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Preamble on Seat Belts

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With the advent of PhysX in A3, there's all sorts of potential for people to be flung about inside vehicles (and maybe through the windows). Arma 2 takes it as a given that if the vehicle you climb in has seatbelts, then you buckle up.

Would it be worth having a buckle-up option when you get seated in the vehicle you are travelling in? A lot of people on this forum want features like firing out of vehicles while travelling as a passenger. That seems cool to me, but there's no downside. If you had to remove your seatbelt in order to operate your weapon, then you risk taking (more) damage if the vehicle does a sharp maneveur or crashes.

I guess it would be taken as given that you would automatically put your belt on in some vehicles (pilot of A-10 for example), but it could be an interesting choice for soldiers in the back of a Humvee or C-130 for instance. Plus, it would help to slow down units transitioning from cargo to gunner within a vehicle. (If the gunner is dead, would you have to unbuckle him as well before getting on his weapon??)

I don't know which military vehicles have seat belts as standard, but certainly most of the civilian vehicles do; and they often get appropriated for military purposes, ala technicals etc.

Not sure if it's a great gameplay idea or not, but it came to mind so I thought it was worth posting.

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Yes, physX is being supported this time around. It's going to change the game, altough not in the way as many people think.

There's not going to be people flying around in cars. Vehicles getting dents by crashes, or houses collapsing into millions of pieces.

Expect ArmA2 gameplay. All the way through, except for the newer nice features like:

RTT, divers, ragdolls, vehicle physics, improved animations, volumetric clouds, weapon-sight-changing and better flight-models for helicopters and planes.

That's all there is to ArmA3 in short. Not saying it's not much. It's alot of new things and just about all the fixes ArmA2 needed.

The most reasonable and doable things added.

Seatbelts as a mod?

It's a doable feature, altough, will get made by the community later if anything.

I could see it being used in something like ACE maybe. My best guess.

Edited by AlexVestin

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Also cigarette lighters. I hate it when I'm doing long transport sections on missions and I've left the matches on the porch.


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flinging out of bullet proof glass? Depends what vehicle.. it would be great for gunners & open air vehicles like motorcycles and what have you.

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It's not a bad idea still.

Just needs working out what kinds of effects and penalties there would be for not using the belt. How to implement it in a good way. Ofcourse you wouldn't have to unbuckle yourself if you want to exit a vehicle.

That'd be taking it too far in my opinion. It'll just be there if you want to insure you atleast a little better chance of making it when a vehicle somehow takes damage. Nothing else really.

Having you take that little tiny bit more of damage if you go without it?

I could live with that one extra feature. Not saying I'd neccisarily want it or need it, but it's okay. Having the game do it for you works right now, so.

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I think this would be too much...

I'm agree, it's too accurate, but good brainstorming !

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I doubt that the current model system is going to be much changed in A3 regarding passengers in vehicles. When you are in a vehicle you are a proxy to that model, essentially attached as a part of the model. I doubt they will employ a system that allows the model to be a free object inside of the vehicle.

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I doubt that the current model system is going to be much changed in A3 regarding passengers in vehicles. When you are in a vehicle you are a proxy to that model, essentially attached as a part of the model. I doubt they will employ a system that allows the model to be a free object inside of the vehicle.

Good you mentioned this. Though if animations are played getting in and out of vehicles , one could have the soldier ragdoll at the first frame of the getting out animation when a motorcycle hits an object. Is this not possible? I'm not sure how the new system works though, and I see little practical use since motorcycles aren't used often, I'll admit.

Edited by Fox '09

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I doubt that the current model system is going to be much changed in A3 regarding passengers in vehicles. When you are in a vehicle you are a proxy to that model, essentially attached as a part of the model. I doubt they will employ a system that allows the model to be a free object inside of the vehicle.

I was wondering about this in regards to boats that are flipping 360's and 720's :p

Those guys seem to hold on like grim death but a chance for a ragdoll spillout would be priceless. Next up, wet escape from capsized kayaks!

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Ragdoll spillouts would be indeed priceless. Especially with boats and Motorcycles.

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Grand Theft Arma III - The Ballad of Lord Ivan.

Sorry, I had to do it :yay:

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Ragdoll spillouts would be indeed priceless. Especially with boats and Motorcycles.

Put Physx to good use!

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Are you saying Lord Ivan is gay?

Bwahahahaha, NO. The title didn't say the Ballad of Gay Lord Ivan. Nothing in the original's title implies that either other than the word 'Gay' which I did not include.

Who do you think I am, a blasphemer? :rolleyes:

On topic, I'm kinda doubting that you'd get propelled through a bulletproof windshield that easily. Then again, there's still the dilemma of motorbikes and bicycles.

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I'd limit it to unstableness for vehicle gunners and call it a day. Too many things that can go wrong compared to the benefits. It's a realism based shooter, not a potential comedy show. I vote nay.

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I'd limit it to unstableness for vehicle gunners and call it a day. Too many things that can go wrong compared to the benefits. It's a realism based shooter, not a potential comedy show. I vote nay.

Indeed. I would like to see gunners get ragdolled or at least shaken about after a nearby explosion. I've been waiting for something like that for a while now.

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