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Dslyecxi's 'Paper doll' Gear Menu

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If content is created according to the methods used for the default A3 gear, it should pick it up naturally. I haven't spent time testing that myself, but from what others have told me, it works for the most part. Any examples of what doesn't work would be interesting, but I would assume they'd happen due to the items in question being improperly configured.

Cool, I'll let you know when I get time to try it :D

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Hey man you say

Known issues:

- 16:9 is required as your aspect ratio.


FIX 4:3

GUI\commonDefs.hpp and edit //--- New grid for new A3 displays

#define GUI_GRID_W (GUI_GRID_HAbs / 40)

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Another great overview Dsly. I hope you dont mind me linking that one to a few other Game forums that are just becoming aware of ArmA :cool:


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Thank you so much for this. I literally shed a tear of joy when I was able to export the loadout to a text file. You're the man.

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This is great. But....

When I copy my config to the clipboard and then go to my test mission, and I paste it, it never works. I am at work, so I can't give an example, but am I the only one having issues? Is there a tirck to get the config working???

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Still not working. Any ideas...

Here is a sting ["V_RebreatherB", "U_B_Wetsuit", "B_FieldPack_blk", "arifle_TRG21_GL_ACO_point_F", "optic_Hamr", "acc_pointer_IR", "hgun_Rook40_snds_F", "WhiteHead_04"]

Not working. Any help would be much appreicated

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paste it where? this list is useful but you need to add it to your character by script... with something like this


or you can put it in an emptied ammo crate

i linked this thread to the config listing thread here


note: some of the kit showing up in this tool will cause small errors when trying to place them in an ammo crate in your missions... see post linked above to see what will and won't show up.

if i marked it with a // then it's because it comes up with "no entry bin config <item>" etc when loading a mission with it in an ammo crate

love the tool though - i found a few items i had overlooked doing this manually, so big thanks DSL!

Edited by eggbeast

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Would be great if you could this in-game at various weapons/equipment stations! Gear up, lock and load!

Edited by MissionCreep

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Slight update thanks to Bricks. Sliders now show the display name (vs classname) of the selected item, and the 'copy' function now copies out the gear + commands necessary to apply it in-game from a unit's init field.

Download here.

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Great mod, but I got a issue.

I have a 17' 4:3 screen, and I can't access to the stuff sliders on the right of the screen ^^


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Great mod, but I got a issue.

I have a 17' 4:3 screen, and I can't access to the stuff sliders on the right of the screen ^^


Are you sure you're playing with "Small" interface size?

Also check this post: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150135-Dslyecxi-s-Paper-doll-Gear-Menu&p=2340138&viewfull=1#post2340138


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I really love this gear menu, but there's one problem when I try it.

The first time you join the map, you can use the Character Customization menu.

But when someone dies, he's unable to use it again.

Could anyone help me?

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Hi Dslyexci, I have a question about how to add your gear menu to another mission, giving you the appropriate credit of course. In the preview of the gear menu there is a helipad that is invisible, thus not allowing me to see the code for it and not allowing me to copy it into an ammobox of my own, what is the appropriate way to put into an ammobox of my own in a mission?

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Hi Dslyexci,

This is truly a great mod that you have made. I was wondering if you would be able to explain how you could implement this into a different mission in MP. I am pretty sure that a version of this is already being used for some gamemodes online. I have seen something similar in TDM variants. I am new to map making and I was going to use your Gear Menu in a mission I was making. Also if you are able to explain how to do this, would it be possible to make it only usable in a certain radius?

I feel like a lot of people out there are wondering how to use this in different missions.

Thanks again,


---------- Post added at 19:56 ---------- Previous post was at 19:11 ----------

Here is a bug that I was able to duplicate two times now using the randomizer.

To make this bug happen all I did was just continually hit randomize until it popped up with this purple man.

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That's not a bug but a regular skin ;)

I think it can be used as a template

Oh, I was unaware of that. Well thanks for letting me know. I'm going to try and find a way to save that using ROSL and then run around as the purple man to scare people. :)

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Just wanted you to know that with the latest development build (that has full Beta content) your Mod does not work correctly anymore: an error is thrown, and while you can change gear and weapons correctly the camera is broken (stays in 1st or 3rd person without properly showing the charachter as before) and a lot of the buttons do not work...

There's so much to do in the Beta, so don't worry if you can or want not to fix this anytime soon! :D


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Thanks mate - bloody legend! Also, the new copy to clipboard function with the formatting and scripts embedded is ideal!! Use this all the time. Sometimes for missions, sometimes just for fun (the shame)...

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