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Mass Global Ban?

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Hey There, im HvK-Myth, i run a 112 man gaming group and we own a server for playing DayZ. Today, at around 4:45pm GMT-7, 22 people including myself were global banned by battle eye at the same time. All 22 people were clan mates of mine and I own, moderate, and control the server. It says we were "caught too many times using a banned weapon". None of us had any banned weapons? And none of us use hacks. So im wondering why we are permanently banned from playing ARMA II and DayZ? I need answers and help immediately! Thanks!

Cameron (HvK-Myth)

Owner Name: Myth

Server IP:

USt-IdNr.: DE266867835

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You will have to get in contact with battleye. There is nothing we can do about that.

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You will have to get in contact with battleye. There is nothing we can do about that.

Your game uses the battle eye client with your permission as the developing studio. So far, myself and 26 members have been banned from a server that WE own and operate. I have the admin privileges as I am the owner. We all bought Combined Operations for $30. Thats $810.00 USD we used to purchase the games in total. Who is going to refund our money? Its your game, so Bohemia must provide us with refunds if we bought a game that refuses to work correct?

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I'm not a Bohemia Interactive employee. All I can tell you to do is contact Battleye. As for refunds, I would suggest contacting your point of sale.

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Can you still play on another server? BE so far never banned for such - probably a cheater banned you on your server somehow.

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Who is going to refund our money? Its your game, so Bohemia must provide us with refunds if we bought a game that refuses to work correct?

Wrong. The store you bought the game from is the one to ask for a refund, after all they got your money and you made the deal with them. If you purchased your copies from the BI Store then contact them by email. The forum is not the place for such things, simply because the chances are low your message is read by the right people.

And the game works correct, obviously. It at least does here and at thousands of other people. I don't know what you and your guys did wrong but the problem is obviously DayZ related because without this (unofficial) Mod you don't get banned for "using a banned weapon".

Your game uses the battle eye client with your permission as the developing studio.

And? As said above: All global bans are handled by BattlEye only - there is nothing BI can do to get your bans removed.

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I suggest using google, might help a lot...as Wolle said...the forum is the wrong place:

read here to get emmidiate support in your matter

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I think it's a natural first step to go to the forums of the game you're having problems with, as there seems to be a lot of BattlEye related complaints, perhaps a special sticky outlining the recommended way forward with links would be helpful?

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I think it's a natural first step to go to the forums of the game you're having problems with, as there seems to be a lot of BattlEye related complaints, perhaps a special sticky outlining the recommended way forward with links would be helpful?

The Link I provided above leads to the BE support. To go further with your suggestion, I suggest to use this one :cool:

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Are you 100% sure that you are global banned and not just banned on your server by some "hacker" kiddie?

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AFAIK Battleye bans don't message you with a description of your ban, this seems as a server ban.

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That's not a Global ban.

It says we were "caught too many times using a banned weapon".

This is a message created by script kiddies (with scripts obviously)...

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If you're banned by a server contact the server.

If you're banned by Battleye contact Battleye.

You choose when installing Arma whether to install Battleye.

You choose when playing whether to play on Battleye servers.

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