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About KaMikaZeDaN

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  1. Shit :/ This is being abused a lot by scripts. I can kick for vehicles & crates but if I mark Survivor2_DZ then everyone on the server gets kicked when they trigger attachto. A script kiddie spammed this to 40 players, the only way of stopping it is kicking the end values. (Notice the values are no longer [0,0,0/0,1,0/0,-1,0] but actual worldspace coords.) SurvivorW2_DZ 74:5 Sniper1_DZ -1 [539,1665,-230] Survivor2_DZ 74:5 Sniper1_DZ -1 [-25173,-769,8] Some features to support stuff like this would be amazing, I'm sure you hear from crying admins daily about how bad it is. BattlEye could do things like this quicker and more efficiently than the multiple programs we have to run that actually do. Thank you for the rapid response.
  2. I can't get this to work when it involves commas. These are allowed values. #0 126:126 BoltSteelF 126:38 zZombie_Base 42 [0,0,0] #0 126:5 Survivor2_DZ 150:5 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,1,0] #0 41:5 Survivor2_DZ 42:53 Survivor1_DZ -1 [0,-1,0] These are values that need to be kicked. #0 87:5 Survivor2_DZ 86:5 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,3,0] #0 180:87 Survivor2_DZ 74:5 Sniper1_DZ -1 [-19134,32160,8] #0 2:77 TT650_TK_CIV_EP1 74:5 Sniper1_DZ -1 [-3551,760,8] I want to make kicks based on the end values. [0,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,-1,0] are safe, the rest are not. 7 !="[0,0,0]" !="[0,1,0]" !="[0,-1,0]" This doesn't work, it kicks everything. 7 !="[0","0","0]" !="[0","1","0]" !="[0","-1","0]" This doesn't work, doesn't kick anything. I haven't really found any guides on how to add stuff like this, could anyone assist me? Thank you. P.S There REALLY needs to be a ban option so people breaking rules are banned rather than just kicked and slapped on the hand.