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When will you make buildings that aren't squares?

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Every building I see seems to have perfectly straight and hard edges and there is no depth to the walls or anything, it's as if all you've done is made a box and stuck a texture on it. It's very disappointing and ends up being the biggest visual disappointment of the game, other than the poor texture and vegetation quality.

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you already played it ? no? you just wached screens and a few Pre alpha vids? yes? hmmm maby waiting till the alpha is on duty for all ... and textures and vegetation are good in my eyes (from screens and vids)

to the bulidings in my eyes, fit in the game time and Location

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Hi man,

are you talking about unenterable buildings ("Like a box") or just some buildings being very basic in design/form..?

ARMA does so much under the hood so to speak, so there's that to take into account too.

Different LODS not only for visuals/distance, but LODS also for Collision, Shadow, Fire impacts, AI paths, Floors etc... you get the idea. The structures have to be built within these constraints.

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How many non-square buildings are there, really? I can only think of a few fairly exotic examples, apart from lighthouses and silos. Otherwise, straight walls and 90° angles have been a staple of human architecture for hundreds, perhaps even thousands of years.

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Erm, ARMA 2 OA had more than squares, they had a mixture of different shaped rooms. From L-shaped to box to linear to irregular. You have no clue.

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Surely you can't be serious, OP.

Did the word Alpha cross your mind when you complained about poor texture? Even pre-alpha.

If yes, troll.

You could go back to "postcount" posts again. :)

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I don't mean making circular buildings, I mean they're basically squares or rectangles that are cut so perfectly. There is no depth to them, no sense of a thick wall, the textures are flat where modern games now you can see each brick popping out for example. The corners are so sharp and perfect too like they could cut you.

I was expecting something visually stunning and I just see flaws everywhere which make it looks quite dated even compared to some console games. Like the vegetation just clips right through you, Crysis in 2007 had it so plants have weight to them and as you walk through them, they feel like they're real as a result of this.

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dont like it-dont play it=Simple

12year-old response. Please use your brain before posting.

OP all buildings are based on rectangular shapes, and tbh from what I've seen so far it looks like there will be plenty of variety. And let's not forget that all buildings are accessible this time, which is simply amazing.

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As I said, there are LOTS of various LODs to each building.

One of these is FIRElod which is unseen polygons cut to "hug" the visual LOD, so every time you cut in a brick, or round a wall off, you're not only adding to the poly count of the visual LOD, you're adding to the count of the FIRE/SHADOW/GEO etc etc LOD.

This also ramps up the processing needed to work out bullet hits/shadows etc.

Seeing as ARMA is primarily a simulator, I reckon substance over eye candy galore is priority.

It's amazing what they are doing with this considering everything that's going on, let alone the draw distance...

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You have to understand that the scope of the game doesn't really allow for high res architecture all over a map; besides, this time around BI is aiming higher than they did with ArmA 2, so you can see for yourself in the alpha. If you don't like it, architecture would be fairly simple to mod (when the tools are released), and there are ways to soften edges with relatively little overhead. Don't expect fully furnished homes that will turn your attention away from the inherent, interior boxiness of most modern buildings though.

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Takistan buildings mostly aren't squared and they do have chamfered/beveled edges so... :D

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