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The World in 2050 - 5 possible scenarios

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Germany logistics giant DHL has been collaborating with various futurists, scientists and researchers to make realistic predictions about our world in 2050. There's 5 possible scenarios of the future in total in a video below.

I'm sure this subject is very actual to most of us and it also has enough space for a valuable discussion. So, which scenarios do you find most exciting or possible?

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The trains feel very TRON-y, also, 2050 still using Hueys awwww yeah (in a good way, they dont make em like they used to)

Scenario 6 isnt mentioned tho: Some dipshit starts WW3 and we all get vapourised in a thermo-nuclear holocaust...

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We will be living off the after effects of WW3 where Iran invade Europe :o

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We will be living off the after effects of WW3 where Iran invade Europe :o

You mean the conspiracy theory about ArmaIII being a trainer for RL is true? :butbut:

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Syndicate version most probabily,we'll be chipped to one of our favourite conglomerate.

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I recommend reading 'Physics of the Future' by string theory co-founder Michio Kaku very good read in what we can expect to see in the world of science in the next 100 years.

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Scenario 2 is so unrealistic

really in 40 years the world will be bulldozed, polished and have futuristic buildings everywhere and mass transit centers that use tron like trains???

Most likely going to be Scenario 4 doom and gloom.

And with Iran situation tense most likely World War 3 and nuclear holocaust.

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Iran is not going to be a full out WW3, people are not THAT stupid. WW3 will start when china tries to get its hands on russian resources.

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Whatever happens I better be able to play Arma 3 for at least 3 months or im going to RAGE! :banghead:

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Interesting video, it's pretty vague though. Ideas in scenarios 2, 3 and 5 seem easily interchangeable. And Scenario 4 could easily be the continuation of scenario 1. The only one I'd guess would closest to the truth by 2050 would be scenario 1. But that's not saying all of these scenarios couldn't happen at some point in the future. Given that 2050 is only 38 years away though scenario 1 just seems the most plausible. Like Flash Thunder said:

really in 40 years the world will be bulldozed, polished and have futuristic buildings everywhere and mass transit centers that use tron like trains???

Yeah nah, probably not. 40 years seems to short for this kind of change, maybe by 2100? But if 2050 is anything like Scenario 1, then I would imagine 2100 to be more like Scenario 4.

And wtf was Scenario 5 about? It just seemed like one idea from any of the other 4 (take your pick) stretched into it's own scenario...?

Alternatively, Deus Ex.

We can only hope!:D

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BTW, for those interested, some really plausible prognosis about technological progress tied with social changes can be had in the book by Stanislaw Lem, a polish author, written in the 2nd half of the last century. Called Summa Technologiae, unfortunately only few chapters were ever translated into english I think. For those of you who can read some Slavic languages, and interest, I highly recommend it over all the wild stuff by overhyped Kurzweil.

About those scenarios, myself I am gonna be stocking up on MREs and potatoes ;-)

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Iran is not going to be a full out WW3, people are not THAT stupid

Don't underestimate people's well politician's stupidity. I'm sure Germany thought invading Poland in September 1939 wouldn't spark another seemingly pointless world war.

Option 4 at our current rate seems to be the most feasible, also where's the Zombie Apocalypse Option??

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option four is already ON. Next thing is private armies, private cops, global implementation of INDECT derived techs and so on. True friendship between countries is no more, there's only big business. Stronger ones are only looking how to entangle smaller players with it's slimy tentacles run by Rockefellers, Rotschilds.

Edited by Sudayev

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Option 4 at our current rate seems to be the most feasible, also where's the Zombie Apocalypse Option??

I almost forgot about that one! Ok so, Scenario 6 is global nuclear exchange and now Scenario 7 is Zombie Apocalypse. Well I'm going to have to change my guess to Scenario 7 here, it's only a matter of time before some pharmaceutical company or some biological weapons research branch of the military comes up with the "Z strain" and it gets released into civilization. Time to stock up on ammo and MRE's, it looks like we'll be inna woods for a while after this one.:p

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option four is already ON. Next thing is private armies, private cops, global implementation of INDECT derived techs and so on. True friendship between countries is no more, there's only big business. Stronger ones are only looking how to entangle smaller players with it's slimy tentacles run by Rockefellers, Rotschilds.

True that brother.

I almost forgot about that one! Ok so, Scenario 6 is global nuclear exchange and now Scenario 7 is Zombie Apocalypse. Well I'm going to have to change my guess to Scenario 7 here, it's only a matter of time before some pharmaceutical company or some biological weapons research branch of the military comes up with the "Z strain" and it gets released into civilization. Time to stock up on ammo and MRE's, it looks like we'll be inna woods for a while after this one.:p

Least you would have an excuse to get rid of that annoying neighbour... they got bitten, they turned..... :)

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