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BattlEye: Corrupted Data #3

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Anyone who needs to play with CBA will have to rollback to working 103718 build.... its not BIS if its working smooth + without introduction of new/old issues and bugs awesome-splendid features. ;)

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CBA team has already hotfix/fix for the issue, ask Vipermaul

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Just unsign test release - and just a workaround.

Plus happens with lots of other addons/missions too..

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I had a similar BattlEye problem (Corrupted Data #5).

There is one easy solution: Close the BE-process in task manager. Then start ArmA again.

That would really help! :)

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Battleye Kick Corrupted Data #3

So after searching and searching this is still an issue for many folks on our Altis Life servers. Seems to happen to me no matter what I do. Happens a lot if I alt tab to check battlewarden for s server issue, open up firefox, IE, chrome, any browser. Doesn't matter if I have certain programs running or not, spent hours testing over and over with one program at a time. Ran as administrator, still happened. Seems randomly I can play for a bit then poof kicked again same error or just kicked after a few minutes over and over. Have completed deleted Arma 3, all files related to Arma 3, missions, profiles, verified so many times it hurts to count, restarted, done everything I can think of and it still happens. Any help would be great. Hard to help moderate a community when you get kicked trying to compensate someone on the server every 5 minutes. If there is additional information, please tell me, feeling completely lost now.

Running Windows 8

Geforce GTX780

i7-4471 3.5ghz

16gb ram

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edit. ups wrong game :)

Edited by Seitan

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Battleye Kick Corrupted Data #3

So after searching and searching this is still an issue for many folks on our Altis Life servers. Seems to happen to me no matter what I do. Happens a lot if I alt tab to check battlewarden for s server issue, open up firefox, IE, chrome, any browser. Doesn't matter if I have certain programs running or not, spent hours testing over and over with one program at a time. Ran as administrator, still happened. Seems randomly I can play for a bit then poof kicked again same error or just kicked after a few minutes over and over. Have completed deleted Arma 3, all files related to Arma 3, missions, profiles, verified so many times it hurts to count, restarted, done everything I can think of and it still happens. Any help would be great. Hard to help moderate a community when you get kicked trying to compensate someone on the server every 5 minutes. If there is additional information, please tell me, feeling completely lost now.

This is still very much an issue yet i havent found a fix yet. Someone enlighten us?

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As posted above this issue is on going and in large numbers from the servers I have been visiting / experiencing myself. There are times when I can get onto a server fine and play for hours or times like right now when I can't stay connected for more then 20 seconds. I am not streaming and I cannot find a solution to this issue. I have tried updating BE manually and verifying my arma files through steam and still no luck. If you connect to a Wasteland server and view the server messages in the bottom left you will see numerous others getting disconnected with the exact same error message. The other bug going around is people get d/c'd immediately when they are killed by an explosion and that returns a public variable restriction #6 I believe it is.

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As posted above this issue is on going and in large numbers from the servers I have been visiting / experiencing myself. There are times when I can get onto a server fine and play for hours or times like right now when I can't stay connected for more then 20 seconds. I am not streaming and I cannot find a solution to this issue. I have tried updating BE manually and verifying my arma files through steam and still no luck. If you connect to a Wasteland server and view the server messages in the bottom left you will see numerous others getting disconnected with the exact same error message. The other bug going around is people get d/c'd immediately when they are killed by an explosion and that returns a public variable restriction #6 I believe it is.

The bolded part is something the server admin should fix, it's just depending on what is filtered on the server through battleye and maybe some anticheat stuff in the mission that uses BE to kick people.

As for the Corrupted Data #3 kick, from my experience it's usually triggered from a game crashing bug or unstable computer due to overclocking.

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I'm playing nearly each day/each second day on the EUTW server. Since yesterday I ve got the problem that i cannot join the EUTW server. The last 5cm in of the progress bar let me crash with the windows message 'Arma3 doesn't work anymore...'

â—why since yesterday ?

â—nothing de-/installed and no new hardware

â—first time happened yesterday after i started to open the map while holding the TITAN MPRL AT launcher

â—for testing i joined a CBA/JSRS21 Wasteland server -succesfully

â—Singleplayer, works

â—EUTW#2 & #3 (none other EUTW server tested)

â—anyone else?



/edit: I ve joined a BattleRoyale server and got BattleEye corrupt data #3 .

So.... any ideas if it could happening with a #script loo' which has been saved somewhere what is caused by the action titan+map ? I don't think so, but if yes, i'm glad to make one think.

/damn, this is Arma2 forum -sry

/edit: okay it's on Freds allocator -after setting my startup to -malloc=system it works

Edited by z13l5ch31b3

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