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Project 82 The Falklands/Malvinas war mod Work In Progress - Pics

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Great news mate !

Carry on the great work !

Hope to see new ingame screenshots soon...


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Today in 1982 Argentina invaded the Falkland like to show your support for the islanders

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Hi Dragula aka Travis.

Yes that's true, during early hours of 2nd April 1982 argentine marines launched Operation Rosario, in their minds the recovering of the islands back to argentine soveiregnity from 1833, when the islands were occupied and settled by british forces and then, civilian settlers.

During 1982 the argentine junta wanted the islands back, launched a recovery (or invasion, according the british point of view) operation followed by a brief and intense war between the two armed forces.

The islanders and not only the military involved, were among the main victims of the war, at the end of all over 1000 victims, and three civilian islanders (three ladies) killed by a friendly fire accident.

Hope this will never happen again, and the two peoples involved will live in peace.

Carry on the great work on this mod guys !

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I do not intend to discuss, but avoid the term "invaded", since that is relative... April 2 Argentine forces produced no civil / military discharge during recovery of control of the islands. only that. Regards

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I never heard it as recovering, like that over "invaded", since i use English, get the Sun, or BBC point of view.

like to know more from Argentine point of view, most of Argentine news is in Spanish, world of English speaking only, really never know what the view/ history of Argentine.

History point it's good to know both side, I learn much on both side from working on this mod. May not know that from the USA. There i say most of the public don't know of the Malvina or Falkland, it a shame. The US big weapon company know as they sold weapon/gear for both sides.

---------- Post added at 05:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:29 AM ----------

Map That I am working on is name Arctic rage, As it will not be true Falkland, but will have the look and feature of said place, I plan to use fictional names for places, Port Stanly, type area, think call Port Sand so on. With the thinking that it clear some discuss on the Malvina / Falklands.

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on the map I think easier to brake down each area as small map of the city then use them to make the larger maps.

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Looks good.

I'd be interested to see how targeting is implemented.

In real-life they were deadly when they worked but that was when they worked, because sometimes they didn't track at all...

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  domokun said:
Looks good.

I'd be interested to see how targeting is implemented.

In real-life they were deadly when they worked but that was when they worked, because sometimes they didn't track at all...

Well I give it a good lock distance and misile speed based on the info found in wikipedia, I adjusted the damage to kill at directhit and take half-health of an skyhawk(+ being deviated by the hit) the manouvrability is a litle higher than the AIM9 of arma2, but at that speed tends to fall at horizontal flying aircraft

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Awesome work Foxtrop1 !

Looks like very realistic now that are complete with textures.

You are making huge progress since you started the first work on the mod !

Carry on this way mate !

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Well getting the royal marines ready, and weapon pack. with high detail and textures. weapon pack is in the most part all rebuild ground up. have to see what faction the UK will be in the config.

the weapon will go in there own .pob marine first as they need only base weapons. really lot of research is going on to get it right nothing wow, but a good

look real feel on sights. If some one has a picture look down the sight of this weapons would very helpful:

L1A1 SLR with optic/ with out, how much was optic used, was it only iron sights. The 80s I was in the military never seen a optic sight.


L4 Bren no good blue print on this weapon think strange.


L9A1 Browning

L2A3 Sterling , think marine NCOs may have use?

Blowpipe MANPADS, i don't known if marine use this?

L14A1 Carl Gustav recoilless rifle, i don't known if marine use this?

list Royal Marine base weapons use in Stanly area only.

---------- Post added at 04:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 PM ----------

config so far. still need fix.

class CfgPatches {

class P82_UKmar {

units[] = {"P82_UKmar_Officer","P82_UKmar_soldier_Rifleman","P82_UKmar_soldier_Blowpipe"};

requiredAddons[] = {};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.0;



class CfgFactionClasses {

class P82_UK {

displayName = "United Kingdom 1982";

priority = 1;

side = Twest;



class CfgVehicleClasses {

class P82_UKmar {

displayName = "Royal Marines Commando";



class CfgVehicles


class All;

class AllVehicles;

class ThingEffect;

class Land;

class Man;

class CAManBase;

class USMC_Soldier2;

class P82_UKmar_Officer: USMC_Soldier2


scope = 2;

faction = "United Kingdom 1982";

side = 1;

vehicleClass = "P82_UKmar";

displayName = "Royal Marines Commando Officer";

model = "\P82_UKmar\us_soldier.p3d";

cancarrybackpack = 0;

weapons[] = {



magazines[] = {







respawnWeapons[] = {



respawnMagazines[] = {






picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";

icon = "\Ca\characters2\data\icon\i_soldier_CA.paa";

class Wounds


tex[] = {


mat[] = {










if any one see better way?

Edited by dragula

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For config issues ask to Colonel Stagler, he has got much experience on this issue.

Great work mate ! Amazed you did it alone !

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class CfgVehicles
class All;
class AllVehicles;
class ThingEffect;
class Land;
class Man;
class CAManBase;
class USMC_Soldier2;

class P82_UKmar_Officer: USMC_Soldier2 
{};//this should be open i think and closed in the end!

Edited by Foxtrop1

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map, still need more work, had a hang put in custom object pbo's, uk road and rock from MLV ect. need to learn. Set up new sat map google earth shots 10k make lot of screen shots, really lag the CPU out putting them together:) so get the roads right, I put on the back burner bit.

with new source file out now, have change lot of thing now for the way of look at it now.

---------- Post added at 05:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:57 AM ----------

thank Foxtrop, your right on mate.

Edited by dragula

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Little update on the Mirage3EA and Dagger, almost finished I need to work more on the cockpit


http://media.moddb.com/images/members/1/292/291620/Arma2OA_2014-05-11_11-29-31-67.jpg (119 kB)

http://media.moddb.com/images/members/1/292/291620/Arma2OA_2014-05-11_11-29-55-78.jpg (136 kB)

http://media.moddb.com/images/members/1/292/291620/Arma2OA_2014-05-11_11-25-07-62.jpg (130 kB)


Probably the skyhawk is going to be updated too, I am trying to make the Shaffir misile autolock(like the stinger) but I dont find how to.. any ideas people?

Also I put the HMSinvencible in 3dsmax to fix the Uvmap, add a briefing room and work in the bridge, make a new traffic lights, add some details

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Awesome ! Great work Foxtrop1 !

Looks greatly improved, with fully working cockpit, nice job indeed !

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just found this - wow good effort guys

i can give you guys a hand with configs

i've just edited every weapon, unit, tank and plane in unsung mod for 9 months so there's not much i can't fix now - though i can still waste an afternoon with a busted turret inheritance occasionally :(

if needed i can help guide you with cfgidentities, faces, voices (brit) for UK troops (though you may have that sorted) as i worked on the VC/NVA in unsung.

I've handled sterling, slr, gimpy, CG etc when in the RMR, and me arma buddies had em in the skins too.

my old troop was led by a staff sgt who got an MM in the falklands - was a top bloke.

i have also flown in lynx / sea kings and even driven HMS Andromeda for a bit... (so seen sea darts and sea wolf up close, fired oerlikons etc) one of my buddies dad's flew a gazelle in the falklands. a wasp would be nice, if we could only find someone to make it.

all the kit you list would have been in marine hands, and yes scopes on slr's were rare (SUIT 4x) though there were plenty of bayonets about lol - i made a bayonet kill / fix script for unsung - could be useful to you?

some guys had m203 on m16 (SAS etc)

would be good to model a big fakkin bergen - just strap all kinds of crap on the czech one maybe, and paint it olive.

the scorpion/scimitars trouble made might be worth having - can ask him. i've worked them over privately (and talked to him about it) including making and testing all the weapon systems for them - one of our guys trained people to use the scimitar - was fun taking him out in it!

there's some kit about we might be able to wangle for you if some model owners i know can be gotten interested

send me a pm if you want or add me on skype rgraham.ld or steam for a chat

happy to help!

some pics of kit you could add (i can add them if you need them)

Brits using M2's and gpmg for AA



gimpy with an IWS night sight on it?


also in use in gulf with sas later on


according to some sources argentinian snipers would have had an m21 potentially also with anpvs2

and SAS may have had M16 with anpvs2 or IWS (e.g. some sources commenting on pebble island raid)

here's the diff:


pucaras had some napalm too at goose green - was cited back in my day as a reason for the rush to seize the airfield, as apparently they thought there was a stockpile of it there, which if it had been true, and it had been dropped on the fleet, would have caused us a nightmare.



there's a source here says it was dropped on brits but missed.


we have nape - can probably secure that for you too if wanted. even to use as a target maybe.

Edited by eggbeast

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  cimalex said:
Awesome ! Great work Foxtrop1 !

Looks greatly improved, with fully working cockpit, nice job indeed !

Thanks! We need to add a lots of vehicles yet, the only problem I having right now is trying to make the Shaffir Mk2 of the mirage nesher autolocking like the stinger or strela but doesnt seems to work, and scripting some effect for the fuel trank drop in order to gain some agility and make it useful, we have some Argentine voices from OFP made by salmon, maybe we could create a config for that.

Those M2 for AA would definitly be made sooner or later Argentina used some similar too. A napalm version of the pucara would be a nice option to update and upload the would aircraft pack. I dont know if some M21 went to the war but there are information about the use of the Garand Beretta 7.62 with nightvision, and the mauser with sniper scopes, we made for the old ARMA1 a simple model of the garandberetta wich we could re use, yet is not very accurate


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this should fix your missile:

in cfgammo

class mymissile: missilebase
airlock = 1;
irlock = 1;
lockingTargetSound[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1",0.000316228,2};
lockedTargetSound[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1",0.000316228,6};
weaponLockSystem = "16 + 2";
cmImmunity = 0.8;

in cfgmagazines
class mymissilemagx1: vehiclemagazine
ammo = "mymissile";
count = 1;
class mymissilemagx2: mymissilemagx1
count = 2;

in cfgweapons

class mymissilelauncher: missilelauncher
canLock = 2;
weaponLockDelay = 5;
magazines[] = {"mymissilemagx1","mymissilemagx2"};


this is a good ref (has a few a3 things in it, but its best compendium out there)


---------- Post added at 08:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:20 AM ----------

  Foxtrop1 said:
I dont know if some M21 went to the war but there are information about the use of the Garand Beretta 7.62 with nightvision, and the mauser with sniper scopes, we made for the old ARMA1 a simple model of the garandberetta wich we could re use, yet is not very accurate

ah ok that's what it is - i only saw an artists drawing of it on an argentine sniper and figured it was an m14/m21.

i've worked on the P85 M16 NVG optics for unsung and we have a model an/pvs2 that is also off of the rifle, so this could be added to an ironsight rifle easily enough.

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did it help? if not post up or pm me your config if u need a spare set of eyes on it

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T34C Turbo Mentor




Yet I couldnt make work the shaffir as heatseeker


	class M_Shaffir_AA: M_Sidewinder_AA
	proxyShape = \p82_skyhawk\mk17\shaffir_mk2;
	simulationStep = 0.002;
	trackOversteer = 4.0;
	trackLead = 0;
autoSeekTarget = 1;

lockingTargetSound[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1",0.000316228,2};
lockedTargetSound[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1",0.000316228,6};
	airLock = 1;
	irLock = 1;
	cmImmunity = 0.1;
	weaponLockSystem = "1+16+2"; //infrared guidance
//whistleDist = 16;


class ShaffirLauncher: SidewinderLaucher
//lockingtargetsound[] = {"mod\small_arms\bluefor\common\javelin_locking",1,1};
//lockedtargetsound[] = {"mod\small_arms\bluefor\common\javelin_locked",1,10};
	displayName = "Shaffir Mk2";
	reloadTime = 0.2;
	magazineReloadTime = 30;
weaponLockSystem = "1+16+2";
cmImmunity = 0.1;


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