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Star Citizen - from the creator of Freelancer & Wing Commander

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5333k ... there is high chance to hit 5.5million funding ... amazing

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The 5.5 million mark has been crossed. Now at >5.7 million. :eek:

Can't see how long it's still got though. I wonder if they'll hit 6mil.

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Chris Roberts flies to Cuba and buys himself a new mansion in Havana complete with yacht!

Seriously this looks great, might flutter a few quid in the next day or so on this. Space skyrim with eve /freelancer influences, hope so.

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Aaaand 6 million. Absolutely amazing.

The last day is when people jump off the fence. I can't even get the site to load, so I'm assuming it's getting a tonne of traffic. I must say I was surprised nonetheless by the amount of money. It shot waaaaay up in a day.

Well, the crowdfunding's over. Now, on with the waiting...

Edited by OnlyRazor

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Way over 6 million. This is incredible. I would have thought that they´ll make around 3 to 4 but not way over 6....

This is a big kick in the nuts for all traditional big publishers.

Their decline has started.

They are not needed anymore

A PC Exclusive, a Space sim! (A genre thought dead) easily raised over 6 million.

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Thats great! PC gaming is alive, boy it's music to my ears. Am I too late to buy into the Beta?

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Thats great! PC gaming is alive, boy it's music to my ears. Am I too late to buy into the Beta?

Apparently they're going to do something, so you might be able to pledge or sign up for a subscription programme. The site's down for maintenance for a couple of days, though, so not in this timeframe.

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Thats great! PC gaming is alive, boy it's music to my ears. Am I too late to buy into the Beta?

Yes, you can still go to the RSI website and pledge, but the prices are slightly higher now that the official crowd funding drive has ended. Pledges will continue and it is still very much worth it as you will get access to the Alpha and Beta as well as reserve a ship. The subscription thing is an option some pledgers asked for to continue helping with the game and is completely optional. The amount of content that was unlocked and made possible through the record braking crowd funding drive is amazing. Here is the site http://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/

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Does someone know what the 6 million goal was?

Edit - Ah, its on Kickstarter. Nice =)

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Rear (Vice?) Admiral reporting for duty! Still better spend money than getting VBS2 just for some new tools =)

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Way over 6 million. This is incredible. I would have thought that they´ll make around 3 to 4 but not way over 6....

This is a big kick in the nuts for all traditional big publishers.

Their decline has started.

They are not needed anymore

A PC Exclusive, a Space sim! (A genre thought dead) easily raised over 6 million.

True, it has been amazing but Star Citizen does still use 10/11 million in private investment too (not sure where I heard that figure though)

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I think the money comes from various companies like Alienware, NVIDIA and so on...

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Rear (Vice?) Admiral reporting for duty! Still better spend money than getting VBS2 just for some new tools =)

Nice! Glad to see you join the ranks. I kid you not, when I first found out that this game would be moddable the first thought I had was "Icebreakr and the other Arma 2 modders would OWN this!". I nearly sent you a PM about Star Citizen early on in the campaign but I did not want to spam you with off topic stuff. Very cool to see you have backed it.

---------- Post added at 02:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:41 PM ----------


True, they have an arrangement for 10 to 14 mil in inestment from private investors but they are not the traditional publishers that dictate what gets made and what does not. Basically these private investors are are more or less Backers with big pockets and will see some return on their investment whereas the crowd funding backer gets game benefits and physical benefits(card, music cd, signed box, etc.). A game of this scope could not have succeded without either. The great thing about that type of investor, which can be considered somewhat of a new bread of game backer, is that the funds they invest are proportional to the interest from the public via crowd funding....if the public wants it and the project makes its crowd funding goals the investment money increases. This is the opposite of the publisher that says "PC gaming is dead therfore we will not invest". This is a way to actually go to the public and say "want do you want?". The response in this case proved the traditional publisher mis judged the situation. Dont get me wrong, there is a place for the traditional publisher and I am not against them, but I am primarily a PC gamer that knows the reason PC gaming has fallen back is not because there is no interest, but because there is a lack of quality games made exclusively for the PC that are not console ports made for 7 year old technology.

---------- Post added at 02:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:54 PM ----------

I think those companies donated peripherals and rewards to be given out for the funding drive(the referral contest). Lets face it, they stand to gain if the PC gaming scene turns around so they want to see this happen as well.

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Been watching SC for a while, but on purpose, I was not getting too involved or excited about it.

Probably going to take lots of time to get to know the game, proper space sim type, which appeals to me a lot. I got TOM but it isn’t what I’m looking for nor will ED be. I want a large space sim, not simply dog-fighting, with the same outlook all the time. I won’t do much dog-fighting anyway, not that fast/good.

The line-up I have so far is as follows, not bought these yet, getting opinions on the SC forum etc first. Also the Constellation has a few variants coming out shortly, so would be best to wait for those to appear.

Constellation (large carrier, good onboard protection) 4crew

Aurora LN (small carrier, plus fighter ability) 1crew

325A (small carrier/fighter/fast) 1crew

Freelancer (medium carrier plus an explorer variant, some protection depends on variant, as do all) 2crew

My aim is not to dogfight much, but to explore, mine, cargo carry etc. Possibly setup a ‘Organisation’ when the full game is out (carrier, exploration, salvage/repairs type company, obviously with fighter protection available), could be a couple more years yet, till the full game is out, but they are dripping out things till then.

I think its possibly wise to leave the bulk release until nearer the time. I know they’re working on planet surfaces and so on, so landing and exploring looks like its going to be in there.

It’s a mammoth task and yes as said here on this forum, it may not live upto its own hype, but it will be the space game to have (imo), simply because its a space sim.

Making your way into deep space for exploration, sleeping onboard, having food stocks to last, fuel etc. Also I love the idea you can keep travelling via the sleep mode i.e. come off the bridge into the crew quarters, then into bed, then logoff, come back and start from where you left off (certain ships), waking up simply drifting in space (needs to be pretty friendly or fairly remote). The fact your character can die, gives it something real, reason to be cautious, careful in what you do, all adds to the immersive feel.

Plus the ships are really something to see, especially because they have the living quarters that are onboard that you can interact with, this gives the game/sim a whole feel, not just a cockpit view if you like. Walking around the ship whilst in space with a crew of humans or AI/NPC. Also a great thing of course, its going to be mod-able. I have already seen some designs of ships that may go into game eventually. I can see many variants appearing of ships, possibly docking stations, remote outpost type places, who knows, looks exciting. Even more so now, because the long wait part, is now over halfway through, glad in a sense I didn’t bother at the beginning, as it would be hard to keep on-track with delays etc.

Contrary to some on here, I don’t think this will harm KickStarter, it’s a really independent project, yes it will be compromised at some point, like this series with A3 going mainstream (loosing the sim style aspect, arguable, but for me it has). But by then you have your sim, fully playable with huge content and to a staggeringly high quality finish. So if it gets compromised, you still win out, the universe is there, if they try to change it later, which they may, stick with what you have and let new players take care of any new commercial driven aspect, which will be centred around dog-fighting differences I would imagine, plus areas to do that, which there will already be anyway, but probably dumbed down, made simpler. If it were to be compromised, I would just steer clear of that side and continue how I started, there will be plenty of players to do that.

The same with this series, I play A2, simply because it feels more real, not because of graphics, although it would have been nice to have them too, but for the feel of the game. With SC, you start out with this feeling (even now), it feels immersive and it hasn't even started really, more or less all in hanger with ships I'm more interested in.

Plus of course the game engine and the finish is pretty much, well, great. But I would gladly have them sacrifice graphics for immersive feel, but here with SC, it looks like they are going for everything, immersive feel, outstanding graphical quality, mod'ability, vastness etc, all in the package.

I can maybe feel a change coming for me, well I think its already underway, certainly got my interest and a few others I know now.


Edited by ChrisB

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Been watching SC for a while, but on purpose, I was not getting too involved or excited about it.

Probably going to take lots of time to get to know the game, proper space sim type, which appeals to me a lot. I got TOM but it isn’t what I’m looking for nor will ED be. I want a large space sim, not simply dog-fighting, with the same outlook all the time. I won’t do much dog-fighting anyway, not that fast/good.

The line-up I have so far is as follows, not bought these yet, getting opinions on the SC forum etc first. Also the Constellation has a few variants coming out shortly, so would be best to wait for those to appear.

Constellation (large carrier, good onboard protection) 4crew

Aurora LN (small carrier, plus fighter ability) 1crew

325A (small carrier/fighter/fast) 1crew

Freelancer (medium carrier plus an explorer variant, some protection depends on variant, as do all) 2crew

My aim is not to dogfight much, but to explore, mine, cargo carry etc. Possibly setup a ‘Organisation’ when the full game is out (carrier, exploration, salvage/repairs type company, obviously with fighter protection available), could be a couple more years yet, till the full game is out, but they are dripping out things till then.

I think its possibly wise to leave the bulk release until nearer the time. I know they’re working on planet surfaces and so on, so landing and exploring looks like its going to be in there.

It’s a mammoth task and yes as said here on this forum, it may not live upto its own hype, but it will be the space game to have (imo), simply because its a space sim.

Making your way into deep space for exploration, sleeping onboard, having food stocks to last, fuel etc. Also I love the idea you can keep travelling via the sleep mode i.e. come off the bridge into the crew quarters, then into bed, then logoff, come back and start from where you left off (certain ships), waking up simply drifting in space (needs to be pretty friendly or fairly remote). The fact your character can die, gives it something real, reason to be cautious, careful in what you do, all adds to the immersive feel.

Plus the ships are really something to see, especially because they have the living quarters that are onboard that you can interact with, this gives the game/sim a whole feel, not just a cockpit view if you like. Walking around the ship whilst in space with a crew of humans or AI/NPC. Also a great thing of course, its going to be mod-able. I have already seen some designs of ships that may go into game eventually. I can see many variants appearing of ships, possibly docking stations, remote outpost type places, who knows, looks exciting. Even more so now, because the long wait part, is now over halfway through, glad in a sense I didn’t bother at the beginning, as it would be hard to keep on-track with delays etc.

Contrary to some on here, I don’t think this will harm KickStarter, it’s a really independent project, yes it will be compromised at some point, like this series with A3 going mainstream (loosing the sim style aspect, arguable, but for me it has). But by then you have your sim, fully playable with huge content and to a staggeringly high quality finish. So if it gets compromised, you still win out, the universe is there, if they try to change it later, which they may, stick with what you have and let new players take care of any new commercial driven aspect, which will be centred around dog-fighting differences I would imagine, plus areas to do that, which there will already be anyway, but probably dumbed down, made simpler. If it were to be compromised, I would just steer clear of that side and continue how I started, there will be plenty of players to do that.

The same with this series, I play A2, simply because it feels more real, not because of graphics, although it would have been nice to have them too, but for the feel of the game. With SC, you start out with this feeling (even now), it feels immersive and it hasn't even started really, more or less all in hanger with ships I'm more interested in.

Plus of course the game engine and the finish is pretty much, well, great. But I would gladly have them sacrifice graphics for immersive feel, but here with SC, it looks like they are going for everything, immersive feel, outstanding graphical quality, mod'ability, vastness etc, all in the package.

I can maybe feel a change coming for me, well I think its already underway, certainly got my interest and a few others I know now.


In all honesty, it seems you know very little about ED as it is more what you say you like in a space game than SC will likely ever be.

I must admit that I prefer Braben's low key approach to development as well.

I remain highly skeptical of SC and the more money Roberts takes, the more skeptical I become.

You need only look back to Freelancer to see how capable Roberts is of promising the world and not delivering.

I think you'll also find that SC focuses on combat, Roberts may have all kind of grand designs on exploration etc but given the fact he has trouble meeting his current milestones, I don't see that happening anytime soon.

And as far as damaging Kickstarter goes, I think you are dead wrong. If SC fails (and I'll concede that it is an 'if' and not a 'when'), it will do an irreparable amount of damage to Kickstarter and any future crowd funding projects.

Once bitten, twice shy as the old adage goes.

I hate to be negative about this game as it should be something I am excited about but I just can't be given the current climate where 'early access', 'pre-order' et al are concerned.

I suspect that giving this guy ~$45,000,000+ in advance will only serve to encourage him to make promises and create hype that SC simply cannot live up to, no matter how good or bad it ends up being.

He also makes comments that I find highly suspect, things like 'the development of SC will never end' - does that mean that the crowd funding will 'never end'?

I mean he passed his stated financial goals quite some time ago yet he continues to take money and it seems like this is going to go on in perpetuity.

At any rate, if you enjoy it, more power to you but color me extremely skeptical.

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I can see your sceptical and understand the reasons why, yes he’s taken huge amounts in and is selling ships etc for the game. But, he remains without the need for a pub, that sounds good to me, I would like the game to never end development, like this series at the moment. That appeals to me, ongoing support and improvements.

Will it make 'kickstarter' a riskier place, no, it already is, but people back how they feel and what they can afford, if they don’t then that’s foolish. Its the real world, a great thing kickstarter, but there will always be risks.

ED will not be half the game I fear, that SC will become. I know they (ED) want to include planet surfaces, walking around the ship etc, but I don't see that happening anytime soon in ED. But I don't have it, so not really that interested (yet), it is not SC and SC is not ED. Although them being in competition, could be a very good thing, for us the players.

Each to their own..;)

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I can see your sceptical and understand the reasons why, yes he’s taken huge amounts in and is selling ships etc for the game. But, he remains without the need for a pub, that sounds good to me, I would like the game to never end development, like this series at the moment. That appeals to me, ongoing support and improvements.

Will it make 'kickstarter' a riskier place, no, it already is, but people back how they feel and what they can afford, if they don’t then that’s foolish. Its the real world, a great thing kickstarter, but there will always be risks.

ED will not be half the game I fear, that SC will become. I know they (ED) want to include planet surfaces, walking around the ship etc, but I don't see that happening anytime soon in ED. But I don't have it, so not really that interested (yet), it is not SC and SC is not ED. Although them being in competition, could be a very good thing, for us the players.

Each to their own..;)

I have had ED for a while now and as I said, I prefer Braben's approach - there is also a lot more game with ED than there is with the current build of SC.

We can talk about what has been promised where either game is concerned but 'a bird in the hand' etc ;)

The problem with Roberts saying 'development will never end' is if that is the case, when do we judge it as a 'finished' product.

If SC fails, it won't make Kickstarter a riskier place, it is a minefield of risk as it stands and SC is not even close to the riskiest venture on there, at least they have something to show.

If SC fails to deliver, I suspect it will affect people's future decisions to fund projects but it certainly won't change the inherent risk - that has been there from day one.

I agree, Ongoing support and development, awesome. This is why we love BIS, although I don't have to write BIS a cheque every month.

Continuing to take money long after your stated goals have been met and charging insanely high amounts for virtual items, highly suspect imho.

As I said, I really hope it works out and if it does I will be buying a copy (or two) but there are too many red flags for me at present.

Again, I'm glad you (and many others) are enjoying it :D

Edited by BangTail

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Still on about your ED Bangs? You know they have medication for that nao!!


Honestly if I had a choice with money not being a stipulation -I'd choose ED at this point over SC. Reason being SC is just not that fun to play yet in it's current state. Sure it's pretty and the damage model to die for, but no real engine sounds, no sense of speed, generic non specific huds and a very hard to master flight model -not that thats a bad thing..That said I am impressed with the level of detail for the craft and did I mention the damage model? It's sublime. Real thruster placement physics, your left rear one gets shot out you'll lose control accordingly to that specific angle. A component can be disable or literally shot out of your ship, leaving you vulnerable in real time sometimes watching the actual object drifting by you. It's this capacity of the game that I can at least sense the dedication being put into this -how it actually turns out is anybody's guess

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Its the feeling it gives me, I got that with this series when we first got into it (Arma), a great feeling of longevity, being around for the long term, sim style but still a game, I liked that a lot.

But that's what I get from this SC, may be misguided, hope not, I want a change now anyway. I am quite willing to pay for my hobby, ongoing £'s if need be, provided it keeps me entertained, then I'm happy and its worth the money.

If ED did something similar, then I would support that too, but its not really the same at the moment, doesn't give me that, well, whatever it is. :bounce3:

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I hear ya ChrisB -I love the Arma series but also welcome some new game that I can just immerse myself in for some time. The vision of this game seems to answer that call, I hope for a similar result. Like I said, the dedication to a really unique flight model and damage system shows me they are really motivated and willing to craft something different -the amount of promises, delays and endless virtual ship sales (recent one going for $110!!) has me worried on the other hand.

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I hear ya ChrisB -I love the Arma series but also welcome some new game that I can just immerse myself in for some time. The vision of this game seems to answer that call, I hope for a similar result. Like I said, the dedication to a really unique flight model and damage system shows me they are really motivated and willing to craft something different -the amount of promises, delays and endless virtual ship sales (recent one going for $110!!) has me worried on the other hand.

I think many people have invested in SC based on what is being promised rather than what is on offer at present.

As I said before, trusting Roberts is a risky proposition based on his track record.

Not because I think he is a thief, simply because he promises the moon and fails to deliver.

At any rate, time will tell ;)

Edited by BangTail

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