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We need a better server browser system, and leaderboard system

Better lobby system, server browser, and leaderboards  

50 members have voted

  1. 1. Better lobby system, server browser, and leaderboards

    • Go with the idea as stated
    • Stick with the same arma 2 style filters with no leaderboards
    • Do a service record type deal were you can keep track of your kills, accruacy, and wins and loses.
    • Totaly re-vamp the whole thing?

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Absolutely no leaderboards, stats or what so ever. Hell I'd say we should remove kill messages and the in-game scoreboard as well, because that's a lame way how to confirm your kills. Let's say you get fired upon from a bush, you take cover and spray eachother like crazy then after a while the fire exchange stops. At this point you simply don't know if you finally killed the enemy or not so have to go up to investigate. It can mean only two things - the enemy has been killed/ran out of ammo or is tricking you. This is the kind of realism we need in ArmA, if you really want to count your kills then that's what BF, CoD and so on is for.

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Hell I'd say we should remove kill messages and the in-game scoreboard as well

That's already configurable with server difficulty settings.

I'm in agreement with the vast majority on this thread, no leader boards!!

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Leaderboards ! "Aint nobody got time for dat"

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I read the title, clicked on the last post, and agree completely with bink. I don't even need to see/read the rest.

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You guys do understand that leaderboards wouldn't even be possible to make for Arma?

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What purpose do a leaderboard have in this game? Maybe for some PVP death match in a ladder? As soon you go TvT it's all about team play and not to get most kills.

I guess a leaderboard for a specific PVP deathmatch can be scripted or kept track of, so no need for BIS to include it.

I always turn off kill messages and stats on my server as people can loose their focus on team effort as they might want to kill a few extra to score higher. I rather play with people that want to win the mission.

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Leaderboards, pls NOT !!!

I ideas i would like to see implemented however for the serverbrowser:

- See where my friends are playing

- Some ingame option to connect new steam friends (nightmare to find people that i played with at the end of a good evening gaming)

- Server join queue

Edited by kamaradski

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i disagree that leaderboards should not be included. they just have to be in the correct place. that is to say leaderboards in a coop dont make as much sense as stats in an pvp session. but if you think that playing a round of Blitz is a military simulator than you are kidding yourself. that game mode is as arcadie as anything in BF3 or cod. In that case. Stats not only make perfect sense but are expected. if thats your cup o tea than why not have them. In fact they are already in. ArmaLive.com already tracks stats. it has all your accuracies,kd, arch enemy and favorite prey. its soon to be released in A3. its great for checking what a player us good at or who to look out for. it does not feed back anythin into the game as far as rank. And as long as that is the case. i see nothing wrong with stats what so ever. for those that enjoy that type of thing it means more fun in arma. that means more players buying arma. that means more content for all. its a win win. if you dont want stats dont play on stats servers.

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Leaderboards are nonsense in a game where everybody can make it's own server to grind some ultra stupid 0.01 skilled A.I....that's the way some guys got on top of the board in other games with online leaderboard but community and free for all server hosting. Leaderboard can only work for games that have servers that are 100% developer and company controlled. If you need a bad example of online leaderboard and private server missuse look at the now deleted and redone Rise Of Flight leaderboard....they also had the change to a new dev approved scoring system for private servers.

Edited by Beagle

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the way armalive works is that the stats only run on missions that are designated by the armalive team. take valhalla for example. the fao server ran those maps with battlestats and it was an amazing success. it ran for over a year with that setup. people loved it. i agree stats on ai is dumb. but stats in a controlled pvp server is easy and has been done with great success. those that want that experience just continued to play on that server as well as the armalive server as they both fed to the same database. if you didnt want stats you played somewhere else. or you just never went to the web site to check yours. nothing feeds back into the game for rank or unlocks. thats the way stats should be. just stats. thats all.

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Is Xfire able to be used for browsing/joining arma 3 servers? I installed it and it see's the game but I can't get any servers to show up.

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you guys would have to pardon me if this had already been addressed.. but what about clan leaderboard? (as this would focus more on a group rather then individuals)* would there even be a clan support/system built in the game? guessing it's a bit too early to ask that question. Once again guys sorry if this as already been addressed, I'm not a regular here.

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