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ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead - Linux Server beta 1.62.97035

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Linux beta Server, with some possible "Critical: destroying running thread" issues fixed,





MD5: 696411F31CDD97603E754FF808EA1485

SHA-1: 67DFED5C864B661613C258C75889B16DC731981C

Note that it requires Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead data to be updated to version 1.62 first in order to run properly.

ideal to combine with latest OA beta client:

Please provide us with feedback to this topic.

* this version brings linux in sync with actual windows server improvements and ai/mp fixes ...



Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead - Linux Standalone Server 1.62


Copyrigt © 2010 Bohemia Interactive Studio. All rights reserved.

For more information please visit


Installation instructions:


1. Following programs must have been installed on your Linux-box:

tar, gcc. Optional: md5sum (for setup integrity check)

1a. On some verions of Linux (this was reported for RedHat 9

and Gentoo linux 2.4.20) the NSCD deamon must be installed to

run ArmA 2 server successfully. Caching of DNS would be sufficient.

2. Copy the whole "ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead" directory from Windows

to some Linux-directory (arma2arrowhead). DON'T DO ANY DATA CONVERSIONS

(even "dos2unix" translation of text files is not necessary).

Example: you can use PKZIP (WinZip, PowerArchiver, etc.) on

Windows and "unzip" on Linux.

Don't use upper case letters in the ArmA2 directory name

(/home/bob/arma2arrowhead will be good, /home/bob/ArmA2ArrowHead

may cause some troubles).

ArmA2 directory should contain subdirectories "Addons", "Bin",

"Campaigns", etc.

3. Copy the "server-x.xx.tar.gz" (x.xx is version number) file into

the arma2arrowhead directory. Unpack and install it with commands:

arma2arrowhead$ tar -xjf server-x.xx.tar.bz2

arma2arrowhead$ ./install

Watch the messages - they will inform you whether your installation

is successful.

4. Dedicated server can be started in foreground:

arma2arrowhead$ ./server

Or in background:

o$ nohup ./server > out.txt 2> err.txt &

[1] <pid>

5. Running server can be stopped by executing:

$ kill -s SIGINT <pid>

Where <pid> is process-id of mother server thread (printed out in

"nohup" command).

6. ArmA2 ArrowHead server has a feature: command-line parameter

"-pid=<pid_file>". It causes creation of <pid_file> with

PID of root ArmA2 process. If IP port specified in "-port=<nn>"

parameter is busy (in usage), ArmA2 will terminate immediately

and <pid_file> won't be written..

7. The "arma2server" script is provided for automatic server

start/restart/status query/etc. Please be sure to edit


After this is done, install (hard-link?) the script into

"/etc/rc.d/init.d/arma2server" file. After that it can be managed

by "chkconfig" (see info/man).

previous thread about 1.60.xxxxx linux server :

Edited by Dwarden

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I'm running Debian x64 with latest Glibc, and no reported problems with this latest build.

Just want to thank Bebul and all those who have been working on the fixes and testing. Great to see the Linux servers back in the mix!


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i get this error :

WATCHDOG (19809): [mardi 18 septembre 2012, 17:05:52 (UTC+0200)] Starting server (port 2302)...

/home/armaao/server: /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by /home/armaao/server)

And i looked in the directory, the file is here and up to date...

Edited by tanaka

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Great work BIS :)

Installed, played for a good 30 min. now, no issues. Server log is clean as a [new washed Z3]

And that's with CWR2 ;)

@tanaka: what's your output of strings /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 | grep GLIBCXX? It doesn't matter if the file is in present if it's not installed...

Ubuntu Server 64 10.04 LTS

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Thanks a lot, just installed and running fine with reporting enabled :) Will be testing with some online players later today

Edited by lucky79

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The server run fine now and no more problem with gamespy ... tnx bis.

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Thx. Other than pmc and baf the acr dlc needs to be installed as lite version and copied into the common folder. I didn't mix it with the full version of acr.

Just a fyi... Couldn't find any info bout it so I tried all options and this one works. :)

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I couldn't find an answer for my topic, so I'd like to ask here (topic related!) about it~

At first: my linux standalone arma2 beta server runs nice and smooth.

My question is more, is there a way to support addons which are using dlls/so ?

To be precise, I'm hinting in the direction of DayZ, as I've managed to completely load everything, the mod works native and loads up.. only the communication with the hive doesn't as they are using a windows .dll and do not support linux .so yet~

Would the linux arma2 server load an .os if they/someone would migrate the .dll to so?

Sorry if it's a bit offtopic~ but yet it's ontopic actually^^

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heh^^ thanks for the advice~~~ but I know that thread, I also own already an instance-ID .. and I own and run dedicated linux (debian) servers since ~2005

My question was more if the linux ArmA2 server supports .so files in addons :)

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Battleye keeps on banning players. This was not the case with 1.60 version.

23:17:15  - leader from another subgroup
23:17:29 BattlEye Server: (Side) moza_russia: k
23:17:37 Subgroup R 1-2-F:2 (0x387fc720) - network ID 2:21972
23:17:37 Unit R 1-2-I:2 (0x41acfdf8) - network ID 2:21982
23:17:37  - leader from another subgroup
23:17:45 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #724549432, users.card=2
23:17:45 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 724549432
Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 724549432 (Russian Unicorn)
23:17:45 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #724549432, users.card=2
23:17:45 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 724549432
Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 724549432 (Russian Unicorn)

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The posted messages should be unrelated.

Keep in mind with dayZ many hacker kiddies came to the scene..

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Thank You BI for the beta Linux server binary. I can report it is stable and working with gamespy very well.

In case anyone is interested I am running:

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS amd64 server.

The BI server binary required 32 bit libraries are not included with OS.

I took =WFL= Sgt Bilko's advise from another thread and installed


This will install very few additional dependencies. I also had to install a compiler to get tolower to run. Using this command:

apt-get install gcc

This totals approximately 41 Mb in 32 bit libraries and dependencies.

The following alternative method installs approximately a total of 285 Mb in 32 bit libraries and bloaty dependencies.

Install ia32-libs to get Synaptic Packet Manager to show the 32 bit libs. in order to cross reference and install the other libs others have claimed to install or are needed. Then install gcc 4.6.3

Both methods should work in getting all dependencies to run the server binary. It did for me, but the first method is cleaner and more efficient. I used Clonezilla Live to allowing reverting very easily and finding the best method.

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Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit here, no problems. Server runs really smooth (better than some windows servers). Thanks BI :).

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