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Realistic survival kit

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Real Survive Pack




Addon Name: Real Survive Pack

Version: 1.0

By: Tong

Contact: BI Forums



asp.pbo = Realistic survival kit

Info on Addon:


I decided to make this little addon to make the game play more realistic, and also work a realistic logistics.

Known Bugs and issues:


shouldnt be any



Simply extract the .pbo you want into your Arma\Addons or other mod folder.

or use the mod folders method

Weapons class


ItemKabarKnife -> USMC Knife

ItemKnifeCiv01 -> Civilian Knife

ItemKnifeCiv02 -> Civilian Knife

ItemAxe -> Ax used for chopping wood and making fire

ItemCanteen -> Canteen

ItemCanteenEmpty -> Can be refilled with water

Magazines class:


ItemLog -> Log of wood to create fire

ItemYorkieBar -> Chocolate bar

ItemMeat -> Meat can be cooked

ItemWhiteMeat -> Meat can be cooked

ItemBanana -> Banana

ItemApple -> Apple

ItemMeal5 -> Ration Pack ready to eat

ItemWaterBottle -> Mineral Water bottle

ItemTinCanFull -> Tin with cooked food ready to eat

ItemTinCanEmpty -> Empty can used to store cooked food

ItemIvBag -> Intravenous solution for anyone who is suffering of dehydration

Vehicles class:


WaterBottleBox -> Box with 24 bottles of mineral water

Public vars


ASP_Food_Delay = 2880; //minutes

publicVariable "ASP_Food_Delay";

ASP_Water_Delay = 1440; //minutes

publicVariable "ASP_Water_Delay";

ASP_Animal_Delay = 30; // seconds

publicVariable "ASP_Animal_Delay";

ASP_Garbage_Delay = 60; //seconds

publicVariable "ASP_Garbage_Delay";

ASP_Debug = true; // On|Off Debug mode

publicVariable "ASP_Debug ";

ASP_Enabled = false; // Disable|Enable Survive pack

publicVariable = "ASP_Enabled";

How to use


is simple!

Right windows key = Interaction menu

Left windows key = interaction self menu



By downloading this content you agree to the following End User License Agreement:

This content is provided for entertainment purposes. You may not use this addon for commercial, military or teaching/training purposes.


You may distribute the .pbo files within this download freely, so long as the .pbo files are unmodified, and the Readme File, including this EULA, is attached.

Edited by Foxhound
downloadlink added

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"This content is provided for entertainment purposes. You may not use this addon for commercial, military or teaching/training purposes."

who's to say entertainment can't be educational. weird disclaimer if i'm honest. how will you enforce it?

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"This content is provided for entertainment purposes. You may not use this addon for commercial, military or teaching/training purposes."

who's to say entertainment can't be educational. weird disclaimer if i'm honest. how will you enforce it?

It's just a legal thing to prevent use of the mod in VBS 2.

@OP So... where's the download?

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Can someone post some instructions to show how to use this addon.

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Nice little addon.

Thanks for sharing it..

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i am in progress of making very important mission to me and only waiting to implement this great logistic mod.but problem is when i switch to another player in my group,or unit in another group,then i loose side bar food/water (green icons).Also,i saw on screenshots that bar in upper right corner with textually values for hungry,water and speed. i don't have it! please any word will help me a lot..thank you . Just to say,this is fourth day of my searching for solution,messing with init in mission folder,setting public values and other tries but without succsess. Thanks for reading this anyway

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i am missing answers for some questions but i am decided to make mission using this mode,anyway.Now i need help more than ever,mission is in progress,28 soldiers are lying unconscious in enemy militarized zone of 30 them started the operation.Mission has begun at 6:00,and now is 7:45 next day,so 25 hours is passed.In default config says there is 1440 minutes for soldiers to get thirsty,so that is ok.It miss for more than hour but ok.So what happened?Suddenly,every soldier is falled down in unconscious,once i switch control to them.It hapened about 7:25-7:35.I sad suddenly,becouse i dont see status bar in up right corner of screen for food and water.But i have one civilian (secret service agent)who was drink the water and eat apple on beguning the daylight,about 4:30.I am used him to getback to main camp,and get "IV bag"(Intravenous solution for anyone who is suffering of dehydration)-classname description-,but no action appear when i come close to unconscious soldiers on field.That civilian is controled by myself,too.No one button reacts to IV bag,no interaction,and no self interaction key.I just can do standard things,to exemine players and to drink or eat myself.No help option.Will they ever wake up or not?I leave them 15 mins and nothings happened.Blessing in disguise is enemy dont shoot on them,or thay think they are already dead,or they are so kind..So please,ANY advice?

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How to use


is simple!

Right windows key = Interaction menu

Left windows key = interaction self menu

What do you mean by windows key? The arrows, the numpad.....?

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What do you mean by windows key? The arrows, the numpad.....?

depends of keyboard, most of keyboards that there are in shop in my location (Europe, Poland) have "windows" key,

windows key is on keyboard dedicated to M$ systems, if i was in home i would take photo, but look at google:


keyboard with windows menu button and keyboard with right mouse menu button (when mouse crash or broken)



these have 2 windows buttons,

to be honest i do not remember ever having keyboard without those buttons , maybe you use some weird laptop ? do you have desktop computer for gaming ?

Edited by vilas

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I have a normal laptop, the same button interface as the picture you linked. But i don't know what i'm going wrong with the addon? :confused:

All the addons are there in the editor, but when I start using them, theres no action menu to do the action?

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button next to "alt" to the right and button next to the "alt" left are buttons what you are looking for.i hope this help

or if it's easier for you,button between "alt" and "control" on your keyboard

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Hi Steva,

I really was amazed when discovering your mod! I had been dreaming of something like that for quite some time because I play lots of APOCALYPSE/LOST missions where you are an insurgent/freedom fighter set out to defeat an enemy who initially has massive advantage in manpower and supplies. This mission has already a fair amount of logistics in it, so your mod fits right into the concept! Imagine how immersive that gets when I have to look for animals of farm and forest and for water sources while risking detection!

But before I mustered the courage to actually get a new mod into my beloved savegame by messing around with the .SQF or whereever you tell a given mission to use the RSP systen, I tried to add RSP to LEA the loadout editor, and the creator of that mod was so kind to help me with that. Now I can add your survival sytem AND the items to actually care for my soldier's needs into ANY mission easily. I tried both editor and normal SP missions and I do see the icons for hunger/thirst. Also, with LEA I had created a "survivalist kit" that gave me a K-Bar, a water canteen and an axe, an empty can as well as day pack rations. The items were partly "ammo" items and partly in the GPS/compass slots. I play with ACE, though, and I made the following observations both in editor and SP mission:

1) I can use the right Windows key to bring up ACE self interaction which then offers me in addition to the normal ACE interactions to drink from the canteen or eat the day ration.

2) I can use the left Windows key to interact with the felled trees and I get the firewood.

3) I cannot get the canteen refilled in a lake.

4) I cannot get meat from fresh (= shot by myself) chicken, cow, sheep, goat.

Do you have any idea what I made wrong? Is there such a thing as a "sweet spot" for all these actions which simply is smaller than with the big stack of wood?

And provided I get the system to work, what effect will it have on friendly and enemy AI?

Thanks in advance for your answers,


Edited by touristo

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First thing i must say that this is not my addon,this addon make Tong,but i have answers for some of your questions.So let's start in a row: I am absolutely agree that is very exciting situations and they make arma the magic game,but you can not refill water at natural sources,it will be possible in some future update like i read somewhere on forum.You can refill canteens only at clear water sources which you put from editor,like barrels with water and water stands.For example,i make truck cistern of water (kamaz open) and keep it near soldiers on the field to cover logistics of water supplies,or simply make secret camps somewhere in forest,inside enemy zone,and put there source of water and etc.For food,its much easier,because you can hunt animals everywhere on terrain,only item you need is knife.Answers:

1)Ok,this action works,there is no problem,only problem is IVbag but that is not mentioned.

2)It only can be done if you have item axe at your inventory,so thats ok

3)Only water sources from editor,not natural.I read somewhere on forum that next update will have option for refilling water at lakes,rivers and oceans but player will have to use some item that will clean that water first.(some kind of filter)

4)Did you manage to kill animal with knife using interaction keys ? If you done this,than i cant see reason why you cant took meat.Face dead animal and press interaction key to get action "cut meat",when you finish,get parts of fresh meat just using action "gear" from action menu.Than you cook food on fire,but you need empty can to store cooked food.Otherwise,you can put "finished",already cooked food to boxes or soldier inventory slots using classnames and basic,easy script,but in my opinion,hunting is much better :))

If I'm understanding you well,you look for some kind of place where you have everything in one (sweet spot) ? No,there is not,you must collect every of this items to make actions with them,logs for creating fire,knife for cutting meat,etc..i do so using "classnames".

Friendly units are effected with symtoms of thirsty and hungry as well as player even if you switch to other playeble unit,but enemies are not.I am tested it well in mission long more than 78 hours.

Now i have question for you : Did you see "status bar" for thirsty/hungry in upper-right corner of screen (like in screenshots of addon) or not? Or you just have green icons on right side of screen ?

Thanks in advance and feel free to ask for help anytime! greetings from Serbia!

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The mod works great and it's a very good gameplay addition.I'll fire up some suggestions:

1.The empty cans could be reusable after storing food in them.Or let us cook the meat even if we don't have those things with us.

2.The meat drops from animals is way to big.160 for a sheep?I could live for months with only that sheep.:p

Instead it could be like Dayz,6 pieces of meat for big animals and 1-2 for small ones like rabbit or chicken.

3.Let us chop wood from any trees.

Otherwise this is a must have mod for those of us who liked the survival aspect in Dayz or take some camping trips.

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Love this add-on. Agree with the amounts being too large (unless they spoil quickly if left uncooked).

Doesn't seem to work on boars from my testing. So should be getting meat of a boar, or goat, or any other animal - even a dog if you want to make a desperate "The Road" kind of scenario.

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Having trouble getting the meat from animals. I've got the percentages and the speed meter showing up. Interaction buttons are definitely configured correctly - I can take water from rain barrels, for instance, and interact with buildings.

Some fixes required:

Instead of using constant hintSilent for the meters, make a resource to display the same information. This interferes with mission updates and the like that also use hint, hint format, or hintSilent. Might as well tie such a resource in to display ace_stamina, too.

IV Bag.

readme.txt needs to be a bit more accurate, or more clear.

Set it to be able to take water from the "village well" object, and the "hand water pump" object.

Also the wood pile with axe object ought to be usable in some fashion by this mod/scripts.

Great work Tong. Hope you're able to progress it further and polish it up.

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Does anyone of you guys manage to use IVbag? Everything works great,even with ace or any other addon,(i use a dozen of them)i tried untill now.Just IVbag can not be used,i tried everything to make it work,every stance of soldiers,consciousness and unconsciousness,every key to use,but without reaction.Thank you for answers

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I haven't tried the IV bag although I put one in the mission. I'll try test it.

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ok ,i hope you will found the way to use it.

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@Tong (or anyone who knows)

Can you list version requirements, please?


So far I've been unable to,

Gather meat from creatures (which prevents cooking & canning)

Find anything to cut wood from (haven't checked the "wood pile" object, yet - which prevents making a fire)

What I can do:

Eat to reduce hunger

Drink to reduce thirst

Gather water from rain barrels into canteens

Still to test:

IV bag

Edited by Grimwald
request for version requirements

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I'm noticing that when I suspend a game the RSP displays disappear (and I have to assume stop working). Is this indicative of something I've not done right (CBA version, mod load order, etc.)?

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