helldesign 10 Posted December 20, 2012 Hello, I have a question related to BattlEye filters. I'm trying to add "player kill messages" to my log file "arma2oaserver.rpt", so I can see "who kills who". I don't want to broadcast it, just in the logs. For this purpose added eventhandler "mpkilled" to all Players in my init.sqf (mission file): { if (side _x==WEST) then { _x addMPEventHandler ["mpkilled", {_this execVM "fn_whoDunnit.sqf";}]; }; } foreach allunits; fn_whoDunnit = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fn_whoDunnit.sqf"; Then I've created a new file "fn_whoDunnit.sqf" and put it in the same mission folder: private ["_victim","_killer"]; _victim = _this select 0; _killer = _this select 1; if (isServer) then {diag_log format ["%1 KILLED %2",_killer,_victim];}; The problem is that when I'm trying to join the server - BattlEye kicks me out with some "script restriction" reason. What do I need to edit in my "scripts.txt", "mpeventhandler.txt" and/or any other BattlEye filter in order to make this work, without compromising the server security? --- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cm. 10 Posted December 23, 2012 There is a new problem with the remoteexec.log... it is logging players who are having a script executed on them again, I'm not sure how this is happening. quite often 5-6 people will get banned (by dayz anti-hax) at the same time because a certain remotexec code shows up in the logs, even though they didn't execute it, how is this possible??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted December 28, 2012 Possibly the dayz variant you're running does in fact send these commands, and they are perhaps not properly whitelisted in the dayz-antihax. If you could specify which code exactly, and what DayZ variant, it could be analyzed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1125 Posted December 28, 2012 first figure out how it's executed ... of course the filter will trigger on the RE scripts on these players ... it's not going to determine why who ... it sees the code and it reacts Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KaMikaZeDaN 1 Posted January 13, 2013 I can't get this to work when it involves commas. These are allowed values. #0 126:126 BoltSteelF 126:38 zZombie_Base 42 [0,0,0] #0 126:5 Survivor2_DZ 150:5 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,1,0] #0 41:5 Survivor2_DZ 42:53 Survivor1_DZ -1 [0,-1,0] These are values that need to be kicked. #0 87:5 Survivor2_DZ 86:5 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,3,0] #0 180:87 Survivor2_DZ 74:5 Sniper1_DZ -1 [-19134,32160,8] #0 2:77 TT650_TK_CIV_EP1 74:5 Sniper1_DZ -1 [-3551,760,8] I want to make kicks based on the end values. [0,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,-1,0] are safe, the rest are not. 7 !="[0,0,0]" !="[0,1,0]" !="[0,-1,0]" This doesn't work, it kicks everything. 7 !="[0","0","0]" !="[0","1","0]" !="[0","-1","0]" This doesn't work, doesn't kick anything. I haven't really found any guides on how to add stuff like this, could anyone assist me? Thank you. P.S There REALLY needs to be a ban option so people breaking rules are banned rather than just kicked and slapped on the hand. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1125 Posted January 13, 2013 it's not working that way ... the value:value is informative entity IDs ... same goes for x,y,z coordinates all you can use is the name of entity e.g. Surivor2_DZ ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KaMikaZeDaN 1 Posted January 13, 2013 it's not working that way ... the value:value is informative entity IDs ... same goes for x,y,z coordinates all you can use is the name of entity e.g. Surivor2_DZ ... Shit :/ This is being abused a lot by scripts. I can kick for vehicles & crates but if I mark Survivor2_DZ then everyone on the server gets kicked when they trigger attachto. A script kiddie spammed this to 40 players, the only way of stopping it is kicking the end values. (Notice the values are no longer [0,0,0/0,1,0/0,-1,0] but actual worldspace coords.) SurvivorW2_DZ 74:5 Sniper1_DZ -1 [539,1665,-230] Survivor2_DZ 74:5 Sniper1_DZ -1 [-25173,-769,8] Some features to support stuff like this would be amazing, I'm sure you hear from crying admins daily about how bad it is. BattlEye could do things like this quicker and more efficiently than the multiple programs we have to run that actually do. Thank you for the rapid response. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
helldesign 10 Posted January 26, 2013 Could anyone explain me what does this mean: 26.01.2013 15:28:21: Duty_Recruit_Oliver (xxx.xxx.xx.xxx:2304) xXxefd99e52263626212eff4c43caxXx - Value Restriction #21 "remExField" = [,,";_data=[usecEpi,usecEpi,usecEpi,teamType dayzLogin2];rmovein"]26.01.2013 15:28:21: Duty_Recruit_Oliver (xxx.xxx.xx.xxx:2304) xXxefd99e52263626212eff4c43caxXx - Value Restriction #108 "remExField" = [,,";_data=[usecEpi,usecEpi,usecEpi,teamType dayzLogin2];rmovein"] and is this guy a cheater, or it is a false ban? Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1125 Posted January 27, 2013 it's definitely unwanted script broadcasted to public, one detection is 'move' another detection is 'teamtype' ... most likely cheater or victim of cheater Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
helldesign 10 Posted January 27, 2013 it's definitely unwanted script broadcasted to public, one detection is 'move' another detection is 'teamtype' ...most likely cheater or victim of cheater Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vrnemesis 1 Posted January 29, 2013 Is there a way to automatically ban players who get certain restriction kicks? For example I set up some public variable value kicks, which kicks people who spawn in illegal weapons in our server. The problem is that it only kicks, is there any way to make it a ban instead? Even if it's just something that scans for these specific kicks and then adds the player's GUID and IP to the bans.txt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maddogx 13 Posted January 29, 2013 Is there a way to automatically ban players who get certain restriction kicks? For example I set up some public variable value kicks, which kicks people who spawn in illegal weapons in our server. The problem is that it only kicks, is there any way to make it a ban instead?Even if it's just something that scans for these specific kicks and then adds the player's GUID and IP to the bans.txt. This is one feature that's still very much needed, although it would have to be used with extreme caution (i.e. only in 100% tested cases). In theory, the implementation should be simple: 1 = log to file, 2 = log to console, 4 = kick, 8 = GUID ban. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vrnemesis 1 Posted January 29, 2013 This is one feature that's still very much needed, although it would have to be used with extreme caution (i.e. only in 100% tested cases). In theory, the implementation should be simple: 1 = log to file, 2 = log to console, 4 = kick, 8 = GUID ban. So there's no way to do this currently then? And I agree, I only want bans issued to players who receive the exact kicks I specify. I've had it running for about a week now, and not a single player has been falsely kicked for the new restrictions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OCNDayZ 1 Posted February 27, 2013 So there's no way to do this currently then? And I agree, I only want bans issued to players who receive the exact kicks I specify. I've had it running for about a week now, and not a single player has been falsely kicked for the new restrictions. https://github.com/Torndeco/pyBEscanner http://opendayz.net/index.php?threads/pybescanner.131/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sargken 286 Posted January 17, 2014 Why is it that all of the Arma 2 Filters that i have been using all of a sodden stop working. They all stopped working when battleye updated does anyone know whats going on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1125 Posted January 17, 2014 old BE filter format is gone, full regex is now supported same as in Arma 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sargken 286 Posted January 18, 2014 How do we setup the new battleye for arma 2? Its not helping that it updated and left no documentation how to update my arma 2 servers filters. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
$able 2 Posted January 18, 2014 (edited) For the record, as announced in the global server message, server admins now have to convert all of their server-side filter files (not scripts.txt!) to a new format supporting the regex syntax (see here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?167504-Regular-Expression-%28Regex%29-Support-for-BE-Filters) and put "//new" into the files' first line so that the BE Server recognizes them and doesn't show incompatibility errors. Edited January 18, 2014 by $able Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
armatech 8 Posted January 20, 2014 i cant see any logical reason to completely remove the old system as RegEx are a pain to get right maybe some more examples would help a lot of server owners get to grips with this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1125 Posted January 20, 2014 (edited) i suggest to read this http://www.regexlab.com/en/deelx/syntax.htm so far only issue is you can't use {number} for repeated values but you may use instead {from,to} for repeats so e.g. [a-z]{1,10} Edited January 20, 2014 by Dwarden Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
piffaroni 10 Posted January 22, 2014 i suggest to read this http://www.regexlab.com/en/deelx/syntax.htmso far only issue is you can't use {number} for repeated values but you may use instead {from,to} for repeats so e.g. [a-z]{1,10} I run a dayz server, and nobody can join my server anymore, they get kicked for all kinds of stuff where can I get the old version of battle eye? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ballou 10 Posted January 23, 2014 Oh dear he we go again People are asking for help and all you can say read here, dwarden you are are complete prat Why dont you give what people are asking for help instead of links, a lot of the server admins have not got a dam clue about this, but hey if it was dayz there be a million and one examples Why dont you come down off your high horse and come back to reality, no one has a clue what to do, lots of examples would help, when a server admin does understand this is the last place he comes to tell the rest of us, but its arma through and through it will never change its a case there it is you know what to do Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
larsiano 12 Posted August 9, 2014 ArmA 2 OA launching without BattlEye issue is still a big problem. -When I used the arma2oa.exe i got this error that would restart the game automatically every time it was already running: Starting BattlEye Service...Updating BattlEye Service... Launching game... IMPORTANT: Please launch the game via Steam or command line "ArmA2OA_BE.exe 0 0 [parameters]" from now on. To solve it simply change the path to: ArmA2OA_BE.exe as shown above! << what i wrote here actually doesnt work, with normal OA.exe each time the app willl restart itself and with the oa_be.exe it wont launch at all?... could it be that the guy who made this oa_be.exe forgot to add the possibility to add parameters making an altered shortcut target not function anymore. any fix for the monstrosity called steam would be nice to the fans who have supported you over the year prior to acctually releasing it it to others to suffer just the same fate (unles you forgot to test this at all?). similar problem: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?179843-ArmA-2-OA-launching-without-BattlEye-issue This bug has still not been adressed, examined or delth with at all. BE once again fails to provide a stable bugfree working security layer for arma. the executables you & BIS have made are broken. please check on your own system first as i dont like teamviewer or unnessesairy connections to my work station too much. so again armaoa.exe < does work but then BE is disabled? arma2oa_be.exe < does not allow anything like "-nosplash -mod=@" as startup parameters > result = no start!!!!!! if you disable BE nothing is wrong and all works fine......................... The lack of support is dreadfull Share this post Link to post Share on other sites