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[SP/MP] Dynamic Whole Map ArmA3 Missions by SaOk

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Ok, could be the camp alarm reinforcements, added those in quite hurry before MANW deadline. Checking it.

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Now on to things you for sure at least partially know: the saving state after 0-0-0.

(1) This time it's not about reloading the game. But after (re)conquering a base, my undercover character switches to solder just like that.

(2) As an undercover, I can plant explosives but I cannot touch off the bombs. When I switch to solder, I still can't? Then let's not give the undercover agent the option to plant explosives to begin with maybe. Unless I missed something, which is always possible.

Request 2

When I want to reload the SaOK way, I have to go through a lot of stuff before I have the option to load a saved game instead of stating a new one. Can there be a shortcut implemented? The custom savegame is obviously more stable (after a crash for example), but it also is the only way to restore weaponresting for me. Re-initialize mods works for everything but TMR weaponresting. But especially the reliability of your savegame file is a huge win!

---------- Post added at 17:14 ---------- Previous post was at 17:11 ----------

  SaOk said:
Ok, could be the camp alarm reinforcements, added those in quite hurry before MANW deadline. Checking it.

Aah, interesting. But then one won't see them coming, They're in small arms weapon range immediatly. Also, no original soldiers were present in that base. I tend to think every red diamond should be a challenge and a true mental reward if ever captured.

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Found the camp reinf issue, its fixed for next update. Also few days back fixed that undercover issue (coming with the next update too) - player need to press the undercover key in camp to exit, also when resuming using my custom save the undercover mode is enabled automatically if it was enabled when saving. The bomb issue is probably game releated, I thought those worked earlier.

Loading the custom savegame appear as first start option, not sure how to shortcut that more unless removing the few second wait before the options appear.

Edit: Before the camp reinf might have spawned rarely only ~400m away from player (it had values between 400 up to near 2000. Now its 850m->).

Edited by SaOk

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  SaOk said:
Found the camp reinf issue, its fixed for next update. Also few days back fixed that undercover issue (coming with the next update too) - player need to press the undercover key in camp to exit, also when resuming using my custom save the undercover mode is enabled automatically if it was enabled when saving. The bomb issue is probably game releated, I thought those worked earlier.

Loading the custom savegame appear as first start option, not sure how to shortcut that more unless removing the few second wait before the options appear.

Edit: Before the camp reinf might have spawned rarely only ~400m away from player (it had values between 400 up to near 2000. Now its 850m->).

Awesome improvements. Another 'undercover' issue: when exiting undercover, I lost all my team mates. I didn't care, but with them I also lost my best gear, which I divided amongst eight of them. So that was quite a loss.

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Hello All.

I hope you had a Merry Christmas and that you will have a successful New Year.

SaOk, still, many a 'Thank You' for this mod. I really appreciate it.

To any of those who may know the answer to this, when launching WLA, the title splash screen gives me a warning that the mod ASR_AI3 is out of date or such. This is even after updating the mod via PW6 to the current release. Is this a problem with that mod or is WLA not seeing that it is current? Do I need to edit a parameter to or will the mod run fine regardless of the warning that it is out of date?

I have no idea if it is effecting my game play, but was wondering, hence the question.

NOT a priority, just curious.

Previously, updating the ASR_AI3 mod solved the issue, now, not.

Again, to SaOk and any that have helped him with this WLA... thank you.


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Strange, but I dont have anything blocking that mod in mission side. Only displaying game is out to date message, if the productversion is detected as very old. Verifying game files help for it, but probably not related to this ASR issue.

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No there is nothing blocked, i myself play WLA with ASR AI too and i didnt get any kind of errors. I think the problem is the Installation by PW6, i might to believe that i read something about this and the issue that PW6 didnt place the userconfig from ASR AI correctly

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  LSD_Timewarp82 said:
No there is nothing blocked, i myself play WLA with ASR AI too and i didnt get any kind of errors. I think the problem is the Installation by PW6, i might to believe that i read something about this and the issue that PW6 didnt place the userconfig from ASR AI correctly

You have to manually download asr and move the new config to userconfig folder. Some reason this us broken with PWS.

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I used steam launcher to enter arma3, specifying every single mod, and it still gave the out of date message. It did state "initialized" on the very next line though. Again though, I do not think it is actually causing a problem, just thought I would mention it. I am still getting killed by the ai for being stupid... and even when I'm not so stupid. I am not complaining. The time previously that I saw the out of date message was solved by updating @asr_ai, this time it has not. Thought it was worth mentioning.

Mods I'm running?

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I don`t know what is wrong, but when I construct AI static weapons - some time later (1-2 min) appers second same weapon at the same place - so they broke each other, becouse they are standing in the same place. Every time I must delete both of them and construct again.

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  gopanchik said:
I don`t know what is wrong, but when I construct AI static weapons - some time later (1-2 min) appers second same weapon at the same place - so they broke each other, becouse they are standing in the same place. Every time I must delete both of them and construct again.

Yeah :). And often the Automated version breaks down for no good reason. Later in the game it's not so bad, but in the beginning you're poor. then the loss of money counts.

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New SP WLA update (dropbox only, need more testing). Added support for maps: Sahrani (sara.pbo), Panthera (panthera3.pbo) and Isla Duala (isladuala3.pbo). And Mod Template support for Chernarus Conflict. +Other tweaks (undercover mode is now saved in custom savegame and you need to press alt+y near friendly camp to exit it).

Edit: The sahrani is the one from AiA pack. Adding support for SMD sahrani for next update.

Edited by SaOk

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omg its here!!!! Duala here i come!!!!

BTW SaOk, Takistan "out of the box" units problem is fixed too?

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Tasks should stay inside the box, but will check other features that might spawn outside of it.

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How would one get the other maps?

I'm looking for my save file (whatever.pbo) but I'm seeing a few different spots those could be.

There's the Arma 3 folder under my documents - the SteamMP mission has a folder that looks like "[dyn%2fco-08]%20whole%20lotta%200altis.altis" and has a mission.pbo file in it.

Then I've got one under Documents > Arma 3 > Saved > mpmission that has another mission.pbo file, as well as continue.arma3save and other files like that.

Then I've got another one in my Steam folder at Steamapps > Arma 3 > Mpmissions

I'm not sure which ones I should be using or focusing on, but I'm pretty confused so any help is appreciated. It's just me and one person who play the game together, so we're trying to get it to run as smooth as possible and have the saves work properly - but if we can change the map, that's always a bonus.

Thanks for any help from anybody!

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You will need to change the pbo name in Steamapps > Arma 3 > Mpmissions (or missions in SP).

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  SaOk said:
You will need to change the pbo name in Steamapps > Arma 3 > Mpmissions (or missions in SP).

Hm. That's what I've tried, but I'm still not getting any other maps other than Altis/Stratis show up when I go to make a game. Looks like this.

I feel like I'm missing a step, but I'm not sure.

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Filename looks right. To be clear, you need to have the chernarus installed (e.g. from AiA TP*) and enabled for the game (from arma3 launcher or as start up parameter e.g. -mod=@AiATP). Then in MP lobby the mission should appear when selecting the Chernarus. If using server.exe the chernarus need to be enabled for it too.


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New SP WLA update (dropbox only, still testing). Added map support for: SMD Sahrani (smd_sahrani_a3.pbo), Podagorsk (FDF_isle1_a.pbo) and Clafghan. + some tweaks

Edit: Small hotfix uploaded (should prevent swim animation when continuening progress with certain custom maps)

Edited by SaOk

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did the devs of DragonFyre let you record that? let us taste what is coming for the love of Thalos!!!!

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Yeah, one of the tester recorded some stuff, but only for documentary for LJ. My last information was that the actual DragonFyre version which we have used for the Onlinetest was the last before full release. Todays goal was to find those last bugs and report them to LJ, we had 3 hours of gigantic fun and a lot of explosions^^ The release cant be far anymore.

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Cant wait to try it with blastcore. :) While waiting I am working on more SP mission updates - new dynamic tasks/events coming.

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Is there possible to adopt WLA for Fallujah map? Fallujah is city map and there just no place for huge AI bases.

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