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[SP/MP] Dynamic Whole Map ArmA3 Missions by SaOk

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New WLA SP update. Civ voices working again (if having the addon), +fixes/tweaks (including performance fixes).

Found and fixed one random bug that caused increasing stutter (it was guardpost releated as you suggested, function spawning guards had strange issue). Keeping eye on more similar bugs. The civs started to speak again after adding radio items for them. :D

Will try to add the version number soon to first post, after returning to have less updates in quick time.

Edit: Small Hotfix released. Noticed the new nearestVillage-search wasnt working right always.

Edited by SaOk

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New version performs better, but flying is still a kind of its own. Got 2 guys i wanted to kill so i spawned myself a Helo to wipe those creatures. Reached 200m Altitude TPW_Hud changed his number for Enemys from 2 to 19 in a 800m Radius. That was a short flight ^^

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Another small WLA SP update. Bring water task was broken, also some other tweak fixes.

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Yes, should be.

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RPT report

This is showing up a lot in RPT:

Error loading control missions\__cur_sp.altis\description.ext/ConstructionDialog/controls/_CT_SLIDER_1901/
Error loading control missions\__cur_sp.altis\description.ext/ConstructionDialog/controls/_CT_SLIDER_1900/
Error loading control missions\__cur_sp.altis\description.ext/ConstructionDialog/controls/_CT_SLIDER_1902/


You have some randomness in with regards to starting weapons and equipment. That is fine, but could you make sure what is selected by random has some logic to it with regards to extra equipment.

e.g. I start as a sniper with a long range sniper rifle, but there is no scope on the rifle. That is illogical.

e.g. I spawn with a MXC rifle with a SOS on it? Also illogical.

Edited by stlassen

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Something is wrong with AI waypoints.

I just saw a group of AI opfor units run into the open sea.

---------- Post added at 10:28 ---------- Previous post was at 10:06 ----------

Have you removed the NVG's from initial spawn at mission start, even when spawning in the dark hours of the day?

---------- Post added at 11:47 ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 ----------


I'm seeing Antenna markers without there being antennas anyway near it.

---------- Post added at 12:18 ---------- Previous post was at 11:47 ----------

Slow down once again.

I captured a camp near an airport, making it mine.

I'm unsure if that is the cause, but that was when I started noticing it.

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Thanks, will try to find what could be causing slowdowns. Also checking other bugs. The antenna should be found in the marked area, not directly under the antenna symbol.

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Updated with last SP mission :

- The 1st time I restart the saved gamet I am always spawned far away from last location, the second time I am spawned at the correct location...In coding this usually happens when some variables are missing proper initialization, as the 2nd time u 'restart', the memory location has already been correctly initializae by 1st restart... may be also a desync between loading and positioning, objects are positioned before loading is fully completed and initialized...

- Menu Slow down always present, and it seems to grow up with the more objecst/guardposts I create...

- It happens that objects created by WLA menu have copies of themselves spawned again in same position after some time, even if I am not anymore in WLA menu, this happens with Static weapon, Specials, static vehicles, any object it seems...

- I was in an heavy battle, and even with a lot of stuff and AI around, no FPS problems, but then, objects started falling randomly from the sky all around, anykind of object, persons too... never happened before...

About the WLA menu slow down I noticed one thing...

When the menu is slow to open, it appears like AI is less quick to react... For example, if I have a vehicle colum following me, when WLA menu is quick, I can see the AI in the vehicle behind me driving fine, following appropriately any path and avoiding obstacles in a decent way... when the menu slows down, driving AI appears to make weird things, and almost always stucks on easy passages...

In games usually this happens when the AI tasks are too much delayed between calls, as the movement usually is calculated by time interpolation, and the only time the AI has is the tick of its task... so, if timing between task calls and so ticks is too long, the interpolation becomes less precise, and usually, for a moving AI this is transformed in a 'cutting the corners' behaviour...

I dunno if this may be a clue, as I dunno how A3 coding works, I'd look eventually also into weird loops that may happen, that may be keeping CPU time or locking AI Tasks so that we have the 'cutting the corners' effect...

Edited by AlexRed

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Hi SaOK, i and a group of friends are playing WLA Multiplayer, is the best arma mission!!! but i have some questions:

1-when i create a Cargo House the help tips say that with this structure i can repair/reammo vehicles if i hit the Y key, but none happens, is this tip update? what i do wrong?

2-when i create a small Bagbunker i can create a IA Weapon too, but if i create another small Bagbunker and try to create another IA Weapon this text appear: "Weapon build limit reached in this guardpost". I think that with each small Bagbunker i can create 1 IA Weapon and 2 IA Teams

Sorry for bother : )

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Thank you, hope you support the COOP version in MANW too ;)


The cargo house should work By pointing the vehicle when pressing Y, but could be that its not working right yet in MP. I will prepare big updates for the COOP during November. In COOP there is fixed limits for guardpost guards, but the bigger bunkers give bigger limit. Adding more fortresses in the same post dont make the limit higher. I will try to add improvements for that too so player could expand the limit some bit at least. Also add option to toggle the limitations off (not sure if there is already parameter for it before you start the COOP). That setting is anyway made for open servers to guard FPS. When playing with friends, its not that needed.

I will look for the lag issue in SP, the best thing currently is to save in shift+1 often and reset the mission in scenarios menu always when returning to play. When saving, remember to wait that the hint says that saving have been completed. To make sure the game files are right, I would verify arma3 files in steam By right click -> properties. Also mods may cause lag issues.

But I will do my best to fix all possible leaking in mission side. Its the main priority but challenging task to work on.

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Thanks for the reply and yes i send my support for the MANW!!! I try again pressing the Y key. I should be out of the vehicle and near the Cargo House, and look at the vehicle and press Y?

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Thanks :), yes you need to be inside 20m radius from the cargo house, then press Y while pointing the vehicle which needs to be empty from any crew. But could be that the COOP have it broken. Will fix it for the first update in November.

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The cargo house has never worked for me either fyi (in SP), haven't played it for a few weeks but it definitely didn't back then infact on one or two occasions it made it worse or even blew it up.

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The cargo house worked normally for me yesterday in SP, but will test it more.

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New WLA SP update. Some new tasks, much performance tweaks, new scene in start options, early new outro cinema, much other tweaks/fixes.

Will keep searching for possible improvements for performance.

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I really like this mission. Played it for some time. Now I tested the Chernarus map and after I met the resistance leader (freed him), the game began to freeze every few seconds. Reloading didn't help. Is there a workaround or do I have to start a fresh savegame?

Greetings Pjatras

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I really like this mission. Played it for some time. Now I tested the Chernarus map and after I met the resistance leader (freed him), the game began to freeze every few seconds. Reloading didn't help. Is there a workaround or do I have to start a fresh savegame?

Greetings Pjatras

Sounds like the freeze i describe every time, hmm...

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Thanks :), make sure you have the latest mission file. I thought I fixed the freeze issue that was most likely from location search for tasks or choppers searching landsite. But that map have much less flat areas that may cause issues. I try to work on it more at least after the MANW deadline.

Edited by SaOk

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New SP WLA update. More optimization, tweaks and fixes.

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