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US Coast Guard HH-60J Jayhawk by Yura Petrov

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I've been playing around with this, I like it a lot. One slight suggestion, and I asked this in the Seahawk thread :p, is making level for a stable hover so the blades are level to the ground, not the airframe.

This vid shows it pretty well.


Other than that small little detail, that isn't too terribly important, great work. Looking forward to the UH-60s. :D

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Just played the mission, was very fun :D Works flawlessly!

Maybe someone can make a version with several shipwrecked people to rescue, and a timer/countdown even?

In coop the winch should be operated by a player in the back though, not the pilot.

BTW when I first deployed the basket it said "missing texture wire.paa" !

Edited by SmallBlackSheep

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Updated to version 1.1


One small observation. When the rotating main rotor changes to the texture proxy (spinning rotor blades when normally flying around), the blades look rather like they're shredded. I'm guessing it was intentional.

- Added blur to rotation blades texture;

Hi again, I'm not sure if this is a bug or just my system, but for me the chopper's icon (i.e. in the command bar and armory) has a black background.

- Added transparency to chopper's icon.

I've been playing around with this, I like it a lot. One slight suggestion, and I asked this in the Seahawk thread :p, is making level for a stable hover so the blades are level to the ground, not the airframe.

- Airframe turned back by 3 degrees, so then stable hover blades are level to the ground;

BTW when I first deployed the basket it said "missing texture wire.paa" !

- Placed missing texture;

- Moved higher the headlights, so player can see the way in front a bit better;

- Changed bottom texture, fixed sign "US CG";

- Blades turned up when rotating;

- Added animation for resque hoist: to hide hoist call "<heli> animate["HoistHide",1];", to unhide "<heli> animate["HoistHide",1];";

- Added Murtoo air winch script and test mission (requires Arma2 1.5);

- Added litter model;

Download 15MB HH-60J Jayhawk beta v1.1


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Thanks for the amazing work ....

I'm testing in multiplayer mode and saw that the right does not work get survivor! Simply survivor and grabbed by the neck and when I use sobrevintente get in, he is floating.

Once again great job

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I asked Macadam Cow for help with winch. Hope he will reply soon.

Sorry for the late reply, I've been away for awhile

First of all, congrats for this amazing bird !

I don't know if you're interrested but I took the liberty to slightly modify murtoo's script.

I've added an option to just open the door and added a crew man so it looks like this :

When you click "deploy basket" a crew member appears on the door :



If you click "basket down" he switches to this position :



Once the basket is inside the cabin he switches to this position :


And this is the "default" position (when the door is closed) :


I've tried to give the winch authority to the crew member (I thought it might be a good idea and enforce realism) but unfortunately it doesn't work. The action menu doesn't show up.

I think it's due to the fact that the crew member is attached with the attachTo command...Maybe there's a way to bypass that but I have no idea how.

I've also created a profile for the Nav light/strobe light script made by Combate Tático Brasil.

Let me know if you're interrested and I'll send you the mission folder :)

Edited by Macadam Cow

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@Macadam Cow great looking winch and basket script :)

Edited by Foxhound
removed the quoted part which is no longer here

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Thanks for the amazing work ....

I'm testing in multiplayer mode and saw that the right does not work get survivor! Simply survivor and grabbed by the neck and when I use sobrevintente get in, he is floating.

Once again great job


Ðou're right, the script does not work in multiplayer. Need more work on the script.


I don't know if you're interrested but I took the liberty to slightly modify murtoo's script.


I've also created a profile for the Nav light/strobe light script made by Combate Tático Brasil.

Let me know if you're interrested and I'll send you the mission folder :)

Thanks! Very nice script ;) Of course i'm interresting to use you script in next addon update!

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@Macadam Cow great looking winch and basket script :)

Thanks but the winch script isn't mine, Murtoo did it. All I did was adding a few lines for the crew chief

Thanks! Very nice script ;) Of course i'm interresting to use you script in next addon update!

Ok, I'll send you the mission folder tonight, might aswell send a copy to murtoo but the script is tuned to your Jayhawk so I don't know if he will be interrested.

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Thanks but the winch script isn't mine, Murtoo did it. All I did was adding a few lines for the crew chief

Ok, I'll send you the mission folder tonight, might aswell send a copy to murtoo but the script is tuned to your Jayhawk so I don't know if he will be interrested.

Thank you for script!

I added it to latest version!

US Coast Guard HH-60J Jayhawk beta 1.2!


beta 1.2:

- Added one distance LOD;

- New RVMAT's (cabine and blured rotor);

- Modified instruments panel texture and material;

- Murtoo winch script modified by Macadam Cow.

beta 1.1:

- Moved higher the headlights, so player can see the way in front a bit better;

- Airframe turned back by 3 degrees, so then stable hover blades are level to the ground;

- Changed bottom texture, fixed sign "US CG";

- Added blur to rotation blades texture;

- Blades turned up when rotating;

- Added animation for resque hoist: to hide hoist call "<heli> animate["HoistHide",1];", to unhide "<heli> animate["HoistHide",1];";

- Added Murtoo air winch script and test mission (requires Arma2 1.5);

- Added litter model;

- Added transparency to chopper's icon.

Download 15MB HH-60J Jayhawk beta v1.2


New cockpit :-)



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I took this bird up flew her around a couple times and used the included Test Scripts mission and I found some issues one of which I have not seen reported. First I just want to say Fantastic Job on the bird. now to the bug When I load the test scripts mission which I believe was to be loaded in the editor for a test run,I encountered Several Syntax errors. Then when I took and got to the last way point which for me there was only 3 and nothing was there at the third way point I tried to use the Add action menu turn on strobe and got a Syntax error. so that was no big deal. I got to back to the landing pad and got out and checked out the bird all around Looked sweet however I started to notice and it became very irritating that the man inside the choppers cargo rear continuously scoots forward and back inside the chopper when the door is open. then when I entered the back as cargo passenger he disappeared which I assume is part of the design. THE BIG ONE... While sitting in the back as passenger I looked to the front and int he pilot side cockpit forward window I see something round and almost blimp looking constantly spinning around. It looked almost like a tiny blimp with fins and all constantly moving about in front of the cockpit window. I tried to ignore it but gah I could not see doing a mission and sitting in the Cargo hold looking to the front of the chopper and seeing that. I think it may be a glitch with the model,or maybe something you had to add to it but was not supposed to be visible. Anyway just thought I would say something about it since I didn't see it mentioned here. Great Mod keep up the great work. Any chance you'll do Kodiak Map the Alaskan Coast Guard base? I am creating a mission for Coast Guard fans.

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what version the game are you using?

Can you make screenshot's of all errors and especially spinning blimp in cockpit?

I just tested the mission again and everything was fine.

Sorry, but i did not make any islands, only helicopters.

Good luck to creating mission, i would gladly have tried your mission;-)

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The 1.60 patch and ACE2 maybe a factor I don't know. I will try to get some Screens of the Blimp looking thing also. So far so good for the Flight model only issue I'm having right now with the the Helicopters In general is You got to do a night search and Rescue and you get out there only to find that the Spotlight or strobe doesn't hit the waters face instead it shines through and there is no light shed on the situation which makes the Rescue very Challenging and difficult watching the instruments and trying to line up the Basket with the Victims in the water in almost total darkness. If you would like ,I will send you the mission when I'm done with it. So far my only idea was give the survivors in the boat an ace Chem-light attached to them or Mug-lights. I make the survivors shoot flares when they hear the helicopter getting close but even with a flare to mark the Location you cant really see. The Spotlight is an issue with all Arma2 helis I believe and so making a spotlight actually hit the water surface to light up the area will be difficult if not Impossible with the game engine.

EDIT:---Here the Pics All you have to do to better see what it is-Just turn it to day time, say 10 and then get out of the pilot seat, open the cargo door ,Get in back and, use alt to turn your head and look about ,then look straight forward out the cockpit window and you'll see it. I figured out what it is. Its not a blimp it a helmet and the guy that rides in the back that lowers the basket when you get in the back he disappears and you wont see him anywhere in the cargo hold but somehow he becomes 5 times his size and continues to scoot back and forth outside the chopper cockpit but is only visible from the Backseat Cargo. Weird eh lol. I hope you can fix it. Sorry I found it man, I love this bird.

Anyway heres the pics Courtesy of Imageshack






---------- Post added at 11:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 AM ----------


This is the Best one to show you I figured I would post it because its enlarged so you wont have to go through too much trouble to see it.

Again I'm sorry man if this caused any troubles.

Here are the errors I'm Getting as well

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/839/syntaxerror1.jpg/ This one on Receiving

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/845/ingamesyntaxerror.jpg/ This one In game

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/69/cannotloadtexture.jpg/ This one before game Entry Something about cannot load texture

Here are Larger Images of the Errors so you can read them better




Edited by Eaglezero6205
added aditional Image links

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Then when I took and got to the last way point which for me there was only 3 and nothing was there at the third way point I tried to use the Add action menu turn on strobe and got a Syntax error. so that was no big deal. I got to back to the landing pad and got out and checked out the bird all around Looked sweet however I started to notice and it became very irritating that the man inside the choppers cargo rear continuously scoots forward and back inside the chopper when the door is open. then when I entered the back as cargo passenger he disappeared which I assume is part of the design


Actually this mission wasn't intended to be released as is. I made it to show Yurapetrov the modification I made on the winch script.

To avoid the crew chief constantly moving back and forth just switch to him (you have to make him playable) then switch back to the pilot.

From what I've heard the strobe light script (made by combate tactico) isn't working with the 1.60 patch. It also needs light particles or something like that from WarFX, that's why you get those error messages (except the "(...)/upperpanel_nohq.paa". not my fault this one :p)

To remove the script just delete the NavLights folder in the mission folder and those lines from the init.sqf

#include "NavLights\scripts\functions.sqf"

[heli, "SH602"] call setNl;
[h2, "SH60"] call setNl;
[h3, "AH1"] call setNl;
[h4, "CH47"] call setNl;
[h5, "A10"] call setNl;
[h6, "C130"] call setNl;

remove also this line from the initialisation field of the chopper :

_nul = [this] execVM "NavLights\scripts\actions.sqf"

Edited by Macadam Cow

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US Coast Guard HH-60J Jayhawk Updated!





beta 1.3:

- Removed strobe light script by combate tactico from test mission because isn't working with the 1.60 patch;

- Fixed missing texture error "upperpanel_nohq.paa";

- Fixed bug when player can't open cargo door from back seat;

- Fixed bug when player can't open copilot door from gunner seat;

- Fixed bug when player can start folding sequence before rotor blades are stopped rotation after engine off;

- Added ability to open/close side windows from any passenger seat;

- Added restriction to open pilot and copilot doors at speeds exceeding 10 km/h;

- Added third light at bottom which lights in the area under the winch;

- Added some advisory/caution lights on instruments panel.

Download 18MB HH-60J Jayhawk beta v1.3


---------- Post added at 11:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:29 PM ----------

...So far so good for the Flight model only issue I'm having right now with the the Helicopters In general is You got to do a night search and Rescue and you get out there only to find that the Spotlight or strobe doesn't hit the waters face instead it shines through and there is no light shed on the situation which makes the Rescue very Challenging and difficult watching the instruments and trying to line up the Basket with the Victims in the water in almost total darkness. If you would like ,I will send you the mission when I'm done with it. So far my only idea was give the survivors in the boat an ace Chem-light attached to them or Mug-lights. I make the survivors shoot flares when they hear the helicopter getting close but even with a flare to mark the Location you cant really see. The Spotlight is an issue with all Arma2 helis I believe and so making a spotlight actually hit the water surface to light up the area will be difficult if not Impossible with the game engine.

Thanks! I added bottom light and i think to add searchlight to pilot, so player can search the survivor. But spotlights are usefull only on surface ;-(

I want to see your mission when its will be finished of course!

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