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Generic African Buildings

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That was quite literally the first thought that came into my head when I saw the buildings...NICE!

my first idea ... update the Fallujah map with these buildings for real mout / cqb fun :)

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Does anyone of you use it as an addon for your map? I cannot seem to be able to figure out where to put the configs. Doors are not working and house class doesn't appear when you check the building with mouse-over in the in-game editor?

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Endlich !

More more more ! no need of xthausend M4 ;-) we need Infrastructure and Enviroment !!!!



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A fix will be inbound this weekend. (Thanks to iceBreakr and Synide for tracing the bug, as I didn't have the time this week to go looking on my own. :( )

Depending on how not-hungover I'll be I might get around patching in some more retexed variants as well to make up for the wait. :)

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Thank you Mondkalb, I'll be releasing Duala 1.97 shortly.


Edited by IceBreakr

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i am creating a city ramadi iraq one of your buildings is perfact for the scene. the old ruined apartment building with all of the positions. but there is a slight problem the building causes a huge decrease in framerates. i have tested this for hours and once i removed that type of building from my city it ran smooth. i had only placed 6 of those buildings and the other 50 or so building were all arma 2 OA buildings. i thnk you might what to have a look at that problem. 6 of those buildings was enough to make the game lag and my computers hardware is fine i have been palying arma 2 mid to hig settins for years now must i also mention the lag occured when the 6 buildings were within 100 meters of each other i tested more and discovered that if the buildings are spread out from each other about 500m or more they are no problem

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