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HETMAN - Artificial Commander

For HAC users: What is the maximum number of simultaneously used by you Leaders?  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. For HAC users: What is the maximum number of simultaneously used by you Leaders?

    • Only one
    • Two
    • Three
    • Four of them
    • Five
    • Six
    • Seven
    • All eight!

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There is no such option. Anyway Leader's cycle would have same delay with, or without such requests. As all known to controlled groups enemies is added every cycle into "known enemies" array, you can think about that as about request in kind of: "hey, HQ, there is enemy, will you do something about?".

One hint: as a TL you can ignore current order, if reasonable (or even only desired) is doing something else at the moment. Especially, when idle. Idle or any other AI groups will usually engage, if will note enemy presence in his reaction range too, so if you noted hostile nearby, there is nothing against "HAC obedience" (that can be ignored anyway) to go there and do some fight. HAC can be considered as such kind of leader, that isues order, but gives usually wide area to independent thinking for TL, how to perform, and when interrupt. Do not feel to be forced to wait for official order, if situation looks obvious to you.

Of course some orders have some additional restriction. Recon for example is intended to be non-combat, with avoiding engage. Decide, if situation allows to break that rule. AI on recon will avoid engaging unless under fire or enemy is really close.

BTW you can make shorter delays between cycles by setting RydHQ_CommDelay (delay multiplier) with some lesser than 1 value, eg 0.1, but it would be cost CPU more. Note also, that HAC often intentionally keeps some groups out of fight as reserve, eg when considered, that given enemy is engaged with enough force already.

Edited by Rydygier

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Seems, that 1.43 code and addon is ready. Also additional demos. Now only needed more voice actors for radio chatter, and there will be probably another language corrections for manual. Meanwhile will do more tests.

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Seems, that 1.43 code and addon is ready. Also additional demos. Now only needed more voice actors for radio chatter, and there will be probably another language corrections for manual. Meanwhile will do more tests.

Looking forward to the 1.43 release! I am just now making a mission with all the HAC options as params so I can play with stuff. My friend posted some voice stuff in the other thread. I haven't plucked up the courage to record mine yet ;)

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1.43 is focused on bugfixing (and completing to do), as noted problem with cargo, when after disembarking sometimes group is again embarking, what cripples order completion, but there is also some tuning done.

Yes, your friend is my first voice, already implemented. Record also yours, and you will hear yourself each play. I do not know though, if this is good, for example I hate to hear my own voice recorded. Is so... not mine and not right. :)

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for example I hate to hear my own voice recorded. Is so... not mine and not right. :)

You can't do a Czech accent for the ACR units? Come on Rydygier, where's the cameo?

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BTW are you going to port this mod into ArmA3 when it's out?

Not having it there will be kinda a dealbreaker. It really turns otherwise predictable missions around.

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If/when I get Arma 3 (I prefer to wait for some patches before buying, but I'll see), then I'll try to port. Perhaps even Arma 3 will give me more scripting/other features to improve HAC's code? Who knows...

You can't do a Czech accent for the ACR units? Come on Rydygier, where's the cameo?

Nope, (BTW it is known, that for Poles Czech language is often a bit comic, because of some fonetic pseudo similarities, when Czech words are similar to some Polish words, that means something totally different, or like diminutive, probably this works in both directions, so hard to keep serious intonation sometimes :) ). I'm great however in Polish language with Polish accent.

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Rydygier, is there an init option to prevent the LeaderHQ from moving. I can't remember the method.

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Rydygier, is there an init option to prevent the LeaderHQ from moving. I can't remember the method.

I think it is "RydHQ_LRelocating = false;"

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I think it is "RydHQ_LRelocating = false;"

I thought that too, until I realized he kept moving with it disabled. The relocating feature is to force the leader to move to the most recently captured area. By default, the leader relocates to reserve areas.

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Currently (1.42) it works that way. With that exception: LeaderHQ is not moved to the reserve areas. It is moved close his initial position. Reserve area is set around Leader. That it is. Leader is here reference point for many maneuver and positioning calculations, so his movement is so important in BB, to keep army concentrated and not stretched across half of the map. Other options are not provided by HAC, you can only try thing like leaderHQ forceSpeed 0;. But, good news, I thought a bit about that for 1.43, and in next version RydHQ_LRelocating = false should make HQ group untouchable by HAC completetelly in normal mode. Also will be optional and not recommended, but existing, similar variable shared by all Leaders under BB control.

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Hello Rydygier,

I wanted to thank you for this wonderfull addon you have made. I'm using HAC for about week now and i'm having a blast. This how I originaly wanted to play OFP just as a grunt.

I watched some amazing things happening, like in your Complex-Chernarus mission I noticed a chopper taking off from Balota. Because it was at the relative start of the mission I was curious where he was going so I map-clicked at his waypoint and saw him land and pickup a single snipper and dropping him of near one of the current objectives. After that the chopper returned to Balota landed in its orignal place in the line of helicopters parked there.

Just one litle detail in a batlle that was going on over half of the map . Whenever I try to make a large scale battle in the editor it just ends up in giant mess of synchronized waypoints,

HAC is so much better. Thank you for all the hard work you've done on it.

I have one request though. Artillery is working perfectly for me maybe a bit too good. Is it possible to disable SADARM in the init somehow? I think it's a bit to overpowered in some situations.

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There is no officiail option for selective manipulating number of arty ammo. Unofficial would be per battery:

_arty setVariable ["SADARMAmmo",0]

Where "_arty" is battery's group name.

But this must be used after arty code init, not at the mission init. If you do not want to script a bit, you can set up that this way:

1. Name the battery group. Eg in editor put this in init field of any (eg leading) gun of battery. Batt1 = group this;

2. Place a trigger on map.

3. In trigger's cond field replace "this" with: time > 180; (3 minutes should be enough, not sure though, if battery will still shoot SADARM, use bigger delay);

Another option here instead time condition, that will make sure, that delay is enough: not (isNil (Batt1 getVariable "SADARMAmmo"))

4. In trigger's act field put this: Batt1 setVariable ["SADARMAmmo",0];

That should help. Some info about SADARMS: These are rare, so as by default each battery have 120 rounds per kind, for SADARM this is always 10% of nominal value, in this case - 12 rounds. Also salvos with this ammo are less numerous (2 rounds by default, split to the two parts).

Easiest way to avoid these however is using guns, that do not support SADARMs: mortars or rocket artillery.

Edited by Rydygier

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Thanks to ssechaud's report I found a bug affecting briefing tasks entries on client. There is no title/description except "title" text, when led by human controlled TL group has more than one member (player himself). Now I, great MP scripitng guru, must try to figure out, why this happens. Currently have no idea at all. It is not game breaker though - seems, that at least map markers work fine...

BTW small reminder - still needed voice actors.

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If there is such calculation - how many troops will a single commander need to actively attack the objective?

I can clearly see the commander with the same settings being more active when there are 6 teams (26 soldiers) under his command then when there are 2 teams (10 soldiers) who is quite passive.

Just trying to find that golden middle for a more stealth/specops/night oriented mission and was wondering how numbers dependent the commander is and what are those.

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It is complex and depends on config and situation. Hard to tell in fact, do not remeber all factors, that possibly affect this. Most important may be reserve keeping. There is internal variable RydHQ_AttackReserve, when not defined, becomes:

RydHQ_AttackReserve = (0.5 * (0.5 + (RydHQ_Circumspection/1.5)))

Calculated once. Amount of combat effective, not busy groups is multiplied by that value (rounded down). Result is number of that groups (25% to 66%), that will be keeped in this cycle as reserve (for recon tasks, there is separately calculated reserve however), excluded are groups from RydHQ_FirstToFight array.

But there is dozen or more secondary factors, situational and other, that affect activity in certain circumstancies or always.

Edited by Rydygier

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Rydygier I just wanted to drop in and say thanks for all the hard work you've done on this. This is probably my favorite and most useful download out of every other available for the ArmA series. I have not been having much of a good week here, both in real life and trying to play ArmA. Tonight though I setup a quick mission using HETMAN and ended up spending a few hours playing and enjoying myself. It defiantly put me in a much better mood and gave me a better end to my day. Thanks once again for all your hard work. It is very much appreciated :)

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It is always good to hear, that HAC gave someone good fun. :)

Currently I have 2 full sets of recordings for radio chatter. Sounds very well to me. Still need 3-5 voices though (from which I need to choose one for HQ only and one for battery only. I think, that best, if HQ voice will be, as can be expected from high rank officer, most "mature", sounds like about 40+ years old man). Problem with lacking description of task entries in MP when TL is not alone in the group still actual (also server side in MP, so everywhere, where MP framework is used).

BTW decided to exclude groups with snipers from these new snipe missions, if group have more than 2 members. Such missions do not fit for bigger teams than two man, and optimal is one. This will allow to keep sharpshooters in regular infantry groups as direct sniper support for that group's attacks without risk, that such group will be sent on mission conducted as typical sniper's job, with slow, stealth approach, few shots after long wait and quick withdraw after that.

Edited by Rydygier

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I have trouble with HAC and the I44 mod.

for some reason when i have 3 shermans or more in a group, all crew members from all the tanks moves to the leaders sherman and sits on top of it as cargo??

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If this happens in I44 only with HAC, then this means, that there is some incompatibility between HAC and this I44 feature, if not only with HAC - means, that this feature is bugged. In both cases I can't help, as I have no idea, how this feature was done (what code is hidden behind). Maybe, jut maybe, you can try turn off HAC's cargo system by RydHQCargoFind = 0; and/or check, if troublemaking tanks classes are in Cargo RHQ, if so - change that. Unless you noted some strange crew behavior (like disembarking without a reason) for vanilla tank groups under HAC too - if so, then this is HAC bug. I hope, that locking cargo method mentioned in I44 thread will help, still interesting, what way this was done, so interfere with HAC that way (if this happens indeed only with HAC). Someone noted such issue in IF44, where also infantry can ride on tanks?

EDIT: Made some tests to exclude or repro HAC bug. At first I set one group of 3 LAVs, so we had three armored vehicles without cargo assigned, but with cargo space. Tried with recon and capturing - no such problems. Thought also, that HAC perhaps has problem, where comes to heavy armor with cargo space, as in vanilla there is no such thing. So moved LAV-25's class from LArmor to the HArmor and again ran recon and capturing. Still no problems. So this should be at least some interference with I44.

Edited by Rydygier

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Thanks for trying to figure it out.

It is weird because the sherman isn't in the cargo array, and the crew members only is in the crew array, it doesn't seem logical.

I will try with lockCargo feature.

But thanka anyway, hope you enjoy your weekend :-)

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I didn't work with the lock cargo feature, instead of jumping on the leaders sherman they (the tank crew) got out of there vehicles and ran around like confused chickens. One thin though, it is not all of the tank groups there did this some of the tank groups, did get ordes as usual. All groups were sherman groups (4 shermans in each).

I tested some other settings, like changing the array, for see if that helped, but the only thing that worked was turning the cargo system off, for the leaders with the sherman groups. Just alittle annoying, that i have to turn off some of the HAC functions to get it to work. But not a game breaker... :-)

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So, if this helped, then perhaps worth of try instead of turning off whole cargo system is putting these tank groups in this array?

RydHQ_NoCargo = [] – Groups contained in this array will be not used for cargo missions;

Small chance, as for cargo mission are chosen only groups of cargo category, and only such groups NoCargo should affect, but who knows?

Another long shot, if above not help, would be putting this line into init field of every tank in such groups:

this setVariable ["Hired",true]
Edited by Rydygier

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So, if this helped, then perhaps worth of try instead of turning off whole cargo system is putting these tank groups in this array?

Small chance, as for cargo mission are chosen only groups of cargo category, and only such groups NoCargo should affect, but who knows?

Another long shot, if above not help, would be putting this line into init field of every tank in such groups:

Okay thanks

I will try if any of the two suggestions work

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