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1 Realism aspect that BF3 does better

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Hey all,

I haven't posted anything on this here forum but I have been playing the game since OFP demo came out long ago and I have been reading here for ages.

I registered this account to give some feedback on the possibly single thing that Battlefield 3 does more realistic then Arma (3).

The way you move around when you are prone and look around.

In BF3 you kind of shuffle slowly around like you would in reallife making it impossible to turn really quick. In arma 3 and most other games you just spin around super quick in a totally unrealistic way making it possible to turn 180 degrees in a splitsecond. I would love to see arma implement this BF3 feature if only because it makes it all look a lot more realistic. When I am laying with my buddies and see them swing around in prone it just kind of takes away the immersion.

Just my 2 cents,

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absolutely agree. same goes for sprinting. turn speed in general needs some tweaking to not only remove awkwardness/immersion killing but also make it more "realistic".

the only thing that worries me about prone turning is the AI. they have a hard time turning in general already. but i'm pretty sure it can be handled differently for them. at least there are already some extra versions of animations, for example idle, just for the AI/players inside the configs.

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I would add to discussion transitions between various movement or states. I understand that it is hard to do it good and fast enough to not slow down player reactions. But sometimes they look unnatural.

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Smookie said he wants to apply limits to turn speeds when prone but it's been more than a month since that. I hope BIS listens to this correct criticism and acts right.

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Aiming deadzone kind of combats this, the lower half of the body wont move until you hit a certain angle, but turning is still erratic at best. Oh and one more thing BF3 does better than ArmA 3 is....... Deployable Bipods... :p

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But Arma 3 is the ultimate infantry based simulator which is obviously even with that name better then BF3... Used to be. Or ?

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But Arma 3 is the ultimate infantry based simulator which is obviously even with that name better then BF3... Used to be. Or ?

You miss the point of this thread.

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;2389650']Aiming deadzone kind of combats this' date=' the lower half of the body wont move until you hit a certain angle, but turning is still erratic at best. Oh and one more thing BF3 does better than ArmA 3 is....... Deployable Bipods... :p[/quote']

Aiming deadzone is also unrealistic/impractical from the soldier's point of view. A soldier is trained to point his weapon in the direction he is facing (in this case, the center of the camera). For aiming deadzone to be realistic, the entire upper body should turn before the lower body moves, not just the weapon. Best way to accomplish this realistic prone movement is to do it the same way BF3 does it - by having a more realistic prone movement animation. Oh, and BF3 also has different underbarrel attachments - not just bipods :p. But just wait for the purists to come in here decrying this stuff simply because it's in BF3...

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For aiming deadzone to be realistic, the entire upper body should turn before the lower body moves

I thought that's how it does work? At least that's what I can remember from using it all but one time (years ago).


Just checked, works how I described it in previous post, you have some freedom of movement when aiming deadzone is maxed, before the lower half follows.

Edited by VIPER[CWW]

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Unless it is forced upon the player when prone however, then it doesn't help much considering the player can simple set the deadzone to 0 and be unaffected.

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;2389680']I thought that's how it does work? At least that's what I can remember from using it all but one time (years ago).


Just checked' date=' works how I described it in previous post, you have some freedom of movement when aiming deadzone is maxed, before the lower half follows.[/quote']

Not the way it worked (at least, in Arma 2) when standing up. Your weapon + arms move independently of your torso and lower body. Not sure if they changed it for Arma 3. I'd rather not have to repeatedly enable and disable free aim deadzone when standing up and going prone. It still would be the best solution if BIS would make an improved animation for turning while prone.

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Not the way it worked (at least, in Arma 2) when standing up. Your weapon + arms move independently of your torso and lower body.

Got to correct you on that. In ARMA2 (and 3) The complete upper torso moves with the weapon.

I can't wait until they fix the deadzone.

I agree that rotating whole character should be slowed down while prone. Make a ticket and we'll vote...

(I also think turning should be slower while underwater)

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For aiming deadzone to be realistic, the entire upper body should turn before the lower body moves, not just the weapon.

That's exactly how it worked since OFP.

But BIS has broken deadzone badly in A3 at the moment.

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I agree that rotating whole character should be slowed down while prone.

Yeah, deadzone or not, i think we can all agree on this. Also, i am pretty sure it was the case in OFP.

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in BF3 you can realistically lay prone in the conner and hide your legs and half of body in concrete wall )

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in BF3 you can realistically lay prone in the conner and hide your legs and half of body in concrete wall )

And in Arma 3 you can just walk


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Unless it is forced upon the player when prone however, then it doesn't help much considering the player can simple set the deadzone to 0 and be unaffected.

Freelook is (was?) so borked in the alpha that I've given up on it.

And in Arma 3 you can just walk

The difference is one thing is a bug and on thing is by design ;)

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Not played BF3, but what I have seen on YT crawling wise is not great. Turning may be o.k. but there is a video on YT showing someone crawling along with a knife in their hand and the right arm is stretched out, not moving at all, while the unit moves along forward at a pretty rapid speed, doesn’t look good.:p.

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