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Arma 3 Battle recorder

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I dream about a .dem system like on Half-life, u can read your demo, extract frame by frame at the MAX FPS u want and with max settings on :)

I probably use this tool to make short action movie :)

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Any new idea ? After-Action Review seems very good.... simple video recording with nvidia ShadowPlay or whatever does not the trick !

We DCS players use Tacview to replay the action while debriefing, to understand the SITAC, what happened, and get something to learn.... just a MUST for such a simulator ! :yay:

Or at least, does someone have an idea about how to implement a recording tool (server-side?/client-side?/both?), at least on paper ? The aims is to replay the registrated scenario either on external flat map, or in-game (better but we may need some additional tool from BI).

Thanks for your info !

Edited by galevsky

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A real integrated battle recorder would be cool.

But i dont think we will see any to a3. unless someone make one mod.

Back in Arma2 there was a unit recorder. verry simple one.

I created one myself from scatch a more advanced one.

I could capture the data on 100 AI's if i wanted. and play them back.

I gave up on that idea as i saw the limitations on it.

Altho its fully posible to create a battle recorder mod for small single player missions. with a few units.

But i was interested in a large Warfare recoreder. "a bit optimistic i was " :p (cti/warfare) is/was my type of game.

Problem 1 was/is. Sqf.

Problem 2 is the abount of data.

You need set/get data like time, position, vecors, animation state, dammage, "force fire/check if fired". (depending on rec or playing). ++

All this gather up to a lot of data. about (general data size per unit) * (Nr of units).

Sqf/Engine is just too slow to handle so much data. unless your happy with 1-2 fps :p

Beside in multiplayer , never mind dont even want to get started on that.

as much as i want a battle recorder in arma3. this is not something i want bis to spend their resources on. there are bugs that should be fixed before adding in new ones :p

Edited by nuxil

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We DCS players use Tacview to replay the action while debriefing, to understand the SITAC, what happened, and get something to learn.... just a MUST for such a simulator ! :yay:

ArmA 3 is not a military simulator.

As far as I know, in some ways there has been an effort to distance ArmA 3 from mil-simulations and more toward mil-entertainment or 'mil-fun', which seems reasonable business strategy as they already have a product in the dedicated military simulator market under Bohemia Interactive Simulations: https://bisimulations.com/

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A real integrated battle recorder would be cool.

But i dont think we will see any to a3. unless someone make one mod.

Back in Arma2 there was a unit recorder. verry simple one.

I created one myself from scatch a more advanced one.

I could capture the data on 100 AI's if i wanted. and play them back.

Very interresting, thank you ;)

I gave up on that idea as i saw the limitations on it.

Altho its fully posible to create a battle recorder mod for small single player missions. with a few units.

But i was interested in a large Warfare recoreder. "a bit optimistic i was " :p (cti/warfare) is/was my type of game.

Problem 1 was/is. Sqf.

Problem 2 is the abount of data.

You need set/get data like time, position, vecors, animation state, dammage, "force fire/check if fired". (depending on rec or playing). ++

All this gather up to a lot of data. about (general data size per unit) * (Nr of units).

Sqf/Engine is just too slow to handle so much data. unless your happy with 1-2 fps :p

Beside in multiplayer , never mind dont even want to get started on that.

Thanks to share your XP !

The scope of my interrest will be PvP matches, so, for a limited number of players. I watched your videos, you did a great job, and perhaps some limitations may limit us to record vector & position only, plus firing events, to be able to plot units like it is done into the mission editor, but with a "play" button to see them move, and blink when firing + dotted line to see the aiming direction. The idea is to understand the chosen strategy + tactical move + who-killed-who, not a big deal if we cannot have animations and so on. (Could be great but acceptable limitations). Tacview is recording all flight parameters + weapons parameters + ground units parameters with no issue for up to 1000 units (including 40 humans, maybe more, but we limit to 1000 units in my DCS wing for in-game performances issues, and all vehicules remain static: important for DCS, but for Tacview it is the same: all coordinates + states are saved), but we rely on LUA export feature provided by DCS. Is it possible to have a socket to listen with Arma 3 ? Any other alternative ? I am interested in your python script....

as much as i want a battle recorder in arma3. this is not something i want bis to spend their resources on. there are bugs that should be fixed before adding in new ones :p

Sure... I am not asking to BI to do it ;)

@MDCCLXXVI: I don't want to troll about the game category

Edited by galevsky

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built in after action revew would be worth a DLC. epic idea.

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+1 for DLC

I'd certainly pay for it.

It would run on the server which handles all that data anyway so its dependant on the speed it can be written to disk.

Of course I don't know the details and full complexity of such a system but I would imagine that only position & rotation need constant update (possibly every few frames with interpolation).

Fire events and stance changes would be intermittent and the playback system would dynamically calculate trajectories, impacts and deaths etc as it does when playing.

So the rag-dolls would end up in slightly different positions but that would be perfectly acceptable for me.

Edited by EDcase

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No doubt that Zeus is a x100 more complicated stuff than just record/play ;)

Edited by galevsky

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something like rocksat editor from GTA series 

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