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ARMA 2: OA beta build 103718 (1.62 MP compatible build, post 1.62 release)

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Since i can't connect to dev-heaven.net,i will post here two issues:

The CRV7-PG missile on the wildcat,flies now fast but its maneuvrability is very low,it turns really slowly,you really need to aim at the target to hit.!

Hi qazdar. that's really how it is supposed to be...the CRV-7PG is not a full flegded missile but a modified FFAR with limited guidance capability and very small steering fins. This kind of weapon is considered to be just a more precise FFAR not a mini Hellfire.

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anyone else has the ghosting problem?

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Just guessing but could it be an issue about cleaning dead units from memory as 'active unit/player' ingame/mission or something similar? Sometimes one can see dead bodies on the ground, turn around and look back to see for a second such a "ghost" appearing/switching around.... comparable to LOD switching. :confused:

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anyone else has the ghosting problem?

I see ghosts sometimes (killed/dead units do still reincarnate as ghosts over their last position). I play only MP CTI maps Benny edition. I'm not sure when exactly I start to see them but they are probably more noticeable when server is very loaded, like after few hours of game play with many AI units on map and many players at the same time. I don't know how to reproduce it for confirmation.

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Dead/killed units "ghosting" or "reincarnate as ghosts" reported + visible in MP Wasteland and the "wall of burning flames"/"sky in flames" bug-issue too.

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HI Dwarden

I have had multiple crashes with this build, with mods, without mods, MP, SP and even alt tabbing out to change some code within a script then tab back into the editor it crashes randomly.

Attached is the latest one today. I was running cba_co at the time. Might be of use to you..



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there is another thing urgent and really simple:New default player settings set maximum ping 300 for browsing servers.There is bug with some servers show ping 2500.They not populated as not visible.

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If you enter a vehicle (Car,Tank,Truck) you can press and hold the minus key on numpad.

I prefer this view cause its 100 times better for driving as you can see out of the sidewindows.

Then it gives you a much better feeling of the velocity (tempo). 80kmh in normal view feels like 30kmh, in minus view it feels like 80kmh.

In infantrymode you can work better with the minuskey why not make it working better in vehiclemode ?

Iam acting like this is a suggestion but in real its a beg.

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Please fix setWeaponState command ...

cit? repro? details?

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Easy to repro :

Place a tunguska without ammo on the editor,and in the init line this :

this addmagazine "8Rnd_9M311";this setWeaponState [true, currentweapon this, 0];

With showscripterrors ,you can see that you always get a syntax error!

i hope i am doing something wrong !

Edited by On_Sabbatical

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setWeaponState has a return value, so you need to write something like:

blah = this setWeaponState [true, currentweapon this, 0]

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Have you tried to check this command ... i tried all possibilities ! this command is not working at all ,it's completely broken ! there should be no return value at all ...

Edited by On_Sabbatical

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New betabuild 104648 is up! Changelog says only

[104648] Fix: Initialization of backpack in vehicles in MP
- who knows, maybe something else got changed/tweaked/fixed too??

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The newest patch actually made a few of my missions freeze on launch, but I will need to test it futher in order to see what is causing this. Previous build works fine however, but again, I need to look into it.

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