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Dictator Must Die | RPG Multiplayer Event - August 30, 2012 (Thursday)

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If you've been around since Arma1 some of you might remember missions Tourists on Uhao where a group of players united and disposed dictator of Uhao, Ramon.

This Thursday we are planning the similiar mission on Lingor.


Event is August 30, Thursday at:

8:00pm UK/Portugal/Ireland

9:00pm Germany/Czech Rep/Poland/Slovenia/Croatia/Italy/Austria etc.

10:00pm Israel/Greece/Turkey

11:00pm Moscow

3:00pm Eastern US


All you need is Arrowhead 1.62 + Lingor Island 1.4 + Lingor Units 1.3. No betas, no acre.

And teamspeak3 client for coordination with your co-players.


El Presidente changed his pro-EU, pro-US stance after he got equipment in exchange for promised oil, recently found mainly in SE region of Lingor. El Presidente is terrorizing his people and threatening neighbouring islands with chemical weapons. Recent spy photos revealed El Presidente acquired Russian long-distance launchers, but Russia denies selling them. A group of international men (*you guys*) aka mercenaries will infiltrate island under cover of tourists. But beware, El Presidente has eyes everywhere...


SBP (Slovenian Black Panthers) Team will play as his personal guards aka army, with IceBreakr (or some other member) playing El Presidente. Special FEA police unit is available for any friendly teams /clans wanting to assist El Presidente.

Tourists start unarmed on one of airports and they recieve only tips in briefing on how to start the revolution. Beware El Presidente troops are not so big, but they are much much better armed. Of course, during the missions, the tides might turn when it comes to the equipment.

There will be respawn for reinforcements, and respawn points will move when certain objectives are met. AI will be present in small numbers (NPC) or maybe not.


Event will be hosted on SBP's dedicated server and teamspeak3 will be available. All info will be added at least couple of hours before start.

How to join?

1. Drop mail to ice AT icebreakr DOT info stating:

Subject: DMD

Content: Nickname | Team/Clan name - X/Os and fight organizers please send one email with each of your guys that confirms to join it.

You will recieve teamspeak, server data & pass to join both after that.


We reserved *50* slots for this mission. In case more of you apply, we might increase that up to 60,70.

Taken: 36 out of 50.

El Presidente's Elite Guard

1. IceBreakr

2. Denis

3. LordWolf

4. Sahbazz (comes after 2200Z)

5. Chimpy

6. G2

7. Spidi

8. SmukY

9. norakrava

10. Diablo

11. [reserved]

12. [reserved]

El Presidente's FEA Security Force (Police)

1. R0adkill [Fusion]

2. Infam0us [Fusion]

3. HitmanFF [Fusion]

4. Godfather [Fusion]

5. Striker [Fusion]

6. [free]

7. [free]

8. [free]

Tourists aka Mercenaries

1. Celery

2. GossamerSolid [TGW]

3. Khaki [uSSOCOM]

4. Alex-X-x [Russian Mercenary]

5. SVD - Dragunov [Russian Mercenary]

6. MadDogX

7. MattLightfoot [uSEC]

8. Kiwo

9. Raxx

10. Urban337

11. BadBenson

12. Ace45hipo

13. TechTuts

14. gamers2000 [uSEC]

15. Snake Man [PMC]

16. Slatts

17. Zongo117

18. Pte Balkau [16AA]

19. Pte Howard [16AA]

20. Pte Odell [16AA]

21. Pte Martin [16AA]

22. Bob Denard

23. [free]

24. [free]

25. [free]

26. [free]

27. [free]

PRESS / Film crews

1. [free]

2. [free]

3. [free]

I hope a lot of you will join us and have a great time! Remember, its all about fun not the competition.

p.s. we hope to incorporate some rewards ;)

Edited by IceBreakr
New signups

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I've always wanted to attend one of your big MP events, but I always managed to miss them..looks like I can go to this one though :D

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Khaki, GossamerSolid: don't forget to send me emails as stated in 1st post.

Attendee List updated.

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I'll be dropping by aswell, on the Mercenary team. (Mail already sent.)

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What are the exact victory conditions for tourists and the gov't?

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what if my spoken english is bad, but i can write and understand well? Any chance with my russian there? Me and my buddy might hop in, and be "russian mercenary"

Anyway, email send.

Edited by NeuroFunker
who cares?

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No problem NeuroFunker, tourists will act alone or cooperate is smaller teams. They are not that well organized, or someone will organize you - up to you. I don't care, I am cheering for El Presidente ;)

MadDogX: didn't get your mail, recheck plz.

Briefing will be available at least few hours before the start.

p.s. If someone wants to film the event, he can join as a civilian (PRESS jacket), but army won't let him film any of their movements and might put him to prison. Any armed newsreporters will be expelled and banned from Lingor (game).

Edited by IceBreakr

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MadDogX: didn't get your mail, recheck plz.

Yup, I had a typo in the addreess. Corrected.

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I will see if FUSION Squad wants to play, the El Presidente's FEA Security Force is appealing :D

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No problem NeuroFunker, tourists will act alone or cooperate is smaller teams. They are not that well organized, or someone will organize you - up to you. I don't care, I am cheering for El Presidente ;)

MadDogX: didn't get your mail, recheck plz.

Briefing will be available at least few hours before the start.

ah nice, then we are in ofcourse! :)

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Khaki, GossamerSolid: don't forget to send me emails as stated in 1st post.

Attendee List updated.

Email sent. Can't wait!

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R0adki11: that would be great! Added new folks to the 1st post.

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Currently building interest within the 16AA, looks like we can get a few guys together.

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without ACRE?? :pet5: the communication will be just messy without ACRE..

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We'll have separate channels. This one will be w/o ACRE, we can try next event with it.

21 slots taken so far. Tell your gaming buddies about it. As tourist you can act alone or in smaller groups. Even whole teams/clans can come and try to take the dictator down. It seems Dictator's army won't be so strong in numbers, but will use whatever force necessary to stop insurgency on El Presidente's island.

Less then 24 hours now, so hurry 16AA. I think there will be around 10 more guys applying shortly. It should be a fun event.

Edited by IceBreakr

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When you say it doesn't require a beta, does that mean we can't use a beta?

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I recommend you run original 1.62 non-beta version. It can work with beta, but then again...we've seen a fair share of CTDs caused by much much smaller issues ;)

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I recommend you run original 1.62 non-beta version. It can work with beta, but then again...we've seen a fair share of CTDs caused by much much smaller issues ;)

I'll take my chances :)

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NeuroFunker: in 4-6 hours. You'll recieve emails (thats why we needed mail confirmations).

Here is a photo of El Presidente:


But be aware that he has at least 10 fakes / doubles (until last objective is reached that is and his death means victory for Tourists/Mercenaries) ;)

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