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ZedderZulu's random...stuff

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Hey! *coughs*

Got some work to show off but also a coding question. /edit - got that fixed...

Decided after many years to try and get into addon making for the ArmA series. Got a couple of projects in mind, but a lot of them exist beyond my skills/knowledge base, so I decided to start out trying to do very simple retexturing of existing BIS models.

One of the things I've felt was missing from ArmA 2 was a variety of civilian vehicles - well, there are, but usually only one of every make to choose from. Following in the theme of much better addon makers than myself, I've tried/will try to add some more flavour to the civilian vehicle pool, focusing primarily on Soviet vehicles. I've started off with some KAMAZ trucks and UAZs. I know, just months away from ArmA 3 and I'm hardly pushing the boundaries of custom-made content...

What I plan to work towards is creating models of ex-Soviet trucks and other vehicles. I'd love one day to be able to recreate something akin to Nashe Orujie's excellent Zil pack for OFP - but we'll see.

Anyway, some screenshots of my work so far. Hope you likes :)

kamaz1.th.jpg kamaz2.th.jpg kamaz3.th.jpg kamaz4.th.jpg kamaz5.th.jpg kamaz6.th.jpg

kamaz7.th.jpgkamaz8.th.jpg kamaz9.th.jpg

So that's basically the normal KAMAZ in 6 different color schemes, plus a special...erm...orange scheme for normal, fuel and repair variants - thought they'd appear like they were part of some construction project or something. On top of that I've textured an additional 3 fuel trucks - one a simple white and red, one in Poshol colours and the other in Schnell colours.

There are a few problems inherit with the model - as far as I'm aware I can't change the chassis texture file and that has an effect on the mudguards but more over on some of the parts of the cargo area - I would have liked to have been able to paint the sides with different colours but they never look good (or should I say look even worse...?).

Any advice, comments and suggestions are also much appreciated!

Thanks! :)

Edited by ZedderZulu

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very nice idea. i also like the texturing. good choice of colours.

maybe it would be possible to make it so that the original vehicles get one of the new textures by a randomizing script or something. that way it would be easier to create variation without having to place every single reskin. i mean like if u place 5 UAZ u'll get different colours although u're using the same unit. don't know if it's clear what i'm trying to say.

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Don't know if this happened while copy/pasting but i guess it wont hurt if i point it anyway:

Missing ; on each line

side = 3

Besides that, if the yellow shows up correctly, i don't know what could be wrong. My guess would have been a wrong scope but this would have affected the yellow version aswell.

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Cheers Bad Benson :)

I get what you mean; I'm still got much to learn about scripting but I'd imagine it's very doable. These reskins work via hidden selections and can easily be replicated in any combination by using the setobjecttexture command. I had thought of that being an alternative to stop the menu from being too cluttered. My only concerns are that some users would prefer the ease of placing the units with the skins automatically in place plus I'm not sure how ALICE would handle it. But ultimately all you need for the textures to work are the textures themselves. :)

/edit - Thanks for the suggestion [FRL]Myke. I'll fix the cpp but unfortunately I have a feeling that the red wasn't showing even before I remembered to put the side field in. :/

---------- Post added at 04:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:55 PM ----------

Sorry for the double post but I've got the cpp problem fixed and unfortunately it was down to my incompetence to begin with. Long story short but the Schnell fuel truck is in a separate pbo under a separate cpp, but when I copied and pasted the existing cpp over to create the new one, I forgot to rename the Schnell truck class name from KamAZ_Red, so the two clashed.


Live and learn.

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That paint scheme for the grey UAZ actually gets used quite often by security forces in the Russian Caucuses, saw a few documentaries show them off.

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This looks rather nice. Great idea to bring some color to the Armaverse.

Great job on the textures too!

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Hey Zedder, Great vehicles, perhaps some CDF and UN skins would be a cool idea.

Keep up the good work!

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Nice idea, Some UN and CDF skins could be a welcome addition. Not sure if it would look right, how about making the fuel truck look like a fire engine?

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Nice skins,more paint schemes for civies is great.I was getting bored with having the UAZ civ version only with desert skin.

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Cheers very much for the feedback guys, glad you liked them! :)

I didn't originally think of doing CDF skins, but that's a really good suggestion. Got some screens done:

kamazcdf2.th.jpg kamazcdf4.th.jpg kamazcdf3.th.jpg kamazcdf1.th.jpg

@R0adki11 - I'm certainly tempted to. I've been sorely wanting a decent eastern fire engine to appear in ArmA 2 ever since 2009. A re-texture will be a start at least, to have something inside those fire stations at last!

Regarding the UN version - I will work on this but it's going to be more awkward. Regarding what I was saying about not being able to modify the chassis texture - this is what it looks like if I try to paint everything I can white:

kamazun1.th.jpg kamazun2.th.jpg

There's a lot of bits sticking out because they're part of the chassis texture. However for something as specific as a UN texture I'll try and see whether I can use modified p3ds so they read a custom chassis texture. No idea how successful that will be...

Anyway, in the meantime I think I'll release what I've got :)

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