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SOPA - Internet as we know it about to be gone?

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Hi all

In reply to [GR]Operative:

Yes it would appear that imminent release of the Megabox was the trigger for shutting down Megaupload. It would have given us the kind of media access device that we all want and freed the artists from the clutches of the leechers, giving musicians 90% of the income from their work rather than the 5% the leechers leave them.


As always follow the link to the original article in full

It would have been a game changer but it still will, this is an idea, and its time has come.

Kind regards walker

Hi all

It appears the case against Megaupload and its founder Kim Dotcom is falling apart:

First off evidence obtained from a leaked memo of one of the main organisation calling for Megauploads head; the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), reveals that they new Megupload was hosting very few pirated Files in the first place and that Megaupload, was actualy applying the law and removing any files that were reported as pirated, straight away:


The memo blows the US case out of the water as well as revealing the somewhat dubious strategy of a group of companies to control and restrict the internet:


As to the FBI.

Its case is disapearing further and further into fantasy land, it apears they were looking, I do not kid you! For an Internet "Doomsday" Device Kim Dotcom was supposed to carry around with him that could delete any file anywhere on the internet ROFL:




The Massive Call of Duty style raid with Special Forces cops, was watched on a live feed to the Police and FBI


the video now available on the internet:


The Special forces cops was aparently because Kim Dotcom was accused of Belly Butting an American busnessman a Mr Bushyhead (ROFL), who refused to leave his house, because he said he had lost his laptop there, after being asked to leave three times by Kim Dotcom, he was clutching on to the doorframe, he had to be escorted from Kim Dotcoms house by Dotcom's seccurity team, weird or what? He was taken to a hotel by the rotund Mr Dotcom's seccurity guards. The case for assault with a lethal belly was thrown out of court. You could not make this Shit Up!


Apparently a secret Government organisation was involved in the Raid ROFL:


Which it now turns out was an illegal search and seizure.


Megabox Lives!

The real reason for the All this Whoo Haaaa! The Megabox that will release musicians and allow them to keep 90% of their earnings rather than giving up 90% of their earnings, and give their fans direct access to their music and take them from the clutches of the music publishers, is going ahead anyway!


To let you all know what we are realy seeing here is the last gasp of the publishing dinosaurs in an era of disruptive technology and practices that are making them all irrelavent.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Its case is disapearing further and further into fantasy land, it apears they were looking, I do not kid you! For an Internet "Doomsday" Device Kim Dotcom was supposed to carry around with him that could delete any file anywhere on the internet ROFL:

Dear me, its like WMD's not found for tinterwebz. Its a good popcorn watching show all of this to be honest, demonize exercise and all that.

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The hell is the FBI doing in there, they are domestic or so I thought, CIA are supposed to be the ones working outside.

I figured megabox was the real issue, I mean, if Megaupload was such a threat, and file sharing in general was then why not also target 4shared, deposit files, media fire and a slew of other popular sites. I mean hell, piratebay has gotten off several times but if they really wanted them as badly as this guy they would have likely done the same thing, so why didn't they.

I hope his case goes in his favor, it really should, there was no reason to use that much excessive force, if the guy did have guns then chances are he'd have used them, and how often do you hear about celebs having guns when they have security detail instead.

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Hi all

In Reply to NodUnit it was not guns they were worried about:

The Police were aparently terrified of being taken out by the Kimgpin's infamous "Bellybutt of Doom" â„¢


Meanwhile Megabox will be released this year:


The case against Megaupload is falling apart and CISPA has been voted down in the senate, the argument that it was for homeland security has been made moot

...an Executive Order that granted the Department of Homeland Security the power they were trying to get with CISPA...


The original CISPA act going through the house would have given companies the power of the Homeland Security and made it a subsiduary of those international corporations; but BEWARE! already the copyright leechers are readying new SOPA bills, this is going to be a long war.

If you want to know more about the Executive Order it is here:


Here is Decrypted Tech's article that brought it to my attention.


“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.â€

-Benjamin Franklin

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Hi all

In Reply to NodUnit it was not guns they were worried about:

The Police were aparently terrified of being taken out by the Kimgpin's infamous "Bellybutt of Doom" â„¢


disapproval.jpg There are no words...or enough facepalms...to describe how downright idiotic that is, and there is no sufficient insult to describe the intelligence of the persons involved.

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Words can't describe how stupid this whole case is...

I really really hope that Kim will be able to sue someone because of this. They essentially destroyed his buisness

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For additional info on the MegaUpload thing check out this, it's the US DOJ charges etc.

It's good to know as it's never really been made clear in any of the media reports:

Justice Department Charges Leaders of Megaupload with Widespread Online Copyright Infringement

WASHINGTON – Seven individuals and two corporations have been charged in the United States with running an international organized criminal enterprise allegedly responsible for massive worldwide online piracy of numerous types of copyrighted works, through Megaupload.com and other related sites, generating more than $175 million in criminal proceeds and causing more than half a billion dollars in harm to copyright owners, the U.S. Justice Department and FBI announced today.


It's a bit more complicated than simple copyright infringement.

As to what evidence they have to support all that, I suppose we will have to await the trial to find out.

Edited by PELHAM

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Hi all

After the hounding to death of Aaron Swartz by a corporate controled US Judiciary bent on labeling freedom activists as terrrorists another US Corporate Judicial case is set to implode. The case against Kim Dotcom and the worldwide sensation Megaupload was already falling apart and Kim Dotcom is rebuilding his business which looks set to wipe out the hated Music Publishing industry which takes 90% of Musicians earnings, Kim Dotcom's Megabox will reverse that giving the musicians and songwriters 90% of their earnings.

Now it has been discovered that the evidense against Kim Dotcom and Megaupload was planted:

Kim Dotcom: US “planted†evidence to obtain illegal search warrants

Megaupload says it kept infringing files—only because US ordered it to do so.

Jon Brodkin - Jan 3 2013, 6:15pm UTC

Megaupload has accused US investigators of "planting" evidence the government used to prove that Megaupload knowingly kept copyrighted files on its servers and ultimately shut the file-sharing site down. In a new brief, Megaupload argues that the key evidence being used against it—36 unauthorized copies of various movies—are files that the company kept specifically in order to satisfy the government's demands.

Megaupload's domain names were seized by the feds one year ago. In addition to the case against Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom, there is the case of innocent bystander Kyle Goodwin, who wants to regain the legitimate files he lost because of the Megaupload shutdown. The Goodwin case resulted in the unsealing of affidavits used to obtain the search warrants leading to the seizure of Megaupload domain names. Dotcom's legal team argued in a brief filed yesterday in United States v. Kim Dotcom (PDF) that the affidavits show the government "omitted critical, exculpatory information regarding whether, why and how Megaupload knew it was hosting criminally infringing files."...


As always follow the Linik to the original article in full

In fact the US body charged with investigating which sites were infringing copyright had already investigated Megaupload and stated it had the best takedown system for removing copyright infringing materials on the web and always promptly removed such materials.

The real reason for the prosecution of the worlds biggest online storage site was the threat of Megabox, which had already secured masses of musicians and songwriters to switch from the old music publishing industry leaches to its far more lucrative services.

The corporate thieves have not stopped with new versions of PIPA and STOPA due to go through Congress this year. Maybe it is time to put a stop to these coporate theives once and for all. If as Mark Zuckerberg "Privacy is Dead" for human beings then let us make it the same for corporate bodies. Time to make all board meetings public.

Kind Regards walker

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What a tangled web we weave as we practice to deceive.

If as Mark Zuckerberg "Privacy is Dead" for human beings then let us make it the same for corporate bodies. Time to make all board meetings public.

Yes indeed good ole' Suckerberg, batting for the team as he always was and how that site always was designated for. I know, its funny that you get "nothing to hide nothing to worry about" shoved down your throat allot, but that actually does not seem to echo back up stairs so to speak. That should speak for itself.

The again you cannot expect more, Corperation's arent human, just paper, so that's like getting blood out of a stone to be honest :)

Edited by mrcash2009

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Here’s how it’s dangerous: The language in the bill (read it here) is maddeningly imprecise. It limits the shared data to “cyber threats†or “national security†items only, but lacks any specific definitions or examples. “The ambiguities of these terms render these limits completely meaningless,†says Digital Trends, which notes that email or Facebook messages would be up for grabs. “And nothing in the bill requires companies to strip shared information of personally identifiable details.â€

This has been my point all along in this thread.


UK government plans to track ALL web use: MI5 to install 'black box' spy devices to monitor British internet traffic

  • MPs' report outlines spooks' take on the draft Communications Data Bill
  • It shows they are keen to implement nationwide surveillance regime
  • They want ISPs to install 'black boxes' that can inspect all internet traffic
  • Spies claim they are only interested in 'communications data'
  • Campaigners warn it will give spies unprecedented surveillance powers

Another gem.

But im sure the source is an issue and this as all fine in reality. The comments at the bottom are a good read.

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Unlike SOPA, this bill does not focus on the online pirating of music or videos found on torrent websites, but it instead offers corporate protection against foreign hackers stealing codes, formulas and patented information.


Well cant really trust politics but, I smell riots mmm

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What a tangled web we weave as we practice to deceive.

Yes indeed good ole' Suckerberg, batting for the team as he always was and how that site always was designated for. I know, its funny that you get "nothing to hide nothing to worry about" shoved down your throat allot, but that actually does not seem to echo back up stairs so to speak. That should speak for itself.

Problem is that not only the corps/governments are doing this but more and more peeps are getting brainwashed and starting to accept and spread this "nothing to hide nothing to worry about" crap.These people need a very-very basic course that privacy is a right not a friggin privilege.Or to speak more at their level they're considered possible suspects and the "innocent until proven guilty" is a very nice fluffy dream.

I guess these days it's real easy to fool/invent some random excuses around for the braindead that it's for his own safety to monitor all his web traffic,hey while we're at it why not install a cam in his crapper too.

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I like this quote from Slashdot =D. It almost asks for a meme.

Congressman Rogers said this about privacy fears: "We're talking about exchanging packets of information, zeroes and ones, if you will, one hundred millions times a second. So some notion that this is a horrible invasion of content reading is wrong. It is not even close to that." Don't worry folks; it's just zeroes and ones.

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Nothing to hide nothing to worry, HA.

I demand that all corporate meetings of the big companys are transmitted via webcam.

Why should transparency only work one way

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Problem is that not only the corps/governments are doing this but more and more peeps are getting brainwashed and starting to accept and spread this "nothing to hide nothing to worry about" crap.

True, its all about package and deliver. Smart technology/social media have entered the world of entertainment and coolness getting into the mindsets via every day hum drum tech. So transparency and whoring your life around on world databases is just like making a cup of tea now. So having issue with it (when its in your pocket and in your households & all around) starts to look odd and become a monitory-(report) view, even more so when you have issue with a policy or something "political" (this subject) that isn't something you can see or touch, that's even more weird to question or be bothering yourself about.

Very clever indeed.

Edited by mrcash2009
wrong post edit

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Maybe this subject need a thread but as its all privacy and data I thought it best placed here I suppose:


Perhaps the biggest marketing point is also Intel’s most difficult sell: The built-in camera that comes with Intel’s new mystery box. It watches your movements and TV viewing habits with the aim of personalizing the way your household watches television — not to mention being much more helpful to those in the ad biz doing the targeting.

“My kids may watch programming geared toward them, and I’ll watch programming geared toward me,†Huggers said. “If there’s a way to distinguish who is watching what, advertisers can then target ads at the proper parties.â€

Huggers’ “personalization†talk was the best way to sell that pitch to potential Web TV viewers, but obviously the practice raises massive privacy concerns.

Should be a clear warning right out of the box. So now they add coolness into the masses with "personalisation" ... but currently isnt that the remote control and "switching to watch what you want" already. Ah no, to be super cool you accept a camera into your living room ... nice.

“Rome wasn’t built in a day,†he said. “It’ll take time.â€

No shit.

Edited by mrcash2009

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I post this here as I guess its all the same pees in the pod in terms of legislation and outcome:


One of the biggest names on the Internet has rescinded their support of a controversial computer bill. Social media giant Facebook says they are no longer favoring the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, or CISPA.

Well thats one on the list, but this is facebook im fairly sure this is all token gestures and they pretty much already share data under the right circumstances so its quite comical in some ways, I suppose this didn't have the flavour they were looking for or it was to overt to support.

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Hi all

The whole bunch of dog terd excuse of anti internet laws being about internet Piracy that is killing off musician earnings turns out to be yet more lies.

20 March 2013 Last updated at 16:06

Music sales are not affected by web piracy, study finds

A report published by the European Commission Joint Research Centre claims that music web piracy does not harm legitimate sales.

The Institute for Prospective Technological Studies examined the online habits of 16,000 Europeans.

They also found that freely streamed music provided a small boost to sales figures.

The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) said the research was "flawed and misleading".

"It seems that the majority of the music that is consumed illegally by the individuals in our sample would not have been purchased if illegal downloading websites were not available to them," wrote the researchers in their report, Digital Music Consumption on the Internet: Evidence from Clickstream Data...


As always follow the link to read the original article in full

I speak as a musician, all musicians know that the real thieves are the publishing and record company suits who leave musicians with as little as 10% or less of their earnings; while dumping all the expenses on the musician and taking all the tax breaks so the musician gets dumped with the tax bill. I know musicians; with rising damp crawling up the wall of their terraced house, behind their platinum records, bankrupt and still paying off the tax man for money they never got as it was payed out to some record publisher scam for some service that was overcharged at hundreds of times its real cost with interest. You have only to look at Adele's reactions to the suits at various awards ceremonies to realise who the real music pirates are.

Kind Regards walker

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Well, its been like a game of "retry tennis" so its just to highlight its back in flight at the moment, the next stage is to keep an eye on.

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It appears that the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protect Act (CISPA) will not be making its way to President Obama's Oval Office anytime soon. Despite the passing of the bill in the House last week, CISPA has been once again rejected and shelved by the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation due to privacy concerns. The Obama administration had previously threatened to veto the bill if it were passed in its current form, citing the need for corporations to be "held accountable" for safeguarding citizen's personal information.

So what do you think. How long will it take until they try again?

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A month or two...I wonder if they people ever think "Oh for fucks sake not this tripe again."

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