Placebo 31 Posted July 22, 2002 Bis still haven't replied to my Email asking why the ground is all white when using Kegetys' winter Kolgujev Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tactician 0 Posted July 23, 2002 I have yet to find an addon that I really, really wanted to use in a map. Also, remember that all addons are loaded when you start OFP. I don't know about yall, but I don't need 30megs of "stuff" like that bogging down my game when I already play at a regular 20 FPS on a good day. 5 in Lipany. I have plenty of fun with stock objects, it's just about how you use em. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Major Fubar 0 Posted July 23, 2002 The right addons can add a lot to a mission. I'm not talking about a reskinned jeep just for the hell of it, but something like a dogfight misssion based around Gimbal's get what I mean? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyCat 131 Posted July 23, 2002 I'm glad that BIS is positive to the idea! However one of the hardest part would be to convince all the major server admins to first accept and then actually use the "unified add-on packs" that was put togheter. Can't really understand Placebos post? As Suchey says it would help alot to have the add-on packs widely accepted if BIS/CM supported this in any way they can! It could just be a stamp/logo that showed that they liked and endorsed the project. Now since we know that BIS doesn't have the time or resources to compile "unified add-on packs" whats the next step? /Christer (a.k.a KeyCat) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suchey 0 Posted August 2, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tactician @ July 22 2002,17:19)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I have yet to find an addon that I really, really wanted to use in a map.<span id='postcolor'> I've seen pleanty! How about the M4 weapon addon which contains silenced, cmag, etc etc...or the VNGroza weapon add on...both add a wide variety of the weapon containg different mods such as silencers, scopes, grenade launchers, etc etc. There are LOTS of these running the Valuk APC which is currently under construction (and looks great by the way). The trouble is that without getting all of them, you dont know which you need...this is where this pack would come into play by offering a good cross section of the best add ons under one download. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kermit 0 Posted August 3, 2002 The problem is (I'm sorry if this has been brought up in this thread; I haven't read most of it) that if you don't have the expansion, it boots you instead of downloading it for you like it does the missions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted August 3, 2002 Yes that's been mentioned, as have arguments for and against automatic addon downloading, I suggest you read the whole thread Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyCat 131 Posted September 26, 2002 Since this topic re-surfaced in the ADDONS & MODS section I will give this one a *bump*! /Christer (a.k.a KeyCat) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Major Fubar 0 Posted September 27, 2002 AFAIK, the main three problems are: 1. Agreeing on what should be included. The best way to deal with this would be a poll of some sort. Personally, I believe the packs should be split as follows: Infantry (new units), land vehicles (incl. boats), aircraft (fixed wing + choppers), smallarms (inc. launchers), statics (buildings + static weapons), and islands. 2. Webspace & bandwidth to host the packs...they would be pretty big, and downloaded a lot. 3. Adding new addons into the existing packs (keeping them up-to-date). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lt_Damage 0 Posted September 27, 2002 Ok guys, all that stuff you are talking about, I have already done. We grouped the best addons together in 3 packs. GAMEPLANET JUNGLE PACK GAMEPLANET WINTER PACK GAMEPLANET DESERT PACK We made them self-installing executables that have nice pretty pictures and all. We provided hosting for these three packs on with full instructions on what to do. We provided information in the MOTD to download these packs if you are unable to connect. I custom designed over 20 missions to take advantage of new addons / islands, specifically new missions for new Islands, meaning we could immediately revert back to non-addon mission simply by choosing an original Island. THE RESULT: As HellToupee posted earlier in this thread, he didn't download them because he was too lazy. This is a basic summary of what happened, people could not be bothered downloading them. Once they connected to Gameplanet, and we were about to choose a great new winter or desert mission, we would be asked by these "lazy" people. "Can we please play a normal mission? I haven't downloaded the addons yet" And so it would go. The addons were trialled on Gameplanet for about 2 months. It did not get better, the influx of new players slowed to a trickle as they stopped bothering to connect, they did NOT reconnect with the required addons. As far as I'm concerned until the "DELIVERY METHOD" of addons is changed you cannot achieve what you guys want to do here. You simply CANNOT change players that are lazy, you cannot make them download the addons, and most of them don't understand what an addon is. Gameplanet now runs Resistance completely addon-free, we have some missions that use Kegetys Editor Update, but those almost never get played as noone will download this addon. It is 64kb, and they still do not download it, so you will find it hard to get them to download 30mb+ Regards, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ale2999 0 Posted September 27, 2002 Lt, here we are talking about something greater: we are talking about forming a group that would make unofficial patches like every 3 months with the best addons. Not just for multiplayer mission but even single player. It would be like the sp3 for FALCON IV. I hope u understand what the others want. Ur project was a good idea, but wasnt universal for all the flashpoint community, but only for those who play on ur guys server as someone who didnt, didnt find it necessary to dl it. We want something that every1 is gonna use. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lt_Damage 0 Posted September 27, 2002 Yes I see where you are coming from. What I am saying is - let me totally exclude Singleplayer for this as I find what people download for their own individual enjoyment irrelevant - having addons on Multiplayer servers will experience EXACTLY the same problems I had because when players connect from Ingame browser or whatever they use they will NOT go download the addons 90% of the time, they will just keep trying, or go to another server. When they connect they want a game now, not in 15mins-1hour when they finish downloading. I wish this venture every success. I am merely stating the pitfalls I encountered. So that possibly people can learn from them and overcome them. What people are suggesting here is on a larger scale, but in the end the games will be played on a server, and missions will be selected and if those people don't have addons they will not play that mission. Simple as that. As I said, what needs to be worked on is the delivery method for these addons, if they become mainstream as the official addons it would be foolish for people not to download them. And then this could work. As I have done extensive work in the area of addon packages and have experience running a popular dedicated server I am trying to contribute. Take it or leave it as you may. Regards, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HellToupee 0 Posted September 27, 2002 i woulf like sum addons offical as in comes with upgrade exspecially kegs ones, hk pack is too big really maybee a cut down version remove a few of its weps i find weps all the same really, but really we've got over 40 offical vechicles and it is said that we will most liky get sum more stuff in 1.75+, but i think regs russian wep pack is most important and maybee the dodgechallanger i luv it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
digitalcenturion 20 Posted September 27, 2002 Yeah well if your read my post at the topic i made about this it would first be a base pack, ie retextured modern units, ie ranger pack, russian fed infantry etc and all of those in snow, desert and green camo plus some vehicles and all of bis units tweaked, also weapons should be tweaked some for example the HK is way too accurate. This way you could play with the "new and improved" units in already existing missions but the extent of this editing should be carefully tested so not f*ck upp campaings and mission. One of the things i have been thinking of is that M203/GP-25 grenades should only take one slot... also the M2 East should be replaced by a DshK heavy mg on a similar mount and a realistic mount should be included... And then there would be addon packs like a UN pack pretty much like the one already existing, a NAM pack like the one SEB for example is working on, and maybe if there are people who want to make such packs national army addons like say a dutch army pack or whatever. I can begin working on this if there are other people interested but i dont really have the complete .cpp file editing skill needen nor do i have the time. So anyone else interested? And are there anyone who would know a good web host, i think it would be good if this project were to be taken under the wings of some already established site like, ofpec, or such... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyCat 131 Posted September 27, 2002 Very nice work Lt Damage and I think your previous experience would be valuable for a venture like this. IMO the first step must be to form a group of dedicated and preferable "well known profiles" from the OFP community. Second thing after being organized as a group is to set up rules/guidelines of what an addon/mod will require for taking part in the consensus, for example something like... a) Only finished addons (i.e no beta versions). b) Must include readme.txt c) Tested and verified to not affect anything else. ... Other things that must be discussed/decided over is... a) Who is going to do what? b) How should addons/mods/islands be grouped? c) How should they be packed, ZIP, ARJ, EXE etc? d) Who is gonna host all of this, any mirrors? e) How long should the consensus/voting period be? f) How often shall we update/release new packs? g) How should credits to all great addon makers be presented? h) Where should the voting take place, here in the forum or on a website, both? ... This is no way a complete list I just toss out what I have in my head at the moment and maybe someday we will see a group for " OFP unified addon packs" forming. Below is links to some other well known mod groups for other simulators/games, may function as guidelines, inspiration etc... F4UT - Falcon 4 Unified Team TSH - Team Super Hornet SCX - Sub Command eXtreme Again, the list is not complete there are lots of other great modgroups out there and you will be amazed how much that can be done to a simulator/game when people gets organized and all pulls in the same direction. For me personally I currently lack the time required to contribute anything major, but that may eventually change in the future. And btw I'm far from being "well known" Just my 0.20 SEK! /Christer (a.k.a KeyCat) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Major Fubar 0 Posted September 29, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (KeyCat @ Sep. 28 2002,01:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">c) How should they be packed, ZIP, ARJ, EXE etc?<span id='postcolor'> ZIP, please! I beg of goddamn weirdo compression formats! No self extractors that put the PBOs in the wrong places or don't work 2 cents worth. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyCat 131 Posted September 30, 2002 I'm 100% with you Fubar and prefer ZIP over anything else! But if it's gonna be a community effort this question (and others) have to be asked since not everyone agree with us  /Christer (a.k.a KeyCat) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suchey 0 Posted September 30, 2002 I would say one of self extracting, self installing package for those that just cant figure it out...and one zip file for those who want it that way. Just my oppinion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
digitalcenturion 20 Posted October 1, 2002 Yeah both versions should be released. ps. Suchey are u the same suchey who made the great CS skin/models for CS it must have been around the time of Beta 5 or RC1 for FA... i really liked that work you did, if it indeed was you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Major Fubar 0 Posted October 2, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Suchey @ Sep. 30 2002,07:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I would say one of self extracting, self installing package for those that just cant figure it out...and one zip file for those who want it that way. Â Just my oppinion.<span id='postcolor'> Hmm, could be a problem if bandwidth and webspace are issues... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suchey 0 Posted October 2, 2002 DigitalCenturion- Yeah...Im the same guy...thanks...glad you liked my work 8) regarding the space issue...I would be willing to be that in the event that something like this comes out...there wouldnt be too much trouble in finding hosting for it. A solid well build pack would find multiple homes and mirrors I would imagine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
5thSFG Drak 0 Posted October 4, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ July 22 2002,18:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Bis still haven't replied to my Email asking why the ground is all white when using Kegetys' winter Kolgujev  <span id='postcolor'> Pssst .... I got an Email from BIS about this and they told me " Buy a new video card". Some tech support huh ? LOL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
5thSFG.Demag 0 Posted October 4, 2002 hahaha good answer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites