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U.S. Ambassador to Lybia Killed

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Hi all

Latest information links the Film's finances to a well known Romney campaign funder a certain Sheldon Adelson.

It appears the film maker is now in hiding because either muslims or a Jack Ruby are going to kill him.


Folowing the story further one finds a whole bunch of Right wing Chritian Wierdo's who promoted it. One of them a coptic priest was beaten up in the street by Coptic women who took off their Stileto heels to batter him round the head saying any Christians killed in egypt were down to him.


This is one weird story.

Kind Regards walker

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Hi all

Latest information links the Film's finances to a well known Romney campaign funder a certain Sheldon Adelson.

It appears the film maker is now in hiding because either muslims or a Jack Ruby are going to kill him.


Folowing the story further one finds a whole bunch of Right wing Chritian Wierdo's who promoted it. One of them a coptic priest was beaten up in the street by Coptic women who took off their Stileto heels to batter him round the head saying any Christians killed in egypt were down to him.


This is one weird story.

Kind Regards walker

The actors also in the film claimed that they were mislead. They were told that the film was about life as an egyptian 2,000 years ago


An analysis from "On The Media" delves into the film's trailer, discovering that every reference to Islam in the trailer was dubbed over and added in post-production, usually quite badly. It's obvious that the actors are mouthing different lines.

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Many people suppose that film is not a real reason for this unrest. The diplomatic mission was stormed too quickly and ambassador was found too quickly too. Seems that freedom fighters had exact intel about ambassador's location and prepared for the assault. Even there people don't carry AKs and RPGs on every rally against infidels.

Your 'freedom fighters' sarcasm is inaccurate.

The 'freedom fighters' the Western media so adores are the dozen or so Libyans that died or were wounded defending the compound from the attackers. The members of the al-Qaeda linked terrorist group are the 'freedom fighters' that the Western media hoped or pretended did not make up a large part of the anti-Ghadaffi movement. Which turned out to be true, given the election results...

But that makes the story so much more complicated and less of a convenient parable for the use of force by NATO, so I understand.

We are? Are we really about to start this anti-American generalization/assumption crap this forum is already so full of?

Yes. Many Americans complain that moderate Muslims don't speak out, and this can be put down in part to the inward-looking ignorance that is present in American society, and in part to the failings of the American press. Why do you complain about me making generalizations that are true? Nowhere did I make a sweeping or universal judgment or essentialization. Also, I'm American.

Edited by maturin

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Hi all

The GOP appears to be distancing itself from Romney like the top down shot of a crowd realising some one has the the Zombie Plague.

Romney under friendly fire for his response to embassy attack in Libya

By Holly Bailey, Yahoo! News | The Ticket – 23 hrs ago

Will Mitt Romney's hasty response to the deadly attacks on the American diplomatic missions in Egypt and Libya go down as the misstep that doomed his campaign to unseat President Barack Obama?

The Republican presidential candidate came under fire from Republicans and Democrats on Wednesday for politicizing the outbreak of deadly violence in the Middle East, including the breaching of the American Embassy in Cairo and an attack on the American Consulate in Libya, which claimed the life of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other diplomatic workers...


As Always Follow the link to read the original text in full

It appears even Romney's own aides have started to turn on him.

...Meanwhile, in the New York Times, a picture emerges of Romney reacting “strongly to the notion of ‘hurt’ religious feelings†from the embassy statement made before the protests occurred, and that he saw a chance to draw a sharp line between himself and the president. It also says he personally read and approved the campaign’s statement before it was released. Some saw the article as a sign Romney’s aides were pointing their fingers at their boss...


As Always Follow the link to read the original text in full

Romney has become a Pariah.

Romney foreign policy attack was disgraceful.

By John Avlon, CNN Contributor

September 13, 2012 -- Updated 1633 GMT (0033 HKT)

Editor's note: John Avlon is a CNN contributor and senior political columnist for Newsweek and The Daily Beast. He is co-editor of the book "Deadline Artists: America's Greatest Newspaper Columns." He is a regular contributor to "Erin Burnett OutFront" and is a member of the OutFront Political Strike Team. For more political analysis, tune in to "Erin Burnett OutFront" at 7 ET weeknights.

(CNN) -- "Partisanship ought to end at the water's edge" is a longstanding adage of American politics.

But in the hours after the death of the first U.S. ambassador killed in decades, Mitt Romney -- panicked as his poll numbers have slipped -- punched hard against the president, unleashing an unwise, inaccurate and unpresidential attack on the Obama administration...


As Always Follow the link to read the original text in full


September 13, 2012 6:00 AM

How badly did Romney botch response to Libya attack?

(CBS News) The conventional wisdom emerged in Washington almost immediately on Wednesday: Mitt Romney's handling of the violence in Egypt and Libya was a disaster.

"The comments were a big mistake, and the decision to double down on them was an even bigger mistake," Steve Schmidt, senior campaign strategist to Sen. John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign, told CBS News. "There are legitimate criticisms to be made but you foreclose on your ability to make them when you try to score easy political points. And the American people, when the country is attacked, whether they're a Republican or Democrat or independent, want to see leaders who have measured responses, not leaders whose first instinct is to try to score political points." ...


As Always Follow the link to read the original text in full

The degree to which the original remarks look so rehearsed is also very disturbing, when did they get time to rehearse and prepare, all very odd?

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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The degree to which the original remarks look so rehearsed is also very disturbing, when did they get time to rehearse and prepare, all very odd?

Kind Regards walker


Props for sticking with innuendo.

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Film maker behind anti-Muslim video 'could be sent back to jail'


The White House "reached out to YouTube to call the video to their attention and ask them to review whether it violates their terms of use."


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I don't understand why they are angry at the United States for this. Why aren't they angry with the actual film maker who dubbed the words over?

What if the film was made and released in Antarctica, who would they be protesting against then?

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I don't understand why they are angry at the United States for this. Why aren't they angry with the actual film maker who dubbed the words over?

What if the film was made and released in Antarctica, who would they be protesting against then?

That's a salafist manipulation. The dead end of the arab spring.

Edited by ProfTournesol

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* the movie "Innocence of Muslims" was released on 1st July 2012 already but the protests did start months later, actually on the day 11 years after 911.

Something is fishy here....and this so called "arab spring" destabilizes currently more and seeds a wildfire.

Edited by oxmox

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I don't understand why they are angry at the United States for this. Why aren't they angry with the actual film maker who dubbed the words over?

What if the film was made and released in Antarctica, who would they be protesting against then?

as you are from USA you may not understand that US foreign politics is very aggressive and many people around globe are very very angry with US,

so internal politics (freedom, economical freedom etc.) is different than foreign politics (aggression, forcing own ideas, forcing lifestyle) etc.

so for people there is no special need, many many many many people on globe hate America (not US citizens, but US gov. CIA blackops etc)

you find info when congress makes interview like drug-dealing CIA and Noriega, but much more such cases exist,

people on globe connect many actions with CIA activity ,

probably CIA is most hate-factor against US, what is ironic, cause CIA was established to protect US, while it is most hate-factor around globe,

also in other countries there is anger, for example, when "freedom of speech" makes historicians who say about "Polish death camps" (which makes me very very angry) that "freedom" allows to lie (and you have no punishment in codex for lying about WW2)

Arabs have also many anger with US, they know about Vietnam war , blackops in South America etc.

so you should do not look like "i was born yesterday, what's the problem"

cause people's emotions are not born from yesterday, but from many years of history after WW2 , also US is for them symbol of agressor + protector of Isreal (and issue of free Palestine)

probably in US you do not see too much photos of victims of Palestinians, but in other countries people see it,

so thats why they are angry with US, because of its foreign politics which is too agressive,

Palestine case may be important issue here too, IMF, banks "crisis" too (you do not know cirisis and poverty, other parts of globe know it) + US soldiers abroad issue (for many people it is unacceptable that soldiers from one country/culture are in other part of globe )

i hope you prefer true words more than politically-correct support words ;)

Edited by vilas

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Condolences to the families of the deceased, it's always a shame when someone dies simply trying to make a better world. I think the worst part of all of this is that the four victims probably perished not knowing why they had been attacked and probably had never heard of the film. Possibly there was more to this, I think the film may have been used as some sort of excuse for the usual 9/11 anniversary trouble by the religious crazies but that may emerge in time.

I watched a report last night on Al-Jazeera which included interviews with protestors that explained much of it. The protestors generally come from countries where the media is either state controlled or has a long history of dictatorship and information control by the state. They don't seem to realise that alternative systems exist and seem to be rather gullible. They are also poorly educated and ralther poorly informed about the rest of the world (see above post :)). They assumed that since this film originated in the US it must have the support of the US Gov't which as we know isn't the case at all. They also wanted the US Gov't to punish those involved in the production, which of course isn't possible.

It's the usual clash of ideologies, freedom Vs religious/political repression. Amazing that in this century there are still backward people burning witches and heretics.

I was in a university library 2 weeks ago and had a conversation with a student from central Africa. He was struggling with a problem and during the conversation I realised he had no idea of the scientific explanations of the creation of the universe. He was amazed and wanted to learn more about physics. I was stunned that a degree level chemistry student had a view of the world no different from a 5 year old in a sunday school class. What exactly the view of the wider world and the universe is from those throwing rocks and petrol bombs would be interesting to know. I suggest we start posting more educational stuff on YouTube, the key to this is saving ourselves from an ever increasing population of stupid people and those that wish to keep them that way.

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They are also poorly educated and ralther poorly informed about the rest of the world (see above post ).

yeaaa poorly educated, Master of Science degree, 2 foreign languages, very good marks on Warsaw University of Technology... + friends with PhD from History or technics etc.

cause i don't buy bullshit NWO propaganda i am poorly educated and have poor knowledge about world, history etc.

more "super educated" western citizens do not know history, geography and etc.

they mix Russia with Poland or read about "Polish death camps" during WW2 (which our Ministry of Foreign affairs has to clear on and on and on, cause many many many US or Israeli teenagers do not know that Poland was under occupation by Germany between 1939 and 1945 and they think that it was Polish army who led death camps, not German SS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%22Polish_death_camp%22_controversy < but still a lot of "not poorly educated" do not know about it ) and enigma scripting machine revealed by US intel (with Brad Pitt of course ) etc.

i don't buy pro-NWO bullshit as many people buy being brainwashed by propaganda from the richest groups of interests

poorly educated are people who think that world is "good brave US gov. vs. bad evil terrorists" or people who don't know even where is Europe or says on YT "bomb Korea, yeaaa" etc. hearing about Malesia etc.

how many of those "good educated" know where is Moldavia, when Yugoslavia spitted and where is Malasia ? and where is big unemployment rate etc. ? they know that "they have freedom and have to bring this freedom to rest of the world"

poorly educated are also those who have no knowledge how we lived till 1989 but have opinion after few spy movies from hollywood etc.

cause they do not knew longer payed-holidays or free of charge universities etc.

there is no difference between media state-controlled and media corporations/banks-controlled

maybe cartoon Capt. America is good education or Indiana Johns movies , hehe

poorly educated are people who do not know about for example assassinations on some not-pro-US leaders in different countries etc.

are you hired by CIA or what that you speak so pro-gov and pro-NWO ? or you work in bank centrale ? or lawyer ?

i don't buy propaganda :)

Edited by vilas

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Many people suppose that film is not a real reason for this unrest. The diplomatic mission was stormed too quickly and ambassador was found too quickly too. Seems that freedom fighters had exact intel about ambassador's location and prepared for the assault. Even there people don't carry AKs and RPGs on every rally against infidels.

You enter, point a gun at someone and ask: "Where's the ambassador?"

Seems logical to me. No need for previous knownledge.


[REMOVED THIS BIT. Was a bit angry that day, took it too personally, sorry]

And also, people maybe don't realise there are other systems, because the current system they live was forced upon them by western powers in most countries of the world.

Edited by [GR]Operative

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Anti-American fury over film hits Australia.



Actually, I doubt these protests in general have solely to do with the movie. This rather seems planned since it did hit exactly the 911 date.

Edited by oxmox

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And also' date=' people maybe don't realise there are other systems, because the current system they live was forced upon them by western powers in most countries of the world.[/quote']

It's not the religion, it's a deep sense of historical rage. Which fundamentalist Islam crucially nurtures, of course. It's a social pathology, as strong as the Serbian nationalist or Jewish ethnic/religious sense of victimization, or the Chinese inferiority complex.

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Operative;2224493']You enter' date=' point a gun at someone and ask: "Where's the ambassador?"

Seems logical to me. No need for previous knownledge.[/quote']

You have to grab a gun at first, and if it's just a protest, even in Libya people don't carry AKs and RPGs when going to protest in most cases. It's too strange coincidence when protesters arrived at the moment when ambassador stayed there and had plenty of firearms and grenade launchers with them.

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Of course they were not protesters, they went there to kill.

Just because they were not protesters doesn't mean they were part of some conspiracy or NWO plot.

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Of relevance, I suppose,

4000 Marines Headed To Middle East As Part Of Peleliu Amphibious Group Dispatch


Also deploying Monday is the Marine Corps' 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit and elements of Fleet Surgical Team 1, Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 23, Assault Craft Units 1 and 5, and Beach Master Unit 1.

Their departure comes against the background of ongoing tensions with Iran over its nuclear program and amid anti-American unrest throughout the Muslim world triggered by an anti-Muslim film trailer posted on the Internet.

U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and three other Americans working for the State Department -- including two local former Navy SEALS, Encinitas resident Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods of Imperial Beach -- were killed by an armed force in the Libyan city of Benghazi on Sept. 11 amid demonstrations over the film.

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Deaths are always sad news, no matter where, who or what for was killed.

@ Vilas - I bet 99% people here, dont want to know what you know, so better forget it. If you know what Im trying to say...

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Of relevance, I suppose,

4000 Marines Headed To Middle East As Part Of Peleliu Amphibious Group Dispatch

Not necessarily. I believe a large annual multinational excercise is due to start in the region, though it seems larger than in previous years. That article seems a bit off on other points. It mentions the deployment of 4000 marines, air assetts, ships and the 15th MEU. It seems a bit more logical to me that those previously mentioned assetts are the 15th MEU rather than the equivelant of two MEUs added to the 15th MEU which would signal to everyone that war is imminent (while any attack on Iran would initially need the element of surprise). If anything, this force is at best lage enough to evacuate foreign nationals from problem spots in the region.

4000 marines (at least 1:3 combat to support ratio as always) is not enough to "liberate" Iran or Syria of it's oil as that conspiracy website tries to imply.

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Not necessarily. I believe a large annual multinational exercise is due to start in the region, though it seems larger than in previous years.

Sure, the story for the press and ones without the brains. Name of exercise? Any data about it from previous years? 4000 men, and 4 battleships is hell of a training...

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Not necessarily. I believe a large annual multinational excercise is due to start in the region, though it seems larger than in previous years. That article seems a bit off on other points. It mentions the deployment of 4000 marines, air assetts, ships and the 15th MEU. It seems a bit more logical to me that those previously mentioned assetts are the 15th MEU rather than the equivelant of two MEUs added to the 15th MEU which would signal to everyone that war is imminent (while any attack on Iran would initially need the element of surprise). If anything, this force is at best lage enough to evacuate foreign nationals from problem spots in the region.

4000 marines (at least 1:3 combat to support ratio as always) is not enough to "liberate" Iran or Syria of it's oil as that conspiracy website tries to imply.

Chess piece by chess piece, a decent strike for can be assembled, check the Stratfor map: 2 CVN groups, another CSG is lurking somewhere - there had been three at one point in the Persian Gulf, plus 1 LHD and another one is now en route with said 4,000 marines.

Infantry numbers don't mean a lot in today's age, a few thousand trained troops can leverage their firepower with GBUs, Tomahawks and other toys. Besides, recon comes first.

P.S. ZH isn't a moonbat website. ;)

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