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About DJResonance

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  1. DJResonance

    BattlEye: Corrupted Data #3

    Okay, I decided to reinstall EVERYTHING...Arma 2, OA, and BattlEye, and decided NOT to stream and NOT to run Teamspeak. I got about an hours worth of gameplay before "Corrupted Data #3" appeared again. What's more is that I witnessed about 3-5 other players during that time get booted for the same reason.
  2. DJResonance

    BattlEye: Corrupted Data #3

    Yes, this. AND, as a follow-up question...are there any streaming programs that BE won't make any false positives on? I would very much like to stream my exploits on this game...even if I can't use the program I just spent a small chunk to get an 18-month license for.
  3. DJResonance

    BattlEye: Corrupted Data #3

    I am doing exactly that: streaming with Xsplit and broadcasting on Twitch. I wonder if this is actually this issue...
  4. Hello, I have recently, since January 15th, had a number of issues with stuttering of gameplay anywhere between 5-20 minutes of gameplay where the game will freeze for 5-10 seconds, resume play VERY briefly, and then boot me. I was luck enough to be able to be streaming the first instance that this happened, as the message that was delivered was "BattlEye: Hack #2". Later on another server, it was "BattlEye: Hack #3". I've since resolved any bans with the administrators of those servers, the the fact remains that my game is booting for some sort of false positive. First course of action: reinstall BattlEye from the option within Steam (right click, select "reinstall BattlEye Anti-Cheat"). It tells me that it cannot find the executable. Restarted the machine and tried again; same result. I tried to download the latest battleye client from the web: the server is down, and is giving some page error in German (Diese Präsenz ist leider nicht verfügbar). Last night, I deleted Arma2 and Arma2:OA from Steam and re-downloaded and installed them. Tried playing, but kept having the same issue....only THIS time the error that is given is "BattlEye: Corrupted Data #3". From here, I have uninstalled Six Launcher and Six Updater, and installed "Play WithSix". I used that to re-download ACE and DayZ. I figured out how to find Wasteland games from this interface, and begin playing. Again, I get about 20-30 minutes in and get booted for "BattlEye: Corrupted Data #3". I have searched google for this, but the only thing that remotely looks like this error is some others who have a "BattlEye: Corrupted Memory #3"...but this is not the exact verbiage that is given to me from the launcher. I am out of ideas, and I'm exhausted of trying everything that I can to get my favorite game to stream working again. Anything (links, advice, tech help) that anyone could provide would be GREATLY appreciated! --DJRes
  5. No worries! I've been persuing every avenue to my disposal to reach someone, so you might see some duplication on this issue. I apologize in advance for that. Thank you for your time. :)
  6. Hello, Due to working full time, I am having difficulty contacting someone concerning a ban that was delivered to me on CodeFourGaming's #8 server @ 4:30-5:30pm CST on 01/15/2013, administrated by Su-Matra while I was streaming and recording. Most of the Teamspeak communication that I was able to take care of during my free time yesterday had me go from CodeFourGaming's TS to the ARMA2.ru's TS, speaking with a Garrett_91, who also was not able to stay online until SuMatra appeared I believe this to be an error, and would like to do whatever it takes to get this resolved. To help, I have a link of my stream while playing (twitch.tv/djresonance1979/b/357369515 ; I have to remove the URL tag, as this is my first post.) which shows the ban being automatically delivered at the 8:31 mark. Servers #8, 9, and 10 are the ones that I play and stream from 90% of the time, so it is very important to me to get this resolved. I apologize if this is in the wrong location, as I have searched the web for a specific ARMA2.ru forum site to post this in, and could not find one. If by chance there is, please let me know and I will take this to the proper location. Thank you for your time, DJResonance DirtNapGaming dot Com