FINAL build was pushed tonight by M1lkm8n.

Going to have a tour around tomorrow, make sure all is in order, and then we should be good to sign the files and release.

I have done my best to provide a proper license with it.

I have to write up the credits still, but that should be easy as I have done it for our DayZ Project which should have all of the folks listed out. Will double check and make sure it's done properly.

We would LOVE LOVE LOVE some guidance for creating some lovely intro/outro missions to play at the main menu screen before and after playing for our next update.

We are also considering offering our GUI theme from DayZ for you guys, but not sure if it's something you all would enjoy or not, and it would require quite a bit of work to get to every last bit of menu/button/text etc... Let us know if it's something that's wanted. I really don't like brown/yellow/green tones of the default controls. So we gave our DayZ mod a bit more of an Arma 3 look as belo


http://puu.sh/4762G.jpg (233 kB)

All the menu's used in DayZ Have been converted, which still leaves quite a bit for Arma to be done (we don't use the lobby screen anymore so that is still brown + all the singleplayer, command, editor, and artillery screens would still need done. But we'd be happy to do it if it's wanted. I personally think it looks amazing.

Off to bed, Far too late lol. Looks like you guys may be able to make videos before I will have the time to do a proper launch video!

OHHHHHHH... forgot... Pliskin has been at it again...

http://i.imgur.com/AcsBtDGl.png (375 kB)


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I can see its been a labour of love for you guys that have done this and I am sure the players that play there will love it just as much.

Wonderful job, really looking forward to seeing it in the flesh.

Regards the menu, looks great, would like to see the SP button the same, but really not too worried about that. It’s the map its all about for me and the great job you have all done working so hard on it.

Thanks, will be eagerly awaiting the release.:)

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The Apartment is finished and Repair center should be finished in the near future





Repair Center:


Edited by ShermanFTW

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Those apartments look pretty good. Can't wait to cause a lot of trouble inside those. :)

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Are they AI friendly ?

The AI don't seem to have any problem with the pathing in the apartment. I have not tested AI in the repair center yet.

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The AI don't seem to have any problem with the pathing in the apartment. I have not tested AI in the repair center yet.

Great, thank you.

Looking brilliant, by the way..

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OI! We are in a mad dash for the finish line, but not across yet. I will go over some changes M1lkm8n made this evening.... Barring any hiccups we should be good to sign and release.

Sorry for the delays but so it goes in Arma Modding! Here is some more eye candy from Pliskin:



and my personal favorite skin to date:


Just plain LOVE tiger camo.

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Sorry guys have had a few scheduling problems, should be all sorted in a couple days.

I was sitting soo close to the edge of my seat, I just fell off...;)

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Great job! If you want any help my community (about 20 palyers we could test your work)

I never saw this. Yeah we'd love to have you guys run around a bit and tell us if/when you notice anything.

Contact me here or on skype! "NonovUrbizniz" on skype.

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