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Will there be more units and upgrades in the complete game?

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Will there be more units, and the opportunity to upgrade your carrier to carry more?

From what I've seen so far in the P&C the game is a very solid strategy entry, but it will be slightly (slightly, not completely) disappointing if all we're limited to is just four Mantas and four Walruses. Unless that was how it was in the original.

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That is indeed how it was in the original.

The limitation of only four land and four terrestrial vehicles forces a very different style of gamplay vs your average RTS - it's one of the key differentiating features in Carrier Command vs other games.

Instead of spamming your targets with wave after wave of expendable vehicles, you need to approach each target with a specific strategy which conserves your vehicles. The tech upgrades are more about providing your vehicles with the right equipment options to take out the targets.

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That is indeed how the original was. We'll have some drone units added later.

I would like to see more interaction on the islands though. All these structures don't seem to do much. Even though the designers went to a lot of trouble putting in pipes and machines and roads, they do nothing. Where are the supply vehicles ferrying resources / equipment to the port? Why doesn't the crane fill up the barque? How do supplies get to different islands? Can we blow up supply transports en-route?

Also - the trees, lovely as they are, should be able to be blown up and set on fire.

Inside the carrier, we have a beautiful view of the hangar. But it's static apart from launches. There is no re-arming crane putting equipment on vehicles, it just happens. Repairs happen invisibly. Replacement vehicles don't come out of crates but thin air.

A lot to ask for, I know, but would add greatly to the immersiveness and realism :)

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That is indeed how the original was. We'll have some drone units added later.

I would like to see more interaction on the islands though. All these structures don't seem to do much. Even though the designers went to a lot of trouble putting in pipes and machines and roads, they do nothing. Where are the supply vehicles ferrying resources / equipment to the port? Why doesn't the crane fill up the barque? How do supplies get to different islands? Can we blow up supply transports en-route?

Also - the trees, lovely as they are, should be able to be blown up and set on fire.

Inside the carrier, we have a beautiful view of the hangar. But it's static apart from launches. There is no re-arming crane putting equipment on vehicles, it just happens. Repairs happen invisibly. Replacement vehicles don't come out of crates but thin air.

A lot to ask for, I know, but would add greatly to the immersiveness and realism :)

Seconded. I can live with it upon release but the game should get these touches later on.

While I'm at it, every video of the beta has the player launch Manta 2-5 while the icon representing (whatever) 1 isn't either a Manta or Walrus. It just has this Eagle head icon or whatever that seemed to be. I never really looked that hard.

What is it?

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Seconded. I can live with it upon release but the game should get these touches later on.

While I'm at it, every video of the beta has the player launch Manta 2-5 while the icon representing (whatever) 1 isn't either a Manta or Walrus. It just has this Eagle head icon or whatever that seemed to be. I never really looked that hard.

What is it?

1 is the Carrier - Navigation, production, supplies & repairs

0 is the Carriers weapons systems


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Hi, Number 1 is simply the carrier, 2-5 are the Mantas, 6-9 the Walrusses and 0 is the carriers weapon system. :)

ok, someone was faster. :)

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We have a rule here, saying:

§22) Use descriptive thread titles

If you start a new thread, please make sure your thread title explains what you want without forcing people to read through your post first.

Thread titles such as "How in the world do I...", "Need help!" or "Will we ever see..." are anything but descriptive. We do not allow these kind of titles and threads with such titles are subject to be closed.

Your thread title is anything but descriptive because it's forcing everyone to open it in order to find out what is meant.

I suggest you read the forum rules again you accepted as you registered the account here. :)

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The thread title might be not very prescriptive, but it's surely catchy. :D

I also do have a question about the release version. Right now it seems to me as if any island is exactly the same in every game. Terminus always looks like Terminus, the naval point of Terminus is always at the same spot and also all the buildings of Terminus are always at the same place. This is valid for all the other islands Beacon, Styx, Outpost, Evergreen, Genetix, etc. just as well. I think I do understand the reason for that: All the islands are handcrafted by the developers, so they have to be recycled in every session. But sooner or later the player will KNOW those islands by heart. He will know, that the Command Center of Terminus is at that very spot, each time he comes across the island.

I think you should at least try to define two or three different spots for the Command Center of each island being possible and select one of those as actual position randomly. So whenever you come across an island, at least you don't know WHERE it is from the very beginning. I guess the replayability of CCGM would be greatly improved by this.

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Agreed - the exact same island setup every time will get very repetetive, although I do understand it from a design view. Perhaps it could be possible, from the multiple building foundations, to assign the Command Center randomly. If they are all big enough to hold one, why not mix the position around a bit?

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The thread title might be not very prescriptive, but it's surely catchy. :D

Yes, it certainly catches a lot of moderator ire!

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I agree that randomised island designs is a very important factor in terms of replayability.

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With never having played a game made by this company I would like to know if there will be difficulty options? You know Hard, Normal, Easy and Baby. :)

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With never having played a game made by this company I would like to know if there will be difficulty options? You know Hard, Normal, Easy and Baby. :)

All BIS games so far have had difficulty options, and the Carrier Command P&C beta already has a difficulty slider. :)

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All BIS games so far have had difficulty options, and the Carrier Command P&C beta already has a difficulty slider. :)

*&*%£*, How on earth have I missed that, must go and check now. Thanks.

Update: Ah!! 'enemy strength' at the beginning of the game, I missed that in my eagerness to play.

Edited by Dajunka

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